InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kirara's First Experience ❯ Kirara's Decision ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Wow! Such great reviews. Thanks. I feel so loved. ;) Okay…um…oh! My usual routine! Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Okay! Done!

Disclaimer: ~crosses arms and sits down Inuyasha style~ I won't say it! … Fine. I don't own Inuyasha. Happy? ~sticks out tongue~

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Kirara woke up between Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. They had finally removed themselves from her sometime in the night. Kirara sat up. Both inu brothers had their back to her. She crawled over to her kimono and placed it around her form again. She still didn't have a sash. She sat, legs to one side, and watched the inu brothers sleep. They turned and faced each other, at which point they opened their eyes. They took one look at each other and jumped up ready to fight. Sesshomaru paused.

"Kirara," he said.

They looked around and found Kirara just sitting there staring at them. She slightly glared at them.

"What?" Inuyasha asked.

"I s-said no," she said.

"B-b-but…" Inuyasha stuttered.

"Kirara. It was for your own good," Sesshomaru said crossing his arms.

He looked his new one over. Kirara stared at it.

"What?" she asked pointing to it.

"You gave it to me last night," Sesshomaru said.

"Oh," Kirara said still glaring.

"We told you! It was for your own good," Inuyasha said.

"R-ra-pe," Kirara said.

"Rape! No…we…uh…Sesshomaru, a little help here," Inuyasha said.

"I think that actually might count as rape," he said.

"Clothes. Sango," Kirara said.

"Huh?" Inuyasha said.

"I think she wants us to get dress and take her to the taijya," Sesshomaru said looking around for his clothes.

Kirara nodded at Inuyasha. He sighed and gathered his clothes. When the inu brothers were dress, and Inuyasha gave Kirara his sash until a new one was gotten for her, they headed back to the group.

"Inuyasha! Inuyasha!"


"Inuyasha! Sesshomaru-sama!"

"I see them! They have Kirara!" Sango yelled.

Miroku and Kagome ran over to her.

"Where have you two been?" Kagome asked.

"We got Kirara. Be content miko," Sesshomaru said.

Kagome looked over at Inuyasha. She grabbed his arm and pulled him into the woods.

"Are you sure you what to do what you asked?" she asked him.

"I already did," Inuyasha replied.


"Last night. Kirara had escaped herself. Sesshomaru was going to take her but I got there to stop him…well…sort of."

"What do you mean sort of?"

"Both Sesshomaru and me took Kirara."

Kagome was speechless and staring wide-eyed at Inuyasha. He shifted under her gaze.

"Are you just going to stare like that at me?!" he snapped.

"Well what do you want me to do?!" Kagome snapped back, "You just admitted to having a threesome with your brother!"

"I know that! Kirara wasn't going to let one of us. We took her together," Inuyasha said.

"You raped her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kagome yelled.

"Shhh!" Inuyasha said but too late.

"What did you do to Kirara?!!!"

Sango heard and now she had her boomerang ready to slice Inuyasha in half. Inuyasha's ears flattened to his head and he unconsciously moved behind Kagome. Miroku put a calming hand on Sango's shoulder.

"Now, now. Sango. I'm sure we can talk about this," Miroku said.

"What's to talk about?!" Sango asked turning on Miroku, "I said Inuyasha could mate with her if and only if Kirara agreed! I never said he could rape her!"

Kirara looked at Sesshomaru. He turned away from her. She growled.

"Yeah well I wasn't the only one! Sesshomaru had a hand in it too," Inuyasha blurted out.

"Very noble of you, little brother," Sesshomaru growled.

Sango turned on him with a glare. Sesshomaru matched it with one of his own, daring Sango to use her boomerang on him.

"You bastards!" Sango yelled.

"Sango?" Kirara whispered.

Sango stopped and looked at Kirara. Everyone else did the same.

"T-they w-were o-only t-trying to p-protect me," Kirara said, "I was s-scared. They h-helped me."

Sesshomaru and Inuyasha's eyes widened. She was protecting them.

"Kirara? Are you lying to protect them?" Sango asked.

`Here it comes,' Inuyasha thought. Kirara shook her head and smiled a reassuring smile at Sango.

"See Sango. Kirara wouldn't lie to you. So Kagome must have misunderstood Inuyasha or something," Miroku said.

"Yeah," Inuyasha added.

Kagome glared at him.

"Sit boy!"



"What'd he say?" Kagome asked.

"Stupid Bitch," Sesshomaru said.

"Oh. Hey! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Take that!" Kagome said.

"Mphmohdmuhpdh," Inuyasha said.

Kagome looked over to Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru sighed.

"He said I hate you," he said and turned away.

Kirara giggled. Sesshomaru looked over to her.

"Oh! Kirara, here," Kagome said reaching into her pack and pulled out some pills.

"What's that?" Sango asked.

"They're called Morning After pills. It's to prevent pregnancies. Kirara can take them and not get pregnant," Kagome said.

Kirara eyed the pills and brought her hand to lower abdomen. She looked at Sango and then the jewel shards around Kagome's neck. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru watched her carefully. (A/N Inuyasha's still in the hole) Kirara nodded and held out her hand for the pills. Kagome gave them to her and some water and told her what she had to do. Kirara swallowed the pills. Inuyasha's ears drooped a little and Sesshomaru's back stiffened. Miroku could tell they silently didn't want Kirara to take the pills but realized she had duties to perform before she could have her first child. Besides, who would every except a mix between inu and neko or human, inu, and neko? Nobody. The child would be the laughing stock of the entire land. It was necessary for Kirara to take those pills.

Naraku had seen what happened between Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, and Kirara and he was pissed. `They took MY Kirara! They'll pay dearly,' he thought. He was silently pleased with Kagome's `pills' and how they would prevent Kirara from baring the child of one of the inu brothers. `Soon Kirara, soon,' he thought.

Inuyasha got out of his little crater and told everyone they were going back to the village so Sesshomaru could get his human girl and toad and leave. Sesshomaru eyed him hatefully.

"Geez. You think those two would get along with each other. They act so much alike," Kagome whispered to Sango and Miroku.

"What!!!! I'm NOT like that asshole!" Inuyasha yelled.

"Do not compare me with that hanyou," Sesshomaru hissed.

Kagome slapped her forehead. She had forgotten their super hearing. Kirara watched them. Inuyasha had gotten his sash back after Kagome gave Kirara and pair of her clothes. Kirara tugged a little at the `mini-skirt' Kagome had her wearing. Kagome gave her a black mini-skirt and a small black sweater. The outfit greatly resembled Kagome's school outfit. Kagome even brought a pair of sandals for Kirara the wear. Kirara looked herself over. It was still too short for her liking. She just wanted to be her true-self riding on Sango's shoulder or at least have a decent kimono. Naraku watched them from afar.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~

Okay! Review and goodnight. I have a vacation coming up. I'll update then. For now I have to study for my Psychology class. Crazy huh? I'm only a 10th grader and I'm taking college Psychology. Biggest mistake of my life! But it's cheaper to take in high school than college and it should help me get accepted into the college I want. Well. Lecture's done. Byez! ;)