InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Koi no Tsukinowa- Love is like the ring around the moon ❯ A New Toy ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

An Inuyasha Fan Fiction

Koi no Tsukinowa-
Love is like the Ring around the Moon
© 2003/08/21

A New Toy

A/N: I would like to apologize for the previous authors note yesterday. I was depressed and feeling sick to my stomach. I am in a much better mood having spoke to a friend of mine who (some year in the great future) is going to be my psychiatrist.or shrink w/e ANY ways.I feel much better since I have spoken to her (for free at the moment.I swear once she gets the certificate she is probably charge me double than what her other clients will have to pay.) well on with chapter one. Oh and don't freak out about Rin-chan's age, I had to make her a few years older so that she can attend the same school as Inuyasha. I think its exp. later on though. Oh and there is a small glossary at the end of the chapter with all the Japanese words I used. *Walks off humming and singing Concrete Blonde's Bloodletting (the Vampire Song)* I got the ways means to New Orleans, I'm going down by the river where it's warm and green. I'm gonna have a drink and walk around, I got a lot to think a bout..

~*~ = Time passing or a new scene.

Kagome yawned and rolled over in her bed, glancing sleepily at her alarm clock as she did. Bolting up right she cursed softly, I am so going to be late again. She ran to the bathroom and took a very quick cold shower to wake herself up and then ran back to her room to hurry and get dressed. Finally at a quarter to nine she was ready to leave for school. I am so glad I did track for a year. She thought happily as she began to sprint to school making it just as the warning bell rang. She quickly composed herself and walked into her first hall. She took her seat and tiredly looked out the window. You would think that they would let us all have the extra hour of sleep since no one does anything in this stupid class anyways. Hello and who do we have here? She thought as she saw a boy walk to the school. His long black hair flowed down his back and glistened in the sun. She sat up and looked with a bit more interest, since after all she ran the school she deserved to know who he was and to what limits she could control him.

So this is Hitotsuboshi (Morning and Evening Stars) High, I am going to have an interesting year. I just know it. Inuyasha thought gravely as he entered the office and got his class list. He glanced down and sighed he had study hall first period, then math, science, history, finally as the last class of the day P.E. Oh joy I have phys ed as my last class.I won't have to worry about my weight since you basically can't eat before you work out anyways.. Looks like I won't be eating at school. He laughed as he walked out of the office I won't have to worry about being poisoned by the caf. He walked down the hall searching for room 503, which didn't take him long to find it. Just as he was about to open the door he heard a familiar voice call out to him, "Onii-chan!" Inuyasha turned to see his little adopted sister Rin call out to him. "Rin-chan what are you doing here?"

Rin came to a halt beside him and smiled up at him. "Why onii-chan don't be surprised. My classes are in the building beside this one I am just passing through it when I saw you. Will you eat lunch with me if no one else will?" "I will think about it. Now Onee-chan get to class mom will not be happy if you miss anything on our first day of school." Rin nodded and began to run down the hall, "Hai nii-chan Ja!" Inuyasha shook his head as his sister quickly ran to her Grade 8 class held in the Grade 8 building. He then turned back and faced the door...taking a deep breath he opened it...and walked inside.

Kagome looked to the door that had just opened and smiled as the boy with long black hair entered the room. She could instantly feel something about him but could not place it. Oh well I will figure it out later. "Class" Mr. Jinnbouko called out as he tried (and failed) to get the classes attention. "We have a new student his name is Inuyasha Fushigi. Will some one please volunteer to show him around the campus?" Mr. Jinnbouko looked around at all the students trying to find some one who was actually awake, (A/N: Yepp...Everyone was taking advantage of the hour by getting some Z's. I had a class like this fact I had a semester of classes like this one.ANY ways.) his eyes rested on Kagome. "Miss. Higuer..." "Hai Mr. Jinnbouko." Kagome said snapping out of her thoughts and sat up straight, as well as unknowingly volunteering. "Arigato, you may leave and take your things with you. As I am sure you will take the whole period to show him around." Hunh...Show who what is he talking about.oh no... I must have said I would show this looser around the school. Oh well at least I get out of class early. All I have to do is dump this looser and I am free.

