InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ King & Queen ❯ Plan in Action ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

King 6 Plan in action----
I don't own inuyasha
It had been a few weeks since the situation at the club and both superstars were blissfully unaware of the huge stir that was created because of their run in. It was the talk of Japan with huge amounts of papazai trying to get a picture of the two. News stations were reporting that they had been high school lovers and some other rumors. Kagome was continuing work on her upcoming album with a few of her favorite producers.
“So kagome got a date with takadda tonight?” They laughed as the beautiful raven haired woman sharply turned her mic and gave them the figure as she seamlessly continued with her chorus. A few seconds later the song was over and she exited the booth. Throwing her hair pin at her producer causing him to laugh and throw a piece of paper back.
“Why does everyone think I'm going out with him? DAMN paparazzi!!” as she slumped into a chair
“Anyway the chorus is rock solid the only thing that is wrong is that I think it's too short. We can add a feature or do you want to add a verse?” scratching his head and pushing a few nobs.
“Ugh please don't make me do another one Shippo. I'm beat and we are almost done “Kagome whimpered giving her best impression of the puppy dog eyes.
“Ok ill talk to the heads and see if we can get someone to add a verse.” Shippo grinned knowing the perfect candidate. With that kagome hugged him and left the studio and headed down to see the execs of her cd. She was the flagship artist of Shikon Records and mostly R&B recording label. She loved the building it was full of marble walls and a ridiculous amount of platinum and gold records. She passed a few lablemates and wished them luck then entering the head honcho's office. Who was currently on his cell but after noticing kagome he quickly got off and got up to greet the young beauty.
“So Shippo says you want a feature huh?” He laughed as he guided her to her seat.
“Umm yea…. I'm sorry I'm just exhausted “she mustered out.
“Ok anyone in particular?” As the exec took out a pen to write the names.
“Kouga? Or maybe Sango they are awesome R&B singers and there doing well in the market “
“….. Maybe but how about something more exciting kag's …. Now just go with me how about takadda?”
“WHAT!! Do you mean inuyasha takadda? He's not even R&B he's a rapper!” She said with disbelief as if everything in the universe was going wrong and forcing her to meet with HIM!
“Kagome if people hear him on your record it will generate a huge buzz! And plus with you two being the talk of the town already it couldn't hurt.”
“But ……”
“No buts kagome either he is on it or you make another verse” he glared warning his artist to obey.
“…FINE! But I want to be there when he does his verse so he doesn't say anything stupid and I want final say if it goes on the song!”
“Done” the exec sighed at the compromise and picking up the phone.
Kikyou couldn't believe who just called her it was infuriating! She had just gotten off the phone with Shikon records and they wanted inuyasha to do a verse on “THAT BITCHES SONG!” she roared as she collapsed on her desk. After a few hits on the hard wood and a slight head ache she picked up her phone to call her agent.
“Pick up you bastd...uhnf”
“Hello? ……who you calling a basterd bitch!” inuyasha yelled making Kikyou flinch away from the phone.
“Shut up so I just got off the phone with Shikon records and they want you to do a verse for their artist as a feature.”
“Ok how much are they willing to pay me? And who's song”
“500,000 and its Higurashi's “she breathed out almost with her lunch.
“Done, when do we start recording” Inuyasha said before she could even finish causing hair to come undone from her head.
“Tomorrow if you can”
“Alright *Crash* err”
“What the hell is that? “Kikyou asked confused as hell.
“Umm remember last night when I went to that party?? “ He mumbled as if trying not to answer.
“What did you do?” She sighed and grabbed out a check book for the inevitable bill.
“I kinda went to the zoo and stole a tiger” He laughed the last word
“YOU DID WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!” as she jumped up from her chair.
“Yea well nice talking to you to. And tomorrow at Shikon? I got it bye”*click and with that inuyasha hung up and ran towards the feline trying to figure out a way to get it back in the box. Struggling to figure out how he got it to his house in the first place.
“Damn I need to lay off the juice.” As he ran before the feline could swipe at him.
`So tomorrow I get to see her again? Good maybe I can make a good impression.” he smiled to himself.
--------The Next Day----------------------
Kagome was impatiently walking back and forth in her studio with her producers and her executive waiting for the overpriced airhead to arrive.
