InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knight Errant ❯ Chapter Eight ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or any of the other inhabitants of the fine story of Rumiko's that we all know and love. Yourouzoku = demon wolves.
“I am so proud of you, my dearest Kagome.”
Her smile was simple and as heartbreaking as it was joyous. That might seem to be a combination that made no sense, but to Kouga it seemed to be the truth. Something was bothering his woman beyond what was obvious to the naked eye. She had not balked or shrank back from tending the wounded and had made sure all were as comfortable as they could be before sitting next to him quietly. She curled at his side and he almost started when he felt the soft rub of her cheek against him and the sting of salt came to his nose. He felt a swell of pain in his chest when he realized it was the scent of her tears and his voice was soft even as his fingers began to stroke her hair in a fashion he prayed was comforting.
“Dearest Kagome. Don't cry. I'm not angry that you didn't stay in the cave with the cubs. You were very brave, the pack knows you protected them.”
“I was afraid. When … when it bit you and I saw the blood, I was so scared. That the only one who I ever …”
She sighed soft, and he almost missed her next words as she spoke them even though he felt his heart skip a beat. She did that to him so easily, with her soft words.
“I saw myself without knowing you would be there, Kouga. I don't want to be that Kagome. I never want to wake and know that you aren't out there alive and that you love me, even if you aren't with me.”
He was amazed, that she would cry over him. That the thought of losing him had moved her to tears, but that she had been so strong as to wait until the crisis had passed to give in to them. Even though it made a hiss of discomfort pass his clenched teeth he moved enough to draw her up into his lap and he wrapped his arms around her and rocked her gently while she cried. He wouldn't lie to her, and tell her that her fears were unfounded and that nothing or no one could kill him. He was youkai and that made him much harder to kill than a human or even a hanyou like InuYasha, but even he could be destroyed despite his power. But he nuzzled his nose in her raven hair and he kissed away her tears.
“I will always love you, Kagome. In this world and the next.”
Her breath caught and she slid her arms tight around him though she was mindful of his wounds. What she felt for him had to be love, her heart did not question it even though her mind was still racing. But she had told him the truth, in the stress of battle she had worried of course for all her friends as well as the pack she was now a part of, but watching him fight had scared her. InuYasha had saved him at one point she was sure, and she would thank her friend, her best friend, for that. She let Kouga's scent fill her again and let that fear slowly drain away. He held her, despite the pain he must still be in and that made her feel a little guilty but when she would have shifted out of his lap he growled almost inaudibly and tightened his arms around her.
“Kouga. My Kouga.”
He sighed, his warm breath stirring her hair as he slowly stood with her and kept her close to his body as he moved them back to his own furs. He felt what she meant in her tone and her softness in his arms but he began to wonder if she would ever say that she loved him. Actions were louder than words and he knew through those as well that she did but still he wanted to hear it, his heart needed to hear those words spoken in her voice with happiness shining in her eyes. He settled them both down, favoring the injured arm a little but still holding her close to his chest. He needed her there with him, at his side and in his life. That strong wave of feeling washed over him as he thought about her traveling again as he knew she must soon to fulfill her vow to her hanyou friend to gather up more of the Sacred Jewel shards.
She was murmuring because she was afraid again. Afraid of what would happen if she said those three words and made them real, and for a split second she felt panic that if she ever said them this whole adventure would turn out to be a wild dream that she would spend her whole life regretting. Regretting simply because she knew she had right now all she ever wanted even if she hadn't known she'd wanted it. Her future, so very different than she had ever imagined wrapped in tanned limbs and midnight hair, blue eyes that rivaled the clearest sky and a cocky smile that maybe only she saw through to see the boy underneath that wanted desperately for her to love him back.
When exactly she had known that she did love him she would never be able to say for sure, but she knew the moment she had first told him so. When she had howled for him, it was then, even though it was in no words from any language that she understood. Yet it was then that she'd spoken it first and that sudden remembrance while held in his arms on the edge of sleep that made her lips twitch to a smile and the last of her tears dissipate as if they had never been. She'd told him once then, so where was the hurt to tell him again?
