InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ King Nothing ❯ Because I'm King Nothing ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha! And you know what? No one is letting me know if they like the idea or not of me changing the tile to here's what I say to you! Screw all of you! The title is now King Nothing! Don't like it? You should have said something.
Kagome sat in the passenger side of the police car deep in thought while Jack drove. "Penny for your thoughts?" He asked.
"Hmm? Oh, I was just thinking about a conversation I had with someone yesterday," she responded before looking over at him.
"Mr. Nut I'm assuming," Jack sighed and kept driving, "you know how I feel about that creep."
"He's not a creep or a nut," Kagome defended, "I knew his brother a long time ago and it took us both a long time to realize who the other was."
"He has a brother?" Jack asked.
Kagome nodded, "had yes. A younger half brother."
Where's the brother then?" Jack asked.
"Dead. He died a couple years ago," Kagome answered and grew quiet. She hadn't been ready to admit that. Sesshoumaru is all that is left she mentally reminded herself and stared out the car window.
"Sorry to hear that. I guess I wouldn't be the same if my little brother died," Jack sighed.
"Actually he's always been like that," Kagome laughed.
"Really? He's always been like that?" Jack was surprised to hear that.
"He was a lot worse when his brother was alive. I guess sometime after he died he just got sick of being alone," Kagome replied.
"I guess so," Jack turned a corner; "I'd like to meet him."
"Why?" Kagome asked.
"I already told you, I'm filling in for Souta while he's away," Jack answered.
"Oh yeah," Kagome muttered. I wonder how Sesshoumaru would feel about that?
"I have tomorrow off and so do you so, lets all three of us go out," Jack made it clear that this was not optional. Kagome sighed in defeat.
"Alright, I'll tell him. What did you have in mind?" Kagome asked.
"How about lunch at that fast food place we saw him in. That's pretty nonthreatening," Jack offered.
"Alright, I'll let him know," Kagome nodded.

"He wants to do what?" Sesshoumaru asked when they met after she finished her shift.
"Jack wants all three of us to go to lunch to..."she trailed off.
"To see if I'm actually a convict in disguise or not," Sesshoumaru finished.
"For lack of a better phrase, yes," Kagome sighed, "he won't let it go until he meets you." Sesshoumaru let out an irritated growl and paced in his kitchen for a moment.
"Very well, I'll do this so I do not have to hear about it again," he sat back down on the couch, "but I'm only doing this once priestess."
"I know," Kagome nodded and smiled, "I'm surprised you're even doing it at all."
"It would be problematic if he decided to look deeper into my history to discover I don't have one," he sighed and stared at Tensaiga.
"Why didn't you create one along with the fake last name?" Kagome asked.
"It gets to be such a hassle after a while, it's easier to simply stay out of trouble and not make the authorities suspicious," he answered. Kagome had no idea of the risk he was taking with this. The former priestess sat next to him and turned on the TV.

"Kagome arrived at the fast food restaurant where both Jack and Sesshoumaru arrived at the same time. The dog demon had dressed casually for the meeting. Thank God he went with the contacts she mentally sighed in relief. Both sat down on opposite sides of each other. She could feel the tension in the air. This was a bad idea. At least with Souta he wouldn't have had to pretend to be human. Neither bothered with hand shaking or any of the pleasantries. Kagome decided to introduce the two. "Jack this is Sesshoumaru Takashiro and Sesshoumaru, this is Jack Johnson," she introduced.
"Johnson?" Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow at the officer.
"Yeah, I moved here from the states a few years ago," he explained shortly. The dog demon nodded. "Kagome speaks highly of you," he commented.
"She must, otherwise this meeting would not have taken place," he replied.
"So, Kagome tells me you had a brother. Funny, I didn't see any relatives mentioned when I looked up your information," Jack changed the subject.
"You wouldn't, my brother had a different last name than my own," Sesshoumaru replied without missing a beat.
"And why was that?" Jack prodded, Kagome watched on nervously and waited in horror to see what Sesshoumaru would say.
"We had two separate mothers. My brother was born the same day my father died," the dog demon answered calmly but Kagome could tell that he was getting annoyed.
"Then why was there no father on your record either?" Jack was nothing if not persistent.
"Have I missed something? I was not aware that my family history was the topic of discussion," the dog demon glanced at the officer who made no effort hiding his contempt for him.
"I just find it strange that none of this is on your record," Jack replied, "I'm starting to wonder if there really is a Sesshoumaru Takashiro."
