InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ King Nothing ❯ Three Strikes ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha but I do own two Sess figurines in serious need of glue. Poor Sess! Not a sword to his name! The Tokijin broke in the box and the Tensaiga snapped off when he fell to the floor.
“Looks like he had a daughter,” Jack commented at the police station after the crime scene had been investigated.
“Oh?” Kagome asked and looked at her partner's computer screen.
“Yeah, Yin Matsumoto,” he showed her the picture of the girl. She looks a little like Inuyasha Kagome mused.
“Anyone go and pick her up from school?” The former priestess asked.
“Yeah but the receptionist said that a family friend picked her up,” Jack answered and sighed, “said that her father sent him to get her.”
“Well we know that that was a lie,” Kagome sighed, “get a description of the `family friend'?”
“White hair pulled back, golden contacts, and facial tattoos,” jack started, “a crescent moon on his forehead and two stripes on each cheek.”
Sound familiar Kagome thought and walked over to the phone, “I think I know who the friend is.”
“Who?” Her partner asked.
The phone in Kagome's apartment started ringing and Yin walked over to the noisy machine, “hello?”
“Is Sesshoumaru there?” Kagome asked after recovering from her shock at the fact that a woman was answering her phone.
“One second,” Yin answered and called for the dog demon.
“Hello?” Came his voice.
“What the hell are you doing with a woman in my apartment?!” Kagome screeched into the phone.
The former lord held the phone away from his ear as she yelled at him, “Priestess, she's in jr. High school.” This did not help the situation
“What?! You're more perverted than Miroku!!” She yelled into the speaker.
“Priestess!! Shut up for a minute!” He yelled over top of her own voice, “her father's dying wish was that I protect her.”
“Her father? I thought you were looking for Tetsaiga,” Kagome asked.
“Both were in the same place,” he replied.
“Wait that would mean...” she trailed off.
“Yes, her name is Yin Matsumoto and I'm her uncle,” the dog demon finished.
The priestess dropped the phone in shock and after a minute picked up the receiver again, “uncle?!”
“Yes, it surprised me as well when Inuyasha told me,” he answered, “honestly I was surprised that the half demon was still alive.”
“Why was he in Moe's house?” Kagome asked; fearing the answer.
“Because he was Moe,” Sesshoumaru answered.
Kagome was stunned and almost dropped the phone again, “why didn't he tell me?!”
“This conversation is best continued when you get home,” the former lord replied.
“Tell me!” She screamed into the phone making everyone in the station stare at her.
“No. This can be left until you return,” Sesshoumaru held firm and hung up when loud volume cursing assaulted his ears.
Jack stared at her for a moment before deciding to speak, “so, is Yin there?”
“Yeah, she's fine,' Kagome fell into her chair and sobbed “her uncle has her.”
“I thought that Mr. Nut didn't have any family,” Jack questioned.
“As it turns out, Moe was his younger brother. I didn't recognize him because of his appearance and the fact I believed him to be dead,” Kagome continued to sob.
Her partner sighed and laid a hand on her shoulder, “come on, I'll drive you home.”
The former priestess nodded, “alright,” and let Jack lead her to his car.
The dog demon sat on the couch with the laptop on his lap as he typed up more of his “King Nothing” series. Yin was beside him watching TV. “What are you writing?” She suddenly asked.
“The next chapter for my book,” he answered and glanced at her from the corner of his eye, “the next book in the `King Nothing' series.”
“You're King Nothing?” Yin asked in disbelief.
“I am,” the dog demon replied, “I keep my identity a secret because it would be troublesome for a demon to be famous.”
“Why?” The young half demon asked.
“Demons live for a very long time and humans are unaware that demons...a demon exists,” he answered, “it would reveal the fact that one still walks the Earth.”
Yin was quiet for a moment, “there are other demons you know.” Before Sesshoumaru could respond, Kagome walked in with tears still running down her face.
“Why?” She asked the moment the door closed behind her, “why didn't he tell me?!”
“He believed that you not knowing would make you happier than if you knew,” the dog demon replied.
“Why would he think that?” She muttered as she plopped down onto the couch.
“It is difficult to say,” the former lord replied.
“Why would that be?” Yin asked.