To get his attention as her slim fingers wound into his hair, tugging gently to make sure he looked at her even though she felt the faint burn of a blush on her cheeks and across the bridge of her nose. Hesitantly her chocolate eyes met his bluest gaze, and she watched as they searched her own and she knew he was looking for something there and she felt him sigh when she closed her eyes. Not to shut him out but to gather up the threads of her strength and then she whispered.
“I do love you.”
His deep laugh rang out then, the sheer joy of the sound making the cubs join in and some of the females smile softly. They might not know what his woman had said to make him laugh but it did their hearts good to hear the happiness in their Prince's voice. Kagome was good for him, and so she was good for the pack.
His fingertips brushed over her blushing features, and then he pressed a kiss firmly to her forehead before nuzzling her temple again, hands lazily drifting down her arm and caressing her back soothingly. If he weren't recovering from his injuries he might have been tempted and sorely so to do what he'd been thinking of when the den had been attacked, the sooner that the cub she held was his own the better in his mind anyway. He'd already decided that he would help her in her search for those Shards even if they weren't traveling together because the sooner that Jewel was put back together the sooner she could cease to be InuYasha's shard detector and begin to spend her attentions where they rightfully belonged, on him of course.
It was still early, but with a contented smile on his face and his woman who said that she loved him in his arms he felt his eyes close. He'd heal fast enough and then maybe he really would chase the pack out of the den. That pleasant thought followed him down into sleep but it did not prevent the dream he had from being far less so. Now Kouga was no seer, no oracle or prophet despite his visionary goal to ensure the future of his demon wolves, but there was just something about the dream that had him shifting restlessly on his furs even with Kagome nestled against him that would make him wonder if it was not some sort of twisted peek into a dangerous future.
He was running and it was dark, the wind of his own passage whipping past him as he parted the tall grass around him like a deep green sea, the razor edges of the grass whipping at his exposed skin as he moved. He ran faster than he had ever run because someone had taken her and if he did not get there in time for her his own life would not be worth living.
A sickening laughter sounded around him, hurting his keen ears and making him grit his teeth in rage. That laughter made him want to rend things with his hands until the flesh that birthed that evil was torn asunder and he did not know why, save for that it had taken his woman from him.
She was his woman but she was more, she was his whole world and he felt the cold sweat of fear moving over his skin and gripping his guts. He'd promised to protect her, and yet he had somehow not seen this coming and her terrified scream echoed in his ears.
A sense of disquiet ran through him as he passed out of the sea of razor grass into a more rocky area but he did not slow his run because Kagome needed him. He would run until his heart burst of the strain if that was what it would take to get her back. Nothing else mattered more than Kagome.
He woke with a start, disoriented and breathing hard as if he had truly run that fatal race that had consumed his dreams. His breaths still sounded ragged as he instinctively reached for her, seeking the comfort of the feel of his woman in his arms and he felt a cold shaft of panic loom in his chest when he found that he was alone on his furs. Heart almost trip hammering he sat up, eyes half closed and nostrils flared to see if he could catch her singular scent. His head turned as he did so, and she was still close. He let his fear dissipate and his blue eyes sought her, saw her there near the fire pit with the young kitsune Shippou in her arms. He could smell tears again, but these were coming from the kit and not his woman. He wondered what had made him so upset but it was the remnants of his nightmare that had him moving up slowly and then going to her to crouch before the pair.
The kit had given himself hiccups from sobbing and Kouga had reached out a hand to brush the boy's bangs back from his forehead. Kagome smiled soft at his gesture, and her voice was so very gentle when she spoke, so very soft as to not embarrass Shippou even though she wasn't certain he was not already with the Wolf Prince right there.
“He had a bad dream. He's worried that the pack won't let him stay with me when I'm here, but I told him that it was okay. He's already lost so much.”
She was obviously thinking of what had happened to Shippou's parents, the sadness there all for the pain the kit was feeling. She had such a giving heart, and Kouga knew that if she could have done so she'd have taken that pain from him and healed his heart. She had that effect on people and Kouga was not so dense as to not notice it. Her smiles and attention made those receiving them feel better about themselves in more ways than one and it might have made him jealous especially in the case of her friend InuYasha save for that he knew she loved him. He'd already been thinking about bringing the kit into the pack and not just for Kagome's sake, but what better time to make that passing thought a reality?
