InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knight in Shining Armor ❯ Where Do You Go? ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Knight In Shining Armor
Chapter 4—Where Do You Go
Kouga smiled, placing kisses all down Kagome's neck. “My princess…” He said softly, nuzzling against her. Kagome bit back a laugh. He was tickling her. The newlyweds grabbed their things and headed for the inn they'd be staying at.
Kouga carried Kagome, bridal style, into their room. The guards were outside the inn, keeping an eye on things for the two young lovers on their honeymoon.
Kouga kissed Kagome passionately on the lips and laid her down on the bed. He stared down at her with his lovely teal eyes. Kagome reached up and pulled his black mane out of its high ponytail. His dark locks cascaded down his shoulders. Kagome smiled and ran her hands though it.
“Kagome, you are sure you want to do this?” Kouga asked nervously. Kagome just smiled and nodded, before kissing him.
“I do, Kouga.” She said softly. Grabbing one of Kouga's hands, she placed it on her left breast. “I do.” She whispered, leaning up to his ear. Kagome gave it a soft bite before laying her head back down. Kouga had lost it in that moment and tore through her expensive dress.
Kagome gasped once the white gown was detached from her body and stared back up at her husband. Kouga began to take off his own shirt. Kagome averted his eyes and stared down at herself. `Thank Kami I got out of wearing that damn corset today!' She thought.
Kouga growled low and placed kisses all down her neck and onto her collarbone. Kagome moaned softly. Kouga must have taken this as a sign or something and immediately ran his hands down her breasts.
A soft gasp escaped her lips just as Kouga began to run his fingers around her nipples. In circles they went. Kagome moaned again and Kouga finally stuck his face in front of one, taking the nipple in his mouth. Kagome nearly cried out and arched her back. Kouga repeated this with the other nipple and slowly made his way down her stomach.
`Something's wrong with this. I don't want to… ah. I don't want to be here. I don't want Kouga to do this.' Kagome thought to herself. Kouga's voice broke her out of her thoughts.
“You ready?” He asked holding his manhood in one hand with the other on her thigh. Kagome didn't even recall him getting naked. Kagome whimpered a bit but nodded.
“Y…yeah…” She said softly but regretted it the minute he entered her. She wanted some one to come. To interrupt them. This was horrible. Sure, he was her husband and she had agreed to this, but, it felt so wrong. Kouga wasn't the person to be doing this with. Then who else is there?
Kouga slammed himself into her, going faster, and faster. Kagome wanted him to stop. She could feel he was about to orgasm into her. Oh, she didn't want that. He's release his seed. She would be his forever. His mate, wench, wife. They were all one in the same.
Kagome bucket her hips but instead of feeling the orgasm she thought was coming, she felt something else. He had stopped? No, he was still inside her.
“K…Kouga?” She asked looking up. He looked almost like he was in pain. Kagome sat up as best she could, and managed to pull herself away from him, which had left a mess in between them. She placed a hand on his shoulder. “Kouga? What's the matter?” She asked softly.
Kouga reached his hand up, and covered her's with it. “I'm sorry, Kagome.” He said, turning looking up at her. “I… you didn't want to go that far, I shouldn't have pushed you.”
Kagome was a bit taken back, but nodded in understanding. “Thanks, Kouga.” Kouga nodded and kissed her softly on her forehead. Reaching down, he grabbed the covers and they laid down side by side. Kouga lifted the covers up over their bodies.
“Sorry.” Kagome said softly. Kouga kissed er trying to hush her. “No, I'm sorry. Good night, love.”
Kagome mumbled softly and cuddled up next to him.
“Alright, Miroku. You've got it down.” Inuyasha whispered into the night.
“Are you sure this is the inn they're staying at?” Miroku said groaning. “We've been everywhere and they haven't been in any of the places.”
“Shut up, would ya! I'm sure this time!” Inuyasha and Miroku were hiding in a bush outside the entrance to the inn. Guards surrounded the entire area. It would take much skill to get inside.
“So, you've got the plan down?” Inuyasha asked Miroku. He nodded in response and the two departed from the bush and ran their separate ways. Miroku walked right up to the entrance, while Inuyasha continued to sneak around behind bushes.
“My good men.” Miroku began, approaching the guards. The five guards within earshot readied themselves for whatever was coming. “I'm a royal monk. I noticed quite an ominous aura around here and just was checking to make sure everything was okay.”
“We aren't fools `monk'! We've been the princess's guards for a long while and we aren't stupid enough to fall for this one.” Miroku held his hands up and shook his head. “No, you have it all wrong. I do not wish to go inside. I merely was wondering if you, too, had noticed anything strange around here.” Miroku looked behind him and gestured for Inuyasha to go. Inuyasha sprang forth and darted inside, no one even noticed him.
“There it is! Get back here demon!” Miroku shouted following after Inuyasha. The guards followed the two shouting for the monk to come back outside.
“Do you not see him?!” Miroku asked pointing to absolutely nothing. “I don't see him!” One of the guards said.
“What are you even pointing at?!” Another asked.
Miroku's eyes widened as if her were trying to stress that there indeed was a demon he was pointing at. “There!” He said. “Oh no! He got away again!” Miroku shouted taking off again. However, this time he got a head start and ended up a long ways ahead of the guards.
“Ahh!” He heard a woman scream and looked up only find he was headed straight for one, tripping over himself in an effort to stop, Miroku collided with the woman.
“Ah, what are you doing?!” The woman asked, underneath Miroku.
