InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kirara's First Experience ❯ Run Away to a Better Place ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hello! Pari's back! Okay. This sounds like a strange fic I know but you'll under stand soon.

Disclaimer: Nope not mine. So quite torturing me already!

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Sango watched her little chibi-Kirara. Kirara tossed and turned in her sleep and meowed occasionally. Sango sat up from her sleeping spot on the ground next to Miroku and gently picked Kirara up. Sango held Kirara close to her and gently rocked her and hummed softly to her.

"Kirara," Sango whispered, "What's wrong, Kirara?"

Inuyasha's ears twitched when he heard Sango's voice. `What's wrong, Kirara?!' he thought. Inuyasha opened his eyes and watched Sango rocking Kirara from his spot in a tree. Kirara seemed to be in a nightmare and Sango was trying to calm her. Inuyasha looked to the sky. The sun was beginning to rise. He heard Kirara's meow's stop and Sango settle back down on the ground. Inuyasha turned and saw Sango had Kirara resting on her chest. `Probably so Kirara can hear her heartbeat and stay calm,' he thought. Inuyasha sniffed the air and caught something strange in the air. However, he couldn't identify it. `Strange. It's almost familiar,' he thought. He shrugged it off and closed his eyes again.

Few hours pass and Shippo already has bumps on his head from Inuyasha, Inuyasha has already been sat a few times, Miroku has groped Sango, and Sango has knocked him out with her boomerang. Kirara sat off to the side watching everyone and…panting? To Kirara she seemed on fire. (A/N Strange for a fire neko huh?) Kirara went over to the lake the group had slept by and lapped up some of the cold water. Sango noticed this.

"Kirara? Are you okay?" she asked.

"Meow!" Kirara replied and jumped into Sango's arms and nuzzled her neck.

The group set off. They ate lunch at noon after Kagome sat Inuyasha and promised Ramen. After Kagome sensed two jewel shards. The group headed after them only to come across a battle between Koga and his two companions and five fire nekos like Kirara only the colors were reversed.

"Koga! Are you okay?" Kagome asked.

Koga looked over to Kagome.

"Yeah. I'm just fine. Don't worry, love, I'll be done in a second!" Koga said.

Kagome blushed while Inuyasha got mad.

"She's not your love! She's not yours period!" he yelled.

Koga grunted and turned back to the fire neko. But they didn't seem to notice him. They were sniffing the air and looking at Kirara. Kirara bristled and growled. The five nekos roared at her. Kirara stopped growling and cocked her head. Everyone watched.

"What's happening?" Sango asked.

"I honestly don't know," Miroku said.

Koga sniffed the air and started gagging. Inuyasha did the same and wound up gagging and coughing on the ground.

"What? Inuyasha! Are you okay?" Kagome asked.

"Oh, that's just wrong!" Koga yelled.

"What?" Shippo asked sniffing, "What's that weird smell?"

Koga ignored him and waved a fist at the fire nekos, "You don't start a fight with me and then start getting aroused at the very first neko female you see!"

The five fire nekos growled at him before walking towards Kirara. Kirara bristled again and growled. She jumped off Sango and transformed. The flames engulfing her as she did so. Battle form Kirara roared at the five other fire nekos. They growled and crouched down as if readying themselves for a battle. Kirara looked at each one and crouched down as well. Inuyasha got between all of them with Tetsusaiga ready.

"Back off!" he growled.

The five nekos looked at him and sniffed. The leader took a step back before leaping at Inuyasha. Koga jumped in.

"Hey!" Inuyasha yelled.

"This is my fight dog-turd!" Koga yelled back punching the leader.

"Yeah! Well now it's mine!" Inuyasha said leaping at the other four.

Kirara watched them closely. Sango put a hand on her shoulder.

"It's okay, Kirara. Inuyasha will take care of them," Sango said.

"Poor Kirara," Kagome whispered to Miroku, "Those other nekos might have hurt her if Inuyasha and Koga weren't here."

"Do you think what Koga said was true? About those other nekos getting aroused because of Kirara?" Miroku asked.

"Why?" Kagome asked.

"Because it makes me wonder what age Kirara is. Perhaps she has reached the age of mating in her species. She could be in heat," Miroku said glancing at Kirara with Sango hugging her. "Sango?"

