InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kinetics ❯ Have a Cigar ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Yeallo! It's me, back from... wherever I was before I came here. Anywho, after reading Greywolf's fic "Let the Music be Your Master", which is super-super-cool and you should all go read it, I was reminded of something semi-important. Where's Shippo? Well, read to find out!

Disclaimer: I'm too poor! =(



Track 5: Have a Cigar


Have a Cigar:

Come in here, dear boy,

Have a cigar, You're gonna go far,

You're gonna fly high,

You're never gonna die,

you're gonna make it if you try,

they're gonna love you,


A young boy, no older than 16, wandered the halls of Eisenhower High, looking at a small piece of paper, and checking the numbers on the classroom doors. He sighed when he reached a door. "305," he said, and looked at his schedule for confirmation. Swallowing hard, he stepped up to the door and knocked softly.

Sesshoumaru paused his lesson and walked over to the door to see what this interruption was all about. He opened the door casually and stepped out to speak with the orange-haired boy he found waiting for him. "Yes?"

"He- hello, I'm a new student Shippou Murasame."

"Are you sure you have the right class?" Sesshoumaru asked, taking in the young man's boyish qualities.

The boy just nodded and handed Sesshoumaru a note. "Oh," said Sesshoumaru, "I see... well, let me introuduce you to the class. I'll be your teacher, Mr. Takagami, but most of my students just call me Shesshoumaru or Sesshy for short."

Shippou nodded and walked into the classroom behind Sesshoumaru. Surveying the room for an empty chair as Sesshoumaru called for the class's attention, he noticed one near a boy with long silver hair, wearing a red shirt and black denim jeans, and another boy with black hair, who was hidden in the folds of a long black trench coat.

"Class," said Sesshoumaru, "This is Shippou. He is an advanced student, who recently moved here so that he could be put ahead a few grades." Shippou fought a sigh. Why did his mother insist on him being the best at everything? Why did she move him here, away from all of his friends, just so that he could skip a few lousy grades?

"Sir," came a feminine voice from somewhere near the front of the room. "If you want, I could accompany him for the day. You know, show him the ropes, that kind of thing?" The speaker was a beautiful girl with long black hair, and deep chocolate eyes. Shippou was in awe at her grace.

"I think that'd be a wonderful idea, Kagome," said Sesshoumaru. "Manten, do you think you could take a different seat for today, so that Shippou and Kagome can get to know each other?"

Manten, the school's Goliath, got up and slowly made his way over to the only other open seats.

"Well, if it isn't mister Kong himself," said Miroku cheekily as Manten took his seat.

"Any good sacrifices lately, o great one?" Inuyasha continued, a smooth yet mocking tone present in his voice.

"Why god?" Manten mumbled under his breath, "Why did you put me with these dorks?"

"Because god loves you, my son," butted Miroku, "Because he loves you."


"Okay," said Kagome as she began touring the school with Shippou during lunch break, "We're going to tour the school, and I'll point out all of your classes, as well as some other important places, and if you have any questions, you just stop me and ask, okay?"

"O-okay," replied Shippou, unable to stop the stutter. Being around Kagome made him feel giddy inside, though he couldn't understand why.

A few minutes after they started, when everything was going well, Shippou suddenly pointed and asked, "Who are they?"

Following his finger, Kagome spotted Inuyasha and Miroku, busy goofing around as they cleaned out Miroku's locker. She sighed. "They're bad news. The one with black hair used to be the school's biggest nobody, but in the past three weeks he's become the school prankster. And his friend with the silver hair is the schools lowest scum, the very bottom of the social ladder, Inuyasha-The-Freak-Boy. He also happens to be my tutor... ick!"

"Why is he so bad?" Shippou asked, not being able to see any fault in the boy, at least appearance wise.

"He's violent, egotistical, mean, arrogant, and rude. And, under that hat, he hides these freakish dog-ears. It's unnatural... his mother must've been messed up in the head or something..." Kagome trailed off, noticing how Inuyasha had stiffened at her words. He couldn't have heard her, could he? No, no he was too far away... still, she felt kind of bad... what was that? No she didn't. Why would she, the goddess of the school, feel bad for that Freak?

Shippou, meanwhile, had gained a curious look. "Honto?" he asked amazedly.

"Yeah," Kagome answered, wondering why he was so worked up.

"Sugoi!" Shippou said excitedly. If someone with dog-ears did exist, then maybe that old legend was true.

"Shh!" Kagome hushed him, "That's the absolute last thing you should ever say about him. If anyone else were here... you could be in big social trouble!"

Shippou considered her words. If this guy was really that bad, maybe he should be more careful around him. He didn't want to ruin his chances of making friends.

With a smile, Kagome took Shippou's hand in her own and continued the tour. Inuyasha "ked"-ed when the passed and slammed his locker, but Kagome took no notice. As the entered the stairwell, Kagome looked back at Shippou and said "I think you'll do very well in this school. Who knows, maybe someday you could be as popular as me!"


