InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kodomo ni Taisuru Haha no wa Totemo Fukai desu ❯ It's time?! ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kodomo ni Taisuru Haha no wa Totemo Fukai desu

A story by: Ai no Sakura


Disclaimer: The author doesn't-

Sakura: *points a pistol at disclaimer dudes temple* I don't what…? *smirks*

Disclaimer dude: *gulps* Eto… ano…

Sakura: *closes eyes as she smiles* Thought so.

Disclaimer dude: Judo chop! *hits Sakura behind her head*

Sakura: *currently unconscious* …

Disclaimer dude: *looks at own hands in disbelief* … *looks down at unconscious Sakura* …

Sakura: *still unconscious on the ground* …

Disclaimer dude: *sighs in relief* The author doesn't own Inuyasha, nor does she own the song Sleepless Beauty from the anime Gravitation. Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi and the song to… ano… Maki Murakami? I don't know! At least she doesn't own it! *points at Sakura, who's waking up* Uh oh… *starts running*

Sakura: *gets up from the ground and runs after the disclaimer dude* WHAT DO YOU MEAN I DON'T OWN `EM?! * aims with pistol and shoots*


Sakura: WHY YOU LITTLE…!!!! *throws away pistol and takes an AK47 from out of nowhere*

Disclaimer dude: *gulps* Help…


A/N: I'm SO sorry for not updating any sooner! I've been too busy to update. I won't even start with why. Ok, maybe I will.

For those who care, after moving across the country, having to adjust to a new school (which I still haven't) and suffering from a severe writers block it's kinda hard to update, ne? Plus, when your sister messes with your computer, deleting ALL the stories you've been saving (and the couple chapters I HAD written for this fic)… *shakes head* I was really pissed off with her…


This is an AU fic with a great deal of OOCness, but I can't help it that I haven't seen enough Inuyasha episodes. They don't air them here where I live * in the brink of tears *!

I'm trying to fix that problem, by making my older brother get me the episodes. I'm still waiting though…


I have an e-mail address reserved for flames, so feel free to drop a flame at if you really feel like it. I'll just get a good laugh!



Summary: Inuyasha keeps seeing these hot dreams of someone, but after he gets raped he doesn't know if his life turns for better or for worse!


Mpreg, yaoi, Inu/?/?


Chapter warnings: yaoi, cursing


Pairings: Inuyasha/ Kouga

Inuyasha/? (I should hurry up with this person, but my mind keeps on saying that it isn't the right time to pull the person into this fic!)


"…" = talking

`…' = thinking

bold = singing

italics = placing stress on the word

/…/ = memory

So now… On with the fic! ^_^



Inuyasha had instinctively wrapped an arm around Shippo in his sleep and Shippo had shifted into a better position.

"Your smell is more comforting now," he had murmured to Inuyasha and had gotten a smack form the awoken hanyou.

"Urasai and go to sleep, runt!"


"Inuyasha…" Naraku chuckled,

"Say good-bye to your friends well, because you might never see them again!"

Naraku' evil laughter echoed through his castle.


Round golden eyes stared innocently up from a bundle of fur…



Kagome was humming to herself Sleepless Beauty, which is sung by the #1 band in Japan, Nittle Grasper' Sakuma Ryuichi, while climbing out of the well.

It had been two and a half weeks just as she had told Inuyasha. Kagome had spent the entire time worrying her ass off.

Now she was carrying a large bag full of ramen to make it up to Inuyasha.

Kagome smiled.

She really had missed Inuyasha's company.

Suddenly Kagome noticed something.

Inuyasha wasn't greeting her like he usually did.

"Where could he be?" she wondered aloud, but shrugged her shoulders and continued her way to Kaede's village.

"Tooku de me o hikarasete mezameru monotachi matte iru…" she sang softly to herself.




Inuyasha wasn't feeling good at all.

"Shippo," the hanyou called out to the small kitsune, who was walking ahead of him,

"Lets stop for awhile. I can't go on anymore."

The little kitsune bounced back to his companion, the hanyou he thought of as his adoptive father.

"Are you okay, Inuyasha?" he questioned as he watched Inuyasha wobble to a tree and sitting under it. Shippo followed him and curled up beside him.

Inuyasha rubbed his round stomach affectionately and scratched Shippo lightly behind his ear.

"I'm fine…" he replied, closing his eyes in exhaustion,

"Just need a little rest…"

Shippo made a noise of approval and both of them fell asleep, Shippo keeping his ears perked up and ready to catch any threatening sounds.




The tall Inu youkai glanced down at the little ebony haired girl, no emotion expressed on his face.

"What is it Rin?" he asked in his monotonous voice.

Rin smiled up at the tall youkai in front of her and motioned him to bend over.

Sesshomaru crouched down slightly, low enough for Rin to reach and the little girl placed a yuri flower into his long, silky, silver hair.

Sesshomaru just stood up and watched the little girl run back to the flower fields of his gardens.

Suddenly he picked up a scent.

The Inu youkai' eyebrows creased the slightest.