She is pretty cute... I am glad she volunteered to show me around. It's not everyday you get to be shown around by a girl like her. Inuyasha stared at Kagome taking in her black medieval shirt and her black shorts. He looked at her face and noticed a serious pissed off look. Uhhhh.I hope I wasn't staring at her for a long time.

What the fuck is he doing, and why the hell does he keep STAREING at me for. "What the fuck do you think you are doing?" Inuyasha's soft violet eyes seemed to focus after a moment and he opened his mouth to speak but was cut off. "Never mind hentaisha." She snapped pushing past him, "let's go or are you going to stand there like a jack ass and eat flies?"

Inuyasha snapped his mouth shut and followed her, o-kay I take back what I thought a few minutes ago.this is going to suck. but she is still pretty cute.He blinked and looked around the hallway trying to figure out where she went when he felt something connect with his head.

"HELLO EARTH CALLING STUPID ASS!" Kagome yelled, geeze this one is not to bright is he.still he is kinda cute.doesn't mean I am gonna let him off easy just because he is cute. Kagome smiled a bit as she walked by some other girls who were cowering against some lockers. "Move it dog boy." She snapped and then turned to look at the girls again as Inuyasha clenched his fists and walked over to her. "Move it a long little girls unless you want to pay me a loitering fee?" the girls quickly moved past the two, one whispered to the other, "looks like Kagome has a new toy." Kagome smirked and sprinted over to the one that had spoken. In two seconds she had her in a choke hold, "You got something to say?" The girl (who was turning kinda blue) shook her head no. "Good now get out of my sight. Before you become my new toy."

Inuyasha watched all this with interest well feign interest. How dare that bitch call me dog boy, she doesn't even know I am a hanyou. or does she. it doesn't matter no one calls me dog boy and lives. "Kagome, what did you call me?" he asked as she walked back over to him. "None of your fucking business dog breath." She replied with a smirk.

Kagome blinked and looked at the ceiling trying to figure out where the hell she was and why the fuck she was there. A lady walked over and looked down at her. "Well it looks like you will be fine except of course for that shiner you got. You should thank Inuyasha he found you knocked out in the hall way." She growled softly and sat up, "Where is he." The nurse blinked and pointed to the window, where Inuyasha's eyes went wide as saucers when she glared at him.

Shit. she woke up. man today sucks.Inuyasha tore his face away from the window and began to sprint down the hall only to come face to face with a. look alike? "Kagome ummm look its nice to see you're awake. Heh you uhhhh feel better?" The girl just blinked and looked blank. after a few moments of Inuyasha's nervous banter she got the picture. (A/N: Aww poor slooooooow Kikyo.) "Oh you must mean my cousin. I am Kikyo Aitsu" She held out her hand causing Inuyasha to hit the floor, "Please don't hit me." Kikyo blinked, "hit you? Oh you must be the guy that gave my cousin the shiner." Now it was Inuyasha's turn to blink... "Cousin?"

"INUYASHA I AM GONNA KICK YOUR ASS AND FRY IT IN BUTTER TILL ITS BURNT AND CRISPY THEN I AM GONNA." Kagome trailed off as a couple of teachers looked out their doors. Kagome smiled for a second till they went back inside. Then she ran down the hall to Kikyo and Inuyasha. I am so gonna make him pay for this. although I got to admit he is the first to actually strike back at me."Inuyasha."

Oh Kami help me.Inuyasha smiled and turned answering sweetly. "Yes." Kikyo stepped in front of Inuyasha.. "Now cousin I thought you were taking anger management classes?" (A/N: heh heh ^^) Kagome slugged Kikyo right between the eyes and then hit her once more breaking her nose. "Dear sweet cousin I think you should see the nurse for that." Kikyo stood cross-eyed for a moment before answering. "You may be right cousin I will go and see the nurse. Catch you late Inuyasha. See you cousin." Inuyasha looked at Kikyo as she left a bloody trail behind her and shook his head. Maybe I can get some information off her. He thought as the lunch bell rang. He then turned to Kagome who was smiling as she stood. her nose touching his.

