InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ King Nothing ❯ After the End ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha! The fanfiction Together in Tokyo inspired me to write this.
It had ended as everyone had expected. Naraku was dead and the Shikon Jewel had been completed. Being the soft heart she is, Kagome wished that all her friends would be happy. It was the most selfless thing she could think of.
Squeezing her hand tight around the Jewel, Kagome closed her eyes and made her wish. The world around her faded to black as her friends stood there oblivious to what was happening. Scenes of her friends' lives played out before her. Kikyo got her soul back and spent the rest of her life with Inuyasha. They even had a couple of kids. Sango and Miroku got married like they said they would and also had some children; one proving to be as much a pervert as his father. Even Shippo had found love. As he grew, he became attracted to Sesshoumaru's ward Rin who turned out to have a personality similar to her own. The Jewel even let her see the demon lord's reaction. He, at first, had been too happy and was even openly hostile towards Shippo. Eventually he came around. The scenes stopped and the world returned to black again.
The world returned soon enough. Kagome awakened in her own bed with her alarm going off. She turned it off and headed downstairs. She stared at her family calmly eating breakfast; at the sight of this she began crying. The Jewel had shown her the lives of her friends because she would never see them again.
“Kagome! What's wrong?!” Her brother Souta jumped from his seat and ran over to his sister's side. The rest of the family followed suit and rushed over.
“I'll never see any of them again!” She managed to get out between sobs. The modern priestess was trapped in the modern era for the rest of her life.
A few years later
Kagome stared out the window of the train as she headed to the auto garage to pick up her car. After getting over the shock, she had continued with her life like she knew her friends would have wanted. She finished school and had a career in mind. It wasn't the one anyone had expected. After running around the feudal era fighting demons, she discovered that she missed it. There seemed to be only one cause of action for the former priestess; she became a police officer. Her family and friends were shocked but supported her all the same. Turns out all that demon fighting made her a damn good police officer. Her stamina was twice that of her superiors and her aim uncanny. The other officers could only stare in amazement when she interrogated suspects. Even the most stubborn and hardened man was no match for her.
Despite her skill, Kagome refused the promotions she was offered. She liked where she was and would only feel like she had cheated to get a better spot on the force because she had experience none of her coworkers would ever have.
“Officer Higurashi!” the man behind the counter greeted. The priestess snapped from her thoughts and realized she had made it to the garage already.
“Hi Hojo,” Kagome greeted her school friend. Hojo had decided to pursue a career in auto repair. “Is my car ready?” She asked as Hojo stepped out from behind the counter.
“Just finished actually,” the once young boy led her to where her car waited for her patiently, “even did an oil change. Free of charge.”
“Thanks so much Hojo! I felt silly riding the train here,” Kagome blushed.
Hojo laughed, “I can understand that, wouldn't look right for an officer riding the transit everywhere!” Kagome laughed with her friend because he was right, cops drive cars, not ride public transportation. Hojo handed the keys to the car to her and she was off. Hojo watched her leave and sighed. He still had feelings for her but it seems he was doomed to have them forever unreciprocated.
The priestess headed to work so her day could begin. As soon as she got to the station and changed into her uniform, her partner approached her. “Come on, we got a bank robbery in progress,” he informed.
“This early?! Must be new at it,” Kagome commented and got into the passenger side of the police car.
“Hopefully this will be easy but I doubt it. New or not this could get messy,” her partner commented. They arrived at the scene with other officers already there. The situation had turned south quickly. Apparently one of the thieves panicked when the police arrived and when one of the customers rose up to stop them, the customer was shot. Her demon sense suddenly went off. There's a demon here? After all the years of silence now her demon sense went off. Is the demon a thief or a hostage? Judging from the aura, it was a powerful demon but she couldn't tell what side of this situation it was on. I doubt it's one of the customers but it doesn't seem to be one of the suspects either. Demons don't need guns she thought.
Her thoughts were broken when screams were heard from inside right after the demonic aura flared. “Shit,” she cursed when gun shots were heard. Unable to take it, she rushed inside. Stunned by her partner's actions, he quickly rushed after her to give some cover if the shots became directed at her.
The scene inside was not what anyone had expected. The thieves were shooting wildly at one of the customers. The man attacking had had enough and went after the criminals. What scared the thieves was the wound that was still bleeding where his heart was. This had been the man they had shot down and he had gotten back up. Bullets struck the man randomly but he still did not fall.
“What the hell?!” Her partner gapped at the sight. Kagome was stunned but not for the same reason as her partner. The demon was a customer! She quickly started trying to take control of the situation. Her partner radioed to the officers outside for help. Once the officers were inside, the situation became somewhat easier to control. The scared thieves were in cuffs and the man who had attacked them was trying to get the officers to leave him alone. Kagome walked over to lend support to the police that were getting a run for their money with the man. She now had time to get a good look at the demon.