Another whiff of the scent and it was certain. But something smelled wrong. Well, wrong in a good way, but the scent wasn't entirely Inuyasha's own anymore…

Sesshomaru walked into his gardens, calling for Jaken, his loyal servant.

"I have business to attend to," the Lord of The Western Lands said,

"Look after Rin."

Before Jaken had time to open his mouth to whine like usual, Sesshomaru was already gone.

`Inuyasha's scent is different. I haven't paid him a visit in a long time' the Inu youkai thought as he ran into a near by forest.

He didn't have to follow his nose for long when he found them.



Shippo's nose twitched.

`What's that smell?' he thought. *sniff* *sniff*,

"Aahh!!!! SESSHOMARU!!!"

Inuyasha snapped his eyes wide open as he heard Shippo's cry and reached for Tetsusaiga in reflex.

He had a hard time standing up, with Shippo clutching onto his head and his stomach being an impediment on its own.

"Get off me runt!" Inuyasha snapped at Shippo, and then glaring at his half-brother,

"What do you want Sesshomaru?!"

Sesshomaru seemed to stare at him for an eternity.

"You're… pregnant?" he asked, a quick flicker of shock seen on his face.

But Inuyasha was concentrating on being an ass so he didn't notice.

"Like I wouldn't have noticed that by now," he groaned out, voice dripping with sarcasm.

Sesshomaru said nothing, too shocked to utter a sound, so Inuyasha decided now was his chance to bitch at someone other than Shippo.

" I really don't feel like beating your ass right now, so could you move it and let me rest for awhile?! I haven't gotten much rest in a long time and I really don't want to have to strain my back with wielding Tetsusaiga and- AHH GOD!!!"



"Todokanu hikari no yukue azayaka ni mau omoi o egakou. Michibiku kotoba ga koborete shimawanu you ni utsuru toki o osorenaide- Nani?!"

Kagome stared at Kaede's village in shock.

The remains of it, actually.

Her hand covered her gaping mouth as she ran to where Kaede's hut used to be. Now it was just a pile of wood and stone.

"Kami-sama! No!"

Tears weld in her eyes, but she was startled by a weak voice.


Kagome turned around, but saw no one.

"Kago… me," came the voice again and Kagome was sure it came from behind a pile of rocks.

Placing the heavy bag down, Kagome slowly walked over to the pile and peaked to see who was calling her.


Miroku sat on the ground, leaning against the rocks and his breathing sounded slightly raspy. His monk robes were torn at places, but not much. But he did have a big cut on his forehead.

On his lap lay Sango's head, her hair tousled and her face filled with small cuts and mud prints. Her clothes were also torn. There was a gash on her stomach. Kirara lay at Sango's side, purring weakly though it had a nasty cut on its (*) back.

"What happened?" Kagome asked quietly.

Then her eyes widened in panic,

"Where's Inuyasha? Where's Shippo?!"

Miroku coughed, wincing at the pain it caused.

"Ka… gu… ra," he managed to say, but then he started to cough harder.

A trickle of blood leaked from his mouth, but he wiped it away with the back of his palm, smiling weakly at Kagome,

"They left. Inuyasha and Shippo left a few weeks ago…"

Kagome nodded her head as she bent down on her knees, her hand hurriedly going to Sango' neck.

She found a pulse!

"She's sleeping," Miroku said in a more normal voice, causing Kagome to look up,

"I told her she could sleep, but I made her promise not to leave me."

There was something in his eyes when he said that, his eyes staring at Sango's unconscious form.

Then he laughed slightly, but winced at the pain again,
"She made me promise not to grope her while she slept."

Kagome smiled, while standing up to her feet again. `Good old Sango…'

"I'll be right back!" she said and retrieved her backpack and taking out the first aid kit.

Kagome could here pained moans coming from around them, letting her know there were more survivors,

"I'll fix you guys up, then I'll go check on the others!"



Inuyasha's eyes opened wide in shock as he clutched his stomach.

Then he screamed in pain.

Shippo looked shaken.

"Inuyasha?" the kit called out in a tiny voice.

"The pups are coming."

Shippo turned to face Sesshomaru.

"And how do you know that?!" he practically screamed at the Taiyoukai in front of him, but he soon gulped and quieted as Sesshomaru glared down at him.

Inuyasha was panting for breath, but as a contraction hit him he screamed again.

Slowly lowering onto his knees, then his back, Inuyasha tried to breath regularly.

"Ahh! What am I going to do?!" he cried out in a pained voice, as another contraction hit him,

"I don't know what to do!!"

A silver tear rolled down his cheek, startling the kit and Taiyoukai.

"Inuyasha!" Shippo cried out, feeling helpless for not knowing how to help his friend.

Sesshomaru took a step forward, now towering over Inuyasha's lying form.

Before the tear fell to the ground, he snatched it with his clawed finger, looking at it in amazement. He had seen many who shed tears. But never his brother's…

"Ahhhh!!!" Inuyasha screamed in agony, his eyes turning red all of a sudden and a purple streak appearing on both his cheeks.

Shippo gaped in shock.

