InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Koi no Tsukinowa- Love is like the ring around the moon ❯ The Truth Comes Out ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

An Inuyasha Fan Fiction

Koi no Tsukinowa-

Love is like the Ring around the Moon

© 2003/10/23

Finding Out The Truth

A/N: Who hoo! I got a few reviews! I am so happy, I felt like getting my lazy ass around to typing the next chapter…so feel happy you got this.

Kagome blinked as the sun came through her window and just kinda laid there wondering what day it was along with what time it was. When she did remember she swore colorfully that even a sailor would blush. I completely forgot about that fake date I set up…I only have two hours to get ready…kuso. Looking around her room she grabbed her bath stuff and headed for the bath room.


Inuyasha awoke and looked over at his clock…whoo hoo today I get to go out with Kikyou… He got up and ran out of his room, smack dab into Sesshoumaru who was holding…a candy…a balloon…and a pair of scissors.

Three hours later... for Inuyasha it was a couple of bruises and bite marks…and lack of hair gel…or for better causes…too much hair gel…

Inuyasha walked into the mall, and straight into a sunglasses store…to buy a pair of…what else sunglasses…If I wear sunglasses no one will know its me. He walked out of the store only to be stopped by two girls, "Meryl Look its Vash the Stampede." "No Millie it can't be him…unless he got his hair dyed." Inuyasha just stood there, feeling lost at the foreigners words and amazed at what language they spoke. (A/N: BTW Inuyasha looks like Vash from Trigun… no this is not a subliminal hint.) Up ahead he saw what looked like Kikyou waiting at an ice cream booth for him. She wore a long black skirt…that barely touched her knees and a tight black top, she looked like she walked out of a rave and straight into the mall.

Kagome ate her ice cream in silence counting down the seconds till Inuyasha mistook her for Kikyou, when he did walk over to her she didn't look up. "Hi Kikyou ready to go see the movie?" "Kikyou…wrong person baka. Do I look like Kikyou?" Inuyasha stared with his mouth open…"You should close your mouth unless your trying to catch flies." "Hai you do look like Kikyou…" "Well move out of the way looser I have a movie to catch...and I don't want to miss the beginning of Underworld." She stood and pretended to trip, smashing her ice cream into his shirt. "Oops, by the way what's with the hair…you trying to look like you belong in a band…you probably couldn't make it in if it was a band of howling cats let alone dongs."

She walked towards the theater, as Inuyasha cursed and muttered under his breath, "Bitch" it came out barely audible but Kagome heard it anyways. She stopped and turned around, "What did you call me?" Inuyasha looked up and wondered if she was just guessing that he called her something. "I called you a bitch." "Oh, why thank you…I am a bitch." She turned as he spoke again, "Baka Bitch thinks she is one." Kagome smirked inwardly as her face held no emotion, Baka, baka I can hear every word you say, and I can hear every beat your heart makes. "I am a bitch Inuyasha weather you believe me or not." She spoke equally as soft as him and in English too. He blinked and looked at her, as a voice registered in his mind, as softly and as gently as he could…considering his temper, he spoke as she walked away, "Hanrin…is that you?" He could have sworn…and probably did…that Kagome nodded her head as a reply as she disappeared inside the movie theater. Kagome's last thoughts as she waited for the movie to play was of last night, and how he sounded even though he was quite far away from her, Yash was that you…no it couldn't have been he has long hair…his is short…but… was it always so short?

~*~ Japanese Words I use (in Alpha order) ~*~

Baka- Fool; Stupid; Idiot; moron

Hai- Yes

Hanrin - (n) half - moon

A/N: Sorry the chapter is so short, but I have been having writers block for a long while for some of my stories…and reviews help a lot… `specially when they have idea's in the review…