InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ King & Queen ❯ Superstar Date ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

King 7 Inu-Ome?
Inuyasha was at a local radio station just sitting around doing nothing. Kikyou had tyoaken on herself to schedule inuyasha all week with promotions and goodwill crap to the local radio stations in order to promote his already 5x Platinum selling recent album. He had gotten kagome to agree to an date but his annoying manager if getting in the way.
“So takadda are the rumors true are you tapping that?” The radio host said breaking Inuyasha's concentration. He look back at the radio host about to go pumble him for talking about her like that.
“Naw, I don't know where these rumors are coming from me and Higurashi are just friends through work and even if I was I wouldent tell you that she is a real classy woman” Inuyasha shot back glaring at the host causing fear to run up the host's spine. Inuyasha was legendary for his fighting ability he beat up three DJ's there possy's and the manager for saying the wrong thing once and from then on everyone knew not to fuck with him.
“Ok never mind her then . Let's talk about something that's in the obvious. Naraku has released another track dissing you have you heard it?”The host was a very brave one for bringing up inuyasha's rap war with Naraku Namura (Think 2pac v Biggie or Game v 50 Cent if you don't know who they are ….kill yourself)
“Na I don't listing to anything unless it's over wood record sells “Inuyasha laughed causing the DJ and the host to burst out laughing. The interview went on for about another half hour than inuyasha went out to take a quick break from the action. He picked up his phone and called his manager.
“Hello?” Kikyou cringed knowing inuyasha was very annoyed
“I Better not half to do anymore damn interviews or I will fire you and make sure I ruin you!!!!” Inuyasha grawled into the phone
“no yo---“ *click
`stupid bitch `
Inuyasha then walked back in to the room and finished his interview. After saying goodbye to the host and dj with the acustum male fist bump he then walked out the studio back to his limo where he was mugged by hundreds of his fans he smiled and signed a few autographs and took a few pictures with the ones that let him live his incredibly blessed lifestyle. He got into the limo and rolled up the window.
“Myoga drive to the docks” Inuyasha orderd
“Yes sir, if I may why? Sir” The old man stated looking back through the mirror.
“ I wanna go visit my mom” Inuyasha said looking through the window at the passing cars and people.
He was interrupted by his cell blaring in his pant pocket.He had got a text message from his new found lady friend kagome.
Just work friends inu? I thought we had something special? lol -Kagome
Inuyasha laughed the text and began writing
I didn't know if I could tell him that we are seeing each other yet .-Inuyasha
A few seconds later he recived another text
Of course it is inu. But it's not really seeing each other if you haven't taken me out like you promised! -Kagome
Inuyasha immediately felt guilty at her comment and began contemplating on where to take her out to he had a few idea's but she was extremely wealth and one of the most beautiful women in the world so their wasn't much men hadn't tried on her.
I am trying my damn manager is scheduling me to every radio station in the country inorder to promote my cd . -Inuyasha
He then thought of the perfect idea and instantly started to text her.
Do you have anything to do tonight?-Inuyasha
He waited a few seconds and she texted right back.
Yea I'm at the studio right now recording that's why I didn't call you but I can get away at 9 ? -Kagome
He sightlently jumped inside and gave the fist pump and texted back.
Ok ill pick you up at the entrance to the studio at 9.-Inuyasha
Ok bye inu see you at 9 ;) -kagome
Inuyasha laughed at the text and put his cell in his pocket.
We are here sir, and here are the roses you asked for while you where in your interview” myoga said handing the beautiful boque of flowers to inuyasha. He grabed them and unlocked the door and got out the door. There was a small cemetery next to the docks inuyasha had his mother moved and reburied to this one because the other one was unbecoming and really run down and his memory of his mother had been she loved the ocean and he as a good son would do gave his mother everything he could. Inuyasha walked about 5 minutes and came upon her grave site laid the flowers on her tombstone.
“Hey mom” inuyasha said as he kissed his fingers and placed his hand on the stone.