"Yes, houshi-sama?" Sango asked glancing back.

"How long have you had Kirara?" Miroku asked.

Kirara looked back at the sound of her name.

Inuyasha and Koga were still cussing at each other and fighting the other nekos.

"Since my father starting training me for youkai hunting which was…when I was five," Sango said pondering.

"How old was she then?" Miroku asked.

"A year old. Why do you ask, houshi-sama?" Sango asked.

"There's a good chance Kirara may beginning to go through heat. She may be at her species age for mating," Miroku said.

Kirara's eyes widened briefly. Before she sniffed towards the other nekos. Inuyasha had just thrown the last of them and they decided they had enough. All five ran off. The leader looked back briefly at Kirara. Inuyasha walked over and Koga joined him. Kirara transformed back to her chibi-form.

"What the hell was that about?" Inuyasha asked.

"Beats the hell out of me," Koga said.

Miroku stepped in," I assume you're talking about their sudden interest in Kirara?"

"Hell yeah!" Inuyasha said.

"Miroku thinks she might be in her beginning stages of heat," Kagome said.

"Wait a minuet," Inuyasha said picking Kirara up and sniffing her. He quickly pulled away, "So that's what I smelled this morning when I woke up to Sango cuddling Kirara when Kirara was having a nightmare."

"You…woke up to that?" Sango asked shyly.

"Yeah. I was half asleep when I heard `what's wrong, Kirara'. I thought I missed something and we all were in danger," Inuyasha said.

"Oh," Sango said.

"So my theory is correct? Kirara is in heat?" Miroku asked.

"Seems that way," Inuyasha said.

"Hey, dog-turd, maybe you could claim her and let me take my woman," Koga said.

Inuyasha got red, "Why you!"

Kirara wiggled out of Inuyasha's grasp and started walking away.

"Kirara?" Sango said and started after her.

Kirara stopped, "Meow!"

Kirara shook her head and ran away.

"Kirara!" Sango yelled.

"Relax, Sango. She may need some time to herself," Miroku said.

"Yeah. From what I here, heat's not exactly the best time you can go through. Lucky for her I think she only gets it twice a year while humans get it every month," Inuyasha said.

Koga sniffed, "Speaking of which," he said with a smirk looking at Kagome.

Kagome turned bright red and turned around walking away. Inuyasha caught on and started swiping at Koga while he ran away.

Kirara transformed again and ran faster and climbed up into the air. She growled at any demon that took an interest in her. The sun was nearing the horizon when she finally landed by a lake. She turned chibi again and laid next to the water lapping some up. She was on fire again and it was only getting hotter.

Rin ran towards the lake with Jaken yelling at her trailing behind.

"You stupid human! Sesshomaru-sama will kill me if you get lost! Get back here!" Jaken yelled.

Rin giggled and looked back, "Catch me if you can, Jaken-sama!"

Rin made it to the lake where she saw Kirara lapping up the water. Kirara looked up and cocked her head at Rin. Then bristled when she saw Jaken. She had come to learn that Jaken usually hung around Sesshomaru, the great inu-youkai that happened to be Inuyasha's I-hate-you-Inuyasha-so-die older brother. Kirara did not want to have to face the older, taller, and much stronger demon.

"Hi, kitty. I'm Rin," Rin said approaching Kirara.

Jaken squawked, "Stupid human. That's a wild fire neko! Those are dangerous! Get away before you get us both killed. If not by that thing then by Sesshomaru-sama!"

"Sh, Jaken-sama. It doesn't look like its' going to hurt us. Are you, kitty?" Rin asked.

Kirara shook her head and sat down by the lake's edge. She allowed Rin to get close. Rin reached out a hand a Kirara sniffed it. Kirara bristled slightly when she smelt Sesshomaru on Rin but allowed Rin to pet her. Kirara figured Sesshomaru kept Rin as a servant so she traveled with him and most likely held his stuff so that would explain his scent on her. Kirara purred when Rin picked her up, still petting her. Rin heard Jaken squawk. Rin looked behind her.

"Sesshomaru-sama!" Rin yelled.

