InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ King Nothing ❯ Sunset Promise ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or anything like that but I do own two Sess statue things, one has a broken tokijin but it still counts!
“Yes mama, I know,” Kagome sighed into the phone, “you gotta remember that things were different back then.”
“But he tried to kill you!” Her mother argued.
“Yes, I know, but that was then. He also saved my life more than once,” Kagome countered.
“He did?” She asked, “when?”
“Once when I was forced to tolerate a creep that thought I would marry him just because I couldn't move,” Kagome kept some parts about that particular incident secret, “Sesshoumaru came upon the scene and killed him but didn't attack me or the others though it would have been easy.”
“He killed some poor man that was obviously mentally unstable?!” Her mother asked, horrified.
Mentally unstable is putting it nicely Kagome thought, “he would have killed me after.”
“What?!” Nothing seemed to work with her mother.
“Mama, that's how it was. Things were easy back then and sometimes in order to survive, you had to kill,” Kagome explained.
“Did you kill people?” Her mother asked. Kagome was quiet on the other end, trying to think of a way to answer that.
“You're the one that brought it up at the dinner,” Sesshoumaru responded when they met up later that day.
“I didn't think she would react like that!” Kagome argued.
“Humans are such foolish creatures,” he sighed, “they claim to abhor killing but turn the other way when they do it to other creatures. Killing is a part of life.”
“Spoken like a true demon,” Kagome replied and munched on a French fry. She had to admit, it was easier to remember that Sesshoumaru wasn't a human when he didn't look so much like one. The dog demon had forgone the wig in favour for his natural hair. Of course he got some stares but he look more like himself. The former priestess no longer had to remind herself that Sesshoumaru never was human and would never understand human concepts.
“That is what I am priestess,” he commented and took a drink from his coffee.
“I know, sometimes I forget,” Kagome admitted.
“I realized that but hadn't known you were aware of it,” Sesshoumaru leaned back in the booth.
“Hey!” She glared at him, not liking the fact he implied that was clueless.
Sesshoumaru smirked, “I rest my case.”
“What do you mean?” Kagome asked and popped another fry into her mouth only to spit it back out.
“You were dipping your fries in my coffee,” he answered.
Kagome glared at him as she guzzled her pop down to rid herself of the taste, “I kinda figured that out on my own.”
“You asked,” he shrugged and walked to the counter to get a new coffee. Kagome stared at the table in thought. Sesshoumaru came back and noticed her expression, “you alright priestess?”
“You've changed since then,” she commented, not even hearing him, “back them you would never be saying sarcastic things.”
He sat back down and sighed, “no one can stay the same for that long.”
Kagome looked up from her spot on the table, “yeah, I guess.” She paused a moment, “I'm not sure which is worse, you with a stick up your ass or you as a grumpy old man.”
“Well, when you find out, let me know,” he replied, completely ignoring the bait in her comment. It's so hard to push his buttons! Why can't I annoy him like he does me? The officer went to dunk her fry in his coffee again but he moved his mug out of harm's way, “something on your mind priestess?”
“Why do you asked?” She looked up at him, still dipping her fry into nothing.
“You were attempting to dip your French fry into my coffee again,” he answered. Kagome looked down and saw what she was doing and moved the fry to the little cup of ketchup.
“Why don't you react to anything I say? If I said that 500 years ago, you would have killed me,” the former priestess asked.
Sesshoumaru gave a light shrug, “there's not much point in getting upset over things like that.”
“Really? Why?” She asked.
“Why get mad about something you're going to outlive?” He answered.
“I guess that's true,” Kagome agreed and munched on her burger, “I supposed I wouldn't get mad as much if I knew I was going to outlast what I was mad at.”
“That's another reason I have no desire for revenge,” he took another sip from his mug, “the way you humans are going, you're going to destroy yourselves in the next couple of centuries if not sooner.”
“What makes you say that?” She asked.
“Well, for one, all the countries have enough nuclear weapons to destroy the Earth ten times over if not more, you are constantly adding to your own population and one day you will not be able to feed everyone,” he answered, “and that's just two.”
“Wouldn't you be lonely being here all by yourself?” Kagome questioned.
“I'm already the last demon alive. I might as well be the last humanoid creature alive as well,” he shrugged. Kagome watched him for a moment and then it struck her; what was off about Sesshoumaru. He was living like he had been in the feudal era; he was only going through the motions of surviving. He had died that day so long ago; his body just wasn't ready to call it quits yet. The former priestess stared at him for a long time. You wouldn't care about being the last of something or anything because you are just waiting for your day to die Kagome look down at her food. “You got quiet all of a sudden priestess,” he commented and set his empty mug aside.
“I was just thinking,” she responded but didn't look up.
“Never a good sign with you,” he replied.
“Hey!” She glared at him.
“Whenever you think of something, I get unconvinced,” he continued calmly and Kagome huffed her indignation.
The two eventually left the fast food place and walked around the neighbourhood, comfortable just to wander around in silence. “Let's watch the sun set!” Kagome suddenly offered.
“I never realised you were such a romantic,” he sighed and wrapped an arm around her waist and leapt straight up in the air. He landed on a tall skyscraper that over looked all the other buildings surrounding it. Kagome let out a breath she had been unconsciously holding.
“You could've warned me!” She scolded.
He gave a light shrug, “you should have expected it.” They sat just past the fence to discourage jumpers, watching the sun go down.
“Do you ever regret surviving that blast?” Kagome suddenly asked.
Sesshoumaru was quiet in contemplation for a minute, “in the beginning I did. I cursed the heavens for leaving me alive while everything around me that meant anything disappeared in a cloud of smoke.” The dog demon paused again, “as some point I even begged to be with my family but after a decade I stopped and realized the folly of my actions. No matter what I did, my family wasn't coming back and my wish for death would not be granted. I realized I was betraying my memory of them by desiring death and I was only making a fool of myself.”
Kagome listened and watched the sun down from her perch, “and here you are; proving that there is still someone out there that won't back down.”
Sesshoumaru let out a small chuckle under his breath, “not that I have gotten past that day.” The priestess knew that some of him was still at that day and it kept him from recovering completely. He still just goes through the motions and waits. It's that piece of him that can't forget or forgive. Kagome watched the sun slowly disappear and swore by it that she would heal the demon. They stayed where they were until the moon was fully out and then the dog demon grabbed her again and landed safely on the ground; the two parted ways after landing and headed back to their own homes.
Meanwhile, Jack sat in front of a computer at the station trying to find any dirt he could on the man that made him look like a fool in front of Kagome. The officer found what he was looking for; more or less. It showed that Sesshoumaru had inherited a large sum of money from a person who looked eerily similar and died under suspicious circumstances. Sesshoumaru had been cleared of all suspicions because he was living on the other side of Japan at the time, but no photographic evidence existed with the demon in it. Something isn't right about all this he thought and continued with his search for something that would enlighten him on this questionable piece of information.
“The answer is staring you in the face,” a voice whispered in his ear but when he looked around, he was alone. “It's just not the answer you think it is,” the voice continued. Finally a figure made of light appeared before him but this figure was no angel, “I can help you discover the truth about him.”
“Why do you want to help me?” Jack asked, too much in awe to ask anything else.
The figure chuckled, “Sesshoumaru has assisted in my downfall time and again, I suppose you could say I'm out for revenge.”
Jack nodded, “alright, what do I call you?”
The figure chuckled again, “call me Magatsuhi.”
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Sorry it took so long to update! I got a new job and it keeps me pretty busy but I'll try to update more!