InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kirara's Secret ❯ 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

InuYashasGirl you are the inspiration for this story - hope you like it...


Kirara's secret

Inuyasha heard a soft mewling sound and he opened his sleepy eyes and looked around the camp, but could not see anything out of the ordinary. "Hey, wait a minute, where is Kirara?" he wondered when he did not see the little pet youkai and jumped down from the tree he was sleeping in. The little fire cat was nowhere to be found.

- Kirara, where are you? he whispered but he got no answer.

He sniffed the air and found her scent trail and followed it. He did not want to wake up and worry the others; instead he walked off alone into the night in search of the little cat. "Fuck where the hell is she going?" he asked silently as he went deeper into the woods.

He stopped dead in his tracks when he reached a moonlit clearing. In the middle of the clearing was a pond and in the pond stood the most beautiful female he ever had seen. Around her danced small fire flies, and the moon shine made her body almost translucent. "Who is she?" he marvelled and he could not tare his eyes away from her naked appearance. "Is she a goddess?" But then it struck him, she had a two-tail, and those black markings; they looked very familiar to him. And when she turned around to face him he could see the little diamond shape mark on her forehead.

- Inuyasha-san? he heard her soft voice call out to him.

- W-who are you? he stuttered.

- Please don't tell the others, please Inuyasha-san, I beg of you don't tell them about my secret, she rushed out the water and grabbed his arms.

- Oh.. Ok, I will not tell anyone anything, but who are you? Do I know you?

- You don't recognize me? I am Kirara… said the female and looked into his eyes. He was ready to die on the spot.

- K-kirara?

- Hai, it is me…

- But how is it possible?

The woman walked back to sit on the edge of the pond and she put her feet into the water. How was she going to explain this to him? "I better tell the truth now that he knows of my secret."

- I wished upon the Shikon no Tama when it was held within the care of the taijya's village. I went inside the sacred cave and since my heart was good the miko - Midoriko, let me inside. I liked being inside the sacred cave, I often came there when I was feeling lonely. I talked to the spirit of the miko. And I wished upon the jewel, wanting to be able to walk and talk like a human, but still be a youkai.

Inuyasha gaped. He moved to sit next to her.

- Midoriko granted my wish, but she was not able to tap into the jewels power, so I am stuck with being like this once a month, said the woman with a sad voice.

- You are really Kirara, the little fire cat? Inuyasha was still a bit uncertain of all this.

- Hai, I am Kirara, said the female and she shuddered a bit.

- You are cold, said Inuyasha and pulled off his red haori and put it over her shoulders. And it was not only to protect her from the cold; her nakedness had a certain body part on him go from flaccid to rock hard.

- Arigato Inuyasha-san, she smiled brightly and cradled into his warm haori.

- So Sango has no knowledge of this transformation of yours?

The woman shook her blond head; he looked closely and saw black stripes in it. She was truly Kirara in humanoid form. He moved closer to sniff her and her scent confirmed her words.

- Sorry, he mumbled when he saw her look at him. - I just wanted to make sure.

- Ohh, ok..

- So why don't you want anyone to no of this transformation of yours? I bet Sango would be very happy to talk to you, woman to woman, so to speak.

- I am afraid that they would not like me when I am like this, I mean look at me, I have two tails and black markings all over my body, my eyes are red…

Inuyasha laid a hand over her mouth and silenced her.

- Stop it please.. I would understand if you did not show the monk, he would probably just grope your softer parts, said Inuyasha and made a face. - But I don't think Sango would say anything about it. Hell, just look at me, I have dog ears.

He flicked his ears and she giggled under his hand. And sure enough, she did blush too. Her dark red eyes shimmered with a girlish glimmer and Inuyasha smiled.

- That's better, so you transform like this every month?

- Hai, I have been good at hiding this. I have been having this transformation for little over twenty years now.

- And Sango never suspected a thing?

- I don't think so, at least she have never said anything if she did. Please promise me Inuyasha-san, promise me that you will not tell the others.

- I promise, but I don't want you to wander off by your self when you are like this, you are very vulnerable.

- I can take care of myself, she snorted and saw him smile.

- I know you can, but still, a naked female can attract vicious demons you know. So the next time you are about to transform, wake me up and I will come with you - ok?

