InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kirara's First Experience ❯ Kirara's Kidnapped! ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chappie two! Yea!!!! Okay! I think I'm done…yeah…I'm done.

Disclaimer: I won't say it! Why? Because you already know it! So you say it!

You don't own Inuyasha!

Gee! Thanks! Can't you people tell I was being sarcastic?!!!!!!!! Oh well.

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Kirara woke up to someone holding her closely. At first she thought it was Sango but upon sniffing the person Kirara remembered what happened the night before and that she was snuggled within the embrace of Inuyasha's older brother Sesshomaru. She quickly opened her eyes and peered up at him. Sesshomaru was leaning against a tree with his eyes closed. Kirara knew enough demons to know he wasn't asleep. She prayed he would let her go when she tried to sit up and move away.

Kirara pushed Sesshomaru's boa off from her and his arm. Sesshomaru growled and held Kirara to him. Kirara frowned and growled back at Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru smirked and opened his eyes.

"No fighting me, little one. Stay until Jaken returns with clothing for you. While you didn't have to worry before it is indecent to walk around naked," Sesshomaru said.

Kirara huffed and crossed her arms. Sesshomaru almost laughed. Almost. Kirara sniffed the air in search of these `clothes' Sesshomaru was so insist she wear. She wanted nothing more to get out of the taiyoukai's grasp. She was afraid to say the least. She hoped he could control himself around her heat stage until she could transform back and return to Sango. She didn't know why but she felt ashamed that these three knew about her change and that she shouldn't let anyone else know. She'd have to ask him somehow since he knew about it before she did.

"S-S-Ses-sho-ma-ru?" Kirara stuttered out.

"Hmm?" Sesshomaru said.

"W-why d-i-d I ch-ch-an-ge?"

Sesshomaru was impressed she was learning to speak on her own. He felt she should at least know, "Fire neko heritage is very secretive. By nature they never let anyone know about themselves. You probably feel ashamed about Rin, Jaken, and myself knowing about this, correct?"

Kirara nodded.

"Nekos never let anyone know of their change. Your natural instincts are telling you this. You can over come it. I can help you…if you wish?"

"Th-ank y-o-u," Kirara said.

"I'm impressed that you learned to speak so quickly. Could you tell me your name?"

"Ki-Ki-ra-ra…Ki-rara," she said.


Kirara nodded.

"Pretty. Suits you," Sesshomaru said.

"Thank…you," Kirara said.

"You're getting stronger with words I see. Good. At least I won't have to teach you," Sesshomaru said.

Kirara nodded and sniffed again. She smelt the toad coming closer. Sesshomaru sniffed as well.

"I see. Jaken is here with your clothes. Then you can remove yourself from my grasp as I'm sure you were planning to do since you woke up," Sesshomaru said.

Kirara blushed. Sesshomaru's hand came up to touch her face.

"You look so cute when you're blushing," he said stoking her cheek.

Kirara leaned into the touch. Sesshomaru's hand moved to scratch behind her ears. Kirara started purring. Sesshomaru could smell her arousal. He leaned into her neck and lightly nibbled. `She's so beautiful,' he thought. Kirara felt something hard underneath her. Back at Sango's village she sat on to many men's laps at the wrong times to know what Sesshomaru wanted and what the hardness requested from her. She silently prayed Jaken would hurry up or Rin would wake up.


Thank Kami!

Sesshomaru moved away from Kirara's neck when Jaken finally made it into the clearing. He growled lowly at Jaken.

"Do you have her clothes, Jaken?" he bit out.

"Y-yes M-M'lord," Jaken said coming over with the cloth in his arms.

"Kirara, take them from Jaken," Sesshomaru said.

Kirara reached out and took the clothes from Jaken and Sesshomaru stood up taking Kirara into the woods. Kirara tensioned in Sesshomaru's arm. Sesshomaru stopped briefly.

"Jaken, wake Rin up. I need not tell you the consequences should she wake up screaming, crying, or if you hurt her," Sesshomaru said before disappearing into the woods with Kirara.

