InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kodomo ni Taisuru Haha no wa Totemo Fukai desu ❯ Good news or bad news, it just depends on the angle you look upon ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kodomo ni Taisuru Haha no wa Totemo Fukai desu

A story by: Ai no Sakura

Disclaimer dude: * reads script* The owner of Inuyasha is…

Sakura: * overly confident* Me.

Disclaimer dude: * clears throat and glares at Sakura then continues reading* The owner of Inuyasha is… Sakura?!

Sakura: * starts celebrating* I own Inuyasha. I own Inuyasha… * sing-song voice*

Disclaimer dude: * sees a crossed over name* Wait! The rightful owner of Inuyasha is Rumiko Takahashi and the owner of Sakura Sazuke is Sakura!

Sakura: * starts crying* But, but… You said I owned Inuyasha! It's not fare… * whines*

A/N: Konnichiwa minna-sama! Gomen for taking so long, but I've had the flu and my mind has been a bit elsewhere `cause of that. And of course school had to start, so I'll be occupied with that as well. I'll still try to continue the story, but right now, `cause of the flu, I've been too tired to come up with more chapters!

Don't you just hate being sick?

By the way, BIG shout outs to these reviewers:

Dr. Yaoi: Arigato for your review! I'm glad you've enjoyed my fic thus far!

Nekoinu: Honey, relax. Breathe… Now, it's good to know you like my fic! I agree with you on the `Kagome stories' (stories about only Kagome's problems) totally!

That's why I started writing this fic in the first place!

Yuikey: Arigato for reviewing my fic! It's good to know people like my work!

This is an AU fic with a great deal of OOCness, but I can't help it that I haven't seen enough Inuyasha episodes. They don't air them here where I live * in the brink of tears *!

Summary: Inuyasha keeps seeing these hot dreams of someone, but after he gets raped he doesn't know if his life turns for better or for worse!

Mpreg, yaoi, Inu/?/?

Chapter warnings: yaoi, cursing

Pairings: Inuyasha/ Kouga

Inuyasha/? (I should hurry up with this person, but my mind keeps on saying that it isn't the right time to pull the person into this fic!)

Now… On with the fic! ^_^


A tear of pain and shame slipped down his cheek as he saw his friends rush to his aid as he slipped into unconsciousness for the second time this morning.


"I better go check on the pack."

With that said, Kouga ran off into the horizon, a typhoon following his trail.

And he never heard Naraku's evil cackle, which echoed in the far distance.


Smooth, silky caresses and butterfly kisses ran down pale skin, but the playing was stopped by a soft cry…


Inuyasha opened his eyes slowly.

Everything was a blur at first and Inuyasha could swear that someone had called out his name.

As the world came into focus, he saw a roof of what he knew was a hut.

Though confused and panicking inside, Inuyasha didn't sit up, having learned the hard way, instead turned his head to the side.

Now he saw he wasn't alone and sighed in relief as he saw Kagome walking to his side.

"Inuyasha?" she called out softly and Inuyasha could smell the scent of dried tears.

Had she been crying?

"Kagome?" Inuyasha called out hoarsely as he sat up slowly, not wanting to feel the dizziness from before, looking straight into her downcast eyes,

"How long have I been out?"
Kagome looked up into his eyes and Inuyasha saw she was in the brink of tears.

"Two weeks," Kagome whispered, trying to keep her tears at bay, but failing.

Arms flung around Inuyasha's neck and he was hugged tightly.

"Gomen nasai, Inuyasha!" Kagome cried, sobs shaking her whole body,

"I didn't mean to hurt you. Gomen nasai!"

Inuyasha wrapped one arm around Kagome's waist, the other lifting her chin for them to make eye contact.

"It's alright, Kagome," he said softly, wiping away her tears with his thumb,

"I forgive you…"

Kagome looked at him in disbelief.

"You do?" she asked, thinking she had heard wrong, but the nod assured her.

Then she blinked,
"That was quick."

Kagome smiled slightly, pulling away from the embrace.

"You woke up once, but you were really disoriented and you kept on calling for some people, but I can't remember their names," she told him and gave him a weird look,

"What were you dreaming about anyway?"

Inuyasha yawned and stretched, careful not to strain anything, but as Kagome asked the question, he blushed.

"Keh! I don't have to answer that question," he replied and crossed his arms to his chest,

"And when are we going to eat? I'm starving!"

Kagome giggled,

"Your nose seems to be asleep still, because even I can smell the ramen Sango is cooking!"

Inuyasha sniffed the air and sure enough, the smell of cooking ramen was extremely strong.

"Keh!" was all Inuyasha said before he stomped out of the hut.

