InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Koi ❯ I'm Coming Kagome... ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
AN:: Hey guys thanks for the reviews. And I'll write the prequel even if Raven is the only one that reads is. Here i go again....

Chapter # 6

Kagome woke with a start.
She could swear that she heard howling.
"Inu... did you hear howling?" asked kagome softly.
Inu yasha was about to explode at Kagome as usual, but thought against it. He didn't have to hind his feelings anymore.
"No Kagome I didn't. Why?" Inu yasha said sweetly wrapping his arm around Kagome and holding her to his form
'So similar....' kagome thought.
"Come on Kagome we should be getting on our way, we don't want your mate to worry" The last part Inu yasha said bitterly.
'But doesn't he know...' kagome thought.
Sighing Kagome walked after Inu yasha.
............................................................. ...................
Soon they got Sango and Miroku and were on there way. Kagome sensed the presence of the jewel at a near by castle, so they walked the rest of the way. When the Sun was high in the sky, they stopped for lunch.
As Sango went down to the stream, and Inu yasha went to scout ahead Miroku carefully sat next to Kagome and slowly lifted his hand to Kagome's behind.
Kagome stopped suddenly then smacked Miroku making him fall unconscious.
Inu yasha came running back to camp to find kagome cleaning up the rest of the mess angrily, and Sango came up and woke Miroku up to yell at him then knock him unconscious again.
............................................................. ......................They were still about a day away from the castle when they set up for the night.
As everyone was about to settle in for the night, Inu yasha unsheathe the tesseiga and quickly jumped down from his tree ready to fight!
"Inu... what is it?" Kagome asked frantically.
"Sesshoumaru" Inu yasha growled.
Kagome sighed in relief.
Sesshoumaru would never hurt her.... or maybe this one would.
All of a sudden had an arm around her waist and her legs dangled in the air as she looked down at her friends.
"Sesshoumaru!!! Let her down!!" Inu yasha yelled.
"Then you must give my the tesseiga, little brother." said Sesshoumaru his voice smooth and icy.
Inu yasha stood there doing nothing just looking up
'I'll give him the fucking sword..' Inu yasha decided.
Just as Inu yasha was going to hand Sesshoumaru the sword -"Fine" said Sesshoumaru, and with that drew his sharp claw down Kagome’s cheek.
Kagome whimpered.
Suddenly there was a burst of blue light that came from the well.
Even Sesshoumaru looked over.
Flying over the tree tops he came.
He wore a tight blood red fitted turtle neck type shirt that went into long traditional sleeves, low on his hips a golden sash was wrapped around him, but the shirt was then long and cut and waved in the wild, it reached until the man's knees. He also wore tight leather like pants.
As he came closer at an alarming pace the spell from around his disentangled its self parts of his black hair faded to silver, his ears appeared and laid back on his scalp and his sword at his hip.
"You bastard!" he said as he came closer and bunched Sesshoumaru square in the jaw, causing him to release kagome and send him flying backwards.
Sesshoumaru got up as if he was never touched, and narrowed his eyes as he went to kagome.
Turning Sesshoumaru passed by Inu yasha who stood in awe at the man in front of him
"You lost her little brother." was all Sesshoumaru said as he walked into the forest.
His voice held laughter and ridicule.

Everyone stood still and watched as kagome's mate darted around her.
"You're okay right!" he asked
He scoffed and licked the gash on Kagome's cheek instantly healing it.
"Remind me to tell Sakura about that at her next dinner party" he growled.
Kagome chuckled.
"How many times do i have to tell you to play nice- what are you doing!?" said kagome as he sniffed and touched Kagome, making sure se was alright.
Then all of a sudden he growled.
"The wolf!!"
"Kouga was perfect."
He scoffed again and continued his inspection, he had done this every day and night and any other time while she had been pregnant with Yuki.
As he reached her back he stopped and bent sniffing her butt.
Then growled and looked to Miroku.
"Monk keep your hands on your own or you wont have any!" he said.
Kagome sighed.
"Am I to your satisfaction?" kagome asked Turning with her hands on her hips and looking down at him.
Slowly he stood at full height, he was muscular but not to much just less than Kouga with broad shoulders and lean physic.
He was a good few inches taller than Inu yasha, kagome could only just rest her head on his shoulder.
Crossing his arms over his chest looked down at kagome and raised a suggestive eyebrow, and a smirk that reveal a large fang.
"Your not naked so no" he said with a cocky smile.
Kagome's eyes widened, and smacked his playfully on the chest.
Laughing her pulled Kagome to him and sucked on her bottom lip.
Kagome closed her eyes and arched her back as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
As they parted Kagome whined.
"Heh, there’s a spring over that way" he said against Kagome's lips.
Nodding Kagome disentangled herself from her mate.
"Play nice." She said as she grabbed Sango by the arm and dragged her to the hot spring.

AN::: Hey guys R&R pls and pls answer me on the authors note I left the other day about the prequel.
Blessed Be!!!
Assane of Ré