InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Koi ❯ On Our Way ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N::: Hey guys thanx for the reviews, some of u are just so confused though. Like i said before i give obvious clues on who her mate is but oh well I'll push it a bit longer. I'm going to try and finish this before school starts again so keep reviewing, it does motivate!

Disclaimer: I own nothing.... though I'm trying on the rights for Sesshoumaru!!!HEHEHEHE...

Chapter #5

Kagome woke up with a blanket around her just after dawn, it was the first time in about 5 years that her husband wasn't by her side, holding her and keeping her warm. A silent tear rolled down her cheek, but she knew he'd know where she was.. Getting up Kagome noticed that Miroku and Sango had sent Kaori and Hukuto to a neighboor's while they went on their new journey.
"Okay so what happened to the Shikon no Tama guys?" kagome asked as she unrinkled her blouse.
"Keade had put it in the shrine locked up and warded when you left. A year or two after she had died. Two days ago a demon came and stole it with no problem, the strange part is that they dropped it." Explained Miroku as they walked towards the shrine.
"Keh stupid fucker." mumbled Inu yasha.
Kagome chukled and walked into the shrine with Miroku.
There was the jewel it seemed perfectly fine, though not quite. Picking up the jewel kagome inspected it thuroghly, It was fine. But just then looking in to the crystal she saw a swirling black miasma. Quickly and without warning Kagome went outisde and grabbed a sharp rock that instantly began to glow a lavender colour. Putting the Shikon on an old tree stump Kagome broke the jewel in half and gasped at what she saw.
Everyone had come running after kagome and their eyes widened at the sight of it.
The centre of the Shikon no Tama was gone and was replaced with a black consentration of miasma.
Kagome picked up the little black perl and held it tightly in her fist. The lavender light appeared again and when Kagome reopened her fist the perl was gone.
"So what does this mean kagome?" asked Sango
Kagome sighed
"I have to find the rest of the shikon." kagome said quietly.
Everyone nodded in agreeance to help.
Miroku and Sango shared Kirara and Kagome road Inu yasha (A/N:: hahahaha dirty!)
As Kagome and Inu yasha raod ahaed something came back to Inu yasha.
"HOw did Ayame get to the futur?"
"She survived" was all Kagome said solamly.
Inu yasha nodded, not only in understanding but in determanation. He desided then and there that he would survive those five hundred years and would have kagome not matter what!
Stopping to make camp Kagome and Sango went to the hot springs.
"Kagome are you turely happy?" Sango asked as she got into the hotspring
"Yeah I am. Why Sango?"
"Well truthfully I have never seen you truely happy, and it good to see that you finally have someone that loves you." Said Sango
"Aww thanks Sango."
............................................................... ..................................
(At the camp site)
Inu yasha quickly made the fire as Miroku looked for berries and other things to eat.
After a while Inu yasha started to wonder about where Miroku had gone. Just then Kagome came out from the bush.
"Did you see Miroku?" Inu yahsa asked.
"Yeah I gave him and Sango some private time." said kagome sitting down beside Inu yasha.
"Man there like fucking rabbits!"
"Thats nothing! The entire demon population in the futur is thriving and growing because of Koga and Ayame! They've had about three litters every generation and that adds up in five hundred years." said kagome
"Keh! Damn wolves!"
Kagome laughed.
'He hasn't changed a bit!' Kagome thought silently as she fell asleep leaning on Inu yasha's shoulder

********************************************************* ******************************
(Meanwhile on the other side of the well....)

Kagome's Mate's POV

Where the fuck is she!!!
I've searched the house a billion times and the scent keeps saying that she hasn't been here since yesterday morning.
No I can't lose her.
Hold up!!!
What the fuck are the well house doors doing opened!
OH NO!!!!
She went down the well- no I smell it..... Shock!!!!!
**Normal POV**
Slidind down the wall of the well he let the spell drop from around him, his parts of his black hair faded to silver leaving strikes of black, his fangs were large, his ear appeared at the top of his head. The little triangles Kagome loved to touch, the base of his ears were black and faded slowly leaving the tip purley silver a smooth magenta stripe appeard down each side of his cheek, his claws grew long and black. Leaning his head back he howelled in to the moon in agony of loosing his mate, is love his kagome.
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A/N: I'll stop here for now and try to update tomorrow.R&R pls!!
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