“Because he didn't say,” he responded. Yin sat there a blinked for a moment before it clicked that her uncle wouldn't say more on the subject. Come to think of it, even when he told me what happened to dad, he didn't tell me much. “It was more than likely because he wanted you to continue forward with your life instead of being focused on the past and being consumed by it,” he mused.
“Being consumed by the past?” Yin turned to stare at her uncle again.
“Yes, anyone incapable of leaving the past in the past will not be able to focus on the present. Getting a job, completing school, paying bills, and so on,” her uncle explained.
“Is that why you stopped me from mourning my father's death?” She asked.
“Partially; it is also in everyone's best interest if you keep to yourself who your father was and who I am,” he continued.
“Why?” The teen enquired.
“Whoever killed Inuyasha and attempted to kill me is still out there and this killer has also expressed an interest in our swords. Until we know who is responsible and why, silence is our only option,” he responded.
“So no telling my friends about you?” She asked and received a glare as her answer, “I'll take that as a no.”
“That idiot!” Kagome yelled suddenly.
Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow at her, “I agree she isn't bright but that's no reason to say it out loud.”
“Hey!” Yin shouted.
“You're not funny Sesshoumaru,” Kagome scolded.
“So I've been told,” he replied, “but really, you are the idiot, priestess.”
“What?!” She started yelling at him.
“The half breed did all he could to give you a happy life and here you are call him an idiot,” he sighed and leaned back in his seat on the couch.
“Inuyasha did that for me?” Kagome's eyes started watering.
“Dad was such a nice guy,” Yin's eyes began to water as well and both began to cry. The dog demon sighed and left the apartment to let the two cry in privacy.
“Honestly,” he sighed and sat on a park bench to gather his thoughts on how best to handle what was going on and how to handle it, “whoever did this is not working alone.” The demon stayed where he was sitting as what Yin said to him came back. “More demons,” he mused, unsure of how he felt about the idea. Long ago he had been more used to demon company than human but now it was different. After pretending to be human for so long, he had developed some human habits. Something else plagued him aside from if he would still fit into demon society, why hadn't he heard about this before now? “I suppose that question will just have to wait,” he muttered to himself when he saw two officers walking toward him. He sighed and waited for them to reach him.
“Mr. Takashiro?” One officer asked.
“Yes? This is me. What can I do for you?” He questions with a bored tone.
“We have some questions for you. We'd like for you to come with us,” the other officer informed. The dog demon stood up and followed them to the cop car. They arrived at the station and he was placed into the interrogation room. “We would like to ask you a few questions concerning Yin Matsumoto,” the officer stated.
“You brought me here for that?” He sighed and leaned back into the chair, “very well, let us get this over with.”
“Are you aware that her father's murdered body was found inside their flaming home?” The officer demanded.
“I had seen the fire and assumed the worst. I feared for her safety and pulled her from school,” he lied.
“Why would you fear for her safety?” Another officer asked.
“Houses don't catch fire like that by accident. Someone set the house ablaze,” he explained, “I assumed that whoever set the house on fire would want to make sure the entire family is dead.”
“Why didn't you take her back to your apartment then?” The officer raised an eyebrow.
“My apartment had been blown up. Officer Higurashi is an acquaintance of mine and so I'm staying there until I can find another place to live,” he explained somewhat irritated.
“How do you know Officer Higurashi?” The officer interrogated.
“Through my brother of course; they were dating at one time. We went our separate ways after he died. We met up again when I was being suspected of being an accomplice in a bank robbery gone wrong,” he answered impatiently. These questions were wearing on his nerves quickly.
“What had happened in that robbery?” The other officer questioned.
“Some fools decided to rob a bank I was in and I convinced them of how bad an idea it was to rob the bank,” he forced himself not to smirk at the memory.
The interrogation continued like that for hours until Sesshoumaru was fed up with answering questions and the police were content with the information they had gathered from him. The dog demon had even managed to convince them that Yin was his niece and he had truly believed his brother to be dead.
It was evening when he finally made it back to Kagome's apartment. “Where have you been?!” Kagome demanded.
“I had been collecting my thoughts in a park when some of your coworkers decided to question me about Yin,” he sighed and snatched a slice of pizza from the box the priestess and the half demon were sitting around.
“Help yourself,” Yin muttered under her breath.
