InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Koga's Girl ❯ The Promise ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Koga's Girl
By: Insane Kawaii Shippo-Chan
Rated: PG-13 (rating may go up) for language, violence, (possibly sexuality in later chapters)
Ever since Inu Yasha and Koga were little, they have been best friends and promised nothing would get in the way of their friendship. Twelve years later, when both are seventeen and seniors in high school, one girl could change it all. Koga dates Kagome Higurashi, and unknown to him she happens to be Inu Yasha's secret love since he was ten. As Koga begins to get deeper involved with Kagome, Inu Yasha becomes jealous. Torn between loyalty and lust, Inu Yasha must find a way to push his love for Kagome if he still wants to be Koga's friend, or ruin the relationship so he and Kagome can have one of their own. Will Inu stay faithful or will his jealousy lead him to destroy the relationship of Koga's so he can have her? As each day past, Inu begins to give into his jealousy…
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Chapter 1: The Promise
It was the beginning of the school year and the kindergartners stood closely next to their parents not wanting to leave them. It was a beautiful fall morning in September and the parents were chatting away with the teacher while their children either stood next to them. Some were brave enough to play with the other children.
One little boy, named Inu Yasha, sat in the sand box making little sand dunes by himself. He had long ebony hair and big violet eyes. He wore a red shirt and blue uniform shorts with black shoes. He sat on his plain red backpack, not wanting to get his bottom dirty, while he continued to make sand dunes.
An other little boy by the name of Koga walked up to him and said in a cheerful voice, “Hi, I'm Koga Ookami. I'm gonna be your classmate! What's your name?” he said and squatted next to Inu Yasha.
“I'm Inu Yasha Ueda. Um…do you mind? You're stepping on my hand…” Inu said as he bit his lower lip so he wouldn't cry out in pain.
“OH! I'm sorry Inu Yasha.” Koga said as he removed his foot from the other boy's hand, “Say…do you wanna be my friend?”
Inu Yasha rubbed his offended hand and thought about what Koga said. He took the time to look Koga over as well. Koga was about his height, had brown hair up in a high pony tail, and had big ocean blue eyes. He wore the same thing Inu Yasha wore, only his shirt was white and had blue stripes on the collar.
“Ok…” Inu said in a small voice. He got up and dusted off his back pack.
“All right! I was afraid I was going to be lonely here. I thought I was never gonna find someone to help pass the time!” Koga squealed in childish delight.
Inu Yasha laughed and heard his mother call his name.
“Inu Yasha, honey. It's time for mommy to go. Remember, you go to day care so your brother can pick you up when he's done. I'm going to go see Sessho-Maru teacher before I leave. Now be a good boy for mommy, ok?” his mother said as she gave her son a kiss on the nose.
“Ok, mommy. Bye mommy, I'm going to play with Koga now.”
“Koga?” his mother asked.
“That be me ma'am.” Said Koga as he bowed.
“Oh, what a polite boy you are. Well, I'm glad you made a friend honey.” Inu's mother waved as she walked to the other side of the school where the fifth graders were located.
“Bye mommy!” yelled Inu Yasha as he waved to his mother. He turned around to face Koga when his mother came to say good bye to him.
“Bye Koga, dear. Momma has to go now. Remember, you go to day care and I'll pick you up later when your older cousin, Edward, gets out ok?” Koga's mother said as she patted his head.
“Ok, momma, I love you.” He said as he hugged her leg good bye.
His mother laughed, “I love you too. And I see you made a friend. Play nicely dearest. Bye.” And Koga's mother walked away smiling.
The two friends looked at each other and smiled. They quickly put their back packs away and played in the sand box before the teacher announced the beginning of class. As the two young boys climbed the monkey bars, they began to trust each other more and more, and soon, they were inseparable and always did every thing together.
---Early Spring that year---
“Hey, Inu,” Koga said as he sat next to his friend during lunch, like they always did, “We're best friends right?”
Looking up from his juice box, Inu Yasha answered, “Of course we are! We are two peas in a pod! There's no one I rather have as a friend then you. Why'd you ask?” Inu Yasha asked as he munched on an animal cracker, “Cracker?”
Koga took a cookie his friend offer and smiled, “I just wanted to know. You're my best friend too. And I want to make a promise.” He said as he began to eat his peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
“Oh? And what's that?” Inu said in pure childish curiosity.
“Let's promise to never ever have anything come between us. No secrets, we'll be friends until we're old smelly farts!” Koga laughed at the last part.
“It's a pinky promise Koga. No one and nothing will ever get between you or me!
We will die together as old farts! No secrets between us. Ha, ha!”
With that said, the two friends hooked their small pinkies together and bonked heads to seal the promise that was to last until the day they die.
But if they only knew that their promise was to be broken by one little girl…
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Well? Did you like? It was going to be longer but then I would have had a hard time with chapter 2 so….um, sorry. I hope you like. The first few chapters (up to chapter 4 I think) will be some what slow. But don't worry, things will pick up! I'm glad people liked it and thank you so much. The only reason I didn't post this first is because I was a little scared that people would make fun of it. ;.; but thanks to the people who said they liked it… I'd give you a cookie if I could!!! I know I said I'd post until I had gotten 5 good ones, but hey! I got three good ones and 2 of my friends thought it was good, so that makes five right? Well….from this point on, NO FLAMES! If you don't like my fic, then don't review jackass. Simple really. Just leave! But all who like it, ^-^ review!!! ;.; please?