"Jack! That's enough!" Kagome scolded. She had had enough of her partner relentlessly questioning Sesshoumaru. "This lunch was arranged so you could meet him not question him like he was a suspect!" Kagome continued to scold her partner.
Jack stopped trying to stare down the demon and looked over at Kagome, "there's something suspicious about all this and you're taking his side?!"
"I'm not taking any side! I'm stopping you from treating him like a convicted felon!" Kagome retorted. Sesshoumaru watched the two yell and stood up.
"This meeting was a mistake that will not be repeated," Sesshoumaru stated and left the building. Jack and Kagome both watched him leave.
"Nice going Jack!" She glared at him, "I arrange this meeting for you like you wanted and the whole time you treat him like he committed some sort of crime!" Kagome stood up and ran after the former lord.
Jack grabbed her wrist, "don't go to him, something's not right about that guy."
"Let me go!" She yanked her hand away from him and stormed out the door. "Sesshoumaru! Wait up!" She called after him.
The ancient demon stopped and turned around, "what is it priestess?"
"I want to apologize for how my partner acted," she caught up to him and stared at the ground.
"It is not your fault that he could not behave himself," he responded.
"It didn't help that you had to make yourself seem like his superior," Kagome muttered, knowing he would hear her.
"That is just how I am," he replied and Kagome gave up, it was just his nature.
"Fine, but you realize he may decide to dig into your past," Kagome cautioned.
"Let him then. There is nothing much to find," he replied. The former priestess sighed and gave up. Sesshoumaru had just as short a fuse as Inuyasha and got just as difficult. They stopped a short ways from the restaurant to sit on a park bench.
"You'll have to do the same thing when my brother comes back," Kagome sighed, "but you won't have to pretend to be human."
"At least I won't have to wear these uncomfortable contacts," he replied while looking straight ahead.
"Thanks for at least trying to do this," she turned to face him.
He glanced at her from the corner of his eye, "no problem priestess."
Kagome looked down again at the ground, "I won these tickets at work for free admission to that new water park, and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me."
"I don't have any swim trunks," he stated.
Kagome stared at him, "you don't?" How can you not?"
"Last time I swam was when it was permitted to do so nude," he explained.
The former priestess stood up and grabbed his hand and dragged him to her car, "come on, we're getting you a pair of swim trunks." He let her drag him along to the mall. Kagome pulled him into the first swim suit store that they came across."Try these on," she tossed him a pair of red swim trunks and another pair of white and yellow and a pair of Speedos. Having at least fifty suits, he got into one of the dressing rooms. Kagome sat in one of the chairs provided and waited. "You have to come out and show me," she called to him.
The dog demon threw out the ones that didn't fit and for the most part showed her. It was when he got to the Speedos that he refused, "not a chance in hell!" He made it clear he would not be seen in the little suit.
"Just come out," Kagome prodded and walked over to the door.
"Not happening priestess," he stated and threw them over the door to make it clear that he didn't like them.
"You're acting like a child Sesshoumaru," Kagome sighed and sat back down.
"Pardon me for having little interest in looking like a teenage boy desperate to attract someone of the opposite sex," he huffed and came out fully dressed. He gripped a pair of black swim trunks splashed with red. Both went to the front counter and the item was paid for. "So what day did you have in mind for the water park?" He asked when they left the store.
"Two days from now is my day off. Let's do it then" Kagome replied and got into the car to take the demon to his apartment since he had walked to the restaurant. They pulled up in front of the building, "what are you going to do after getting out?" She asked.
"I am going to prepare for my martial arts class," he noticed her crest fallen expression, "if you change into something more appropriate I will take you with me."
Kagome's eyes lit up, "what should I wear?"
"Sweatpants are preferred and a shirt you won't mind getting dirty," he explained.
"Alright, I'll get changed and meet you here," she smiled. Sesshoumaru got out of the car and she drove off to change. Kagome pulled up fifteen minutes later and followed him to his class. She waited outside as he changed. After he was done both went inside for the start of the next class. Kagome mimicked Sesshoumaru for the most part for the initial stretches but, for the rest she was taken aside so she could learn the punches and kicks. After all that was done, the instructors allowed the dog demon to practice with Kagome.
"Your aim needs work," he grunted when she missed the target and kicked him in the stomach instead.
"Sorry," she blushed and tried again, this time with better results. The class passed without any major incidents and at the end the two went their separate ways to wait till they would go to the water park together.