Kagome hurried after him and yelled,

"Kaede said you shouldn't be walking around right after you woke up!"

Inuyasha didn't even glance back as he said over his shoulder,

"I don't care what that old hag says."

Kagome sighed, a sweat drop forming on her brow.

As the two stepped outside, they were greeted by

"He's awake!" and "How are you feeling Inuyasha?"

Inuyasha crossed his arms to his chest again and snorted.

"Keh. I feel fine and I'm obviously awake," he told them, not even looking their direction.

If he had, he would've seen Miroku nod and Sango start handing out bowls of ramen.

"Inuyasha, are you finished with stating the obvious or would you rather keep it up and miss dinner?" Kagome asked as she held out a bowl of steaming hot ramen for Inuyasha.

"Keh!" Inuyasha snorted and snatched the bowl out of Kagome's hand.

And watching Inuyasha eat at the same time you did was never a good idea, as Kagome had noticed a long time ago, but she couldn't help, but stare as he swallowed the ramen in an extremely fast pace.

"Inuyasha?" Kagome called out between his sixth or seventh helping of the ramen Sango had cooked.

Inuyasha stopped in the middle of a mouthful of ramen,


Kagome grimaced at the sight.

"Ano… please chew?" she pleaded, earning a "Keh" from Inuyasha, but his pace slowed down slightly.

It still didn't mean it wasn't fast or disgusting.

And he maybe chewed twice.


Inuyasha placed down his empty bowl, signaling he was finished.

"You don't want more?" Shippo taunted, hiding his surprise.

Inuyasha scowled at the kitsune.

"You think 15 bowls aren't enough? I recall you eating just two," he grumbled, not in the mood to start bickering with the small kitsune.

He got up stiffly and stretched his limbs, feeling lazy all of a sudden.

"Inuyasha," Kagome called out to catch his attention,

"Come into Kaede's hut. I need to talk to you."

As soon as they entered the hut, Kagome spun to face Inuyasha, a frown on her face.

"Now, tell me Inuyasha," she started, pointing a finger at his chest,

"What was that?"

Inuyasha looked confused,

"What was what?"

Kagome narrowed her eyes.

"Usually you eat only five bowls of ramen," she told him and Inuyasha nodded, knowing that already,

"Now you ate 15."

Inuyasha shrugged his shoulders, something that had rubbed off of the miko standing in front of him,


Kagome took a calming breath, but it didn't help much.

"You ate all the ramen left!" she exclaimed, but then she lowered her voice, thinking the matter through,

"Now I have to go back to my time and get some more. I have a test in a few days anyway…"

Inuyasha stared at her.

"So, what you're saying is…?" he asked fighting back a growl.

Kagome looked him square in the eye, placing her hands onto her hips, daring Inuyasha to cut her off as she spoke.

"So, what I'm saying is, I won't be here for at least a week and a half," she told him.

Inuyasha growled, but it was short lived as Kagome's expression read `Osuwari!' in every way and language.

"And Inuyasha," Kagome added,

""If you argue with me, I'll seal the well and live a normal teenagers life for a few weeks."


"Two weeks."


"Two and a half weeks."

"KAGOME!" Inuyasha yelled, annoyed beyond belief,

"Just bring extra ramen when you come back and if I don't see you in exactly two and a half weeks, I'll have to burrow my way into your time!"

They both laughed at that, Kagome a bit surprised at Inuyasha letting her go so easily, but smiled anyway as they exited the hut.

Miroku and Sango were engaged in a real conversation for once and Shippo was playing with Kirara.

Kagome clapped her hands together to get everyone's attention.

"Minna-sama, I'm going back to my time and I'll be back in a few weeks," she announced and as expected, Shippo immediately clung onto Kagome.

"Don't go Kagome, Onegai!" he cried.

Kagome stroked his orangey-red hair and smiled.

"I'll bring you a present."

Shippo's mood picked up immediately and he grinned,

"Bring chocolate!"

Kagome laughed softly.

"Maybe," she told him as she placed Shippo to on his feet.

Then she proceeded on saying good-bye to Sango, Miroku and Kirara.

Kagome gave Sango a hug, Kirara a scratching behind his ear and a wave for Miroku, not wanting to get groped by the lecherous hoshi.

Inuyasha, like always, escorted Kagome to the well and they exchanged good-byes, Inuyasha managing to slide in a few threats as well.

After Kagome had disappeared into the well, Inuyasha headed back to Kaede's hut.


The next day Inuyasha fell sick, being able to keep down only small amounts of food.

"But youkai and hanyou don't get sick!" Inuyasha had complained to Kaede.

And a few days after, Shippo had poked his stomach and told him he was getting fat.

