InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ King Nothing ❯ Death is the Only Victor ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Yeah, yeah, same old drill. I don't own Inuyasha so leave me the hell alone with the whole copyright crap! YouTube is bad enough. I don't need Rumiko whats-her-face “making an example” of me as well
So this will be a shorter chapter because there was no way to make it longer without ruining the feel I was going for with this chapter. Gotta keep the mood the way I want it
Sesshoumaru lay stretched out on his couch with his laptop on his stomach as he typed away at what would be his next book, eventually. The dog demon had vowed to tell the world the mistake his kind had made in hope that history would not repeat itself with another race. He had been losing his resolve until Kagome took him with her to see some of her police friends that had fallen in the line of duty. This reminded him of why he needed to make sure that the world knew. My kind had humans to continue our bloodlines. Humans are not so lucky he thought as he stared at the tombstones. He paused momentarily in thought of how to continue then resumed typing.
I am King Nothing and I have told you the birth of my brother to the birth of the half demon Naraku. It is time you knew of his death and how this one abomination lit the fires of our destruction.
He stopped again and stared at the word he had just types and the blinking cursor waiting for him to resume his unfinished work. The ancient demon lifted his fingers once more and continued, “You have once more seen life Naraku, now it is time for you die at my hands once more.”
Naraku had grown too confident of his himself and began to make mistakes that left clues to his whereabouts; looking back, perhaps they weren't mistakes at all, but purposely put there to lead all of us once more into another ill-conceived trap. Perhaps this power hungry mad man had grown so cocky that he fully believed that he could not be beaten. Either way, he had gained many enemies, all seeking his downfall for one reason or another. Most only wanted it so they could posses the Shikon Jewel but these fools still had their uses. My younger brother and his companions had cornered him and cut off his retreat. The wolf demon Koga had helped with that. He had used what remained of his life force to create a barrier that would prevent Naraku from fleeing when the odds were no longer in his favour. Koga's death had been unnecessary but not unforeseen, he was just as cocky as Naraku and left himself open one too many times to Naraku. The miserable half breed seized the opportunity and injected the wolf full with his miasma. It is one thing for me to be exposed to his miasma, as I've mentioned, my own poison gives me a high tolerance to all forms of poison. The wolf was not so fortunate.
“I won't let that bastard win,” he wheezed and let go to create the barrier. His followers, Ginta and Hakaku, were devastated but refused to let their leader's death be in vain. The two were hardly seasoned warriors and were felled quickly by Naraku. They too used their lives to strengthen the barrier. Naraku realized his escape had been cut off too land and was forced to stay and fight for his life. The monk and Inuyasha worked on the lesser demons that were released in order to tire us and buy Naraku time; the demon slayer killed the poisonous insects that would have killed the monk. That left myself and my brother's oddly dressed priestess. Her arrows were ineffective because of the sheer distance of her target and her lack of upper body strength crucial to closing the gap with her arrows. My own attacks were useless because I lacked the capability to break through barriers. Everyone was beginning to tire when the idea of how to beat him occurred to me.
I grabbed the bow and arrows away from the priestess but spoke before she could protect, “place your hands over top of my own and purify the arrow through them.” She moved to object but I stopped her once more, “there is no time for arguments. Do as I say priestess.” She hesitated but complied in the end. She grabbed the tops of my hands and immediately I could feel the searing pain of purification but I ignored it. I took aim and the purifying arrow did the rest; the glowing arrow pierced the fake half demon through his heart and the Shikon Jewel. There was a moment of dead silence. Everyone stopped moving and watched him; fearful the Jewel would be shatters and all of this would start over. Naraku disintegrated and the Shikon Jewel fell to the Earth. The oddly dressed priestess picked it up and squeezed it tight then disappeared. Everything became white for a fraction of a second then returned to normal. The priestess was gone. I stayed to watch my brother and his companions bury the wolves and then took my leave. I returned to where Rin and Jaken were waiting anxiously for my return.
“Lord Sesshoumaru!” Rin cried out and ran over to me. I would have touched the top of her head but my hands were still badly injured from being purified. “Did you win my lord?” She asked.
I thought about the strange light and the wolves being buried before wondering if we had won. I could only answer with, “it's over.” Of course I have seen my share of graves but never had I ever seen a demon being buried. It wasn't our custom and humans didn't bother since demons were feared and hated. Watching the wolves being buried forced me to realize something no other demon ever knew; no one wins in war. Ever. We fight on land, we bleed on land, and in the end we die on the same spit of land we fought on. It was this realization that turned the wheels of the destruction of demons and I have Naraku to thank for that.