InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ King Nothing ❯ Even Kings ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha
The day had come and once more Kagome was rushing around her apartment getting dressed and undressed over and over again. She couldn't decide if she wanted to let Sesshoumaru know who she really was.
I mean, we weren't exactly friends, but if he is the last demon, wouldn't he want someone around who knows what he really is?
More clothes came off as indecision plagued her once more. The former priestess finally decided on something that would subtly let the dog demon know who she was. There's no way I'd fit in that old uniform, she mused, and settled on a white button up blouse similar to the one she had worn, along with a green skirt, not as short as her previous one had been. Kagome even did her hair like she had back then.
Finally satisfied with her appearance, she headed out the door with mixed feelings. She still wasn't sure if she wanted to reveal herself to him.
That's no way to think! Scolding herself, she pulled out and was off.
Sesshoumaru's day had less indecision to it. The demon stuffed his uniform and equipment into the school duffle bag he had purchased and got dressed in his standard garb to look human. The demonstration wasn't for several hours so the former lord stuffed a towel into the duffle bag and headed off to the gym. Being a demon had its advantages and disadvantages. One advantage was his high endurance; this was also a disadvantage, though. Since demons have such high endurance, they have a lot of energy that needs to be used up or they get restless and careless. One thing everyone knew was that a careless demon was a dead demon. The modern era was no different. The only difference was that being a careless demon in this era meant you got found out and tested to see why you are the way you are, and if it's possible, to make others like you.
The demon arrived at his usual gym and headed over to the first machine of choice. It was the weight machine and every time he left people in awe at how much weight he could lift despite his frame; most men who lifted the same weights he did were twice his size. A couple hours were spent on the weights and Sesshoumaru had yet to even break a sweat. The dog demon spent the last couple of hours on the Treadmill before going into the change room. There was no one else in there so he allowed his hair to have a few minutes of glory while he took advantage of the shower facilities. Once done, the wig was back on and he was out the door. It was time to go to the mall; the rest of his class would already be waiting and the demonstration would start shortly after he arrived.
“We were worried,” a student joked when he showed up. Sesshoumaru shook off the remark and changed. The bell had rung to signal the start. He rarely did anything more than sparring because that was all he ever came to these things to do. He sat on the sidelines with the rest of the fighters and waited for the matches to begin.
Kagome watched in awe at the students showing off what they could do.
I don't think I would stand a chance against any of those guys!
The priestess searched the groups of students to find him. Once she did, she moved closer and waited for him to notice her. So far his attention remained somewhere else, and stayed there, that was until the match started.
An instructor from one of the schools began explaining what would be happening next. She watched as the first two competitors stepped forward and started. If Kagome didn't know better, she would have sworn she was watching two dancers.
At the end, the opponents bowed to each other and sat back down with their respective groups. After a few more matches, it was finally Sesshoumaru's turn; anticipation nearly drove Kagome insane as she waited. The match begun and was over just as quickly. Each person was brought down in one move. Some instructors even had two students go against him at the same time, but that yielded the same results. Sesshoumaru beat them and continued to beat his opponents every time.
That's not too surprising though.
It was about his fourth match before the dog demon finally noticed her. So stunned by what he saw, he failed to notice the foot flying towards his face. The foot made contact with its target and the blow to his nose caused him to take a half step back. Blood dripped from his nose but he ignored it and sent the student to the ground. Everyone was stunned that such a blow connected, but what shocked them even more was the fact he kept fighting, despite having a broken nose. Kagome was the only one more surprised that the attack had hit him at all, than what he did to his opponent afterward.
He disappeared shortly after to wash the blood from his face and put his nose in the right position again. Kagome left the crowd and hovered outside the bathroom he was in. He stepped out of the men's room and the same look of confusion graced his normally stoic face for a millisecond.
“Holy Officer,” he greeted. “Am I being suspected of a crime, or am I simply that fascinating to you?”
Kagome again ignored his sarcastic comment. “I didn't expect to see you alive.”
She paused and watched his eyes fill with suspicion.
“It's been over five hundred years, but you only look a few years older from when I saw you last.”
She couldn't help but smile as she watched the gears in his head turn, trying to put a name to the face.
