InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ King Nothing ❯ Who I Am ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha! A people! I still need to know if I should keep the title the same or change it to “King Nothing”! I only had two people tell me their opinion and it was one each!
Kagome squeezed her eyes shut at the sun that shone on her eyelids. That was so dumb! Why did I have to drink that much?! She groaned and eventually gave up and opened her eyes. The sunlight beat down mercilessly on her hung-over eyes. “Gah!” She shut her eyes tight again and buried her face into the pillow. That was also dumb. The priestess took in a deep breath and realized that the smell the pillow carried was a different one than her pillows usually carried. She took in another deep breath smells like Sesshoumaru. Wait...Sesshoumaru?! Forcing her eyes open she sat up only to come face to face with the slumbering demon. Wow, he's a heavy sleeper. She thought and stared at his sleeping face. If it wasn't for that hair of his he could pass for human with his eyes closed. The priestess couldn't help but, stare at him as he slept.
“Do I have something on my face priestess?” He suddenly asked while keeping his eyes closed, “or am I just fun to stare at?”
Kagome jumped back at the sudden sound of his voice, “sorry.” The dog demon sat up and stretched out his crumpled form.
He stood up and headed to his room, “excuse me a moment.” Sesshoumaru disappeared behind the closed door and re-emerged a couple minutes later in a white T-shirt and blue jeans. The dog demon raised an eyebrow at her staring. He brushed it off. “Come, we'll have some breakfast and I'll take you to your car,” he had already put on his wig and contacts and was grabbing his jacket. Kagome nodded and both were out the door to have something to eat.
“I feel over dressed,” Kagome mentioned.
“Don't worry about it. It is Sunday after all,” he replied. It took her a second to put it together. Church! People wear nice clothes to church! They pulled up at a somewhat busy restaurant filled with church goers. Sesshoumaru used his powers of subtle intimidation to move up the line.
“That wasn't very nice,” Kagome criticized.
“It got us a table,” he responded and glanced at the menu.
“So the ends justify the means?” Kagome asked.
“In this case, yes,” the dog demon set aside the menu and calmly waited for a server to some so they could give their drink orders. The server came and Sesshoumaru ordered a black coffee and Kagome ordered tea. The server left and she resumed reading the menu.
“You aren't ordering anything?” She asked when she saw him just sitting there.
“No, I don't need to eat as often as humans do,” he replied, “but I have read that a full stomach can help with a hangover.” Kagome nodded as the server came back with their drinks and she ordered pancakes and bacon while Sesshoumaru just waved the server away. They were quiet for a few minutes but, Kagome was getting uncomfortable with the silence.
“So you said that the war was a lie. What really happened?” Kagome asked.
“It says the fox demon died trying to save his family but did not succeed. That is a lie; he did succeed. Rin and their two children got away to make it to the West,” Sesshoumaru took a drink of his coffee,” Rin raised the two and died an old woman. The West didn't get involved but, we suffered just like the rest that did fight. The three provinces destroyed each other and survivors made their way west to survive.” Kagome was astonished at how different the two stories were. “Since many males were killed in the war and the West had a limited number, many demons turns to humans to aid in the dwindling numbers. After all, a half demon male is better than no male at all,” the food came so the dog demon paused until the server left. “As time went on there wasn't a demon alive that didn't have some human blood in it. Out numbers stayed consistent until 1945. We were concentrated into two cities: Hiroshima and Nagasaki.” Kagome paled at the names, “all demons with human blood in them were obliterated.”
“All demons were in those two cities?” Kagome asked, “why?”
“The government then still knew about the existence of demons,” Sesshoumaru took another drink of coffee, “I don't know why they desired our extermination. We obeyed their laws and masqueraded as humans for centuries. They forced us to go to those two cities and then the Americans came for vengeance.” He was quiet after that for a few minutes and Kagome wasn't sure what to say, if anything. She vaguely wondered if Sesshoumaru desired vengeance for what had happened. “They forgot that one demon had no human blood in him,” he went quiet again, “revenge crossed my mind but, what would it accomplish? It wouldn't bring them back and besides, `he who seeks vengeance must dig two graves: one for his enemy and one for himself'.” The dog demon leaned back in his chair, “furthermore, I'm too old for revenge.”
“How old are you?” Kagome wasn't sure she wanted the answer.
“Little over a millennium,” he responded and Kagome fell off the chair. The dog demon looked over the table at the shocked priestess.
“That old?!” She pulled herself back onto the chair and stared at him with wide eyes,” you barely look any older than when I saw you last!”
“My age is somewhat old but what you should be shocked at is the fact I used to look older,” he stated.
“What?” Kagome looked confused.
“The atomic blast didn't kill me but reversed my body's age,” he explained, “I look and feel as I did 400 years ago.”
