InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kirara's First Experience ❯ Kirara's Mine! ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Okay. Warning. This has extreme rape included in it. No reading if you cannot handle this.

Disclaimer: You can't make me say it! ~runs away laughing insanely~

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Kirara struggled against Naraku. He merely laughed at her attempts.

"Now, now. No fighting," he said.

Kirara growled and slashed at Naraku. She managed to cut his arm. Naraku frowned and backhanded Kirara back towards his bed. Naraku straddled her waist and held her hands above her head. Kirara wiggled around trying to get him to loosen his hold. Naraku was smirking at her.

"You're only encouraging me…Kirara," he said.

Kirara froze.

"Yes. I know it's you. Sango's little pet. I bet she raised you. How it must pain you to see her suffer. I mean, her entire village destroyed. Tricked into fighting Inuyasha and blaming him, having to watch her little brother kill her father and then watch him die after he stabbed her in the back. Quite literally I might add. Then having to go every day knowing I control him now. It must hurt you too since you grew up with Kohaku right?"

Kirara closed her eyes and growled at Naraku. Naraku laughed when he smelt Kirara's tears forming. He leaned down and licked her neck before biting down. Kirara roared when his teeth made contact with her skin. He released her a lapped up the blood.

"This makes you mine now," he whispered, "Nobody will take you. I've marked you as mine."

Kirara growled.

"Remind me to thank Sesshomaru for putting you in this little cloth. It makes it so much easier to get at you."

Naraku cut the sash open and parted Kirara's kimono. Kirara struggled against him again. Naraku smirked before taking one of Kirara's nipples in his mouth. He sucked gently to scare Kirara into a stupor before he bit down hard. Kirara screamed as loud as she could. Naraku pulled away and almost let go of her to cover his ears.

"Quiet!" he snapped and backhanded her again.

Kagura knocked on the door.

"Go away!" Naraku yelled.

"Kikyo's here. I suggest you put your play toy away and come out here before she comes in there…master," Kagura bit out.

Naraku growled.

"I'll be out in a minute," Naraku said.

Naraku sniffed Kirara again. He heard Kagura telling someone not to come in here. Kikyo opened the door. She looked at Kirara and glared. Kirara looked away and tried to stop sniffling.

"I thought you were going to wait for me, Kikyo?" Naraku said.

"I heard a scream. Who's she?" Kikyo asked.

"You know the taijya that travels with Inuyasha?"


"This is her pet. It's her first time in heat."

Kikyo looked at Kirara. She could tell by the demoness' aura she wasn't willingly here. She wanted anything but Naraku to take her innocence. Kikyo stepped up to Naraku.

"Release her," she said.

"What?" Naraku hissed.

"Release her," Kikyo said and pulled an arrow out, strung it, and placed it next to Naraku's neck. "Get off her."

Kirara turned and looked at Kikyo. Kikyo could see she was beyond happy. There was no word to describe what she saw in Kirara's eyes.

"You have no say," Naraku said.

"What do you want more, Naraku? The fire neko or the Jewel?"

Naraku growled but got off of Kirara. Kikyo lowered the bow and helped Kirara up. Naraku didn't try anything. He knew Kikyo's powers far exceeded her arrows. Naraku watch in disgust as Kikyo led Kirara out of his castle. `I'll get you back Kirara. Remember, you belong to me,' Naraku thought.

Kirara held her kimono together with one hand and the bite mark Naraku gave her with the other. After a while Kikyo stopped and turned Kirara to face her. She pulled down Kirara's hand from her neck and placed her hand there. Her hand glowed blue before she released Kirara.

"W-what?" Kirara asked.

"I noticed Naraku marked you. I'm merely breaking that bond he has over you. The mark is gone. You no longer belong to him," Kikyo said.

"T-Thank you," Kirara said.

"Yeah. Sure. Inuyasha and your master are that way about three days walk. Maybe quicker if you use your demon speed," Kikyo said before turning to leave.

Kirara looked towards the direction Kikyo pointed out and ran that way. (A/N Okay! There you go you stupid Kikyo lovers! Consider this my good deed for the day. Don't expect anything else said about Kikyo that's nice! Stupid Kikyo. Evil bitch should just go to hell and take Jaken and Naraku with her! Hell! Take Inuyasha if you'll just go. But Sesshomaru stays!) Kirara kept sniffing once in awhile in search of Sango and the others. Soon the sunset and she had to bed down for the night. She hid in a tree in hopes of staying hidden.

Sesshomaru sniffed the air. Kirara's scent was near. `She escaped! I don't smell Naraku near or on her. So he didn't take her,' Sesshomaru thought. He looked over at Inuyasha and his small group. They had left Rin, the kit, and Jaken at the old mikos village. Leaving the hanyou, the miko, the taijya, the houshi, and himself, a taiyoukai. Such an interesting group. Sesshomaru stood.

"Where are you going?" Inuyasha said.

`Ah, yes. My paranoid little brother,' Sesshomaru thought. `Kirara's close and still in heat. If I take her now no one would dare take her.' Inuyasha sniffed the air when Sesshomaru didn't move or answer. `Kirara. She's all right. No scent of Naraku so she got away before he did anything. I talked with Sango and Kagome. If Kirara agrees I'll claim her as my own. Then no one should go after her so long as she's carrying my scent,' Inuyasha thought, `But Sesshomaru. He must have smelt her long before me. So why hasn't he said anything yet unless…he plans to take her for himself. Should I let him? Sango wouldn't be pleased. No, I have to be the one. Not a life's mate but just lace her scent with mine to keep the other demons away.' Sesshomaru walked away never answering Inuyasha's question. Inuyasha huffed and waited a while.