"We're going to die!!!" he wailed, clomping onto Sesshomaru's leg, then letting it go as if he'd been burned, tears falling rapidly from his eyes,

"I'm going to die!!"

Sesshomaru paid the hysterical kit no mind, staring down at his brother.

"He will die if I do not do something…" he thought aloud,

"But is that not what I have always wanted…?"

His eyes fell onto the swell of Inuyasha' stomach,

"I have destroyed many lives. Why should I help in bringing it?"

/ Sesshomaru-sama…/

Sesshomaru's eyes opened wide for a split second, remembering how he had taken Rin and given her a home to live in. Why couldn't he do so for a youkai pup then?

Inuyasha screamed in pain again, but it was short lived as blood started to leak between his closed lips.


Now that was Shippo.

Sesshomaru watched as his brother coughed up his own blood.

`I am becoming soft,' he stated to himself in his mind as he bent down and picked up his brother's body.

The Taiyoukai turned to face a terrified Shippo, his emotionless eyes boring into the kit's.

Then he turned around and started to walk away towards his castle.

Shippo stood there for a moment in total shock, but then noticed he was alone,

"Oy! You're not taking Inuyasha anywhere without me! Chottomatte!"

Sesshomaru's footsteps became faster by the second and soon he was just a blur to the naked human eye. Shippo barely kept up, his short legs aching badly when they arrived at their destination.

The toad like youkai called Jaken came to greet his lord and was shocked to see Inuyasha in his lord's arms. He didn't notice anything wrong, not at least yet.

"Sesshomaru-sama, why are you bringing a half-breed to your castle? And why are you carrying him?"

Sesshomaru glared at the small youkai, and Jaken shrunk back in fear, stuttering his apologies.

"Get the maternity ward ready," Sesshomaru ordered, making Jaken confused,

"Make sure every damn servant capable of helping be there."

Jaken scratched his head and looked up at Sesshomaru,

"May I ask, who is giving birth, Sesshomaru-sama?"

Just then Inuyasha cried out in pain, more blood spilling past his thin lips. His demonic red eyes were teary, and his face was set to a snarl as he tried to cope with the pain.

"Does that answer your question?" piped up Shippo, standing slightly behind Sesshomaru's tall figure, fearing Jaken's staff and Sesshomaru's power.

The toad glanced at Shippo and glared, causing Shippo to yelp in fear and hide behind Sesshomaru's legs.

"Jaken…!" Sesshomaru growled, causing Jaken to look up at his lord' face and gulp, averting his eyes immediately.

"I will do as ordered, Sesshomaru-sama!" Jaken squeaked and hurried off to prepare for the birth of a new generation.

Inuyasha snarled in pain as another wave of contractions hit him.

Sesshomaru bent his head and whispered so only his half-brother could hear,

"Soon you will feel pain no longer."

The Taiyoukai wasn't entirely sure if he held a double meaning in his words…



Sakura: *dodges sharp objects* Hey! I said I was sorry in the beginning!

Inuyasha: *crosses arms to chest, not speaking to Sakura* …

Sakura: *looks at Inuyasha in bewilderment* You're angry too?! *in the brink of tears*

Inuyasha: *tries hard not to answer* … *eye twitches at Sakura's pitiful look* … *can't help himself* OF COURSE I AM!!! YOU'RE MAKING ME LOOK RIDICULOUS IN YOUR FICS!!!!

Sakura: *cowers back, then wipes Inuyasha's spit off her face* Sorry, that I happen to like male pregnancy fics!

Inuyasha: *miffed* Keh!

Sakura: *rolls eyes* Whatever!

*both glare at each other*

Fluffy: *appears out of nowhere and sees the two glaring at each other* What did I miss?


Translations for Japanese words:


Eto…/ano…: Uh.../umm...

Urasai: Shut up

Tooku de me o hikarasete mezameru monotachi matte iru: From far away, let your eyes shine; those who have awakened are still waiting

Kitsune: fox

Hanyou: Half monster/spirit

Youkai: Monster/ spirit

Yuri: lily (can also refer to fan fiction with f/f content!)

Inu: dog

Todokanu hikari no yukue azayaka ni mau omoi o egakou.

Michibiku kotoba ga koborete shimawanu you ni utsuru toki o osorenaide: Let's depict the vividly dancing thoughts found in that place of light that is unreachable even now. Don't fear the passage of time, so that words of guidance won't completely spill out and flow away.

Kami-sama: Oh my God!

Taiyoukai: Highest ranked/ Lord monster/spirit

Chottomatte: Wait a moment/ Wait a second


Inuyasha: Dog Demon

Sesshomaru: Circle of Death

Shippo: Tail

Rin: Forest

Kagome: *name of a children's game

Kagura: * Shinto music and dance (I found that out from a book that I got recently!)

(Sorry, couldn't resist. I just HAD TO put those down! ^_^)



A/N: For the 3rd time, I'm extremely sorry for keeping you waiting! It'll take a while to post my next chapter. I decided not to end posting, but I lost a couple of chapters last month when my little sister got angry with me and messed with my computer. -_-U

I'll have to rewrite them and I still have school to attend, so bare with me!




- Sakura-chan