“So you, instead of being killed, had another four centuries added,” Kagome wasn't sure how to take all of this. Sesshoumaru nodded and flagged the server for a refill. “And you have no interest in revenge?”
“Like I said, revenge is a young man's game and despite appearances, I'm not a young man,” he replied. I promised I wouldn't and no matter what, I will keep my promise. Kagome knew there was more to this than he was telling her but let it drop. Everyone deserved to have some secrets. Kagome finished her breakfast and insisted on paying the bill. They left and Sesshoumaru took her to her car.
“So after I get changed do you want to go do something?” She asked, starting to get more comfortable around him. The dog demon was quiet for a moment.
“Alright but nothing involving alcohol; you're a loud drunk,” he agreed.
“Hey!” She glared at him for his comment.
“Come to think of it, you're just loud,” he smirked at her reddening face.
“Now that's just mean!” She mock pouted and he shook his head at all the silliness.
“Since when have I have been anything but?” He raised an eyebrow at her and waited.
“Yeah, okay you've always been an ass I'll admit it,” she laughed and he again could only shake his head. “So if we're getting together we should decide what to do,” she mentioned and stared at him expectantly. The dog demon raised an eyebrow at her.
“Priestess, anything I come up with you won't like,” he stated.
“Pervert,” she muttered.
“How does that make me a pervert? I never said what it was,” he stared at her with an amused look in his eyes.
“I don't know but it does,” she blushed and poked him in the chest, “how about a picnic? We can go somewhere where you won't have to look human.”
Sesshoumaru nodded, “alright sounds good.” Kagome smiled and told him the time and the place. The two went their separate ways to prepare. The former lord pulled off his jeans and put on a pair of red shorts since it was hot out. He removed the wig and contacts and stared at the ring on his finger, deciding whether or not to remove it. After a long time deciding, he pulled it off and tucked it into his pocket. This is the first time in so long I will go out looking like myself he mused when he stared at his reflection. Grabbing his keys and sunglasses, he headed out the door.
Kagome rushed around her apartment to get dressed and put some food in a basket along with a blanket. She grabbed two tennis rackets and some balls, regular people play tennis, she told herself as she went out the door.
Sesshoumaru beat her to the location and could only stare when she walked out with all the stuff. After recovering from his shock he went over to help her carry some of the items over. They found a good spot by the tennis courts and laid out the blanket. “You ever play tennis before?” She asked when everything was set up.
He shook his head, “never in my life.” Sesshoumaru glanced over at the rackets, “but I suspect I'm about to.”
Kagome laughed and grabbed the rackets, “you always were more observant than Inuyasha.”
“I should hope so. I would hate to think that a half demon was more observant than I,” he replied and followed her to the courts. After explaining the rules they began. Never having played before, Sesshoumaru had no idea how hard to hit the ball so the first time he hit it too hard and it exploded on impact with the racket. Somehow the racket managed to escape unscathed.
Kagome let out a squeak of surprise then doubled over laughing, “you don't have to hit it so hard!” The former priestess could barely talk she was laughing so hard.
“I see that,” he responded and picked up one of the pieces of the ball.
“Let's try that again,” Kagome finally recovered from her laughing fit and served another ball. The dog demon curbed his great strength; the ball still exploded but time on impact with the ground. Kagome leaped out of the way of flying bits of rubber and started laughing again. “Tennis doesn't seem to be your sport,” she laughed and grabbed the last ball, “last chance.” She served it and Sesshoumaru forced his immense strength back even more and managed to hit the ball without it exploding. The ball lasted until bad aim caused it to glance one of his claws. The air escaped and it landed on the ground with a plop. The dog demon walked over and picked it up.
“I believe you may be right priestess,” he held the deflated ball up for her to see. Again she started laughing and both left the tennis court and returned to their blanket. Some other games were played such as hide and seek but, because Sesshoumaru used his nose to find Kagome and his stealth to keep her from finding him, the game didn't last too long.
Despite the setbacks at the beginning, both had had a good time. Now all that was left to do was watch the sunset. Sesshoumaru sat upright but Kagome lay beside him staring at the setting sun. “Sesshoumaru,” she started, “do you ever ask yourself if you could go back and do it all over again, would you make the same choices?”
The dog demon was quiet for a second but shook his head at the end, “the choices I have made throughout my life have made me who I am. Had I made different choices there would be the chance that I would also change who I am.” He leaned back to support his weight on his elbows. “I have worked hard to be the person that I am. To have regrets would be spitting at all the hardships I have endured and the people who stuck by me through them,” the dog demon answered while still staring at the setting sun.
Kagome looked over at him then back at the sun, “I envy that about you. You've always seemed so strong and sure of yourself. I wish I could live like that.”
Sesshoumaru continued to watch the sun go down, “nothing was ever accomplished but being envious of others priestess. If you want something you have to go out and get it,” he looked over at her, “no one is going to get it for you.”