"WHY YOU LITTLE-!!!" Inuyasha had yelled then and chased after the wailing kitsune, but had stopped to heave into the nearby bushes.

And after a week of being sick, Inuyasha had finally snapped at Kaede.


Kaede had just wiped Inuyasha's spit off her face and calmly asked him to take off his kimonos and after some bickering there had been a chest bare Inuyasha in the hut.

Kaede had inspected Inuyasha's chest (Not in a hentai manner. That would be just… Eww!).

"You have gained weight," she had stated as she had poked Inuyasha's stomach softly

"No shit Sherlock*," Inuyasha had grumbled, something he had remembered Kagome's ototo, Souta, use when Kagome had once stated the obvious.

Then Kaede had done something weird.

She had walked over to a shelf with bottles of many sizes, shapes and colors and taken out a small see-through bottle that contained something that looked like water, but smelled like one of the `perfumes' Kagome had sprayed on Inuyasha once when he had dragged her back with him to the Feudal era.

Kaede had opened the cork and without warning, splashed the contents on Inuyasha.


Kaede had paid Inuyasha no heed as she had put the bottle back to its place.

"Now we wait for a few minutes," she had instructed and had sat down on a stool,

"And then I will call for Shippo."
"What does Shippo have to do with this?" Inuyasha had asked, suspicion evident in his voice.

"You will see."

Those few minutes they waited in silence had been the longest minutes in his whole life, or so it seemed to Inuyasha.

Finally Kaede had called for Shippo and the kitsune had walked in, slightly suspicious himself.

Kaede had addressed him straight on.

"Shippo, you have a better sense of smell than I. Tell me what you smell when you sniff Inuyasha," she had instructed.

Shippo had closed his eyes and sniffed a few times, and then his eyes had snapped wide open, staring at Inuyasha with big eyes.

"He smells like Inuyasha," he had told Kaede carefully and she had nodded,


Inuyasha and Kaede had waited for the kitsune to continue, but Inuyasha was never known for his patience.

"Just spit it out, runt!" he has snapped and had earned a small frown from Shippo.

Shippo had turned his back to Inuyasha and had addressed Kaede as he told what else was in the scent.

"He also smells like an okasan. My okasan smelled like this before she was killed. I was going to have an imoto or an ototo," Shippo had told Kaede and the sadness had been evident in his voice, but then his tone had became happier,

"But now Kagome is my momma!"

Inuyasha had blinked a few times.

"An okasan…? I smell like… an okasan? But that means…"

"You are with pup," Kaede had finished for him and Shippo had cheered.

"Now I'll have someone to play with instead of Kirara!"

Inuyasha had felt light headed as he had walked out of the hut.

Sango had sat ten feet away from Miroku, a scowl on her face while Miroku had had an angry handprint on his cheek.

Sango's scowl had melted into a worried expression immediately, as she had seen Inuyasha's shocked expression,

"What's wrong Inuyasha?"

"I-I'm pregnant," he had stammered.

Miroku and Sango had glanced at each other, then at Inuyasha, at the hyper Shippo next to the hanyou, then back at Inuyasha,


Miroku had laughed nervously,

"Inuyasha, you're joking. Right?"

Inuyasha had just shaken his head, a silent `no'.

The two humans had paled and had stared at Inuyasha with wide eyes.

"I mean males can't get pregnant!" Sango had exclaimed, and had turned to Miroku with questioning eyes,

"Can they?"

Miroku had raised his hands in the air.

"How should I know? This is a first for me also," he had replied, and then his eyebrows had turned in thought,

"Maybe it has something to do with Inuyasha being hanyou…"

Sango's eyes had widened suddenly even more.

"Oh no! What're we going to tell Kagome when she comes back?" she had asked and fought back her panic,

"She'll be devastated!"

Inuyasha had had enough of it. He had known that he'd regret his words. He just couldn't face Kagome anymore. Not when he was like this.

"I don't want to stay here, now that I know what's wrong with me," he had told his friends,

"When Kagome comes back, tell her I'm sorry."

With that said he had turned to leave.


Inuyasha had stopped and glanced down at Shippo, his voice voided of all emotion,

Shippo had hesitated for a second, but then had asked,

"Inuyasha, can I come with you?"

Inuyasha had pondered the question in his mind, and had looked back at his sitting friends, then down at the kitsune,

"What about Kagome?"

When Inuyasha had looked into Shippo's eyes, he had seen Shippo battling mentally with himself.

After a few seconds Shippo had come up with an excuse to go with the hanyou..

"I'm coming with you, because who will protect you from all the mean youkai when the pups are born?" he had asked.

Inuyasha had pondered the question some more.

He had studied the little kitsune. Something inside of him had told him to take Shippo with him, to where? No one knew.