The day arrived and Kagome anxiously got ready, throwing things into a bag. Sesshoumaru was taking a much more leisurely pace at preparing. He had seen others go to these places before and had seen what they had packed. He packed a towel, undergarments, a brush, and soap. Why do I need the soap again? He stared at the bar for a moment before the answer came to him. Ah yes, chlorine and massive amounts of filthy humans. The dog demon threw the bag into the passenger seat and drove off to the water park. Both met at roughly the same time and proceeded into the building. "I'll meet you out there," she smiled and headed for the woman's change room. Sesshoumaru walked into the men's and proceeded to change. Kagome waited by the exits for him and nearly fell over when she saw him. The former lord was dressed in nothing but the shorts. His long silver hair was one long braid down his back and his pointed ears were covered by the silver locks. Golden eyes stared at her for a moment before walking past her and grabbing her arm to take her with him. The former priestess stared at his back and traced with her eyes the stripes on his waist that disappeared into the trunks. Clawed bare feet clicked in the floor leading to the water and a pair of stripes graced his ankle.
"You must enjoy staring at me or you would not do it so often," he commented and Kagome blushed.
"What did you want to do first?" she asked, quickly changing the subject.
"I have never been to one of these places before, remember?" He turned to look at her.
"Right! I'll show you what you do here," Kagome grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the slide, "this is the best part." Both headed up the steps to the first slide. Kagome went down first to show him how it was done. The attendant signalled he could go and the dog demon mimicked Kagome and launched himself in. He landed with a splash and swam to the edge where Kagome was waiting. "Fun huh?" She smiled.
"It is one word to describe it," he replied and pulled himself out of the water. Kagome dragged him to various slides, sometimes she did it just to watch him splash into the water. After that she dragged him into the pool and splashed around. They even had a splash fight until the life guard told them to stop. The dog demon wanted to splash the guard but decided against it. He watched Kagome having fun and decided it would be better not to get banned from the pool. They spent a few hours in the pool and spent their last hour in the hot tub. Kagome sat next to him while both absorbed the heat.
"Have you had fun today?" She asked and looked up at him.
"It was enjoyable," he responded, if you don't count the chlorine burning my nose and this inexplicable hunger.
"After you should come back to my place and I'll fix us up some real food. Not that processed crap you eat all the time," she poked his side under the water.
"Fair enough," he responded and both eventually got out and changed. Sesshoumaru followed Kagome back to her apartment and marvelled at how normal it looked. He wasn't sure what to expect but this wasn't it. The apartment was filled with pictures of family and friends and there was clutter everywhere. "Aren't all that neat are you priestess?" He picked up a sock so it dangled from one of his claws.
"Some of us own more than the clothes on our back," she stated, "now come over here and help me. I'm too tired to do this on my own."
"Then why cook at all?" He asked as he rolled up his sleeves.
"We're both hungry and I'm going to make sure you have at least one healthy meal in your lifetime," she explained and handed him some meat to cut. Kagome was surprised when she watched him. He knew how to cook! "I didn't know you could cook," she mentioned.
"I took some courses a few years ago. The technology is different but preparation is pretty much the same," he replied and stirred the mean in the skillet.
"Wait, what year did you take the course in?" Kagome asked.
He paused for a moment to think about it, "1930, 1935. Somewhere around there."
"And the technology is only a little different?!" She stared at him.
"So it's a lot different," he sighed.
"Why did you want to learn how to cook?" Kagome asked.
"My wife was expecting and I didn't want her doing any unnecessary work," he answered.
"You had a wife? I thought you said there weren't any full demons left," she commented.
"There weren't, she was a half demon," he answered and stirred the meat again.
"So what happen-" she stopped when she realized what happened, "I'm so sorry!"
He shook his head, "it happened a long time ago."
"And you didn't want revenge?" She asked, tears in her eyes.
He shook his head again, "I'd be lying if I said it didn't cross my mind but I wanted my daughter to be proud of her father; even in death." Oh God! He had a child! He lost both in one day! Sesshoumaru stirred the meat in silence acting the same as always but she would tell he was hurting. The former priestess walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him and refused to let go. "Priestess-" he was cut off.
"It must have hurt, it must still hurt," tears ran freely down her cheeks.
"Priestess-" he was cut off again.
"You keep going through life like it was nothing because there is nothing. You can't hold onto your anger so you hold onto nothing," she sobbed. The dog demon fell to his knees at her words and she fell with him, holding onto him all the tighter. "There nothing for you but, you keep going anyway," she continued to sob into his chest.
Sesshoumaru wrapped his arms around her to keep his own body from shaking, "because I am King Nothing."