"If you ever touch me again I will make your death very painful. Also if you so much as breathe look at me of walk near me you will end up much like my dyslexic, deranged, and mental cousin." She spoke in a serious tone before going all light hearted as the halls began to fill with students... "Got it?" she asked as Inuyasha meekly shook his head yes. She then walked down the hall snapping at Miroku who accidentally brushed his hand against her chest as he "supposedly" was waving to Sango. "HENTAI!" She screamed and slapped him. not to mention giving him a nose bleed. Sango tapped Miroku's shoulder indicating that she was behind him... not in front of him.


Sesshoumaru walked over to the trees in the school yard and spotted his little sister Rin speaking to an older girl about his age. He walked over and looked down at Rin, "Rin did you get lunch yet?" he asked ignoring the other girl for a moment. "Hai Sesshoumaru..." The girl turned not liking the fact that she was being ignored. "Hello." She spoke in a soft tone almost like a light summer breeze. Sesshoumaru turned to her and spoke, in his usual manner, "Anata no namae wa nan desu ka?" "My name is Chikara-Amai Kiraa, but please call me Chi." Sesshoumaru looked her over before turning to look some where else. Her name fits her.still what is a girl like her doing hanging out with my chatty little sister?

He turned and looked for Rin and the girl.Chi and found them walking over to the caf, chatting like they had always known each other. His mouth dropped open in surprise but he quickly closed it as a voice drifted in the breeze, "We wouldn't want others to think you were catching flies do you?" Chi. that girl.thinks she knows everything. telling me to shut my mouth.grrr.Sesshoumaru turned and walked over to the tables nearby and sat down. As usual he still had that no emotion look.

Chi laughed and looked down at Rin who was a couple of inches shorter than her, "So Rin-chan tell me more about your family." Rin nodded and began to chatter away about her two brothers and her mom and dad, as they waited in line at the caf. Chi just nodded as she listened to her new friend talk. After a few moments she looked over to a bunch of kids gathered around two people that had begun a match of the lungs. Chi's gold/ green blue eyes tried to figure out who was screaming at whom and why with out letting Rin know she had stopped listening to her.

"Inuyasha." Chi heard Rin say as she glanced at Rin who by now figured out what Chi was doing and looked at the fighting duo. Just then a very loud and familiar voice reached Chi's ears. "Kagome." she whispered softly. (A/N: Just to let you know Chi is very soft spoken even if she were to scream at you her voice would only be as loud as your normal speaking voice. *Shrugs* what can I say she is just a soft spoken person. Oh and if you haven't figured out by now.*Thinks of a certain friend* the caf is the cafeteria. Well back to the story.) "Kagome." She whispered and shook her head, why little sister must you pick on everyone. I hope someone will meet you someday and be your match. You really need to change.


Kagome was seething as well as glaring at Inuyasha who has accidentally bumped into her, and spilt some juice on her top. "I told you not to come near me." she screamed angrily.Inuyasha just stared at her trying not to get livid. Inuyasha just shook his head and smiled down at her, "Fucking akuma abazureon'na achi ike yo." He sneered and walked away from her. Kagome stood there for a few moments trying to figure out what the hell just happened. Then she stalked off to go find his ass and lay it on him. She and her cursing could be heard coming unfortunately neither Inuyasha nor Kikyo heard her coming. She came to a halt as she saw her cousin being all nice to Inuyasha and actually holding a conversation. She stuck out her tongue in disgust. It usually never happened people got tired of her nice and goody two shoes cousin and left her after two minutes.

Demo. it seemed to her that they had been talking for a while. Kagome smiled I know just what to do. She thought as a wicked plan formed in her mind. She took her hair out of its pony-tail holder and let it free, then she made sure to take off her favorite necklace and safely put it in her pack. Then she took out her mirror and lip gloss to apply it. Finally after a few moments she looked like Kikyo's identical twin sister. right down to her beauty mark on her nose. which most people thought Kikyo had a wart since it was on the tip of her nose.Kagome wrinkled her nose in disgust.I wish I didn't have to do the mark.but if this is going to work I have to. "Hello yes Kikyo, I was calling to inform you." Kagome said in a fake voice and watching Kikyo walk off leaving Inuyasha alone.