“So, there is no such thing as a Holy Officer. Just a meddlesome priestess,” he replied when it all finally clicked in place.
“How am I meddlesome?!” Kagome demanded, but the answer came to her as she finished the question. “Don't answer that.”
Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow at her. “I have little interest as to how you can be alive after five hundred years. I only care about why you decided to reveal who you actually were to me,” he responded.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the stories about that old well were true after all.
“Don't you ever get sick of being alone?” She asked. “I know I do. Every day I wake up and know that no one else will be able to relate to my loss, or even believe it.”
Sesshoumaru was quiet as he listened to her. “Don't you get sick of staring out the window and realizing no one would take you seriously if you told them about a world that you visited five centuries ago?”
She could tell she had hit a nerve with him. “That's why you write those books, isn't it? Even if it is fiction, it's still out there and someone, somewhere, may recognise your tale.”
The dog demon was quiet as he listened to her. “I will never understand your loss, but at least I can listen to it and know without a doubt that it's true. You will never understand my loss, but I can tell you, and know you'll believe me.”
She took a step towards him and was encouraged when he didn't do anything. “Even if it is just for a little while, isn't it better to be with someone who will believe you, than be surrounded by people who never will?”
The dog demon sighed and looked over at her. “Alright, priestess, you win.”
Kagome nearly jumped for joy at those four words. “So did you want to do something later?”
Like dinner? She thought.
“There is a restaurant that was recently built that serves Italian. I have been meaning to see if they serve decent food,” he suggested, and told Kagome the time and place to meet him.
“I'll be there.” She smiled, and he left to resume contributing to the demonstration.
A little while later
Kagome arrived at the afore-mentioned restaurant and waited anxiously for him at a table.
She had changed into something nicer and was glad she had when she got to there. The restaurant boasted it was casual, but the feel was more semi-formal. She was even happier when Sesshoumaru arrived. He wore the same wig, gloves, and contacts, but also wore clothes that matched the expensive look of his gloves.
She stood up to greet him, and both sat down. Wine was ordered as the drink, and the menus were left so they could decide on the meal.
After ordering, they were quiet for a moment.
“So, why did you wear sunglasses and contacts today?” She finally asked.
“I was not expecting to be involved in an attempted bank robbery. I only wear contacts when I know I will have to do physical exertion of some kind, or I am going out somewhere where sunglasses are not appropriate.” He replied, and took a drink of the wine. The conversation continued long after the dinner was finished and a few bottles of wine were emptied. Sesshoumaru was fine, but Kagome was drunk.
“Inuyasha was a jerk,” she slurred, and stared at the demon before her. “And so are you!”
“Mm hmm,” he flagged the waiter to bring him the debit machine so he could pay the bill. “You've said that a couple of times now, priestess.”
After the bill was paid, he stood up. “Where do you live? I'll drive you home.”
“I don't wanna go home,” she objected.
“You can't stay here.” He replied.
“I'll go to your place!” She stood up, excited now. The demon sighed again and helped her into the passenger seat of his car when they reached the parking lot. Shortly they arrived at his apartment, and Kagome plunked herself on the couch.
“Not much here is there?” She observed.
“Not really, I don't need much,” he replied, and pulled a spare pillow and blanket from the closet.
“I coulda told you that,” she huffed, and noticed Tensaiga. “Where's Tetsusaiga?”
“I don't know. Inuyasha never told me what he did with it. Stand up a moment.” He laid the blanket on the couch, along with the pillow.
Kagome lay back down, but pulled Sesshoumaru with her. “Stay with me a while. Strange beds are hard to sleep in.”
Sesshoumaru complied, but only to shut her up. She placed the pillow against his leg and rested her head on it.
“You're not going to take advantage of me, right?” She asked.
Sesshoumaru gave her an odd look. “Don't flatter yourself, priestess. Go to sleep.”
Kagome was too drunk to register the insult. “Then why did you agree to go out with me?”
Unfortunately, she would never hear the answer. She had already fallen asleep.
The dog pulled off his wig and let it fall to the floor. He looked at her sleeping form while he took the contacts out.
“Even kings get weary of being alone.”