InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kodomo ni Taisuru Haha no wa Totemo Fukai desu ❯ Sitting just wasn't meant for Inuyasha ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kodomo ni Taisuru Haha no wa Totemo Fukai desu

A story by: Ai no Sakura

Disclaimer: * looks back and forth between Rumiko Takahashi and this fics author, then turns to small children* Which one owns Inuyasha?

Kids: * point at Rumiko Takahashi*

Sakura: * lets the finger held to her chest fall to her side and glares at the traitors who she had bribed with a load of candy* Hmph!

A/N: Trying to make up for the whole Kouga incident! Maybe this will clear up a few things?

This is an AU fic with a great deal of OOCness, but I can't help it that I haven't seen enough Inuyasha episodes. They don't air them here where I live * in the brink of tears *!

Summary: Inuyasha keeps seeing these hot dreams of someone, but after he gets raped he doesn't know if his life turns for better or for worse!

Mpreg, yaoi, Inu/?/?

Chapter warnings: yaoi, cursing

Parings: Inuyasha/Kouga

Inuyasha/? (surprise!)

On with the fic!


Suddenly his head swam and he felt nauseous.

"I need to lay down, Kagome…" he said before falling into Kagome's waiting arms in a dead faint.


A small whimper, then a second one.

So beautiful. Tepid gold and silver-white, sky blue and midnight black…


Golden eyes snapped open.


"Inuyasha, are you feeling any better?"

Golden eyes settled on a pair of soft brown eyes filled with worry.

"Wha…? What happened?" Inuyasha croaked drowsily.

Kagome reached for Inuyasha's bangs, stroking them away from his eyes, Inuyasha still being too out of it to notice.

"You fainted, Inuyasha," she said calmly, sliding her hand down Inuyasha's cheek.

Inuyasha blinked and his ears twitched, then shot into a sitting position.

"I WHAT?!" he cried out, immediately regretting his actions, feeling lightheaded all of a sudden.

"You heard me," Kagome assured as she helped Inuyasha lay back down.

"Kaede's village is a weeks walk away. We're going to head back."

After a moment, Inuyasha rose into a sitting position slowly and noticed they weren't at their old camp, but instead were in a small clearing inside some forest.

Looking around, he noticed it was just the two of them.

"Kagome," Inuyasha started as he turned to face her, sitting on what Inuyasha suspected to be her sleeping bag,

"Where's everyone?"

Inuyasha saying her name in such a soft voice startled Kagome. It was just not like him! Usually it was said with annoyance or it was just plain "bitch".

She placed a loose strand of hair behind her ear as she tried to remember where their friends had gone,

"Ano… Miroku is searching for firewood… Sango and Kirara are trying to track down the youkai that attacked you, and Shippo-"

Just on cue the orange kitsune bounced his way to the two.

"Kagome, is Inuyasha alright?" he asked, stealing a glance at Inuyasha before his eyes met Kagome's again.

"I feel fine runt," Inuyasha said gruffly, slowly becoming his old self again.

"I'm no runt!" Shippo huffed, slightly offended by Inuyasha's chosen name for him.

Suddenly there was a loud crash nearby and Shippo jumped into a startled Kagome's arms.

"Wha-what was tha-that?" he asked shakily.

The answer came soon enough.

Slowly a figure came into view in the distance.

Sango emerged from the forest, carrying firewood in her arms, a scowl on her face, Kirara walking beside her in his transformed form, Miroku laying on his back, unconscious.

As they finally got to where Kagome and Inuyasha were, Sango dumped the firewood a few feet away, Kirara dumping Miroku on the ground and becoming his cute, lovable, tiny neko form.

As Sango and Shippo tended to the lighting of the fire, Miroku slowly regained consciousness.

"What happened?" he asked, rubbing his sore head, glancing at his friends innocently.

"Oh, you know what happened," Sango growled, turning narrowed eyes to the now sitting Miroku,

"You never give up, do you Hoshi-sama?"

Miroku stopped rubbing his head for a second, giving the matter some thought.

