InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Koga's Girl ❯ Challenges ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 3: Challenges
Summer finally ended and Koga had returned. Though the boys, from the time Koga had came back to the beginning of school a week later, had not talked, Inu Yasha dared not speak a word about his love. It pained him so to think of her, but he vowed he would love no other but her. Even though he was young, and didn't know what love was exactly, at least he knew the pure feeling he had with Kagome would only be with Kagome.
----First day of Fourth Grade----
“Hey Inu! Look at that! We're in the same class again. Funny isn't it?” Koga said as he walked up to his friend. He greeted the other boy by patting his back and laughed in joy. He wore black shorts with a yellow shirt and black shoes. His hair was in the same hair style since he met Inu Yasha, a high ponytail.
“Eh? Again? Wow, every year we're always in the same class.” Inu said as they walked to where their class room was to be, “So, what'd you do this summer when we weren't hanging out?” Inu Yasha wore khaki colored shorts with a red shirt and black shoes. His hair was in a low braid and his skin was darker then the last time Koga saw him.
Koga put down his back pack and sat against the wall, “My parents took me to my grandmother's house. I like going to my grandmother's farm. It's so fun to ride the horses. Next time, I'll take you, ok?”
Inu Yasha sat next to him and leaned his head against the wall and sighed, “Wow, that's cool. Oh yeah! Did you see Knight Rider last night? For an old show, it's cool. I want a talking car!” He snickered and relaxed beside his friend.
Koga laughed but shook his head, “No, I was at the store. Tell me about it.” As Inu filled Koga in about they're favorite show, Koga noticed Inu Yasha acting a bit differently. “Hey man, you ok? Did something happen while I was gone?” He looked at his best friend with concern, “You don't look too good.”
Inu Yasha gasped. No way was he going to tell Koga about the angel he met. But of course, there was another thing his friend didn't know, “My mom finally had Shippo.” He was thankful for a moment at the fact he didn't talk to Koga for a while. It made the pain easier.
“Shippo?” Koga asked in curiosity. He tilted his head to the right while he waited for Inu Yasha to fill him in on the news. “And what's this about your mom?”
“My baby brother. He's cute and has red hair. He got it from my dad's mom. Heh, it's funny actually. We all have black hair and he has hair like Nana. Man, it's hard to sleep at night. He sleep in my parent's room, but for the last 3 weeks, he's been crying none stop once he wakes up at three.
“Oh wow. That's what's it like having a baby brother?” Koga asked. Koga was a single child and knew not of the horrors of sibling rivalries and babies.
`True problem averted,' “It's cool and he's so adorable but dang. Sometimes me and Fluffy have to take care of him. Diaper changing is no walk in the park… and Fluffy always bullies me to do that.
Koga laughed at his friend's nickname for his older brother, “I see. Hey, can I come over after school? I wanna see the baby.” He asked as he gave his friend a puppy dog look. “And will your mom be making her awesome sugar cookies?”
Inu Yasha shoved him and sighed, “You don't have to ask, moron. And as a matter of fact, she made some yesterday.”
Later that year, Inu Yasha began to wonder what happened to Kagome. He had yet to get a response from her and only wondered if she was safe.
School went by fast, and before they knew it, they were off to middle school. Inu Yasha and Koga were still friends and many kids thought it was odd that they were since kindergarten.
On the first day of school, during first period P.E, Inu and Koga heard girls screaming “Pervert” from the girl's locker room. They went to check it out and saw a boy with black hair and in a low pony tail getting beaten up by the girls.
“Hey, what's going on?” Koga asked one of the girls, though keeping a good distance as to not be attacked like his fellow man. He blushed as one of the girls was only wearing her shirt and the other clad in her shorts and bra.
“He tried getting into the locker room while we were changing! That...that pervert!” cried one of the girls as she threw her shoe at his head.
“Um...I think he's dead,” Inu said as he saw the boy unconscious with a bloody nose. The girls huffed and went back into the locker room to finish changing.
“We should get him to the nurse,” Koga stated as he draped the boys arm over his left shoulder. “Man, these girls are ruthless! He's noodley!”
