InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kirara's First Experience ❯ Kirara's Death ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I have my computer back, I have my computer back, I have my computer back. YAY! I missed my computer. Oh…Inuyasha. Right. Almost forgot… Okay yeah I forgot. BUT ONLY FOR A SECOND!

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. How many times do I have to say it?

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All Kirara could hear was the sound of her heartbeat and her breathing as her hand clasped around the nearly completed portion of the Shikon. She brought it up to her face and stared at it a moment before all the sounds of the world came rushing back to her.

"Kirara! Look out!"

Kirara's head whipped towards Sango then towards Naraku. Kirara's fist quickly closed around the Shikon as she flipped up into a one-hand-handstand dodging one of Naraku's tentacles. She pushed off the ground and back flipped into a crouching stance avoiding another one.

"Give it back!" Naraku yelled at her.

Kirara ran forward dodging tentacle after tentacle.

"Keep going Kirara! I've got you covered!" Inuyasha yelled dashing towards her.

"I think not. Dance of the Dragon," Kagura said effectively cutting off Inuyasha's path towards Kirara.

"Damn it!" Inuyasha yelled jumping backwards to avoid Kagura's attack.

Sesshomaru raced forward to attack Naraku. Seeing their master in danger hundreds of demons launched themselves at Sesshomaru.

"Do not waste my time," Sesshomaru said cutting through the ranks.

One demon grabbed Miroku and threw him into Sesshomaru's back catching both off guard. Miroku and Sesshomaru hit a tree and fell to the ground. Sesshomaru landed on his feet but Miroku landed on his back. Sesshomaru scowled down at him causing Miroku to laugh nervously.


Sesshomaru and Miroku turned at Sango's voice. Kirara jumped off one of Naraku's tentacles that landed in front of her into a tree, jumping from one to another.

"I think she's gotten used to her body," Kagome said.

"Looks like it," Shippo agreed.

Everyone heard Naraku's growl. He launched his tentacles at the trees instead of at Kirara causing her to fall. She hit the ground hard on her side. The Shikon rolled out of her grasp. Her eyes widened as she watched it move away from her.

"No!" she yelled and started casing it.

She was barely a foot away when something pierced her heart. She stood frozen in place not sure what was happening. It was as if everything halted and her life began to flash before her eyes. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was hung open in a silent scream. She faintly heard Sango's voice.

"K-KIRARA! NO!" Sango screamed.

Everyone watched as Naraku withdrew his tentacle from Kirara's back. She slumped to the ground landing not to far from the Shikon. Her vision blurred as she slowly reached out for it. Naraku's clawed hand came into focus as he picked up his Shikon piece.

"G-Give…b-back!" Kirara demanded.

She felt pressure on her back. She guessed it was Naraku's foot. She growled, the sound gurgled indicating some of her blood seeped into her lungs. Naraku laughed mechanically at her dieing form.

"I told you, you wouldn't win," he said, "Such a same though. The things I would've done to that body."

Tears slide down Kirara's cheeks. She was so close to the Shikon and it slipped through her fingers.

"Let her go Naraku!" Inuyasha yelled brandishing the Tetsusaiga.

"You want her? Come and get her," Naraku said.

He laughed again as five tentacles spurted from his body and implanted themselves in Kirara's back. Her back arched, eyes wide, she slumped to the ground. Blood trickled down the corner of her mouth as the life in her eyes faded and closed. She lay there forever, lifeless.

Sango's knees collapsed and she fell to the ground. Kagome and Shippo held on to one another and cried. Inuyasha looked as if he might drop the Tetsusaiga. Miroku kneeled and said a silent prayer. Even Sesshomaru was silently shocked. `Kirara' echoed through all their minds.

"It's time to finish this," Naraku said.

Inuyasha was the first to recover. Holding Tetsusaiga in front of him with both hands he shook as he growled at Naraku.

"You'll pay," he hissed, "You'll pay for it all!" Inuyasha charged at Naraku only to stop dead in his tracks.

Everyone's eyes widened and fixated themselves on Kirara's form. They felt a strong and fiery aura pulsating to life within her body.

"Kirara?" Sango whispered.

"She alive!" Inuyasha yelled.

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Okay! Done. I'm soooooo happy. My computer's back. I was reading some of my reviews. I think it's a bit strange. Everyone loved the Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, and Kirara threesome. I was positive I would get flames for that. Well it just shows that only fools are positive. And I AM a fool. I so proud too. Okay. I think that phase is over. Thanks for reading and please review.