“I'm so sorry.” Miroku said, looking up. The two of them gasped once their eyes fell upon each other. “Sango.” Miroku said almost breathlessly. Sango just stared at him blankly.
“What are you doing here, Miroku? You… I…” Sango looked around.
“So, you did live through the fire.” Miroku said sweetly. Sango just nodded. “And you did too!” She wasn't quite in the mood to talk. This wasn't Miroku, she knew that much. Miroku and Inuyasha, along with many others, died in the fire that night. Sango wasn't born an idiot, she knew this much.
“Sango, have you seen a black-haired boy running through here?” Miroku asked. She tilted her head.
“Black haired… no, I haven't.” Miroku shrugged and picked Sango up bridal style.
“Hey, what are you doing, let me go!” She shouted kicking. This guy was really getting on her nerves. Who the hell was he and since when did he have the rights to touch her, even? And if this creep was in the castle, Kami only knows who else was in here trying to get Kagome.
“Doesn't matter, I'm sure he'll find Kagome on his own.” Miroku flashed a grin. Sango gasped. She could feel her heart skip a beat.
“Who is going to hurt Kagome?!” Sango demanded, trying to free herself from Miroku's grip. `Kagome's in trouble! Oh, I knew it! I knew she would be!'
“Sango, calm down, she isn't in any harm!” Sango groaned and continued to flail.
“Let me go! I have to protect Lady Kagome!” Sango finally managed to free herself but Miroku grabbed her arm and ran. “And I have to kidnap you!” Miroku said. “No worries, Kagome will be coming with us.”
Sango growled. “What are you doing? Let me go!” She screamed. Miroku just ignored her and ran out the building with Sango in tow. For all that racket, she sure wasn't doing a lot of fighting back.
“All will be answered once we get home and Inuyasha has Kagome.” Miroku said softly.
“Inuyasha?” Sango asked.
Inuyasha sneaked quietly through Kagome's room. `Damnit! Which one's Kagome? I could sniff her out if I wasn't in my human form!' However, he noticed the other didn't have any breasts. `A man? In Kagome's bed! He's naked, too!' Inuyasha thought with disgust. `She's probably married… just like Miroku told me.' Inuyasha shook the thought and reached his hand over Kagome's mouth and quickly picked her up.
Inuyasha winced at the feeling of flesh in his hands. `She's naked too?' Inuyasha took off his haori and covered Kagome with it. However, Kagome had woken up and slapped him across the face.
“What are you doing, you creep?!” Kagome barked loudly, hoping to wake Kouga up. She looked down at the haori she was now dressed in. Inuyasha blinked for a second.
“Answer me!” Kagome screamed backing up. Kouga moaned and stirred around in the bed.
“Kagome…” Kagome gasped at the sound of her name coming from the stranger's mouth. She recognized the voice slightly, but couldn't place a finger on whose it was.
“Who are you?!” She sneered, continuing to back up. Why wouldn't Kouga wake up already? He couldn't have been that deep in his sleep. “What do you want with me?!” She asked him again. Kagome turned at the sounds of sheets moving and saw Kouga was now awake. A wave of relief washed over her.
Inuyasha looked up in fear at the now awoken wolf prince. He gasped and grabbed Kagome in his arms before opening the window and darting out. Kouga snarled and watched.
“Kagome!” He called out to her.
Inuyasha held Kagome closer to him running with all his might. `She's with me again. I have her in my arms. It's Kagome, for real.' Inuyasha thought, reminding himself to breathe. This was all he wanted in the past eight years of his life. All he wanted was to be with Kagome again. To feel her close to him again.
Kagome looked up at the stranger. She didn't stir, didn't kick, and didn't scream. She was just silent, lost in her own thoughts. She noticed he had long ebony locks and violet eyes. His skin was tan and he had on a white under kimono thing. `It must be what he wears under this thing.' Kagome thought referring to the haori. Inuyasha could feel her eyes upon him and stole a glance at the princess. Kagome gasped and looked away. She had seen something in his eyes. `Something's strange about this guy. I feel like I know him, like I trust him. I almost don't want to call out to Kouga. He's so warm.' Inuyasha just looked back up at the moonless sky and continued running.
“Excuse me,” Kagome started. Inuyasha looked down at her. “Who are you?” Kagome asked. She knew this man. No doubt about it. But, from where.
Inuyasha bit his lip. He didn't want to freak her out by saying anything. “You'll find out soon enough, I'm sure.” Inuyasha said, continuing to run.
“Hey!” Inuyasha said noticing Miroku. Miroku turned holding Sango in his arms. “Lady Kagome!” Sango shouted. Kagome gasped. “Sango!”
“You got her, Miroku?” Inuyasha asked. Sango looked up at Inuyasha in awe. He was in his human form tonight. Sango hadn't ever really seen him in that form. Miroku nodded running a hand across Sango's bottom. Sango squealed and kicked her legs.
“You pervert, let me go!” She shouted. Miroku just laughed but his smile faded as a foot came up and kicked his face.
Inuyasha chuckled slightly.
“You ready to leave, Inuyasha?” Miroku asked. Inuyasha nodded and the four of them took off.
Kagome's heart stopped. `Inuyasha?'
Thank you to the Following Reviewers
~Kisaki_NekoYasha~, Peacemaker, and icecream
Sorry I haven't updated in a while. With hurricane Rita down in the Gulf, my family in Houston has kinda… had me a bit too worried to write. But, everyone's okay now and I can update more often.
Leave a review, please. And Inuyasha isn't mine.