Sesshomaru set Kirara down by the lake. Kirara held the cloth in front of her.

"Change here," he said and stood back.

Sesshomaru never turned away. Kirara growled at him.

"What? You didn't have a problem before about running around naked," he said.

Kirara's glare said And-you-had-to-keep-me-covered-so-turn-around! Sesshomaru snorted and turned for Kirara. Kirara pulled the cloth from her body and gazed at it. It was a small red kimono. She guessed that it would end around the area she had seen Kagome's end. Kirara slipped the fabric around her body and tied it with the small red sash that came with it. Kirara's sleeves went lower than the dress it's self. It more or less looked like Inuyasha's top outer kimono only made to fit Kirara's curves and it fit nicely. Every one of her curves were outlined. When her arms were down her hands disappeared under the sleeves. She kind of liked it all though she wished the kimono came at least below her knees. They barely went over the tops of her upper thighs. No way was she going to survive her heat stage in this thing. Every demon within a mile radius would be seeking her out.

"O-o…kay," Kirara said.

Sesshomaru turned around and gasped. `Could Jaken get it any smaller! That bastard could at least smell that she was in heat and didn't need to encourage any more demons then those that already were after her,' he thought. He mind would've taken a murderous route if he weren't preoccupied with Kirara's legs. He believed Kirara's rivaled those of Inuyasha's miko wench. She was the only other person he knew to walk around in such a short kimono and now Kirara would be. He hoped the other demons would think he had laid claim to her and not bother his little group.


"Rin," Sesshomaru said turning as the little girl burst through the bushes.

"Human! Get back here!" Jaken yelled running after her.

Rin attached herself to Sesshomaru's leg and he patted her head. Jaken stopped five feet from Sesshomaru and started panting. Rin let go of Sesshomaru and went over to Kirara.

"Hi! I'm Rin!" she chirped.

Kirara looked to Sesshomaru for a little help. He ignored her purposefully. Kirara turned back to Rin.

"H-Hi. I'm Kirara," Kirara replied.

"Will you stay and play with me?"

"Uh…okay," Kirara said.

"Yea!" Rin said and grabbed Kirara's hand and dragged her towards Ah-Un to pick flowers. Sesshomaru glared at Jaken.


"Y-yes, M'lord?"

"I know you can smell that she's in her heat stage. So why is her outfit that short?" Sesshomaru asked.

Jaken didn't get a chance to answer before Sesshomaru kicked him yet again into another tree. Sesshomaru allowed Rin and Kirara to play awhile before he felt to many demons close by and told them it was time to leave.

Meanwhile, Sango was depressed without Kirara around. Miroku notice she didn't even put her heart behind his beatings anymore. So he didn't even bother to grope her. (A/N Miroku not groping Sango, we have officially entered the twilight zone people!)

"Cheer up, Sango. I beat she's looking for us now. She'll find us soon," Kagome said.

"I hope so," Sango whispered.

Inuyasha stopped and sniffed.

"What is it?" Shippo asked.

"Naraku's close by. And so is my brother," Inuyasha said. "Hey, Kagome? Can you sense any jewel shards?"

"Uh…yeah! Three!"

"Then we're going! Miroku, Sango, you'll have to meet us there," Inuyasha said letting Kagome get on his back.

"Of course. Get him, Inuyasha," Miroku said.

"Yeah," Inuyasha said before leaping off.

Sesshomaru was becoming impatience. Naraku unfortunately had caught scent of Kirara and began to attack. Rin was in danger and Kirara was still inexperienced. He was, much to his dismay, having a little trouble keeping an eye on all of Naraku's tentacles. Jaken was firing at any that got to close while Sesshomaru was going after Naraku's body. Naraku was laughing.

"Sesshomaru-sama. Why protect her? Surly you don't want her? I'll make it easy for you. Hand her over and I'll leave," Naraku said.

Sesshomaru snorted and dodged another tentacle with grace.

