InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ King Nothing ❯ Dinner and Monopoly ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha
Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Original comp had to be reformatted and while I was typing up the chapter, it stopped working!!! So here is the next chapter; finally!
Dinner had been forgotten, half prepared food was left to grow cold. At some point the stove had been turned off and the meat left burnt in the skillet. Sesshoumaru sat on his knees for a long time with Kagome sobbing into his shirt, shedding the tears that he, himself, could not shed. At some point they had moved to the couch and stayed there in silence. Her tears had dried up and now she just sat with him while he stared into space, doing everything in his power to maintain control. The former priestess realized that the demon next to her still had his hair in that braid that was now coming loose. “Sit in the floor and I'll be right back,” she stood up and walked into the bathroom to grab her brush. She returned to find him sitting in front of the couch. She sat on the cushion directly behind him and undid the massive braid. “You just aren't you with your hair in the state it's in,” she stated and ran the brush through his hair to detangle it.
“I've been thinking of cutting it to a more reasonable length,” he mused, “it's a pain trying to put it into the wig.”
“Why not just dye it?” She asked, still running the brush through his hair.
“Can you imagine how much money I would spend on dye?” He turned to look at her from the corner of his eye.
“Good point,” she shrugged and resumed brushing his hair, “why don't you just not put it in the wig? Times have changed; you don't have to have black hair anymore. It can be any color you want.”
“True enough; perhaps I'll leave it and not bother with that damn wig anymore,” he shifted a little, “it itches anyway.”
Kagome started laughing at that comment, “yeah, I guess it would.”
“I'm glad you find that amusing,” he huffed.
“It's just the picture I have in my head of you scratching an itch,” she smirked, “it must take some serious self control not to scratch it.”
“Sometimes,” he agreed. Kagome could see he was still upset from earlier.
“Lie down on your stomach,” she lightly pushed on his back when she finished brushing his hair.
“Why?” He asked suspiciously.
“I can make you feel better,” she pushed again on his back. He shrugged lightly and stretched out on the floor. Kagome got on the floor next to him. She started massaging his shoulders and working her way down to the small of his back. “It always makes me feel better to have a back rub when I'm feeling down,” she explained. He made a noise to acknowledge he heard her but that was it. She had gotten to the middle of his back when she heard soft noises coming from him. She stopped and checked on him to find he had fallen asleep and the soft noises were being made because of that. “You must be feeling better,” she spoke softly and grabbed a blanket from the closet and covered him with it. She cleaned up a bit and noticed how comfortable the spot on the floor next to him looked. Grabbing a pillow off the couch, she got herself comfy on the floor and pulled the blanket so it was covering the both of them. Just for a few minutes.
The first thing that she remembered upon waking was that the phone was ringing. “Who's calling at this hour?” She groaned and picked up the receiver, “hello?”
“Where are you?! Your shift started an hour ago!” Jake yelled into the phone.
“What? You must be mistaken, my shift doesn't start till...” she looked over at the clock on the wall, “an hour ago! I'll be right there!” She hung up the phone and ran around her apartment getting ready; oblivious of the demon still snoozing on the floor. Well, he was sleeping until Kagome tripped over him half dressed. “What the-?” she squeaked when she tripped. Being tripped over startled the dog demon awake and the reaction was instantaneous; he leapt upon the offender and pinned her arms above her head with one hand. The other was poised ready to strike. “Ah! Sesshoumaru!” She cried out and saw awareness some into his eyes as his mind caught up to his body. He blinked as the situation hit him; he let her go and stood up and stretched the kinks out of his body for sleeping on the floor. “That was one hell of a wakeup call,” she laughed and then remembered that she was late and resumed running around like a chicken with its head cut off. The dog demon watched her for a moment and decided it was good entertainment and sat on the couch to continue watching her. She paused once she realized he was watching her. “Enjoying yourself?” She snorted.
“Actually, yes, I am,” he smirked. She glared at him. “You'll be even later than you already are,” he pointed to the clock. Kagome squeaked and resumed running around to get ready. She finished getting ready and ran out the door. She peeked in after a minute, “don't break anything!” With that she was gone. Sesshoumaru looked around before gathering his jacket and leaving, locking the door behind him.