The man easily towered over the police around him by at least half a foot if not more. Shoulder length black hair hung free but it was a wig. An expensive wig, but a wig none-the-less; his eyes were hidden behind sunglasses and his hands protected by a pair of leather gloves. He was wearing regular street clothes that made the gloves stand out even more than they already did. His shirt had once been white but was now had red splotches all over it. His blue jeans had not fared any better than his shirt. This aura is so familiar she thought but couldn't place it. The aura was back to its regular size and she could hardly detect it anymore.
“I have no interest in talking to any of you,” the man stated at another failed attempt to get his interpretation of things.
“That was quite a beating you took with those guys,” Kagome commented. The man and officers looked over at her, “didn't know anyone could take that many bullets and still be alive, let alone standing.”
“We were able to check him but there isn't a cut on him,” an officer informed. There wouldn't be she mentally sighed.
“That's suspicious you know,” Kagome looked at the man. He had refused to remove his sunglasses no matter what the officers did. The man was silent to her comment. “You are in there, get shot, and are sitting here. Makes me wonder if you're up to something,” she continued and he still said nothing, “if you don't tell us what happened, we'll have to assume you're guilty of assisting a robbery and take you to the station.” The man was still quiet. It wasn't a scared quiet or even a ponderous quiet. It was the quiet of a man who didn't feel the need or desire to speak. Just like someone else I could mention she thought. The man remained mute. Kagome sighed, “better take him in.” The officers nodded in agreement and moved to arrest him. The demon pretending to be human immediately stood up; ready to make sure they couldn't arrest him. Kagome pulled out her gun and enveloped it in her holy aura. Maybe this will stop him since regular bullets won't she thought and sure enough, the man sat back down and allowed the handcuffs to be place on him.
The police at the station were having just as interesting a time with the man as they had on the field. Finally Kagome was called in to see if she would get him to talk. “All we know so far is his name and history,” her partner notified, “it's Sesshoumaru Takashiro. We ran a check but nothing came up. No criminal record of any kind. Not even a traffic violation.”
“So he just one day decides to bad?” Kagome asked.
“Hard to say, what gets me is I saw bullets go clean through the guy and he didn't even slow down. Now here he is without a scratch on him,” her partner replied. Kagome shrugged.
“So Mr. Takashiro feeling a little more talkative now?” She asked but her suspect remained quiet. Humph same name and attitude she mentally pouted. “Fine,” she sighed, “I see that my coworkers still couldn't make you remove your glasses. That's a little surprising.”
“My eyes are light sensitive,” he replied shortly. Kagome resisted the urge to sigh again.
“Must be hard for you then. Why the gloves? They don't exactly go with your outfit,” she asked.
“I paid a lot of for these gloves. It would be a shame no to use them,” he replied shortly again. His answers were starting to annoy her.
“We all saw you get shot with enough bullets to kill three men and yet here you stand,” Kagome leaned forward on the table, “mind explaining why?”
“I'm a demon. Bullets are useless against me,” he replied and Kagome wanted to strangle him.
I know you are but no one else does! She mentally yelled at him, “demons don't exist.”
“Neither do officers with purification powers,” he responded, “perhaps that is what makes us capable of doing what others can't; neither one of us exists.” The demon folded his cuffed hands together and waited.
Time passed at eventually he was released because there wasn't enough evidence to keep him there and the interrogation turned up nothing. “Never thought I'd see the day when you failed at an interrogation,” her partner commented.
“Stuff it Jack. I didn't fail. I just didn't get the information I wanted,” Kagome sighed.
“Can't believe the guy called himself a demon. What did he mean by purification powers?” Her partner, Jack, asked.
Kagome shrugged, “haven't a clue. Probably just another nut.” Jack nodded and the two resumed work. I doubt that this is the last time I'll see him though.
Sesshoumaru left the station and returned to the bank to pick up his car. “Foolish humans,” he sighed and got in, “they all rely in their guns.” He drove away to go home. “My errands can wait,” the demon muttered as he pulled into his parking space at the apartment building. He headed up to his floor and opened his apartment door, the living room was sparse. The room had one old couch, a regular sized TV, and a bookshelf filled with mostly horror novels. The window didn't even have curtains. The balcony was just as bare, with only one chair over in the corner. He walked into the bedroom and tossed the keys onto the nightstand and pulled off his wig. Silver hair tumbled out from underneath to fall to its customary length. The gloves came off to reveal his clawed hands. He set aside the sunglasses as well because his golden eyes no longer needed to be hidden. Sesshoumaru stared at the small black band on his left index finger but decided against removing it. The band was the only thing that kept his markings invisible and ears rounded. The enchantment couldn't do any more than that so he had to use other methods to keep his demonic heritage a secret.
Sesshoumaru walked into the kitchen and pulled out a slice of cold pizza from the fridge and sat on the couch, staring at Tensaiga mounted on a wall. “Holy officers,” he sighed and took a bit of his pizza.