What Inuyasha hadn't known was this had been his maternal instinct talking.

Inuyasha had sighed.

"Yes you can come with me," he had answered reluctantly, knowing he'd probably have to save Shippo's life even before the pup was born.

Shippo had beamed and said good-bye to their friends, and had told them to tell Kagome he was okay and sorry.

"SAYONARA!" he had yelled as he and Inuyasha had set foot on the road, leading them away from Kaede's village.

The sun had begun to set as the two travelers had covered a few miles.

"It's good that we ate already!" Shippo had exclaimed happily and got a nod from Inuyasha.

The hanyou had quickly checked the area and had found an abandoned cave.

"It smells like okami in here," Shippo had remarked,

"But it's very faint."

Inuyasha had nodded and placed Tetsusaiga in the opening of the cave, the sword sealing the opening with an invisible shield and keeping intruders away.

He had then walked back to Shippo and lain down onto the caves floor, closing his eyes, falling asleep from exhaustion.

Shippo had sat down and watched Inuyasha for a moment before creeping to where the hanyou slept and curling into a ball next to him.

Inuyasha had instinctively wrapped an arm around Shippo in his sleep and Shippo had shifted into a better position.

"Your smell is more comforting now," he had murmured to Inuyasha and had gotten a smack form the awoken hanyou.

"Urasai and go to sleep, runt!"


Naraku chuckled as he looked away from Kanna's kagami, addressing the little girl's nesan.

"Kagura," he called and Kagura scowled at the evil hanyou.

Naraku only found this amusing.

"It is time for you to play your part in this plan," he told her, not holding back the malice in his voice.

Kagura gave him a mock bow and smirked,

"What every you say Naraku."

With that, the wind sorceress exited the room, leaving Kanna with the crazy hanyou.

"Kanna," Naraku called for the small onna no ko with white hair and a blank stare, the girl walking back to Naraku.

"Show me Inuyasha."

Kanna obeyed and Naraku watched as Inuyasha and Shippo said good-bye and departed from their friends.

He found something amusing in this ordinary `good-bye'.

"Inuyasha…" Naraku chuckled,

"Say good-bye to your friends well, because you might never see them again!"

Naraku's evil laughter echoed through his castle.


Inuyasha: * blink*

Sakura: * whispers to audience* He's in shock.

Inuyasha: * blink*

Sakura: * continues whispering* He had no idea he was pregnant.

Inuyasha: * blink blink*

Sakura: * still whispers* He's gonna kill me if he hears that I'm gonna… * wind blows and catches the last few words*

Inuyasha: * blink blink snap! * YOU'RE WHAT?! * starts chasing Sakura*

Sakura: * runs for cover* Gomen, Inuyasha! Hey, Tetsusaiga isn't a toy!

Inuyasha: * smirks* I know…

Sakura: * gulp* Now Inuyasha… calm down.

Inuyasha: * starts swishing the air with Tetsusaiga* MWAHAHAHAHA…

Sakura: * looks over shoulder * You know Inuyasha, Naraku would be very proud of you right now! EEP! * Tetsusaiga misses neck by mere inches*

Inuyasha: * continues laughing like a maniac*…HAHAHAHAHA…

Sakura: * peeved* THAT'S IT! KA-GO-ME!!!

Inuyasha: * stops on track* Uh oh…

Kagome: * appears out of nowhere* Inuyasha OSUWARI!

Inuyasha: * THUMP* (is not available, because he's having lunch/ eating dirt)

Sakura: * high-fives Kagome* Arigato!

Kagome: * glares at Inuyasha's bent head* Don't mention it…

Sakura: * looks at audience* Oyasumi!

Sakura & Kagome: * walk into the horizon together*

Inuyasha: * scowls after them* Next time. Next time…

Translation for Japanese words:

Minna-sama: everybody

Gomen/ Gomen nasai: I'm sorry/ I'm really sorry

Arigato: thank you

Ramen: instant noodles

Ano: umm

Kitsune: fox

Miko: priestess

Osuwari: sit

Onegai: please

Hoshi: monk

Youkai: monster/spirit

Hanyou: half monster/spirit

Hentai: pervert

Ototo: little brother

Okasan: mother

Imoto: little sister

Sayonara: good-bye

Okami: wolf

Urasai: shut up

Kagami: mirror

Nesan: older sister

Onna no ko: girl

Oyasumi: good night

A/N: After I posted the `A/N', I felt kinda bad. I'm sorry if I was demanding or anything, it's just me being sick right now, but it still holds a purpose.

Maybe I won't stop posting this. It would be too cruel of me to do such a thing.

But keep up the reviews and I'll know if I'll stop posting or not.



- Sakura