Inuyasha closed his eyes and leaned back against the tree he was sitting under (A/N: Yes Under deal with it. ^^) well at least I got some information on her. I kinda feel bad about what I did to her but she didn't need to be such a abazureon'na to me. Soon he realized he was no longer alone. With a sigh he opened his eyes, "Kikyo I thought you had something else to do?" "Well I did and I finished it all ready. Demo I can't remember what I did though." Kagome as Kikyo sat down beside Inuyasha, and looked at him. "What were we talking about?" she asked trying to keep her curiosity out of her voice. "Well we were talking about Saturday and what a boring day it is going to be." He said in a sleepy voice. Geeze this chick is a baka!'

So they were talking about Saturday this is going to be even better than I thought. I so hope he says yes. "So would you like to go hangout at the mall, maybe I can convince my cousin to come?" she asked sweetly. "I don't think your cousin will come but sure I guess we can hangout." Kagome smiled and stood up as the bell for the last class rang, "Perfect.I will see you at the mall at noon." She said before hurrying off to her Drama class. I am so glad I have been taking drama for a long time. She wiped off the make up she used and brushed her hair back into a pony-tail and just in time too. because Inuyasha walked into the hall way the same time Kikyo came out of a room.

I can't wait for Saturday, I get to see him get stood up by Kikyo. Poor sap. he really should do his research on people, everyone knows Kikyo has never dated anyone.well except that one jerk Kouga.but she deserved what happened. After all teen pregnancy is not a good thing and the fact that she got HIV from him.Kagome shuddered as she took her seat in the auditorium, I am so glad I turned him down. I shouldn't talk ill of the dead and dying. But what ever I hate my cousin so, I just feel bad for Gin, she's two years old and constantly in the hospital for treatment.I wonder if she will live long enough to turn three. I really should stop by her adoptive parent's house to see her, after all as much as I don't want to admit it, she is family. She and Kikyo along with Kaede are the only family I have living. Everyone else died in the fire. Kagome wiped a tear away from her face and set the script she had been reading down, as the teacher Mr. Oberle called roll. ~*~ Japanese Words I use (in Alpha order) ~*~ Akuma - Devil Abazureon'na - Bitch Achi Ike yo - Get Lost Aitsu- Creep Amai - Sweet Anata no namae wa nan desu ka? - What is your name? Arigato- Thank you Baka- Fool; Stupid; Idiot; moron Chikara- Strength, Power Chikara-Amai - Sweet Strength/Power Demo - But Fushigi - Mystery Gin- Silver Hai- Yes Hentaisha - Perverted person. Hitotsuboshi- Morning and Evening Stars Inu- dog Itai- Ouch, Ow. Kami - God Kiraa - Killer Ja or Ja ne - see ya! (Informal) Onii-chan- Brother Onee-chan- Sister

A/N: Well another chapter down, and several more to go.But I am only going to update if I get some reviews. So just press the little button and review. ^^ I accept anon reviews too. Please review! And Anna-chan if it's just you that reviews.o.o I thank you before hand. Also I am taking suggestions and. *gulp* Flames. Also Mr. Oberle is a kick ass Drama and Stage Craft class Teacher. No Joke, I haven't had him for Stage Craft but I did for a short time as a Drama student. Kudos and Bravado to Mr. O, or Goober as some call him ^^. Just to clear something up, yes Kagome and Inuyasha have temporarily switched personalities since Kagome is being a bitch instead of Inuyasha. Yes Inuyasha fight back as Kagome fights back against him. Oh *sounds like Uncle from Jackie Chan Adv) one more thing next chapter is called Jashin no Itsudemoyde- Wicked Heart Come When You're Ready.

Kagome: Inuyasha is an ass! Inuyasha: I am not an ass I'm an Inu. Kagome: Who Cares?

Umm... Guys none cares. As I was saying before I was interrupted, Chapter two will be uploaded when I get some reviews. *gets hit with a shoe* ITAI! INUYASHA, KAGOME YOU HAD BETTER RUN BEFORE I RIP BOTH YOUR HEADS OFF YOUR BODIES. *Chases after Kagome and Inuyasha.gets knocked out by Kagome, and thrown against a wall by Inuyasha*

Inuyasha & Kagome: Read & Review! Ja ne!