InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kirara's First Experience ❯ Kirara's Hope ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

OMG! I'm SO late! Sorry! My parents just got a brand new house and so we've been moving. Then a couple days ago when I fell asleep before finishing my chores my mother took away my computer. I only got this thing for an hour tonight. So this unfortunately will have to be a very short chapter. Please don't be mad. No body loves me here. I need you guys.

Disclaimer: In a rush but you know.

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Kirara spent most of the time eyeing Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. She still tugged every now and then at the mini-skirt Kagome had given her. She felt something strangely familiar close by. She couldn't figure out what it was though. She ran up to Inuyasha and tapped his shoulder. He stopped and looked at her.

"What's the matter Kirara?" he asked.

Sesshomaru stopped and listened.

"I f-feel s-something s-strange," Kirara said.

Sesshomaru and Inuyasha both began sniffing. Sango and Miroku began looking around.

"Do you feel that?" Miroku asked.

"Yes. It's familiar almost likes it's…" Sango started.

Kagome gasped, "I sense Jewel Shards and lots of them!"

Inuyasha's head whipped towards the forest.

"Naraku!" he spat.

Indeed. Naraku emerged from the forest. Sesshomaru sniffed as well.

"It's the real him. Not some puppet," he said.

"That explains all the Jewel shards I sense," Kagome said.

"Naraku! Why are you here?" Miroku asked.

"I'm merely retrieving my toy," Naraku said.

"Toy?" Shippo asked.

"Kirara!" Sango hissed, "You can't have her!" Sango yelled dropping into a fighting stance with her boomerang.

"Inuyasha, I take it Kirara's still at the peek of her cycle if Naraku is still after her?" Miroku asked.

"Yeah, she is. Demon heat stages last for a week. Kirara's still in the middle of her stage. I think she has three more days before it ends and she can return to her true form," Inuyasha said.

"Well. We can't let Naraku have her!" Kagome yelled.

"You don't have a choice, Kagome. Kirara's mine!" Naraku said, "Kohaku, come out.""

"K-Kohaku…" Sango said instinctively when her brother emerged from the forest.

Kirara's eyes widened. Behind Kohaku came Kagura, Kanna, poison wasps, and hordes of demons.

"It's a trap!" Miroku yelled eyeing the wasps.

"I'll take Kirara, the Jewel shards Kagome has, and your heads while I'm here," Naraku said, "Go."

The demons raced after the group. Miroku defended himself with his staff since the wasps were there, Sesshomaru used his Whip of Light on those demons stupid enough to get near him, Inuyasha slashed at some but dealt mostly with Kagura, Kagome fired arrows towards Kanna trying to keep her mirror from stealing souls, Sango attacked a few demons before Kohaku came after her, leaving Kirara and Naraku.

"Well, Kirara. What will you do? Now that your friends are in danger and you don't know how your body works. Poor Sango having to fight her brother and you can't even take on a few of those demons that will kill Miroku," Naraku said.

Tears began to form at Kirara's eyes. She glared at Naraku, who laughed at her.

"Don't listen to him Kirara!" Sango yelled, "He's just trying to get in your head."

Sango dodged a swing from Kohaku. Kirara looked over at Sango. It was only for a second but it was all Naraku needed to take her. Kirara roared as she was wrapped in one of Naraku's tentacles. He brought her in front of him and turned her to face her friends as they fought for their lives. Naraku wrapped his arms around Kirara and she could feel his breath on her neck.

"Such a same," he whispered.

Kirara growled at him and fought against his tentacle. Her eyes glowed a pure red with black slits like when she was in her true form. Fire burst around her engulfing Naraku. The two were separated by a small blast. Kirara landed on the ground and Naraku hit a tree. Everyone stopped when they heard the blast but more importantly, Naraku's large piece of the jewel fell out of his clothes and rolled right in front of Kirara.

"Kirara! Get it!" someone yelled.

"Don't let her near it!" another roared.

Everything became a blur as Kirara reached for the Shikon No Tama…

Please don't hurt me. I have no choice. Any longer and I may never see this computer again. And then you won't see the ending to this story. Again I'm sorry. Please, Please, Please don't be mad. Got to go.