“He's late” She puffed
“Yea but he will be here “Shippo said trying to calm kagome down. He handed her some chocolate which usually did the job and made her calm down however this time it had no effect and she just swiped it away.
`Alright time to bring in the heavy guns hehe' Shippo mischievously grinned. He reached in his back pack for something he knew kagome couldn't resist. The item caught her eye making her swiftly turn her head and gleam with happiness.
“A CRAPE!!!! YUMMIE” As she snatched the goodies and went to town on it. Everyone stared at the massacre that was taking place.
“Take it easy “The executive laughed. The group waited about 5 more minutes just then the speaker phone buzzed and a woman's voice rang out.
“Takadda has arrived, I am sending him up” and with that the three got up and walked to the elevator to greet the rap icon.
*Ding and the doors opened reveling the golden eyed god that tested kagome's patients. Even she was struck back at his appearance he was wearing a red hoodie and some jeans and a white muscle shirt. Pretty simple but on him it worked.
`What the..? Freaks `inuyasha laughed inside as he walked up to the group and reached out his hand.
“Greeting takadda on behalf of Shikon Records we would like to greet you” the executive taking and shacking inuyasha's hand. Inuyasha smiled and greeted the man.
“It's always a pleasure to work with great artist like Higurashi and I'm honored you chose me to be featured” as he glanced at the gorgeous starlet to his side. She was wearing some low cut jeans that showed off her amazing hips and sexy long legs and bubblicous butt. Her shirt was midcut and showed a little cleavage but however it was very classy. This woman did deserve the title of most beautiful and no one could argue.
“Hai thank you for taking time out of your schedule to help me with my song” She said not daring to look him in his eyes. He noticed the slight blush on her cheeks his comments must have worked. The group then went into the studio where inuyasha listened to the song and came to a quick conclusion.
“You have a beautiful voice and the chorus is great I don't know why I am needed” Inuyasha smiled at kagome making her blush further and turn away from him. After a few more times of analyzing the song inuyasha began to write down some lyrics and within 15 minutes he had a few verses that he handed to kagome and the executive.
“Umm do you think we can hear verse 1 and 3?” Kagome whispered
`Get a grip he just a guy that was an ass last time you meet him” regaining some composure was extremely difficult with him saying all those things and looking as sexy as he was. He simply oozed sex and kagome was catching herself wanting some of that.
“Sure “as he took off his hoodie and walked into the booth. It didn't take long for kagome to be mesmerized by his voice and the complex wordplay that just somehow went together to make her go into a trance the verse was amazing and so was the artist she knew her agents plan wasn't going to work out because of one thing …..
`Get him to fall for you ...' was Kenji's words however he didn't count on her falling for him. Kagome made inuyasha do a few more verses just because she wanted to hear his voice more it was so soothing to her she had the verse she wanted already but to her it didn't matter as long as he stayed in that booth it was fine.
-------------------------A few hours later--------------------
“Thank you so much takadda” Kagome said as she bowed to inuyasha.
“Call me inuyasha please I don't like being so formal after all I'm a hoodlum “He laughed as he put his hoodie back on,
“Oi… I'm so sorry for hitting you at the club “she said as she reached up and grazed his cheek then quickly realizing what she had done backing her hand off. He caught it and brung it up to his mouth and placed a sweet kiss on her hand. Kagome could barley hold in the slight gasp she had.
“I was out of line ... I usually know how to treat beautiful woman better” he smiled as he released her hand. The two looked in each other's eyes .Inuyasha was adrift in her beautiful chocolate swirls he couldn't take his eyes off she was `too beautiful'.
“So I guess we are an item in the press “he smirked
“Yea ... umm I guess we brought it on our selves” with a giggle escaping her lips.
“Well since that is going on …. Umm err... Well would you like to go out sometime maybe?”
`O great what are you in high school?' he groaned in his head as he put an imaginary gun to his head and pulled the trigger. Kagome again giggle at his cute comment.
“I would love to, here is my number” She smiled and wrote her number in his palm. He loved the feel of her touch even if was just on his hand it was soothing and felt somewhat secure as if he could let her in his heart.
It's what I promised my longest chap so far. WHOOHOO WE got a date!!!! Please review if anyone wants me to add songs into the story just shoot me a few songs and I'll try to fit them in!
And to all my reviewers I do appreciate your input!!