Kagome's day went as expected considering she was late. Of course she was scolded but that was to be expected as well. She had just gotten in the door of her apartment when the phone rang. “Ugh,” she groaned and picked up the receiver, “hello?”
“Kagome, Souta is back for a visit,” her mom on the other end told her.
“Really? For how long?” She asked, anxious to see her little brother again.
“A couple weeks. We're having a welcome back dinner for him tonight,” her mom answered.
“I'll be there!” She paused for a moment, “can I bring a guest? I want Souta to meet him.”
“Of course dear,” her mother approved.
“Alright, I'll be there soon!” She hung up and immediately called up Sesshoumaru. Kagome told him what was going on and managed to get him to agree to go. She drove over to pick him up and drove to her childhood home.
“Demon!” Her grandfather charged at Sesshoumaru with a sutra. Said demon was too stunned to have someone charging at him and calling him a demon to react. The sheet of paper landed on his face and nothing happened. “What?! That was the strongest there is! You should be purified!” the old man was stumped that it hadn't worked.
“Greater holy men than you have tried,” he replied and pulled it off his face, “they also didn't use glue.”
“Dad! You've been using glue on those?!” The mom scolded and handed Sesshoumaru a towel. Souta had run over because of the commotion he had heard to see a silver haired man wiping glue from his face.
“No way! Inuyasha's back?!” He ran over but stopped when the man before him wasn't who he thought he was. “I'll take that as a no,” he muttered.
“Souta, this is Inuyasha's older brother Sesshoumaru,” Kagome introduced.
“So why isn't Inuyasha here?” Souta asked, disappointed that he wasn't here.
“You failed to mention that he was obsessed with my idiot brother,” the dog demon glanced at Kagome who blushed and sighed.
“Souta, Inuyasha has been dead for centuries and the well doesn't work anymore remember?” Kagome sighed.
“What? Then how is his brother here?” Souta looked so heartbroken.
“He's lived that long,” she explained. The young male stood there for a moment to absorb that.
“Really?! But that was over 500 years ago!” He was stunned.
“If you don't mind me asking,” her mother asked, “how old are you?”
Kagome beat him to it, “don't answer that.” She looked over at her mother, “trust me; you really don't want to know how old he is.”
“I'll take your word for it,” her mother smiled and they headed into the living room while dinner cooked. The topics ranged from how Kagome was doing to what Souta was doing. Sometimes the conversation included the demon. “So Sesshoumaru, what do you do for a living?” Her mother asked. Kagome was curious as well, he didn't seem to do any sort of work at all.
“I actually don't work,” he replied, “I have accumulated enough wealth over the years that I am well funded past doomsday.”
“Wow, what do you do with all that money?” Souta asked. That explains why he is free all the time.
“Nothing really. I donate to charities sometimes but mostly it just sits in my account,” he responded, “I have little use for wealth or material possessions.”
“I guess not,” Souta muttered, “what's going to happen to all that money should you die?”
“I suppose it will go to the government seeing as how I do not have a will,” he shrugged. A will would be pretty stupid in his case I guess Kagome mused.
“Inuyasha never mentioned he had a brother,” Souta hinted.
“He wouldn't; we weren't exactly close,” he let out a sound that was almost a laugh.
“What did you do in the feudal era?” Her mother asked.
“I managed the Western Province,” he answered.
“You were the western lord responsible for the downfall of demons!” Her grandfather accused. The rest watched in horror at what the demon would do; all were worried the old man had struck a nerve with that one.
“That old story again,” he sighed and leaned back in his chair, “you should believe everything you read. Most of that story is false anyways; the other truth really is that I refused to get the West involved.”
“So the author of the `King Nothing' series was right when he said the legends were wrong,” her mother stated. Kagome waited to see if Sesshoumaru would reveal he was the author of those books.
“To my knowledge the author got more right than the historians did,” Sesshoumaru answered but said nothing about him being the author. Kagome was silently glad that he didn't tell her mother.
