InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ King Nothing ❯ King Nothing ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Again, I don't own Inuyasha. And thanks to my readers! Just don't forget to review!
News of her failure to make a suspect crack had traveled around the precinct. Every officer was giving her a hard time but it was all in good fun. All except for one officer that was jealous of her talent and wanted to drag her down and make her feel small. Normally it didn't work but her run in with the demon had rattled her a bit. Outwardly she showed no signs of it bothering her but inside it really was. “Maybe it's a good thing you turned down all those promotions,” he taunted to her back.
“Give it a rest Moe,” Jack intervened before Kagome could respond, “besides; we all know that that guy would have had you pissing your pants.” The officers chuckled at that but they knew agreed. Even seasoned veterans had been unnerved by the guy. “None of us could even get a syllable out of the guy. But Kagome managed to get him to actually speak,” Jack continued to defend her. Moe finally gave up and left to do his own duties.
“Thanks Jack,” Kagome smiled at her partner while they headed to the police car, “I hate that guy.”
“So does everyone else,” Jack chuckled, “I hear he went through another partner.”
“Already?!” She stared at him and determined he was telling the truth, “that was fast. This one didn't even last a month.”
“Pity he didn't face Mr. Nut,” Jack laughed and started the car.
“Yeah wouldn't been funny to see him shit himself,” Kagome laughed. Now I know Inuyasha had an influence on me. They drove the car to patrol their area. Around three they stopped at a fast food joint for lunch. They two were chatting idly while listening to their police radio for anything that would require them to drop everything for. While they were eating, their difficult friend showed up. He glanced over at them before heading to the counter to order and sit down with the standard burger and fries.
“What are the odds huh?” Jack commented, “he must live nearby to walk here.” Kagome nodded. “It's apparent he knows who we are but he doesn't care,” he continued.
“You're reading too much into the situation Jack,” Kagome replied before taking a bite of her own burger, “looks like he just wanted a quiet place to read.” The former priestess motioned at the book he had pulled out and began to read while leisurely eating. The officers finished their own lunch and headed back to the car. “I'll be right there Jack,” Kagome waved away her partner and approached the sunglasses man.
“If it isn't the Holy Officer,” he commented after swallowing the bite in his mouth, “am I breaking a law by sitting here eating lunch?”
Kagome ignored the sarcasm filled question, “who are you?”
The demon looked at her from the corner of his eye and then returned to reading his novel, “didn't you look at my ID? Shouldn't that tell you who I am?”
She let out an irritated breath, “you know what I mean.”
“Me? I'm no one of importance anymore,” he replied, “now, if you'll excuse me officer, I've been looking forward to the ending for a while now.” Kagome sighed and walked to the car where Jack was patiently waiting.
“That man is a walking enigma,” she complained.
Jack laughed, “what he do?”
“He answered my question but it didn't answer anything,” Kagome replied, “I asked him who he was and all he said was `no one of importance anymore'. What does that even mean?!”
Her partner shrugged, “dunno, you sure it means anything?”
“It has to. He isn't the type to say something just for the sake of saying it,” Kagome explained. I knew someone like that a long time ago. I doubt he's even alive anymore. Even though he was a demon, 500 years is too long.
“I guess he's just that type of nut,” Jack turned a corner, “a quiet nut is my favourite kind.” Kagome laughed at her partner's statement.
“I'd still like to know what he meant though,” she sighed.
“Maybe be was a CEO of some company that went bankrupt, “Jack suggested, “or a VP or something like that.”
“Maybe but he seemed so sad when he said it. He looked like a king who lost his kingdom,” she mused.
“A king of nothing,” Jack thought for a moment on that, “isn't the museum doing something on ancient Japanese folklore or something like that? I think they are. I remember reading something on the `Demon's War'.”
“Really?” Kagome asked, “tomorrow's my day off. Maybe I'll go check it out.” The rest of the day continued on like a regular day for an officer of the law.
The Next Day
Kagome hastily dressed herself for her trip to the museum. Why am I getting so excited over this? She stopped hopping to her pants on. Maybe it's because this is my chance to learn what happened and just maybe I'll run into someone. She laughed and continued to dress herself, “yeah right. Keep dreaming.”
She made it to the museum and had begun her own little tour of the place. She easily found the main exhibit Jack had been talking about. She stared a long time at the exhibits but learned nothing new until she got to the exhibit labelled “King Nothing”. The exhibit told of the demon lord of the West that was forced into joining the war started by demons and involved only demons. At first he had refused to join, saying that the war was foolish and would only end with the destruction of the entire race. When his ward's husband was killed in battle along with their children, the lord vowed vengeance to sooth her aching heart and quell his raging temper. The ward was dying from her injuries so the lord stayed by her side until she expired then called his army to war. He had picked neither side and killed both indiscriminately. The war ended two decades later when the two side allied together temporarily to destroy the western army. The demon lord's army had been strong but not strong enough to win against both sides.