“I brought you new flowers pink roses just like you like” He said with a small painful smile.
“I found a girl . I really like her” Inuyasha smiled. The wind picked up and inuyasha herd some chimes in the background and a gental gale kissed his face.
“Yea yea I wont blow it this time” He sighed. The wind picked up and the chimes became more gental with the gale slightly glancing his ears. (Human ears . sorry no demons in this fic).
“I gotta go mom I got to pick her up at 9 she is real beautiful and kind with some moxy to her., she reminds me of you” the wind picked up with a sense of excitement and as if to scoot him along. Inuyasha kissed the stone again and left his mother. He walked back to the limo and had myoga step on it back home.
Kagome was so bored at the studio session. She had been there for about three hours they had most of the work done. She glanced at the clock and it was approaching nine . She was impatiently waiting for her producers to say the album was finished so she get ready to see inuyasha.
`fuck it' as she got up and sneaked out the door. They where so into the music they dident see her slly past them. She then made a break for her dressing room and closed the door quietly. She then changed as fast as she could into her jeans and plain white blouse and putting a scarf around her neck . She quickly tied her hair into a loose messy bun and put some eye liner and lipstick on.she looked into the mirror and and smiled.
`I clean up very nice ` it was almost 8:55 and she had to get to the bottom of the building. She opened the door slightly to make sure everything was clear once she decided everything was safe she made a break for it. Kagome passed through the door of the building and was meet by inuyasha leaning on his lime green Lamborghini his eyes staring into her chocolate orbs. She slightly blushed and walked up to him .
“took you long enough “ inuyasha smirked as he looked at the most beautiful creature he had ever laid eyes on.
`I must have her' his mind roared refusing anything less than her. Kagome looked at inuyasha and stuck her tongue out at him and hugged him kissing him with a friendly peck on the cheek. Inuyasha returned the hug and opened the door for her and watched her bend over to get in the car.Her butt was memzmorizing it hypnotized inuyasha causing him to want to grab it so bad he could feel his body scream for her touch. He dident notice his hand creap near her rear aching for a slight touch . He groaned as he caught his hand and forced it down. as if his own body was calling him a traitor. inuyasha closed her door shut and with a hint of disappointment he got in the driver side . Kagome smiled at him and simply tilted her head and with a sly smile she looked at the very gorgeous superstar.
"what ?" Is all inuyasha could muster .
"nothing.. so where are we going?" Kagome said as she stretched getting some of the webs out of her body.
"Its a surprise " he smirked and they zoomed off.
---+++++++---------------- an hour later--+++
inuyasha and Kagome where laughing in the roller coaster ride at the local fair ( do they call them fairs in Japan?) . Kagome groped tighter on inuyasha's shirt as she closed her eyes at the sharp turn . Inuyasha noticed her grip and warped one of his arms around her waist . The two were fully disguised and no one could who they were they enjoyed it that way it was just the two of them. Kagome felt a little woozie as she got of the coaster causing inuyasha to laugh as he graded the beauty and let her lean on to him. The couple stood still as if time it self had stops for them . Kagome slowly looked at inuyasha seeing only his golden eyes looking at her with nothing but interest and care. he couldn't help but stare into her chocolate orbs and noticed how it complimented her cream colored skin and how on earth did he get this angel this close to him. she was frozen she couldn't do anything but keep her gaze on him ,his eyes were a drug and she was the junkie . A small pink blush cover her cheeks as she tried to speak.
"inu.." was all she could say before she felt warm lips on hers making her throw the rest of her thoughts to the wind and warp her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. He captured her and she didn't even put up a fight you couldn't fight this she thought. you could only submit to love.
AN haven't been in the mood as of late to wright but just got an app on my phone and I can make documents on it so when I get the inspiration I can wright. I re wrote this chap like 3 times even erased one where the did it hehe . but that would be way to easy and Kagome is not a easy woman. I've also been reading a lot of fics. ReView plz