InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ King Nothing ❯ Fires of Hell ( Chapter 10 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha
Kagome yawned and woke up to the smell of pancakes and bacon. She sat up in bed and rubbed a sleep-laden eye. The officer got dressed and went into the kitchen to find Sesshoumaru cooking breakfast. She sat down at the table and the dog demon put a plate of pancakes and bacon in front of her. It was part of the deal they made to Sesshoumaru staying with her until he could find another apartment. They had discovered early on how different their lifestyles were; and being a demon, Sesshoumaru needed very little sleep and therefore spent all night doing this or that. Kagome, after spending so much time in the feudal era, was a very light sleeper and after a few nights of trying to sleep with a pillow over her head, she decided that something had to be done. Unfortunately, it's impossible to change a demon's nature and unfair to keep it restricted to silent activities. So a bargain was struck, Sesshoumaru would make use of his preternatural hearing when he watched TV and would make Kagome breakfast on days she worked mornings and in return Kagome wouldn't get out of bed to scream at him over something he had no control of. “Why pancakes and bacon?” She asked, normally, he made traditional Japanese breakfasts but today was decidedly western.
The dog demon gave that infuriating light shrug and tossed a recipe book onto to the table, “I found a recipe for it.”
I see, he made traditional meals because he didn't know how to make anything else when it comes to breakfasts. “It never fails to amaze me that you can cook,” Kagome commented.
“So is everyone else who sees me cooking,” he replied and tossed another three pancakes onto her plate, “I must not come across as someone who is capable of such domestic affairs.”
“You really don't. Could you cook in the feudal era?” Kagome asked.
“A little. But I doubt all my knowledge could be categorized as cooking,” he answered and down at the table with his coffee.
“What do you mean?” The former priestess asked but knew she should know the answer.
“Tracking, hunting, and gutting what you catch,” he replied bluntly.
Kagome sat there turning green, “I think I've lost my appetite,” she pushed her plate away.
“You're the one who asked,” he took a drink of his coffee and got up to get dressed. One habit that the former lord hadn't broken was him wearing a yukata (think that's what it's called) at night.
“So what are your plans for the day?” Kagome asked.
“Write more of my novel and attempt to find out the reason for Tensaiga's restlessness,” he replied and stepped into the bathroom to change. She had noticed that the ancient sword would spend hours rattling in its hew home on a recliner, there was no real place to put it so it was left on the seat in the recliner until Sesshoumaru found a better home for it.
“Do you think Tetsaiga is involved?” She asked when he stepped out.
“More than likely, Tensaiga on awakens for two reasons; a life in front of me needs saving and something involving the two swords is either about to happen or already is,” Sesshoumaru grabbed Tensaiga and slid it into place with the help of his belt. Kagome had to admit that he made quite a sight; dressed in a modern white t-shirt and blue jeans while carrying a sword over a millennia old. Before she burst out laughing, she left for work. Sesshoumaru watched her and looked at his reflection, “I will stand out like this.” The dog demon pulled the sword from his side and stared at it in thought, “and I have no items anymore to hide it.” The former lord pulled off the black ring off his finger and dropped it into Tensaiga's sheathe, the sword immediately disappeared but Sesshoumaru could still feel it in his hand. He slid it back into place and walked out the door.
Kagome got to work to see Jack running towards her, “about time! Moe hasn't shown up for work and isn't answering his phone. We've been sent to find out why.” Kagome stared at Jack for a moment while what he said sunk in. Moe wasn't the best officer but this was out of character for him; he never missed a day and his phone was always on him so he always answered it.
“Alright, let's go,” she nodded and they were off.
Sesshoumaru walked along using Tensaiga's vibrations to determine if he was going in the right direction. He stopped in front of a burning house, “in there?” The sword's shaking was his answer, “of course,” he muttered and ran around to the back door and kicked it open. The inside of the house was an inferno; surely not even hell could be this hot or have so many fires consuming everything in its path. The smoke was so thick that even he was having trouble. Through the roaring fires, he could hear coughing but couldn't tell its location. “Is someone here?” Sesshoumaru called out and dodged part of the ceiling was falling down where was.
“Sesshoumaru?!” The voice called out in surprise. The dog demon picked his way through the fires to see a silver haired man trapped under burning lumber. The former lord threw log off of him and saw his younger brother laying on the ground bleeding.