Well I've always had a deep respect, and I mean that most sincere,

The band is just fantastic, that is really what I think, oh by the way,

Which one's Pink?

And did we tell you the name, of the game, boy?

We call it Riding the Gravy Train


"Hey, Shippou, maybe you'd like to hang out with me after school? I mean, you'd be able to keep me company through Inu-Freak-Boy's tutoring."

"S-s-sure, responded Shippou, flustered. Had she really just asked him over to her house?

"Cool, you can go call your parents if you need to in the front Lobby. Inuyasha's brother Sesshoumaru gives us a ride to my house everyday, so we aren't in any rush."

"Sesshoumaru? Like, the history teacher?"

"Yeah, that's the one. Strange to think that he could have come from the same gene pool his freak brother crawled out of, isn't it?"

Shippou nodded, and went off to find the phones. His mom would be so proud to find that he had already made a new friend.


"No. No, no, no. I don't wanna do it today Sessh. I'm not going, and you can't make me. I'll walk home if I have to, but I'm not going to."

"Brother, you can't just not go. You have a commitment to be there! There are days that I don't feel like coming in here, but I don't just avoid my job because of it!"

"I don't care," said Inuyasha flatly. "I don't like her, and I don't like her family, and I don't wanna tutor her anymore."

"Fine, but you've got to at least go today, and tell her mother that you wont be going anymore."

"I don't wanna."

"I'm afraid you have no choice, it's the polite thing to do. And, may I ask, what made you change your mind?"

"I'll tell you later... maybe..."

"Alright then, Little Brother. Now come on, we've got to go."


"Yes, Inu?"

"Don't call me Little."


Inuyash a had to force himself not to sigh as he walked up the Higurashi driveway. He had thought things were going good, until today. Keh, shows how wrong he was.

"You guys go on inside, I need to talk to Mrs. Higurashi for a second," Inuyasha instructed as he made his way over to Kikyo's normal spot in the garden.

"Hello Inuyasha," she said courteously as he approched.

"Hello, Mrs. Higurashi. I have some bad news... you see, well, today is going to be the last day I can tutor your daughter..."

"Why?" asked Mrs. Higurashi. And just when things were starting to work out too...

'Crap,' thought Inuyasha. He really didn't want to have to say what was on his mind. "Well..." he started, thinking of a quick excuse, "it's just that, you see, since I've started here, my own grades have started slipping, and I need some time to get myself caught up..."

"Oh... I understand," said Kikyo, not quite believing him, but deciding not to pry, "But please, if you ever reconsider, give me a call. Kagome really does need the help."

"Okay," Inuyasha said, feeling all of the built up tension inside of him disappear. Well, not quite all of it...


We're just knocked out, we heard about the sellout,

You've gotta get an album out, you owe it to the people,

We're so happy we can't count,

Everybody else is just green,

Have you seen the chart?

It's a helluva start, it could be made into a monster,

if we all pull together as a team...

And did we tell you the name of the game, boy?

We call it Riding the Gravy Train...


About a half hour into their study session, Kagome went to get everybody drinks. Inuyasha let out a sigh of relief. Just another hour and a half and he was free, free forever from the lie he had been living the past two months (A/N: For clarification, it's about the beginning of November right now.)

"Hello," the other kid suddenly squeaked from his seat across the round table they used for studying, "we never really met, I'm Shippou."

"Keh," Inuyasha replied, "I'm sure Kagome's told you just everything you need to know about me by now."

"Well, she did say some stuff about you when I asked but... well, I wasn't sure if you really were everything she said..."

"Yeah, well, if you take the time to look around and think, you'll find almost half the things she says about anything isn't true."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I like you kid," Inuyasha said, "so I'm gonna give you some advice. Don't get mixed in with her friends. Kagome might be an alright girl sometimes, but she hangs out with all the wrong people. And trust me, if they find any flaw in you, anything, they'll blow it in your face, and make it seem like a bigger deal, until you end up with me and Miroku at the bottom. And that's not the kind of pain you want to feel."

"Well, I think that Kagome is a nice girl, and I like her."

"Suit yourself kid," Inuyasha said off-handedly, "but don't say I didn't warn you."

Shippou sighed. So maybe things wouldn't be so great after all. And, unnoticed by anyone, his fluffy tail gave a faint twitch.


A/N: Whatever could be in store for our young friend? And whats this? Inuyasha quit? Where is this story going! Well, don't you worry, I've got it all figure out here in my head! ^.^ And I know you were expecting What is and What Should Never Be, but, well... I promise it'll be right after the next chapter, k?

Also, if you like this story, you should really check out "Let the Music be Your Master," by Greywolf. It's great! My new favourite fic! And I've finally come up with a contest! so yay! Expect the winner of the Kinetics mix to be announced SOON!

Open-ended Poll: Does Anybody Remember Laughter?

That's all for this chapter! See you next time, in the Eagles classic "New Kid in Town". ^.^ Ja ne!