“So what do you do with all your free time?” the grandfather asked suspiciously, “terrorizing helpless humans?”
“Only when they won't take `leave me alone' as an answer,” he half joked, “there are certain things I do. I take a martial arts class, I work out, I write, and I get scolded by random police officers.”
“Hey!” Kagome glared at him, “I only did that once!”
“And your partner would give it a rest when it came to interrogating me like I had murdered an entire elementary school,” he replied.
“He was doing it in place of my brother,” she argued. Sesshoumaru was just having too much fun and she knew it.
“Yet here we are,” he smirked and Kagome threw a cushion at him. Of course it missed because her target was someone who could move faster than she could blink. Dinner was ready and everyone gathered at the kitchen table. Kagome's mother was unsure how to serve a demon since Inuyasha had only been a half demon and ate whatever was in front of him. Noticing the discomfort, he took the pot from her and served himself. “Demons eat the same food humans do just not as often,” he explained. Everyone was served and the focus of attention was on Souta and what America was like. The young man even spoke some English to impress his family. Sesshoumaru humoured the boy since he already knew the language. No reason so spoil the moment for the boy.
“Have you ever been to North America?” Souta asked him suddenly.
“Once,” he took a bite and swallowed, “back in the late 1800's.”
“Wow,” Souta muttered.
“From what you've said, very little has changed,” he commented. Souta laughed at the comment. After dinner the family and Sesshoumaru retired to the living to play the game Souta had brought with him. The game of the night was Monopoly with Souta and Sesshoumaru translating for everyone.
“Cheater!” Kagome accused and pointed at the dog demon. He had just purchased another hotel for the squares he owned.
“I'm not cheating priestess, you just stink at Monopoly,” he casually replied and counted the money he had just gotten from her. Kagome huffed her displeasure and took a load out from the bank to keep playing.
“Cheater!” She cried out again when he bankrupt her.
“Still no priestess, you still just stink at the game,” he replied and counted the money.
“How do we know? You and Souta are the only two that know the language,” she accused.
“Would that not simply mean that your brother is also cheating?” He rolled the dice and took his turn.
“The difference is I trust Souta,” Kagome grumbled.
“Should I be insulted?” He raised an eyebrow at her.
“Don't think I've forgotten you tried to melt me,” she lectured.
“Don't think I've forgotten you tried to purify me,” he replied and collected more money.
“I didn't succeed in purifying you,” she retorted.
“I didn't succeed in melting you,” he returned. Kagome huffed and Sesshoumaru made his laugh like noise.
“He tried to kill you?” Her mother asked, shocked that a killer was in her house.
“Only when she stood in the line of fire,” he answered for her.
“Things were different then Mama,” Kagome defended, “besides, Sesshoumaru doesn't kill anymore. Right?”
“So who was the last person you killed?” Her mother asked.
He paused in thought, “I believe I gave a potential bank robber a heart attack a while ago if that counts.” Sesshoumaru continued to think, “but the last person I killed was a Nazis army invading Japan.”
“Japan sided with Germany though,” the grandfather stated.
“So did Russia,” he replied.
“Why isn't it mentioned in any of the history books?” Kagome asked.
“I dealt with them before they got far enough in to be noticed,” he replied, “and I doubt Germany would want the world to know that both their allies brought them defeat.”
“You took on the Nazis army?” Souta asked, “why?”
“I didn't approve of Japan's decision to side with Germany but I was not about to let innocent people become unwitting victims of their government's stupidity,” he explained. The game continued and Sesshoumaru was the undisputed victor. Kagome said her goodbyes to her family and left with Sesshoumaru.
“You didn't really take on an army on your own did you?” She asked when they were in the car.
“Of course not,” he replied and paused, “I wasn't the only demon on the lookout for the German army.”
“Did you have a good time?” She asked.
“Killing Nazis? Yes,” he replied.
“I meant at the dinner,” she scolded.
“It was enjoyable,” he paused for a moment, “but it wasn't as enjoyable as killing Nazis.”
Kagome shot a look at him, “smartass,” she muttered.