"You won't get her, Naraku," Sesshomaru said.

"Why?" Naraku asked.

"I found her on my lands. She belongs to me," Sesshomaru said.

Naraku growled and lunged all his tentacles at Sesshomaru.

Inuyasha couldn't believe what he was seeing. Naraku was fighting Sesshomaru over a demoness. Inuyasha was sure her scent was similar but he couldn't place where. But Kagome knew who it was.

"Inuyasha! Look! The demoness! She has Kirara's eyes and tails!" she yelled.

Inuyasha's eyes widened. `Kirara…changed…into a human form?' he thought.

"It…is Kirara," he whispered.

Sango and Miroku finally ran up behind him. Kagome immediately told them.

"Sango! Kirara's changed! Look!" Kagome yelled and pointed to the demoness.

Sango gasped.

"KIRARA!" she yelled.

Kirara looked over to Sango. Rin clutching her legs and hiding behind her.

"S-Sango," Kirara said.

Sango race out there when she realized Naraku was after Kirara. She let her boomerang fly at Naraku. Naraku hissed when his tentacles were cut while he was after Kirara. He looked and found Sango there catching the returning boomerang.

"Naraku!" she yelled.

Inuyasha raced in with Tetsusaiga drawn.

"Naraku! You're mine!" Inuyasha yelled.

Sesshomaru side stepped a tentacle and saw Inuyasha racing in.

Sesshomaru watched from the sidelines as Inuyasha tried repeatedly to hack Naraku into tiny pieces. The taijya blocked oncoming tentacles with her boomerang and cut a few with her sword. One tentacle tripped her and another was about to plunge through her heart.

"Sango!" Kirara yelled.

Sesshomaru leaped in and grabbed Sango. In an instant he was by Kirara with Sango in his arm. He set Sango down next to Kirara and turned back to the fight. Sango looked at him truly confused before Kirara latched herself onto her.

"Sango," she cried.

Sango embraced her.

"Kirara? It is you, isn't it?" Sango asked.

Kirara nodded.

"I was so worried about you. What happened? Why are you like this?" Sango asked.

"Fire nekos go through it when they're in heat," Sesshomaru said but offered nothing


Kirara stood next to Sango holding Rin's hand. Naraku and Inuyasha had parted for the time. Naraku was laughing at them.

"You think I won't get her? Well you're wrong," Naraku said.

A tentacle burst out from under the ground behind Kirara and grabbed her. Kirara was pulled backwards under the ground with the tentacle.

"Kirara!" Sango and Sesshomaru yelled out.

Rin was sobbing on the ground. She got pulled backwards and fell before Kirara let go of her.

"Ki-Kirara," she cried.

Kirara burst out of the ground behind Naraku completely wrapped in his tentacle.

"Got you," he said.

Kirara was growling and roaring at Naraku.

"L-let g-go!" she said.

"Hate to grab and run but Kirara and I have some things to attend to," Naraku said.

Miasma seeped through the air. Everyone was coughing. Sango placed her mask over Rin's face and covered her own with a rag. Sesshomaru had his sleeve in front of his nose like Inuyasha. He nodded in approval to what Sango had done. Jaken was on the ground passed out. When the miasma cleared Sango was near tears.

"Kirara!" she yelled.

Kagome and Miroku came up to her hugging her.

"It'll be alright, Sango. Kirara's strong," Kagome said.

"I can't lose her. Not to Naraku. He killed my village and Kohaku. Now he has Kohaku working for him. I can't lose Kirara too," Sango cried.

Sesshomaru came up to her, "I'll assist you in getting Kirara back," he said.

"Why?" Inuyasha demanded.

"Because my ward has taking a liking to her," Sesshomaru said.

Kagome gave him a knowing look. He wouldn't have saved Sango for Kirara if it was just Rin who took a liking to Kirara. Sesshomaru snorted and started walking.

"Where are you going?" Inuyasha yelled.

"To Naraku's castle. I thought you wanted to save Kirara?"