Kirara heard someone coming. She curled into a ball up in the tree. Sesshomaru walked out into the clearing. He sniffed and looked up into the tree.

"Kirara. Come down. It's me, Sesshomaru," Sesshomaru said.

Kirara jumped down. Sesshomaru took her in his arm again and held her close. Kirara tried to push him away but he held tighter and growled. He moved to her neck and started nibbling again. Kirara purred. Sesshomaru could smell her arousal.

"N-no," Kirara said.

"You don't have a choice. If I mate with you nobody will try to take you," Sesshomaru said.

"I believe she said no," Inuyasha said jumping behind Sesshomaru.

"You don't have a say either, little brother," Sesshomaru said.

"Actually you're right. But neither do you. Sango and Kirara do. Kirara said no and Sango gave me permission if Kirara agrees. It won't be a life's thing but it will keep the other demons away. So you see, I have one up on you," Inuyasha said.

Sesshomaru growled.

"You can't have her. She belongs to me!" Sesshomaru said.

"Kirara? What's your choice?" Inuyasha said.

Kirara shook her head, "N-no. No! No m-more. I-I d-don't w-want to be m-mated," she said.

Inuyasha moved next to Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru growled.

"Kirara, if you don't the next time your scent will only be stronger and I doubt Naraku will be the only one after you," Inuyasha said.

Kirara struggled against Sesshomaru.

"No!" she said.

Inuyasha moved so that Kirara was pinned between him and Sesshomaru. Inuyasha pressed against her. Sesshomaru and him locked eyes for a moment. An understanding was reached between them. Kirara felt Inuyasha's hands grasp her sides and his breath on her neck. Sesshomaru moved to the other side of her neck and hovered inches away like Inuyasha.

"Forgive me, Kirara. It's for your own good," Inuyasha said.

Kirara was about to scream but Sesshomaru captured her lips. He invaded her mouth with his tongue. Kirara growled. Inuyasha's hands work steadily to get her to release her clothing. Kirara's eyes started tearing. Inuyasha kissed her neck gentle. Kirara began to shake uncontrollably. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru eased her down to the ground. Inuyasha freed her from her kimono before he reached around her and started helping Sesshomaru out of his clothes. Sesshomaru growled in appreciation. His mouth still occupied Kirara's only allowing her quick breaths between. After Inuyasha got Sesshomaru's clothes off he removed his own. Sesshomaru pulled Kirara down and Inuyasha pushed her down. Sesshomaru lay underneath Kirara and Inuyasha lay above them both. Kirara had tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Shh, Kirara. I'm sorry. It has to be done to keep you safe," Inuyasha whispered before he retuned to her neck.

Inuyasha reached down to Kirara's legs and separated them so she straddled Sesshomaru. He then pulled her up so she kneeled above him.

"Kirara," Inuyasha whispered, "It would be easier if you didn't fight us. Just give in. I don't want to hurt you. Please."

Kirara still shook. Sesshomaru allowed Inuyasha to use Kirara's natural lubricate for himself before moving to her other entrance and allowed Sesshomaru to take her main entrance.

"This will hurt, Kirara," Inuyasha whispered.

Both him and Sesshomaru began to enter Kirara at the same time. Kirara screeched into Sesshomaru's mouth as it still covered her own. She screamed full fledge into his mouth when he broke her barrier. Inuyasha whispered softly into her ear. Neither moved until she adjusted to them. Kirara's crying softened a bit. Sesshomaru was the first to move and see if she was ready. Kirara tensioned but didn't cry out. Inuyasha started moving to. They both heard Kirara purring and a small moan escaped her. Sesshomaru finally released her mouth and allowed her to breath. She didn't scream out. Instead she moaned loudly. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru started going faster. Kirara laid her head next to Sesshomaru's with her forehead pressed to the ground. She gripped Sesshomaru's shoulders. Fire burst around the three and when it died down Sesshomaru now held Kirara with two hands.

"What the…" he whispered.

"F-faster," Kirara said next to his ear, "H-harder."

Inuyasha's ear twitch and he looked over a Kirara. Sesshomaru turned to look at her. `Doesn't she realize she healed my arm?' Sesshomaru thought. Despite this Sesshomaru and Inuyasha complied with Kirara's request. Kirara, Sesshomaru, and Inuyasha were panting extremely hard. After a few more strokes Kirara screamed out and Sesshomaru and Inuyasha growled triumphantly as they came into Kirara. Kirara was coming down from her high when Sesshomaru switched positions with Inuyasha. Now Kirara straddled Inuyasha the way she had Sesshomaru and Sesshomaru leaned over her.

"One more time," he whispered.

Inuyasha grinned and grabbed Kirara's hips. He pushed into her main entrance and Sesshomaru took her other one. Kirara moaned. Inuyasha kissed her neck and made his way down to her nipples. Kirara gasped as Inuyasha took one into his mouth. Sesshomaru's new hand came around and grasped her unattended one and kneaded it carefully. Kirara was in heaven.

"Don't s-stop," she said.

Sesshomaru smirked. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru pounded into her. Soon Inuyasha moved to Kirara's other nipple and Sesshomaru stroked her forgotten one. Kirara clutched the ground as the two inus continued their assault on her body. Kirara screamed when she came again and this time Inuyasha and Sesshomaru howled into the night. Sesshomaru and Kirara collapsed onto Inuyasha. Sesshomaru grabbed Kirara and his half-brother and turned them on their sides. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru now lay on either side of Kirara still clasped within her.

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Hey. Thanks for reading. I just got a great review although I would like to hear from others. Please review ;) Thanx. Pari