Rin ran over to Sesshomaru with Kirara dangling in her arms. Sesshomaru peered down at Kirara. He noticed she bristled when Rin brought her near him.

"Jaken?" Sesshomaru said.

"H-Hai M'lord?"

"Why is Rin holding the pet of one of the humans my half-brother travels with?" Sesshomaru asked.

"Y-you mean it's not a wild fire neko?"

Jaken's reply was a sift kick into the nearest tree. Rin looked at Sesshomaru with adoring eyes not noticing Kirara bristled when Sesshomaru recognized her.

"Sesshomaru-sama? You don't hate the kitty do you? I think she's nice and pretty," Rin said cuddling Kirara who was softly growling.

To Rin it sounded like she was still purring but Sesshomaru's ears could tell better. Sesshomaru sniffed Kirara. `Interesting,' he thought.

"Rin. Leave the…kitty with me and go with Jaken and Ah-Un to get firewood," Sesshomaru said holding out his hand for Kirara.

"Hai, M'lord," Rin said and happily handed Kirara over.

Rin quickly grabbed Ah-Un's reins and Jaken had to race after her. Sesshomaru held Kirara by the back of her neck to his face. He sniffed her again. Kirara bristled and growled much louder now that Rin was gone.

"A challenge, young one? You wouldn't survive in this state. You'd want to be dominated to much to actually fight for your life," Sesshomaru said.

Kirara stopped growling and her fur smoothed back out.


Sesshomaru gave a slight chuckle, "I've known plenty of demons who have had fire nekos as pets. I know you're in heat, little one. It's your first time in heat as well from the smell. That would explain your loneliness out here. You felt you should get away from your friends but you don't know why since, I'm assuming, you were raised by the taijya. Correct?"

Kirara nodded. Sesshomaru took her over to the lakeside and sat her down gently and sat crossed legged next to her. Kirara watched him not quite sure what to do. She was still on fire and it was getting hotter. She was sure her scent was getting stronger with it. Sesshomaru glanced at her.

"You're near the peak of your cycle. You'll soon see why you felt the urge to leave your friends behind," Sesshomaru said.

Sesshomaru stood and backed away from Kirara. Kirara felt the heat in her grow to heightened levels. Flames engulfed Kirara and only grew. Sesshomaru could only hear Kirara's growls and roars as the flames consumed her.

"You're almost there, little one. Don't fight it," Sesshomaru said.

Kirara's roars grew louder before the flames flashed out once and died all together. Now where Kirara once was stood a beautiful demoness. She had waist long, wavy cream color hair like Kirara's fur, fire red eyes, pointed ears, claws, fangs, and Kirara's two tails. Sesshomaru silently approved her form before Kirara began to fall down from exertion and the new experience of being on human legs. Sesshomaru made sure she fell into his awaiting arm and helped her down to the ground. Kirara started shaking.

"Calm down, little one. I won't hurt you," Sesshomaru said.

Kirara stilled instantly, "W-w-why?" she whispered.

"Hmm. Your first word. Much better than I thought you would do. Why won't I hurt you? You're a youkai and a strong one. Even though you do seem to be rather inexperience when fighting in your true form. Now I doubt you have to worry about that," Sesshomaru said.

Kirara looked up at him questionably. `Must not know the words to ask or is just to tired,' he thought.

"Now that you've gone through the change you'll be able to go through it whenever you want. You also can stay in this form for long periods of time like myself," Sesshomaru said.

Kirara nodded her head a snuggled Sesshomaru's chest. He held her tightly bringing her closer. `Yes. Neko or not she'll make a great fighter. She'll probably rival even my own in strength and power,' he thought. Sesshomaru shortly had to kick Jaken into a tree again before sending him for some cloths for Kirara and had to explain to Rin that her kitty was now the beautiful demoness he held in his arm. The nameless, beautiful, demoness in his arm. `I never paid attention to her name before and now she's to tired and inexperience with words to tell me. Maybe I'll see Inuyasha just to see if he'll tell me her name or train her to use words and hope she'll be able to say her name without hearing it from Rin and myself,' he thought before settling in for the night. Kirara snuggled in his embrace and Rin snuggled next to his leg. Jaken wouldn't return until morning so Sesshomaru had to cover Kirara's exposed skin with his fluffy boa.