“Yeah, I'll get the other side.” Inu said as he helped Koga drag the comatose boy to the nurse's office.
Half way to the office, the boy groaned, “Where am I?” He weakly lifted his head and arched an eyebrow, “Tell me my good men, where are you taking me?”
“We're taking you to the nurse. Say, what's you're name?” Koga asked. He wondered what was up with this kid, who seemed to have healed instantly.
“I'm Miroku Kazanna. What a lovely site I saw before everything went dark when the shoe hit me,” He sighed dreamingly. Inu and Koga looked at each other and shrugged.
“Well, here we are. C'mon Inu, we got to get back class. See ya around Miroku.” The boys shoved him into the office and ran as they heard the other boy yelp and the sound of metal things falling echoed in the hall way.
P.E. went by fast for the boys. Miroku came back half through with an ice back on his head. They got better acquainted and decided to become friends. Inu Yasha's next class was math and Koga's was history with Miroku. The friends said goodbye and walked off to their next class.
“Good morning class! I am Mr. Adams and welcome to advance math! Usually I teach 8th grade general math but hey! I'm tryin' out 6th grade advance math. Please don't get settled in, I'm going to give you you're assigned seats. He was rather chipper for a man in his late forties and reseeding hair line. Half the class wondered if he was gay as he walked around with his hands on his hip and pouting.
As the class groaned, they got up and stood around the room, waiting for their name to be called. Inu Yasha stood between two boys and the one on his right turned to him. Inu could already tell this kid had some kind of problem. His beady eyes told him so.
“Hey, I'm Ginta Walker, and that's my twin brother next to you, Haggaku. Before you say we don't look anything alike, I know that already. But anyways, we just moved here and we don't have any friends to sit with at lunch. Is it ok if we sit with you until we find some other people?” Ginta asked in a pleading whisper.
Ginta was about an inch taller then him. He had blonde hair and the middle was dyed black. He wore a white button up shirt under a black vest and blue jeans with red converse. Inu looked to his left and looked at Haggaku carefully.
Haggaku was also an inch taller. He had a Mohawk and he wore a red shirt with tight black jeans and black converse. He wore a belt that had crossbones on them and he had on a black leather jacket with patched of bands he must have liked such as Slipknot, Bad Religion, Bauhaus and Rancid.
Both boys had black eyes and looked to be on the odd ball side. Inu shrugged and nodded at Ginta, “Sure, I guess you can have lunch with me and friends. There are only three of us, so the more the merrier I guess”
“Thanks man. I owe ya one!” Ginta smiled, shaking his hand vigourisly. “I hate being alone!”
“Yeah, whatever.” Inu Yasha heard his name called and sat where the teacher showed him to sit. `I wonder how Koga is doing….'
Koga felt hostile in his surroundings. He couldn't wait for the bell to ring for his next class. His history seemed older than the dinosaurs themselves and only wondered if Mr. Barren ate them all and babysat Jesus. Was he Father Time? And his style…
How did he fit into his pants? Did he ever wash his shirt? It had coffee stains and sweat rings under his arm. His bald head was flakey and his beard out of control. Was it alive? It moved when he wasn't talking…
The man was a bore, and the class insane. The teacher didn't care that several kids had music blasting from their head phones and a couple was making out in the corner. Miroku was no help as he stared at the couple; a glazed looked on his eyes.
The boy next to Koga smelled funny too, and was a bit… skittish. What was this place? He sighed in relief at the passing bell rang. Math… would it be the same?
After going to third period history with Miroku and Ginta, lunch finally came for Inu Yasha. They all had brought their lunch and they sat in a small table at the edge of the quad, closest to the school building. Inu sat in one seat that was against a pole, Ginta in another to his right with his brother next to him, Miroku to their right and Koga to his.
They sat in silence, for a while until someone tapped Koga on the shoulder, “Is this seat taken? My friends are being jerks and the other tables are full, is it ok if I sit here?” the girl asked as she glared at a certain table full of girls that was 4 tables to Koga's right.
“Sure, go ahead,” Koga offered and slid over so she could sit down.