With his army gone, the armies started destroying civilians. Women and children were slaughtered beside the men. The demon lord, beside himself with grief and rage, attacked the two armies alone to avenge his ward and fallen soldiers. Done with the two armies, he attacked the other provinces to pay in kind what they had done to his people. Once they were all killed, h returned to the West only to find everyone dead. In his absence a rebellion broke out for power since no one believed their lord would be coming back. The demon lord buried the dead and left the West and disappeared from history's eye.
She stared at the story in the exhibit and almost couldn't believe it. Shippo had died protecting his family and only succeeded in causing Rin pain. I'm so sorry Shippo. If I had been there, I may have been able to do something. Part of her wanted to cry but no tears came. “So he became the king of nothing,” she muttered and continued to stare; unaware that she was no longer alone.
The demon stared at Kagome when he realized what exhibit had caught her attention. “You seem upset Holy Officer. Don't be; after all, it is only a story told to scare little humans,” he suddenly spoke and watched her jump.
“Wait, then this didn't happen?” She looked at him and was relieved when he shook his dead. “What did happen then?” She asked. He only shrugged and walked away. “Wait! I have to know, who are you?” She called after him.
He stopped but didn't turn around, “King Nothing.” The demon walked away and disappeared around a corner. That explains a lot she mentally grumbled and went home.
“So I still have no clue who this guy is!” Kagome complained into the phone. She had called up her mother because she was the only one she could tell the whole story to.
“This man is a demon and calls himself King Nothing?” Her mom asked on the other end, “I can't help with the demon part but King Nothing is a pen name a certain author uses.”
Kagome was quiet for a second, “an author? You sure?”
“I am. My book club did one of his books last month. He writes mostly fantasy set in the feudal era,” she confirmed, “his books all center on a character of the same name. If all these people are the same person then it seems safe to assume that this demon of yours is quite old.” Her daughter was stunned silent again, “Kagome, you still there?”
She recovered from her shock, “yeah I am. Thanks mama I got to go now!” She hung up the phone and headed to the nearest book store and purchased the first book of the series. She almost couldn't bear the wait to begin reading. Once at home, she immediately started.
My name is King Nothing and everything in this book is true. Seeing as how the account of the past is different than what historians believe accurate, I must label it as fiction, but I assure you, every word written is true. I write this so that when I'm dead and burning in hell, someone somewhere will know my story and perhaps that one person can keep history from repeating itself with another race. You see, I am not a human. I am a demon; I have lived for over 900 years and am most likely the last demon on Earth. My tale starts with the birth of my younger brother rather than my own.
Kagome stopped for a moment after she read the first paragraph and found she was unable to continue. She was sure of herself now. The demon she kept running into was none other than Sesshoumaru, former lord of the West.
The former lord headed down to a martial arts class. It was the only physical outlet he had that kept his fighting skills sharp. Of course he did other things to keep his body at its best. He changed out of his street clothes and into the customary white uniform and colored belt. He removed his sunglasses and replaced them with brown contacts. Sesshoumaru removed his expensive gloves and used a light form of his poison to make sure the wig wouldn't fall off while he was in class. Once that was done, he slid on a different pair of gloves similar to what some of the instructors used. The only difference is that his are made especially so the fingertips don't get holes worn into them because of his claws. The demon entered the dojo and the class began.
“Next week we will be doing a demonstration in the Tokyo Mall. The signup sheet is by the door. I want to see lots of names,” the instructor informed and the end of class, “Sesshoumaru, I want to see your name on that paper!”
Sesshoumaru nodded, “of course, it sounds like it could be entertaining.” Some of the other students snickered before they could stop themselves. A demonstration meant sparring with students from other schools around Japan and every time Sesshoumaru proved to be the best fighter.
“Yeah, had a whole bunch of upstarts that needed their asses kicked last time and you weren't there to deliver!” One student agreed, “besides, I know I'm not the only one that likes seeing the looks on their faces when you beat them in one move!” Students nodded in agreement and class was dismissed.
The Next Day
Kagome arrived at work only to have Jack accost her the moment she stepped out of her car. “I have some good news for you,” he started, “Mr. Nut is a student at a local martial arts school.”
“So?” She asked.
“They're doing a demonstration at the mall in a week along with some other schools,” he continued.
“I'll repeat; so?” She asked again.
“You should check it out since you're the one curious about the guy,” he informed.
“You know what? That's not a bad idea!” Kagome smiled and hugged her partner. Till next week Sesshoumaru.
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Whew! Another chapter done! So I was thinking (always a bad sign); maybe I should change the title of the fic from “One is the Loneliest Number” to “King Nothing”. Let me know what you think!