- O-ok Inuyasha-san and arigato for promising not to tell the others.

- Keh!!

- You are funny, I like you, said Kirara and blushed again.

Inuyasha gulped, no one had been so forward before with him. He fiddled with his fingers and did not know what to do or say.

- Do you like me Inuyasha-san? asked Kirara.

- Uhmm, well, yeah.. You are nice, a good fighter, mumbled Inuyasha and looked all over the place but he never looked at her.

She giggled and took hold of his arm and leaned her head against his shoulder. Inuyasha was about to choke on his own breath when he felt her this close.

- I am glad that it was you who found out about my little secret Inuyasha-san.

- Skip the -san, I don't like it, Inuyasha is just fine, he said with a raspy voice. This female was doing things with his body that made him wish he was somewhere else.

- So what do you want to talk about? We understand each other pretty good, but I never can tell you what I really want to tell you, she said.

- I am sorry for those times I made you help me train the Tessaiga, he blurted out.

- Don't be, I liked it. You are my friend, my best friend next to Shippou and Myoga of course. But I feel good when I am with you.

- G-good? What do you mean?

- You make me feel like I have a lot of butterflies inside my stomach. Here don't you feel it too?

She took hold of his left hand and put it on her bare stomach. He could not feel anything, if you did not count for the throbbing inside his baggy pants of course.

- I.. I don't feel anything Kirara-chan, he stuttered and tried to pull back his hand but she held it tight against her stomach.

- Are you sure? Because it feels like they are flying around inside of me, she said and frowned.

- I.. I think you are the only one w-who can feel them.

- Ohh, too bad, she sighed and let his hand go and she looked down, she had been sure he would be able to feel them too.

But what Inuyasha did not tell her was that he was able to smell what she felt and it did not do any good to his own body. She was aroused, and by the way she talked, she wanted him.

- So how long does this transformation hold?

- It's usually gone one hour before the sunrise, said Kirara and sighed. - Can I sit in your lap Inuyasha-sa… Inuyasha?

- W-why do you want to do that??

- Because I want to, so can I?

- I.. I don't think it's such a good idea Kirara-chan, he stuttered.

- Why not? she asked innocently. - Don't you like me?

- I.. I like you.. but I..

He did not come much further because she crawled up into his lap and snuggled close to his form to savour his warmth.

- Much better, she purred with her face buried in his throat.

- K-kirara-chan.. he breathed.

- I like you Inuyasha, I like you very much, she mumbled.

Inuyasha was ready to go to hell with Kikyo right about now. This was just too much for his demon blood to handle, he needed more than this and he was not sure Kirara was the one to be up for that task.

- Please Kirara-chan, I can not…

- What Inuyasha? she looked into his golden eyes.

- I am sorry, he whispered and cupped her face and kissed her softly before pushing her out from his lap.

Kirara trembled and looked at the hanyou who rose to his feet. She was confused, he had said he liked her, but why did he not want to be close to her?

- Why Inuyasha?

- You are so innocent Kirara-chan, you have no idea what your presence and your body is doing to me, he mumbled and looked up towards the full moon.

- Is there something wrong with this body? You don't like it?

"I like it too much, that is the problem." He thought and grinded his teeth together.

- Inuyasha?

- Please, just bathe or whatever you came here to do, I will watch over you ok?

- O-ok.. I am sorry that I displease you so much, she whispered and removed his red haori and was about to step into the pond when she felt a hand grab her right arm and turn her around.

- No, don't ever think that Kirara-chan, never! I just… I don't want you to get hurt ok!

- You would not hurt me, I know that Inuyasha.

- I would, you have not the slightest idea how beautiful you are, you don't know what you doing to me right now, he growled and let his other arm snake around her waist and he pulled her close so she could feel the hardness inside his pants.

- What is that? she looked up to his eyes and was confused to see the heat inside his golden spheres.

- That is what you are doing to me Kirara-chan, you make me hard.

- H-hard? I don't understand.

- If I say that I want to mate with you - do you understand then?

His words came out more harshly then he wanted too, but he needed her to understand. And by the way her red eyes widened she understood now. But what he did not like was the way she smiled when she realized what she did to him.


The next part is on it's way... Keep your hat on and read and review the first part of this little story please...