“Thank you so much. I thought I was going to have to sit in the sun! Even though it's autumn, it's so hot. By the way, I'm Sango Yoshida.” She smiled at them. She wore a black mini skirt with a plain purple blouse. She wore black knee high socks with black shoes. Her hair was brown and in a low pony tail. Her eyes were a dark brown color and she wore pink eye shadow with a little bit of lip gloss.
“Oh my! Will you do me a favor and bear my child oh beautiful goddess!” cried Miroku as he grabbed her hands in his. Koga and Inu Yasha sighed. Not this again… He nearly said it to half their girls in their classes….
She gasped and her eyes seemed to get darker, “PERVERT!” she yelled and slapped him hard across the face. She then got up and sat next to Inu. She huffed and ate her food in silence.
The other boys gawked at her, she was the first to smack him hard enough to fall off the seat. Inu Yasha got nervous and sat next to Koga. Miroku was sitting on the floor trying to stop the throbbing pain Sango had inflicted on him. Ginta tried to scoot as far as he could away from her with out having his brother fall off the seat.
“Well... uh... hello Sango, I'm Koga Ookami and this guy next to me is Inu Yasha Ueda. The guy you just slapped is Miro-”
“Miroku Kazanna, I know. I went to elementary with the fruit cake. I thought you moved away Miroku Houshi Kazanna!”
“Ouch, you used me my full name. Well Sango dear, I thought so too but my parents decided not to at the last minute! I am!” he smiled at her, arms out stretched.
“Keh,” she said and continued to eat her ham sandwich. “And I thought it would a peaceful year…”
“Oh, so you know each other. Well the other two are Ginta and Haggaku Walker. Well, now that we all know each other, in a way. What's there to talk about?” Koga asked. He hated the first day of school. People were always quiet…
Before anyone could answer, a girl with long straight black hair wearing black shoes, a black mini skirt that showed to much legs and a red shirt that read, “I'm sexy and you know it,” in blue writing came up to Inu Yasha and poked his shoulder with a long manicured nail. Her make up made her look older, as if she was a freshmen in high school and her well endowed form didn't stop her…
“Excuse me babe, but I couldn't help but notice that you're hot. Why don't you ditch these losers and come sit with me and my friends. We're popular and I want you to be my new boyfriend.” She gave him a smirk that she thought to be sexy, but was more like `Run-away-kiddies-I'm-a-bitch look. I'm Kikyo Hiroyuki. C'mon, I know you want me. I saw you looking at me in history.” She then sat on his lap.
Inu Yasha choked on his peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Koga patted his back and gave him milk. Inu Yasha chugged it down and answered in a hoarse voice, “What? Sorry, but I don't date sluts and I'm not ready for a relationship just now.” He shoved her off and she fell on the floor with a loud thud. “And I wasn't looking at you. I was staring at the clock…”
“If he won't have you I will! Will you do me the honor and bear my child?” Miroku said and grabbed her hands in his. Kikyo got angry and kicked Miroku in the shin and glared at Inu Yasha.
“No one rejects me!” she shrieked causing everyone in the quad to look at her, “I'll have you Inu Yasha Ueda! Even if I have to kidnap you and brainwash you, I will have you! Mark my words, if I can't have you, no one will!” she pouted and walked away leaving a shocked group.
The group was just… speechless as was everyone else. Shouldn't psycho bitch be in some institute? Where were the security people? Why did Inu Yasha have the sudden urge to puke? No!
“Well...things seem to have gotten interesting on the first day of school,” Haggaku laughed nervously. “She's a babe, but not my type.”
Inu Yasha paled, “A whore wants me? Just great...” He whimpered as an image of his Kagome flashed in his mind. Kagome…where are you?
“How did you know she was one besides the way she dressed? I thought she was pretty until she went all psycho,” Koga said. Inu Yasha just sighed… Koga could be so oblivious sometimes… it broke his heart.
