InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Koi no Tsukinowa- Love is like the ring around the moon ❯ The Truth Comes Out Part 2 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

An Inuyasha Fan Fiction

Koi no Tsukinowa-

Love is like the Ring around the Moon

© 2003/12/19

The Truth Comes Out 2

YashMan109- Inuyasha

HanrinHanyou- Kagome

HeartThrobHoushi- Miroku

FluffMister- Sesshoumaru

HirunoTsuki -Sango





Kagome leaned back in the chair her mind still racing with thoughts and replaying what had just happened. She sighed and closed her eyes, not really watching the movie, she knew he would be there when she left. Oh he would be there wanting answers. There isn't any I can give him. None that wouldn't reveal who I am, no what I am. All at once she couldn't stand being in the theater, so what else was she supposed to do… she left it.

Inuyasha sat right where she left him trying to figure something out, something that would take a very long time for him to grasp. He got up just as she left the theater, bumping into her. "Sorry" he mumbled as she hit the floor. His eyes met hers and he grimaced, "Great I just pissed off the bitch again." He mumbled in English, "just what I need." Kagome stood up and looked him in the eye; he stood expecting her to hit him. She just turned and walked away, he just stared at her as she walked off.

Later that night Kagome stared at the screen of her computer when she got a pop up message saying "You got mail!" She glared at the screen some more "And if I go to check it out you'll kick me off line" "Check it already!" Kagome looked around her room, "Okay I must have had something…I'm not even gonna try." She double clicked on the e-mail and read it.

Hey Cuz,

What's up? Just wanted to know if it was okay if I came and stayed with you for awhile. Mom and dad don't want me around; they say I'm too punk for them. Not to mention I kinda got kicked out of my school, so I thought hey maybe you wouldn't mind me being around.

Anarchy to its fullest!

Shippo a.k.a Shi!

She spun around and clicked offline before picking up the phone. She dialed Shippo's number and hung up on the first ring. "Come in little Cousin, you can stay."

Shippo grinned and opened the door; He looked to be about the same age as Kagome even though he was a year younger. "Kags, what's up?" Kagome frowned, "Its Kagome, no one calls me Kags, Shippo." She narrowed her eyes as the sun began to set and she began to change. Shippo looked at his cousin in amusement; he liked to see her in her true form rather than her human one. His never changed, but he made himself change; He ran a hand nervously through his short spiked and bleached hair. "So what room shall I call my own?" Kagome spun around in her chair and looked at her computer screen, "I don't care. Look just be up by seven tomorrow." Shippo nodded and walked out of the room.

About an hour later Kagome left the house and took off, Shippo thinking it was a great moment seized it and went into her room. There on her desk was what he was looking for…her laptop. "Whoo-hoo, here I come cyber world!"

~*Anime Chat*~

(Enter Anarchy, exit Julie292)

Welcome to Anime Chat, Talk about your favorite Anime or whatever!

(Current members in room: 5

Current Members:






HeartThrobHoushi: So, that still a no about my jaccuzii right Tsuki????

HirunoTsuki : -.-# Yes it is still a no!!!!!!!!!

(Exit HirunoTsuki , Enter DrkAngel)

ItoshiiSesshiIkuzo: Hey Yashman109 can I get the last digit to that phone number or possibly the whole number again???????

Yashman109: Sure!

ItoshiiSesshiIkuzo: YAY!!!!!!

Yashman109: 233-6935 really I would have tried all the numbers if it was me, anyways don't forget to ask for Sesshoumaru.

ItoshiiSesshiIkuzo: *nods*

Anarchy: Whoa, what type of chat is this???

Yashman109: *Blink* Newbie?? Oh and my brother loves chocolate and helium ballons. *Grins big*

Anarchy: NO!!!!!!!! I am not a newbie.

HeartThrobHoushi: Well this is a talk about anything chat….but is supposed to be a Anime chat. But the owner isn't in so it's a whatever now. See that guy talking to YashMan109 is after his brother. SO he is just helping out got it??? *Arches eyesbrows*

(Exit ItoshiiSesshiIkuzo)

Anarchy: Oooookay, Hey DrkAngel pretty silent there…

Yashman109: Hey anyone know a Kagome H.??? Or Hanrin Hanyou???

HeartThrobHoushi: Well a Kagome goes to my school, but Hanrin owns this chat…usually she is on by now, talking to Tsuki but she logged out. *cries*

Anarchy: I Know both!!!!!!

DrkAngel: I have just been observing, and filling out papers to attend school tomorrow at Cycleinbre High.

Anarchy: Hey I'm gonna start there tomorrow too. With my cousin Kagome…

Yashman109: Hey so you know them both???? I go to that school too… Wait Kagome isn't the …

Anarchy: Gothic Bitch….Yes I am a Gothic Bitch and Proud of it.

DrkAngel: Whoa, gender switch…what happened Anarchy??? Still her computer???

Anarchy: Yes my cousin stole my computer…his battery is dead on his, and he can't find the extra or the power cords.

HeartThrobHoushi: Ahh Lady Hanrin….Good Evening.

User Anarchy has kicked HeartThrobHoushiout of the chat room: COME BACK WHEN I FEEL LIKE DEALING WITH YOU PERVERT!!!!!!!!! Access Ban: 24 Hours

DrkAngel: Uh, I'm gonna go…tell your cousin I said maybe I'll see him around school!!

(Exit DrkAngel)

Anarchy: So want to say anything else about me???

YashMan109: Umm, no. Except uh, you seemed nicer when I met you at the tree.

Anarchy: …

YashMan109: *looks outside at the rain* Looks like some where some one is crying…

Anarchy: I…I'm gonna log off.

Yashman109: Okay…;aters.

(Exit Anarchy)


(Enter Anarchy)

Anarchy: Yaya my lap top live

Yashman109: What??

Anarchy: My laptop.. I found the extra battery and the power cords.

Yashman109: Oh.

Anarchy: Names Shippo, but you can call me Shi.

Yashman109: Inuyasha.

Anarchy: Man it is really raining hard outside. Oh hey, here is our house number 582-5913. My cell is 666-2213. I gotta go my cousin is crying for some odd reason…laters!

YashMan109: Got it… later

(Exit Anarchy, Yashman109)

Kagome sat in her room looking out the window at the rain, she didn't even hear her cousin walk into the room. "Hey cousin what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Kagome sniffled and looked at him, "He thinks I'm a bitch." Shippo laughed, "You are a bitch. Lets see, uncle was a Kitsune Youkai like my parents remember." Kagome giggled, "I meant the other bitch. (Enter sigh) I didn't know I was so like that. I don't know why I care. Go to sleep squirt we got school tomorrow." Shippo stood up to his full height, "Who are you calling squirt. I'm taller than you now." Kagome laughed and threw a pillow at him, as he left her room. "Remember don't tell anyone you saw me cry." It was half in a humorous tone yet the other half was dangerous sounding.