InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kirara's Secret ❯ 17 The End ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sesshoumaru had indeed some trouble of getting a certain taijya to calm down. He managed to grab her wrists and held them down so she could not slap him around anymore.

- Take it easy Sango-chan, he growled.

- Who ever gave you permission to knock me up?? she shouted and fought to get free again.

- You heard my brother; it is the curse of the inu youkai clan.

- Why the hell did you not tell me?

- Have you mated with me if you knew? he shot back with a bitter voice.

- Of course I would, I love you… you …

She began to cry and she slumped forward to his chest.

He let go of her wrists and pulled her into his arms and caressed her back in a soothing manner.

- Would you really have taken me as mate Sango, knowing that you would be pregnant after our first mating? He asked, wanting to know for sure.

- Yes, I would Sesshoumaru.

He let out a heavy breath and he crushed her form into his own. He let small kissed fall over her head and face.

- I love you Sango, he whispered and looked into her dark eyes. - I want to be with you always.

- I love you too Sess, and I will never leave you, she answered him and kissed him deeply.

They were just about to show their love in a more physical way when they heard a howling sound.

Two seconds later they busted through the door to Inuyasha's and Kirara's room.

- What's the matter Inuyasha? asked a worried Sesshoumaru.

- She is having the babies, snarled Inuyasha.

- Now? asked Sesshoumaru dumbly.

- YES NOW!!!Dammit, get some help, get Kagome, she knows what to do!! Sango get your ass here too!

Sango rushed and kneeled next to Kirara. She brushed a striped bang from her face. "Ok Sango, think, think… "

- Hot water Inuyasha, get hot water and towels or sheets, she ordered.

Sesshoumaru tumbled out from the room before heading off towards Kagome's room. He flung the door opened and was a bit surprised to see Miroku in there, half naked. "Fuck that, Kirara needs help."

- Get up and get dressed, Kirara is having their babies now!! he growled low.

- What?? asked Miroku.

- You heard me monk, get you dick back in your pants, Kirara needs our help!!

Kagome did not waste any time, she was up and dressed in no time at all and hurried over to Kirara. "They are too early.. Inuyasha said it was at least a month left." She felt her heart constrict but she pushed back her fears and hoped that Inuyasha had made a miscalculation.

She came through the door and saw Kirara sit up against Inuyasha. He saw the fear and panic in his golden eyes. "Shit, this is not good." She cursed silently. Sango looked up at Kagome with a frightened face.

- Ok, let get those little kittens of yours out safe and sound, she said with a cheery voice although it sounded false in her ears.

- The head of the first one can already be seen Kagome, said Sango.

- Good, good, Sango, get more water please, Inuyasha you purr for her, ordered Kagome.

- W-what? stammered Inuyasha.

- Purr for her, I know you can purr, just do as I say Inu-chan, said Kagome sternly.

- O-ok Kagome.

He began purring even though it was hard for him. He felt Kirara relax a bit in his arms and he felt a wave of relief wash over him and he purred deeper. Every now and then he whispered words of love to comfort her.

Kagome saw that it worked and soon the head of the little kitten was out. She ordered Kirara to push one last time and the first girl was out. She looked over her shoulder and saw Sesshoumaru standing there with a pale face.

- Get your royal ass over here Sess, she snarled.

- What?

- I need you to cut the cord for me, said Kagome.

- Huh?

- Use your claws demon and cut it! "Gods, are all men like this when they see a woman in labour?"

He flexed his claws and used one to cut the naval cord. Kagome handed over the little girl to Sango. She was a bit worried about the silence, but the girl was breathing and she looked at Sango with dark yellow eyes.

- She is ok Kirara, she is just fine, said Sango and washed off the birth blood from the small girl.

- C-can I hold her? asked Kirara.

- First we need you to get the other one out, said Kagome. - Come on, I can already see her head. I need you to push a few more times for me.

Kirara let out a blood curling scream as she used the last of her strength to get the second child out from her body. Inuyasha felt her body go limp in his arms and his heart almost stopped. "Kirara…!!"

- She is going to be just fine Inuyasha; I can already see her healing up, said Kagome when she saw the fear inside Inuyasha's yellow eyes. - Sesshoumaru, your claw is needed again!

- I am right here Kagome-san, said Sesshoumaru and snipped the cord with his razor sharp nail.

- Sango?!

- I am ready, Miroku take her, said Sango and held up the baby to Miroku.

The monk took the baby and cradled her inside his arms. He looked down and saw the diamond mark on her forehead. Her yellow eyes were speckled with red and her hair was as white as Inuyasha's.

Sango washed the second girl and saw she had blonde hair with white stripes in it. "They are truly beautiful." she thought and she could not help but wonder how she and Sesshoumaru's child would look like.

- Kirara, love, wake up please, begged Inuyasha with tears running from his eyes.

- I-Inuyasha?

- I am here love… I am here, he whispered and nuzzled her neck and hugged her tightly.

- The babies? Are they ok??

- They are fine Kirara-san, said Miroku and gave her the child he was holding.

She held out her arms to get her babies. Inuyasha helped her hold them to her chest. The love glowed inside his eyes and he looked up at their friends. He mouthed a silent Thank you and they all nodded before leaving the new parents alone to get to know their puppies, or kittens.

Kagome slumped down once she got outside. Miroku was there in an instant and hugged her tight.

- They are going to be ok love, he whispered.

- I know… I just feel so… washed up, she said and looked into his dark blue eyes.

- I know what mean, I feel the same way. But it turned out just fine.

She leaned into his embrace as he picked her up and carried her bridal style back to their room. In the corner of his eyes he could see that Sesshoumaru had done the same with Sango.

Inuyasha stroked the cheek of his little girls. They were beautiful, both had the diamond shaped mark on their forehead and their eyes were dark golden with red speckles. On top of their head flicked small silvery puppy ears.

- How are you feeling love? he asked silently.

- Like I could conquer the world Inuyasha, smiled Kirara and looked up into his eyes. She could still see some tears glimmer in the corners and she nuzzled her nose into his neck.

- Thank you Kirara, they are… he stammered, he could not find the words to describe what he was feeling.

- Thank you Inuyasha for giving us this little treasure.

- What name shall they have?

- Myoujou [the morning star] and Tenrousei [Sirius/the dog star].

- Good names for our little girls, said Inuyasha and kissed Kirara's forehead. - Are you tired?

- Mmm, very much.

- Then get some sleep, I will take care of these little pups of ours.

- Thank you Inu-chan, whispered Kirara and dozed off into a deep sleep.

Inuyasha place the girls on the futon next to Kirara and kissed their foreheads too. He was ready to burst out in great howl when he saw them smile. He did not think that babies this small could do that. He cuddled them until he saw them fall asleep and he lay down next to them and yawned heavily and he let his fears disappear together with it.


Hua that was heavy...