"Never," he said overly dramatically after the pause, everyone bursting into laughter, even Sango who rolled her eyes.

As the laughter died out Kagome reached for her backpack, starting lunch.

"So, Sango," she started casually,

"Did you track down the youkai that attacked Inuyasha?"

Inuyasha stiffened slightly, but no one noticed this.

Sango sighed as she tended to Hiraikotsu,

"No. It had already left when Kirara and I arrived, but Kirara sensed something wasn't right."

Sango glanced at the small fire neko youkai and smiled, scratching him behind his ear, then turned back to Kagome,

"We arrived at a lake and found caked blood that was only a few hours old."

"Funny," Kagome said, pausing in the middle of stirring the cooking ramen, then her eyes landed on Inuyasha,

"Inuyasha came from the same direction as you did and he was slightly injured. Maybe the blood was Inuyasha's or the youkai's!"

Sango turned her eyes onto Inuyasha also, the hanyou not daring to meet their gaze.

"That can't be true," Sango said carefully, and continued after getting a confused look from Kagome,

"Kirara went into heat."

It took a minute for Kagome's brain to register everything.

"So, you mean, Inuyasha and the youkai had sex-" she started, a blush splashed on her cheeks, but then she paled, denial in her eyes,

"Or he was raped…"

Inuyasha got up suddenly and marched over to a nearby tree and sat cross-legged under it.

"Inuyasha?" Kagome asked, shocked by his reaction.

Inuyasha snapped angry gold eyes to Kagome and yelled,

"Bitch, change the subject before-!"


Inuyasha's abdomen felt heavy all of a sudden and though he was sitting cross-legged, his face crashed to the ground.

A scream of pain escaped Inuyasha's lips as the vibration on the impact opened the wounds inside his backside, making his blood trickle out and stain the ground around him.

A tear of pain and shame slipped down his cheek as he saw his friends rush to his aid as he slipped into unconsciousness for the second time this morning.



The okami prince skidded to a halt in front of a man wearing a baboon pelt.

"Naraku," Kouga acknowledged with a bow of his head.

The man identified as Naraku took a few steps closer to the okami.

"Did you do as planned, Kouga?" he asked his voice dark, but it didn't seem to affect the okami.

"Hai, Master," he replied, sounding suspiciously automatic.

An evil chuckle escaped the evil hanyou's lips.

"Good," he said, then closed the distance between them, leaning to whisper into Kouga's ear,

"You will go back to your pack and forget what you did and also our alliance."

Naraku disappeared after he had said this, leaving behind a very confused okami prince.

"Where am I?" he asked no one a particular, blinking in confusion, then shook his head,

"I better go check on the pack."

With that said, Kouga ran off into the horizon, a typhoon following his trail.

And he never heard Naraku's evil cackle, which echoed in the far distance.



Inuyasha: * glares at Sakura*

Sakura: * looks innocently at Inuyasha*

Inuyasha: * glares at Sakura*

Sakura: * bats eyelashes at Inuyasha*

Inuyasha: * still glares at Sakura*

Sakura: * peeved* WHAT IS IT?!

Inuyasha: * glare hasn't budged, but arms have been crossed to chest*

Sakura: *eye goes "twitch twitch" * Alright, then don't tell me!

Inuyasha & Sakura: * walk different directions and exit the room*

Translation for Japanese words:

Ano: umm

Kitsune: fox

Neko: cat

Hoshi(-sama): monk (-sama is for formality)

Youkai: monster/ spirit

Ramen: instant noodles

Hanyou: Half monster/spirit

Osuwari: sit

Okami: wolf

Hai: yes

Inu: dog

Typhoon: Asian tornado/ hurricane

A/N: As I said in the last chapter, R&R, but no flames about the character being OOC accepted!

All you Kouga lovers hope you don't still hate me! He was brainwashed or something similar!

Blame Naraku, not me!

By the way, no review, no chapters for you. The more reviews I get, the more I get the urge to write!

So if you've liked my story so far, be a good girl/boy and click the review button!

I'd appreciate it!


- Sakura