“I have managed to convince them that I am her uncle and I had been unaware of my brother's survival until the day of his death,” he ignored Yin's comment and took a bite from the pizza.
“That's good. At least now you won't have to go to a foster home, Yin,” Kagome smiled at the girl who was stunned at the feat her uncle had pulled.
“Yeah...” She trailed off, “how did you manage to do that?!”
“I was once lord of the West. There is very little I can't talk my way out of,” he explained and finished the slice of pizza.
A few days had passed and Sesshoumaru had finally settled on a house. The dog demon decided a yard was required to train his niece how to properly fight. The priestess stared at the empty house, “what in the hell are you two going to do about furniture?!” Kagome asked, shocked that neither of them had foreseen this.
“It is arriving with the hour, be patient, priestess,” Sesshoumaru scolded like he would a child, “I do have the ability to think ahead. I purchased furniture while you were at work and have instructed the company to ship it here.”
“What about movers?” The former priestess reminded before she realized how stupid that sounded. One full grown full demon and one half demon minor were more than capable of moving heavy furniture.
“You forget easily what I am,” he sighed. It did sometimes get on his nerves how quickly Kagome forgot who he was and what he was capable of.
“Yeah,” she trailed of and headed off to work just as the truck showed up with his furniture the demon had bought. I bet he hasn't had to use that much money in a while she thought and chuckled lightly.
The two demons got to work carrying the furniture to their designated rooms, “you haven't explained to me why you're a half demon,” Sesshoumaru commented.
“My mother wasn't Kikyo if that's what you mean,” Yin answered as she placed her new bed in her new bedroom, “Kikyo was dad's first wife. Dad married again after she died, my mom was a half demon just like dad.”
“Why didn't you contact her after Inuyasha died?” He asked as he placed the table where he wanted it.
“My parents divorced when I was little. Dad won custody and we moved from America to Japan not long after. I wrote to my mom and never got a reply. Dad even had some friends look for her back home but she had skipped out in the middle of the night,” she explained, “no one knows where my mother is and even if they did, I would still choose to live with you.”
Sesshoumaru stopped and lifted an eyebrow as her, “you would choose me over the woman who birthed you?”
“My dad divorced my mom for my sake. Mom had taken up drugs and alcohol and dad refused to have me growing up in that environment,” Yin shrugged, “besides, even before she got stoned out of her head she wasn't much of a mother. I don't think mom even really loved dad I think she did it to increase her social status.”
“How could being married to a half demon increase her social status?” That one truly perplexed the former lord.
“He was born in the feudal era; one of the few still alive that was. It's a big deal,” Yin answered, “the worst part is, dad really did love her.” The half demon looked over at her uncle to see him silent in though. “You ever marry?” She finally asked.
“I was married once. We even had a daughter” he replied and set the couch where he wanted it, “they both died a long time ago.” Yin could tell by the tone of his voice that he didn't want to talk anymore on the subject.
“So, why did you decide to call yourself King Nothing?” She asked.
Late in the evening Kagome returned just in time to see her apartment being cleared out, before she could even ask what was going on, the entire building collapsed. “I'm in no mood to deal with this tonight,” she groaned and got back into her car and drove to Sesshoumaru's. The former priestess knocked on the door to have Sesshoumaru answer is. “I need a place to sleep,” she sighed.
The dog demon was silent as he figured out what had happened. He stepped aside to allow her to enter, “we do not have a third bed but the couch is available.”
“You're not going to ask what happened?” Kagome stared at him.
“It does not take a genius to figure out that your home was targeted,” he replied and tossed her a bag with a sheet in it, “if you are going to stay, I will have to finish furnishing the house sooner than expected.”
“Sorry for being such an inconvenience,” she grumbled.
“It's quite alright. I'm quite used to the inconveniences imposed on me by humans,” he replied and walked to the foot of the stairs.
“Jackass,” she mumbled.
“Language Priestess, there are women present,” he scolded and walked up the stairs.
Kagome blinked and realized Yin sitting in front of the couch doing homework, “hey!!”
Sorry it took so long to update! I kept writing and rewriting the chapter. I just wasn't happy with what I had written. I'm still not entirely happy with this chapter hopefully, I'll be happier with the next one.