InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Koga's Girl ❯ Kagome the Angel, My First Love ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 2: Kagome the Angel, My First Love
As the years past, both of the boys spent as much time together as they could. They'd go to each other's house, or the other's parents would let them come on trips like the beach or go to the amusement park. Not once did they break the promise. Every little thing they did, they'd tell the other. Nothing was kept a secret. Before they knew it, then were already ten.
Until one day...
“Inu, can you go get the mail?” His father called from the kitchen while making him and his brother lunch. They're mother was in the hospital since she just gave birth to his younger brother, Shippo.
“Ok,” he yelled back. He slipped on his sneakers and went to check the mail box. But before he could reach in and get the mail, something, more like someone caught his eye. In front of his house was a small little girl about his age dressed in a blue summer dress and had her hair in braided pigtails. Her small white sandals went tap, tap, tap as she jump roped her way up and down the pavement.
“Oh, hello,” she smiled as she noticed Inu Yasha looking at her, “I'm Kagome Higurashi, what's your name?” she stopped jumping and wiped away the small layer of sweat on her forehead.
Inu Yasha gawked at her, `She's pretty. she an angel?' His heart began to beat harder and he could feel his face getting warmer as well as the rest of his body. He tried to speak but his vocal cords went into shut down while he gazed at her. Inu Yasha felt his face get even warmer. He moved his mouth up and down several more times but nothing came out. He blushed and looked down. `How embarrassing!'
Kagome giggled, “Cat caught your tongue?” she walked up to him and tried to look at his cherry red face. “Can't you speak?”
“Inu...I'm Inu Yasha Ueda,” he stuttered and looked away for a bit. When she didn't say anything, he turned and gazed into her eyes. Her warm brown eyes seemed to sparkle in the cool summer day. She smiled and reached her hand out.
“Nice to meet you, Inu Yasha. I'm staying at my grandparents house for a while. My daddy is helping her move her stuff. I go to Saint Marie all girls school for the time being. I'm ten years old!”
Inu Yasha shook her hand and spoke, “I'm ten years old and I go to Crescent Heights elementary. Hey, I'll be right back. I need to get this mail to my dad.” He didn't want to leave the girl, but he didn't want to face his father's wrath either.
“Ok, hurry back!” Kagome called and watched as Inu stumbled his way back home. She giggled and sighed, “What a funny boy. I hope we become friends.” But she sighed sadly, “But… I won't be here for much longer. Summer is almost over.”
When Inu Yasha got home, he went into the kitchen and gave his dad the mail, “I'm going to play outside, ok?” he asked. “My… my friend wants to play.”
“Sure, that's fine. Be careful though. Have fun.” His dad said. The man was in his mid thirties. His long black hair was braided much like Inu Yasha and his violet eyes sparkled with fatherly lovely at his son. “Be careful sport.”
Inu Yasha nodded and ran back outside and found Kagome sitting on the curb of the silent street, humming to her self. He couldn't help but smile and sigh as his heart skipped a beat.
“I'm back,” he said shyly as he sat next to her.
“Yay! There's a park around the corner, wanna go play there?” she smiled brightly up at him, her large brown eyes wide with excitement as she clasped her hands together. “Come on, let's see who can swing higher! No one wants to play with me anymore since I'm moving.
“You're on! I bet I can go higher!” Inu Yasha grinned, his shyness fading. But the pang in his heart told him he shouldn't be playing with her either; it was telling him he would be hurt.
“Race you Inu Yasha!” Kagome said as she got up and zoomed past him.
“Hey! That's cheating!” he raced after her toward the park that was only two blocks away. `I won't be hurt. She's not like that!But why do I get this feeling that someday, I will be?'
They played for hours on the swings and in the sand. Inu Yasha had money with him for some reason, and bought a sundae for him and Kagome to share. They really didn't believe in the cooties myth and shared the same spoon.
Eventually Inu Yasha began to swing Kagome on the swings and stared at her with adoration as she squealed in laughter.
“Higher Inu Yasha! I wanna touch the sky!” Eventually she went so high up, Kagome had the courage to let go and flew off the swing. Inu Yasha gasped and ran after her. His eyes widen as she descended down into his arms like an angel. She didn't weigh as light as a feather as he had hoped.
“Careful! You could have hurt yourself, Kagome!.” Inu Yasha chastised he got up, dusting the sand from his clothes.
“No I wouldn't. I knew you'd be there to catch me.” She smiled up at him as she leaped into his arms, nuzzling his neck, “I knew you wouldn't let me fall.”
Inu blushed furiously as his heart began to beat wildly. He couldn't say anything and just chuckled, placing his cheek on her head, “I can't let the angel fall, now can I?” with that, he carried her home.
