InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Koi no Tsukinowa- Love is like the ring around the moon ❯ Prolog to the fic!! ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

An Inuyasha Fan Fiction

Koi no Tsukinowa-
Love is like the Ring around the Moon
© 2003/08/20


Disclaimer: Achi Ike Yo Chigau no Jigoku do Watashi own Inuyasha! Wakatta? I am only writing the disclaimer for this story once.

A/N: I have been feeling depressed lately, and writing is the only thing I can do to keep my mind sane. I am not going to lie about the type of person I am and I certainly know that I am loved. But I am mainly writing to keep my self from slipping into the depression I had once long ago. The depression where I try to o.d. on some pills, or slit my wrists and watch the blood, Don't think I am kidding, to all my friends who recognize this penname I do love and care about you. I promise I won't commit suicide, I care too much a bout you guys to loose you all not to mention my two kitties here beside me. >.< Sorry I didn't mean to babble, this is only the prolog to the story and therefore it is the reason it is only a paragraph long.

The city was covered by black clouds, pouring down rain upon the people down below. A figure in a black cloak walked down the middle of the street as others seek shelter. A few strands of long silver blue hair hung out from the cloak as it slipped down to the boy's shoulders. The boy's name was Inuyasha, and he stood looking up at a shrine. The Higurashi Shrine loomed before him in the dark, he silently went up the steps and stood before the Goshimboku tree. The silence was broken when he heard a soft voice coming from a window, next to a neighboring tree. Inuyasha crept over to the tree and listened to the soft voice of the girl inside. "Math I hate math." Inuyasha shook his head and went back down the steps heading for home. The rain had stopped finally not that a certain hanyou cared. Inuyasha stopped once again this time in front of a mansion a couple of streets over from the shrine. He sighed and went inside the walled grounds. At last after a long time he was home. He was finally home.for now.

A/N: Please read and review, I accept anons too. Next up Chapter One: A New Toy. I really am sorry about the babble..I have just been sick of staying in this prison I call home.being grounded from your two best friends sucks so bad..*walks off and turns on Pennywise's Fuck Authority song.feeling depressed again* I hate my room.