“Of course he can stay with us. The cubs all adore him, and you care for him. I'd have to be a heartless bastard to keep a good kit away from the one he depends on.
He gave a ghost of his cocky smile as the kit in question turned his head to look him right in the eye, those vibrant green eyes still shining with the remnant of tears as Shippou gave him a tiny smile in return. Tomorrow he'd forget the tears ever happened and be more assured of his place, Kouga could sense it. The remnants of his own dream were still upon him though, as he heard Kagome softly exclaim about `new cuts' on his legs. Yet when she had tugged him further into the light cast by the embers in the fire pit, she had blinked with the most adorable confusion at his unmarred skin as it moved over the muscles of his toned legs. In his dream his arms and legs had been sliced by that razor grass, had the hint of the trappings of his dream followed him here to reality? It wasn't possible, yet what had Kagome seen? She shook her head, her free hand stroking over his thigh and then she had looked up at him with a startled look and a blush spreading over her cheeks as she realized what she'd been doing. Not that he minded one bit, she could touch him however she wanted and he'd never object.
“Come back to bed, Kagome. It's been a long hard day and tomorrow will be filled as well.”
He let her take Shippou back with them, allowing the Kitsune to curl up against her belly even as she cuddled back against him. Kouga chuckled under his breath as he thought again to the future and imagined that the kit was actually their first cub and that put a more contented smile on his lips even though he began to whisper to Kagome about his dream. He didn't understand why he was moved to tell her because it was just a dream after all, but that didn't stop him from caressing her arm when she shivered slightly and he let his lips brush her ear as he told her that he would always come for her and he would always protect her. He meant it with all his heart, and the warmth of that emotion was enough to give them all the safe descent into sleep. Let the day bring what it would, but for now Kouga let that peace wash over him anew and closed his bluest eyes.
The next morning he rose before either Kagome or Shippou and made his way out to the waterfall that was near the den, allowing the peace of the scene to wash away both the final remnants of that dream and the sleep he'd had afterwards. Kagome's scent lingered on his skin and was enough to make him smile and keep smiling even as he felt himself joined out there by a certain half demon. They were not and might possibly never be friends, that was simply just the way of things. Reluctant allies perhaps though and Kouga could live with that despite feeling that InuYasha was hiding something from him that might prove to be crucial in the future. Before the hanyou could speak he knelt down and took a handful of the crisp water to wash over his face, then refreshed he stood and gazed at him warily. InuYasha had proven himself a skilled fighter with both the ferocity of his demonic powers and his heirloom sword and Kouga respected that he'd used both in defense of his pack. So he inclined his head to him and watched as the half demon's black brow rose up in surprise. They didn't speak the words, but it was a clear thank you and Kouga could tell that perhaps InuYasha wasn't used to such. His words confirmed Kouga's earlier thoughts and gave him more to think on, though.
“We ain't friends, wolf. But as long as Kagome is here, I'll protect her and if that means savin' your hide too, so be it.”
Kouga let his gaze find the golden eyes of InuYasha and he spoke before he could think better of it.
“Tell me about how your Kikyou died. Did you … ever find out who caused it?”
Under the pale golden tan of his skin InuYasha went white. Kaede must have told Kouga more than he thought during his time in the village while Kagome healed that first time and he was wondering what else that old priestess had told the Wolf Prince. InuYasha had watched that priestess grow from a young girl to an old woman, it had made him appreciate just how fragile and finite humans were, how precious the moments of their life honestly became because they were in a set amount and no more. Fifty years still had weight with the hanyou of course but they did not age him as they had the humans he'd protected. It made him sad, in a way. Had Kikyou lived she would be older now even than her sister Kaede and it would be perhaps a matter of short years before he'd lost her to time. But he hadn't been given that opportunity nor the span of years between that to love her and perhaps that hurt most of all. More than most perhaps he understood what the Wolf Prince faced in the future in loving Kagome, but maybe that was just because he loved her too.
“No. There were rumors, but it must have been the Jewel that was the real target. When we burned it with Kikyou's body there must have been nothin' to keep him around.”