“Ginta told me about her when he over heard some people in math.” Inu Yasha shook his head, “You don't want to know what they said…”
“Oh...” said Sango, “Well it's true though. She used to go to my school last year. I was hoping she'd end up in the other middle school but beggars can't be choosers. Good thing you said `no' Inu Yasha, she would have broken your heart.” Sango smiled sweetly, “I'm glad your not like most guys, you and your raging hormones…”
“Please, call me Inu. Argh, I don't feel so good.” Inu Yasha leaned back on his pole, “PB looks so good… but I might up chuck it…”
“Well, if you need help fighting her off, I'll be there! How about the rest of you?” Sango said. “She won't get what she wants.”
“YEAH!” they all cheered. Inu Yasha smiled his thanks. He sure as hell didn't want her near him.
After lunch Sango and Inu walked toward they're next class together which was science. Unfortunately, Kikyo was also in that class. Inu sat next to Sango in the back and Kikyo sat in front of him. Occasionally she would turn around and pass him notes saying, `You know you want me. Just admit it; I know you're in love with me. I'm in love with you.' How corny could she be?
Sango saw the annoyed look on Inu Yasha and passed him a note while the teacher wasn't looking.
`She still after you? Tough luck. She won't stop until she has yousadly.'
`Jeesh...thanks,' he wrote back and drew a sweat drop. Sango chuckled and wrote back.
`So, you're not ready for a relationship? How come? Old girlfriend?Aren't we still young for that?'
Inu Yasha pouted and hurriedly wrote back, `No, what makes you think that!Can't I have my reasons?'
`True,but you seemed down right pissed then sad when she `asked you out'. Gah, the skank… '
Inu sighed and wrote back, `Promise not to tell Koga? Or anyone?'
Sango looked surprised and wrote, `Sure. How come though? Aren't you guys like… best friends?'
`I broke a promise me and Koga made in kindergarten. We promised to never keep anythinga secret but I broke it.'
`Wow! Kindergarten!? Ok, I won't tell=P. tell me oh great and powerful keeper of secrets!'
`A month or so before 4th grade started, I met a girl. Her name was Kagome. And well...I liked her. But she moved away. I can't help but think I'm gonna betray her or something. Ya know?But she's suppose to right me and this long I've gotten zilch. '
Sango smiled at him and handed him back the note, `Awe, how sweet. But I get ya, and maybe she's been like, ubber busy. You must have really loved her. Hey! I'll talk to you online, if you have msn, my sn is firecat666. Tell me about her!'
Inu looked at her and nodded. Finally it was the end of school and Inu Yasha and Koga were waiting for one of their parents to pick them up. They duo sat under a tree in silence, just enjoying the small breeze that passed by.
`Was it a good thing to tell Sango about Kagome? I guess. Maybe I could forget her if I talk about her!But, do I really?'
“Hello! Earth to Inu Yasha! Come in Inu,” Koga said as he waved his hand in front of Inu Yasha's face.
“Huh? Oh, sorry about that man.” He shook his head, “Kinda zoned out…”
“C'mon, my mom's here. Let's go.”
-----In Inu Yasha's room----
Inu Yasha had finished his homework and had gotten online to talk to Sango.
EvilJesterman: Hey Sango!
Firecat666: HI INU! So tell me about this girl you have the hots for since you were 10!
EvilJesterman: Well, her name was Kagome Higurashi and she actually lived not to far from me! During that time, Koga was at his grandma's place so I got to play with her for 2 weeks. But then, she moved away. ;.; She gave me a picture of us that her parents took, and I gave her my favorite stuffed toy. Lol
Firecat666: heh heh, stuffed toy! XD how sweet
EvilJesterman: Not funny! I even gave her a crappy ass ring…
Firecat666: ooh la la… sum1 planned their wedding already? O.o; f-r-e-a-k-y
EvilJesterman: really?
Firecat666: no… I think it's sweet tho… so, whats this about letters?
EvilJesterman: She promised she write me… and ive got jack nothing…
Firecat666: hang in there buddy! Shell come thru <3
EvilJesterman: -Sigh- I miss her... well g2g, mom's callin me for dinner. Bye sango
Firecat666: bye!
Online Host: EvilJesterman has signed off
Online Host: Firecat666 has signed off