`She's so pretty and nice too. Is this love? I don't want her to go. She said she might move ...' Inu Yasha sighed and went back inside to be greeted with a heavenly scent. His stomach growled and he realized he missed lunch while playing to Kagome.
“Hey sport,” his dad said as he put on his coat, “I'm going to go pick up your mom and you're new baby brother. Tell Sessho-Maru to watch out for the chicken in the oven, ok?” His dad put on his shoes and walked out the door. “Have a snack, but don't spoil your appetite!”
“Ok, dad...” Inu waved as he went up stairs to his room. “Fluffy! Don't forget about the chicken in the oven!” he hollered as he walked past his older brother's room.
“Yeah, yeah. What ever.” Came his response.
“Love you too Fluffy, love you too… I think I'll take a nap…” he yawned.
Later on that night, Inu was greeted by his mother and his new baby brother. Sessho-Maru had accidentally burned the chicken so they all ordered take out. After attempting to play with his young brother for a while Inu got ready for bed and wondered about Kagome. He couldn't sleep since he was so excited to see her again. And it was that night Inu found out he was in love and too scared to tell Koga. One secret wouldn't hurt anyone, right?
For two weeks, Inu and Kag met at the park to play. Every thing was great for Inu since Koga was at his grandmother's for the month and wasn't due until next Tuesday. One day during noon, Inu ran to the park to meet his new friend and secret crush. Usually on Friday's Inu and Koga would come here, but without him there, Inu was glad to find someone to play with. Girl or not.
“You made it!” squealed Kagome in delighted and hugged him. It was Friday morning. The day was beautiful and the two were at the park.
Inu blushed and pulled away. He would never get used to that. “Of course I came! Why wouldn't I?” he began to panic, the sad look in her eyes worried him. “What's wrong?”
“I'm...I'm leaving today. Momma and Papa finished packing and the movers are coming soon. I'm sorry...I was hoping to play with you more.” She sighed, brushing away her tears. “Inu Yasha I…”
Inu Yasha felt his heart break. `She's leaving already?' “You'll remember me, right?” Inu Yasha asked in a hopeful voice. “Will you write to me?”
“Of course, playing with you has been the greatest thing that's happened to me this summer. Here...” she handed him a picture of him and her playing tag when her parents were watching them, “This is so you can remember me...” she said in a heart broken voice. “I'll write to you everyday! So don't you forget me either?
Wait here.” He commanded and bolted down to his house. He scurried around his room, turning over books and toys. He knew this day would come, so he had planned this out with the utmost care. Grabbing his favorite toy and a small box, he ran back to Kagome.
“Here...” he wheezed, “This is...Oscar. He's my favorite toy in the world! I was going to give it to my baby brother but I want you to have it.” He placed it in Kagome's hands and tried to calm his racing heart. `Please let me have the courage to say what I feel.'
“Inu, I can't have it if you were going to give it to Shippo.” She protested.
“Kagome, please! Take it! And this…” he bent down on one knee and grabbed her hand. “Kagome Higurashi, you have made me feel like the luckiest boy in the world. You also made me realize that I love you. Kagome, when I'm old enough and I find you again, will you marry me?” he opened the box and inside was a small plastic ring. He blushed furiously, and only hoped that he was doing this right. He only watched a few movies, and this was usually how the guy got his girl.
Kagome gasped and carefully took the ring. It was a small sapphire gem wrapped in a fake silver band. She didn't care if it was real or not, all she knew was that he loved her.
“Inu… I… yes!” she smiled as tears rolled down her eyes, “I'll marry you. I'll never forget you. Please, find me… when we're older.” She hugged him with all her might and softly kissed his cheek. He heard her parents call for her. It seems the movers had already put the things in the truck and it was now time to leave.
Kag… it's time,” she hugged him one more time. Inu blush and returned the hug before she pulled away and walked to the car. As Inu watched the car drive off, he could see Kagome wave from the back window with a sad face. She slipped the ring on her finger and held his toy close to her heart. Rolling down the window, she poked her head out to wave and yelled:
“Don't forget your promise! You will find me!”
He waved goodbye and sighed broken hearted. “I love you...” he whispered to himself, holding the picture close to his heart, “Koga's coming back in four days. I don't want to talk about her to him. He'll tease me for sure. He'll never know.”
With that said, Inu walked back home and he tried hard to ignore the pain in his young heart.
Even with added stuff… its crap to me ;.; -weeps- oh well… I had to download the song to inspire me again. my cd was totaled…. -has no clue now- and plus… stuff… but hey! I'm working on it again! Yay me!