His voice was gruff, he didn't like talking about this but he supposed that Kouga had a point in asking and after all Kouga had been the one to pay a price as well, sealed to a tree for fifty years. He deserved to know, though that wouldn't make the telling any easier for InuYasha. He pointedly turned his back on the Wolf Prince before he began his tale, crossing his arms and tilting his chin down, shadowing his face with his bangs and looking distinctly uncomfortable. He spoke of Kikyou's attack and her cries of betrayal to him, how he'd dodged the arrows until that moment that Kouga himself had crashed into him and taken the arrow to his chest that was meant for InuYasha. The scene came back to him so vividly then, the smell of her blood coppery and thick in his nose and he shook a little when he told Kouga what it had felt like to hold her while she died and her words to him when she realized he hadn't been the one to injure her so badly. She'd thought it was him, and had almost died hating him. He didn't think he could have borne that, and he really had searched for who or whatever had hurt her in his own guise but apart from more rumors he'd come up with nothing.
Kouga nodded, respecting how difficult it must have been for the half demon to share his pain with someone that was admittedly not a friend but it was information that needed to be shared. If that creature that had killed Kikyou was still out there then Kagome was in danger from that as well as whatever random creature might have obtained a Shard of the Sacred Jewel, but he somehow knew as he watched InuYasha try to hide his shaking hands in the large sleeves of his haori that he would do his part in keeping her safe. Hadn't he already defended her life from his own elder brother Sesshoumaru? That alone would have made Kouga sit up and take notice, he knew of Sesshoumaru and the powers he'd inherited from the great dog demon that was his father. Unlike InuYasha he was a full demon and his powers were unfathomable even to someone like Kouga yet somehow InuYasha had managed to defeat him and save Kagome.
It was enough for now, and he walked past the half demon, resting his hand on his shoulder a moment and squeezing before letting go and walking past. He pretended he didn't mind the undertone of a growl that had come from the dog, after all hadn't Kouga just made him relive the worst moments of his life? In the past perhaps Kouga would have let that growl initiate a fight but that was before Kagome had come into his life and changed so very much. So he gave a bit of a disdainful sniff and headed up towards the den again to leave the half demon to stew in his own thoughts.
For his own part, InuYasha sighed as he looked up at the sky. It was clear and somehow seemed lighter for the fact that the threat of the Birds of Paradise was now a thing of the past. Yet this was no comfort to the half demon. Within that cave among the wolves that had taken her in was Kagome, the girl he felt almost inevitably drawn to be with. Bringing up the past by talking to Kouga had only increased the depth of his need to be with her. Kagome made him forget that he wasn't supposed to be loved, that he wasn't supposed to want friends, especially friends that looked at him the way Kagome did. She looked at him as if he was fine just as he was, and there was no disgust in her eyes or in her way with him. Sure they argued, but there was no hatred in it and she sparked something in him that he thought would never live again. He knew she loved Kouga and that the wolf loved her too. Rationally he knew this, but his heart would not allow him to simply bow out of this. Tomorrow he'd be leaving here with Kagome, and he would somehow find the courage to talk to her. Really talk to her, as friends did. And maybe he'd find the courage he needed to tell her his own heart.
While Kouga had been away Kagome and Shippou had risen, and the female wolves had taken Kagome off to get bathed and cleaned up with them. His chest swelled with a bit of pride that they'd taken those steps without his direction because it made her even more a part of the pack. That they wanted to approach her not to please him but because she was viewed with affection made him smile. Not the cocky smile that was his trademark but a small pleased grin that was rarer than a rain on a cloudless day. Shippou ran by him then, his small hand gripping the hand of the girl cub that Kagome had bandaged her first day here.
“Let's go play at the waterfall Aikiko!”
He hadn't even known the cub's name, and Kouga shook his head at how rapidly the Kitsune was becoming part of the pack, not holding back after his words to him last night. He had meant it, the boy had a place here and it was not a decision that Kouga could ever see himself regretting. Loyalty had to be earned and loyal pack meant a safe pack because all would work to defend what they owned jointly. Some other wolf leaders might use fear or force to lead their pack, but Kouga preferred respect. His wolves would never hesitate when out of his sight, their treatment of Kagome and her kit was solid proof of that. He was just so proud of them that words failed him. What he had done was good here and word would spread. Other wolves would come, and his plans for the future would indeed solidify just as he envisioned them.