“Inuyasha?!” It was an understatement to say that he was surprised. The half demon coughed up blood and laughed weakly.
“I must be in hell if you're here,” he laughed weakly again.
“Not yet. What happened here?” Sesshoumaru asked. Inuyasha looked like shit, the contents of his torso were strewn all over the floor; he didn't have long to live.
“Somone came after Tetsaiga,” he replied, “jokes on them though. It isn't even here. Yin has it.”
“Who came after Tetsaiga?” Sesshoumaru pressed.
“Thought you were dead you ass,” Inuyasha's eyes were glazed over and Sesshoumaru knew that all he could do was listen to his brother's last words. “Shoulda known better,” he continued, “you're like a damn cockroach. You'll take care of her right? She's too young to make it on her own.”
“I will, where is she?” Sesshoumaru asked.
“The Jr. High School. Yin Matsumoto,” Inuyasha looked at the demon with distant eyes, “tell Kagome that I'm sorry I never let know it was me. I didn't want to make her relive painful memories. I just wanted her to be happy.”
“I will tell her,” he promised and grasped Tensaiga but the sword was silent. Tensaiga won't save him.
“It was good to see you again. I was sad when I thought you were dead,” the half demon was breathing his last.
“I'm not sure why you would be,” the demon commented.
“No matter what, we're brother,” he muttered and closed his eyes; despite the raging inferno all around him, everything was silent to the dog demon.
“Yes half breed, we are brothers,” he crouched down to gain enough speed to clear the roof, “you will be remembered.” Sesshoumaru leapt up and broke through the burning roof and landed silently out of the public's eye. After he landed he began to cough uncontrollably as his lungs expelled all the smoke he had inhaled. Sesshoumaru took one last look at the burning house before walking off to find his niece.
“I'm sorry, how are you related to her?” the secretary asked for the hundredth time.
“I'm a friend of her father's, he asked me to pick her up,” he repeated and the secretary finally called the girl to the office.
Yin looked very much like her father, her hair was silver but there was another color in it that made it classified as platinum blond, her eyes were hazel but looked gold in the light, and judging from her hair style, she had her father's dog ears, “yes?”
“This man here says h is a friend of your father and has come to pick you up,” the secretary informed.
Yin looked over at Sesshoumaru and could smell that they were blood related, “yes he is a friend of my father,” she confirmed.
Both walked out of the office and Sesshoumaru pulled her aside, “I don't have time to explain right now but you need to get Tetsaiga and follow me,” he whispered so no one could eavesdrop.
“It's in home room,” she informed and walked off to get it with Sesshoumaru following closely behind. They made it to Kagome's apartment where Sesshoumaru proceeded to explain everything, “so you're my uncle?” She repeated, the demon nodded, “and my father is dead?” Tears were streaming down her face now.
“He is,” Sesshoumaru confirmed.
“All because someone wanted this rusty old sword?!” She cried out.
“Yes, someone is after our father's swords. They attempted to take mine and kill me but failed. They tried it with your father and only succeeded in killing him,” he informed. Yin started to cry even harder.
“All for this!” She was about to throw it out the window when Sesshoumaru stopped her.
“You cannot discard is. That sword is the only proof you have that your father ever existed and the only proof that he died so that you may live,” he gripped the wrist that held Tetsaiga.
“What do you mean?” She sniffled.
“He led the attackers to believe he possessed the sword. Not you. If he had lived, you would have died and Tetsaiga would be in enemy hands,” he explained.
Yin turned and began to cry into his chest, “why is this sword so important?!”
“I will show you,” he took Tetsaiga from her and drew it from its sheathe; it immediately transformed. Yin stood dumbstruck.”Tetsaiga is a powerful sword that can kill 100 demons in one stroke. Your father used it to protect the weak,” he explained and sheathed it, ignoring the burning of his hand, “this sword saw my father's death and your father's.” He held out the sword, “casting it away would be to defile the memories of both great warriors who used this blade not to kill, but to protect.” Sesshoumaru turned it so that the hilt was facing her, “you are now its master. What will you protect?”
Yin stared at her uncle and then at the sword, her eyes hardened, “I will use this sword as my father and grandfather had. I will fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.” The young girl grabbed the hilt and pulled out the transformed blade.
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Yin's story will be explained either in the next chapter or the one after so be patient!!
I got the idea of Moe being Inuyasha from a reviewer who asked me if he was. I liked the idea so much I decided to use it