He leaned against the wall of the den cave and watched as the females brushed Kagome's raven dark hair until it was dry and gleamed with highlights of blue, their exclamations on how soft it was making his woman blush in a fashion he found very attractive. They had gotten her a simple yukata of soft cotton that had been dyed a rich blue and had some sort of blossom embroidered on it as her own clothing had been ruined by blood after the battle when she'd been tending wounds. They were telling her that if she wished pelts and armor of her own such as many of them wore that they would gather up the needed elements for her and he had to smile as he heard her softly wondering if it would please Kouga if she dressed that way. They hugged her and laughed, Aikiko's mother Sashiko patting her gently on the arm and telling her that they would get to work on it so she could have it when she had to leave them again on her quest, though they yipped quietly and he knew that as females were wont to do plotted to keep her coming back to the den often until she would just stay entirely.
Yourouzoku females were notoriously territorial and liked knowing where the ones they loved were at, so while they understood that her honor and promise bound her to retrieve the shards of the Jewel she had aided in shattering they wanted her where she belonged too, which to them was in the den or its surrounding lands. That Sashiko had attached herself to Kagome as well was another good sign, she was well respected by the pack and any that were hesitant about a human being among them would be reassured by that. As the females drifted away to go about their daily tasks Kouga pushed off from the wall and loped towards her in a lazy fashion that was all male and all wolf. He loved that look on Kagome's face when she saw him, and how the pink colored her cheeks at whatever she'd thought. He crouched down before her and took her hand in his own, thumb running over the backs of her knuckles before he suddenly yelped. A startled laugh came from Kagome as he looked down, the very cold nose of a wolf cub had touched his leg and was the source of his yelp. He gave the cub a stern glance though the lolling tongue and the amused manor of the baby let him know that it wasn't afraid of him. He nudged it away from Kagome before sitting down himself, the cub toddling off on four paws to find something to gnaw on, preferably something that belonged to Kouga.
“They are all drawn to you, my Kagome.”
He swallowed, taking her hand again in his, lacing his fingers with her own. His hearing caught the catch of her breath, his senses registering the increase of her heartbeat and the soft expression on her face gave him an invitation he did not turn down. He dipped forward and captured her lips, a gentle kiss at first that he would let her set the pace on before he finally pressed her to deepen it. She was hesitant but he knew that was because of her lack of experience and not her aversion to the idea, so he careful with her, teaching her with each press of lips, letting her get bold enough to touch his lips with her tongue before allowing his own to dance with hers. He wanted to howl in satisfaction when he finally drew back to look upon her sweet features, the slightly dazed look in her eyes and the way her lips had responded to his own. Her soft wow made him grin and his chest swell up in manly pride, and he leaned forward to kiss her again. The soft sounds she made as her hands reached up to undo the ponytail he'd caught his hair up in sent a thrill through him. He'd promised himself he wouldn't push her, though it was very hard not to want to take more steps when she was so obviously accepting of them.
The rational part of his mind knew that while her body wanted him, her mind was not yet ready for that, so as difficult as it was he'd content himself with moments like this for as long as it took. Easing back he took her hands once more, the blush back on her cheeks and the sparkle in her eyes his reward. Before either of them could speak of the thoughts that were racing through them they were suddenly overwhelmed by the cubs of the pack who had decided to come and play with them. Laughing at first with exasperation then genuine mirth, Kouga tickled all the cubs that came in arms length including Shippou who seemed to be the impromptu leader of this charge. Shippou grinned at Kagome, her smile making him so happy that he smiled in return. InuYasha might not like it here much, but Shippou finally felt that he had a place to belong again. It was something that he'd thought he would never have again. Kouga held the kit on his knee afterwards, bouncing him gently as Shippou smiled with great contentment and announced to no one in particular.
“It's so good to be home.”
AN: I know, not much action in this chapter but we'll be back on track hopefully next chapter. The next chapter will also be dedicated to whoever gives me review number 30!
I will also try to have the next chapter done by Sunday, as its my goal to have at least one up a week.