InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Koi ❯ Hopes for the Future ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
AN:: This is the last chapter hope u enjoy.... stay tuned for the prequel Koishii

Disclaimer: I own shit that’s it I swear!!

Chapter #9: Hopes for the Future

Kagome kneeled over her mate as everyone around them watched.
"NO! please no" kagome kept saying frantically.
"Where's the jewel?" Inu yasha asked
Kagome's aura flared and her eyes glowed but then calmed as her mate sat up.
"This is the fifth time in seven hundred years I’ve had me middle missing" he commented.
"Oh Inu your okay!" whispered kagome loudly as she hugged him fiercely.
"keh! of coarse I’m okay! that guy was pathetic. Here." He gave her the jewel.
Inu yasha just stared at them
"wait! what?" he said confused beyond all hell.
Kagome's mate broke out in hysterical laughter.
"Really kagome you just called your mate- and last night in the forest-" started Miroku but stopped when kagome laughed holding her stomach.
"oh my god! Guys I cant believe you-" kagome didn’t finish but just continue to laugh.
Kagome's mate picked her up and stared to head back towards the village.
"I still don’t understand!" called Miroku from Kirara.
Kagome's mate chuckled
"I'll let Kagome tell you!"
Inu yasha huffed as he brought up the rear he hated being laughed at!
In the dead of night Kagome's mate went up to the God tree. It was different from the future and peaceful he saw why kagome always used to marvel at this time's beauty, in five hundred years a lot had changed and would never return.
At day break kagome’s mate made his way back to Sango and Miroku’s hut.
"So you purified Manako?” Sango asked she had only just awakened.
"Yup! when I saw him hurt I burst" said kagome
"Why were you both laughing yesterday???" Inu yasha demanded.
"Man was I really that stupid!" exclaimed kagome’s mate.
Kagome chuckled.
"Not stupid just dense! and that really hasn’t changed "kagome commented as he sat behind her and brought her down to lie on her back against his chest.
"I resent that" he said petting her hair.
"yeah I know, sometimes I wish I hadn’t gotten rid of those beads." said kagome.
Her mate scoffed.
"I’m sure you do! I know I miss 'em once in a while." he remarked softly
"What the fuck are you talking about!!!!" Inu yasha yelled in frustration.
"I’m you, you dumb fuck!!" kagome's mate yelled back. (AN::: Isn’t that lovely. HA I finally did it and some of u are to smart for your own fucking good!!!)
Kagome giggled.
"You haven’t sworn think that since Yuki was born Inu." commented kagome
The older Inu yasha smiled as he looked down at his mate.
"Damn I was dense!!" the older Hanyou said in a mocking tone
"Shut-up" Inu yasha said like a child.
"But you said that you married the only man you ever loved!" said Miroku.
"Yeah and i only ever loved Inu yasha" kagome said
The younger Inu yasha blushed and looked away while the older Hanyou kissed his mate tenderly.
"Wow in 500 years you’ve changed quite a lot Inu yasha."
The older Inu yasha scoffed at his old friend. He had watched Miroku and Sango have many more children, ha had watched Sango die then Miroku. It pained him to see them. though it was good to see them again it was saddening.
"What but then why the fuck does he- I -whatever, look like that!!?" Inu yasha pointed.
The older Hanyou sighed.
"I fully excepted who i was, I stopped wanting to be something I wasn't. Besides in demon age ranking your 16, Miroku is right you grow up a lot in 500 years." The older Inu yasha explained.
Kagome sat up and ran her hand down her mate’s cheek lovingly.
They smiled at each other and Inu yasha watched closely, this was his future.
All his dreams would come true;
Everyone of them, and his son was a full demon, and would be the most powerful demon in Japan if not in all of Asia.
In u yasha's heart swelled with pride and hope for his life and his future.
The rest of the day went well as they ate and talked and Miroku asked his perverted questions that kagome and Sango shook their heads to, while the younger Inu yasha blushed and the older entertained the lecher's ideas and comments with vague hints of the sex he and his mate shared.
In the night the older Inu yasha snuck out of the hut and went to the well....
At dawn when everyone was awake he made his way back with a little bundle perched happily on his shoulders.
"OKA-SAN" the little boy yelled happily lunching himself off his father and into his mother's arms.
Inu yasha stared at the little boy in awe.
In an ice blue fire rat type out fit the boy looked like his father in many ways and like kagome in many others.
His hair was silver with blue/black streaks, his eyes were a swirling gold and misty grey/blue, on his cheek and over his eye lids and wrists were more of a more bluish magenta stripe (AN::: Magenta is a denomination of purple, which is made up of blue and red. Actual magenta is the perfect ratio of blue to red, while red holds more value, blue has a stronger hue; so basically his stripes are more blue than red ^.^ Damn my art teacher would be proud!!).
Then Inu yasha noticed the ice blue crescent on the boy's forehead.
"Why the fuck does he have that on his forehead?" said Inu yasha.
"eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeawwwwwwwwwww! Mommy the guy that looks like daddy gone retarded said a bad word!" called out Yuki.
Kagome broke out onto hysterical laughter, while the older Inu yasha laughed at his son's innocence.
"Yuki tell the- nice man why you have the moon on your forehead" said kagome placing Yuki down.
The older Inu yasha's eyes went wide and went to stop his son but kagome stopped him.
"I have this-" Yuki lifted his bangs and pointed to the moon.
"Because uncle sesshou is a prick and cant get his bitch knocked up right!" Said Yuki proudly.
Inu yasha, Sango and Miroku looked at the small demon in awe, while kagome turned to her mate,who had turned and had his hands fisting his head.
"INU YASHA" screamed Kagome.
"What I didn't do anything?" he said after he had turned and now was slowly backing away with hands in the air defending him.
"Outo-san? Did I say it okay?" called Yuki as he ran to his father.
"Yeah" said the older Inu yasha lifting his son in his arms.
"You did great-"
"NO!! that’s very bad! you don’t say things like that about uncle Sesshoumaru and aunt Sakura" scolded kagome softly
Yuki nodded and when kagome turned away from the pair Inu yasha whispered "never say it in front of Fluffy or Saku okay?"
Yuki nodded again hugging his father then going down to the ground to his mother's feet.
"I'm sorry mama" said Yuki softly.
Kagome smiled tenderly and bent in front of her son to forgive him.
"Now say it right Yuki!" said kagome
"I have this 'cause until uncle sesshou and aunt sakura have a pup of their own I'm heir to the western lands" said Yuki in a bored and rehearsed tone.
"Honestly Kags the other way is way more fun." argued her mate as he wrapped his arms around her from behind and rested his head on hers.
"Yeah but Sesshoumaru wouldn't appreciate it"
"Think about at those stupid dinner parties though, this would be a blast.” He said holding kagome tight as he watched his younger self marvel and hope for what his future had to bring.
"Some how you always find always to entertain yourself"
"Yeh watching Kouga try to recite all of his children's names and birthdays is hilarious."
Kagome laughed in agreeance.
Soon after Kagome, her Inu yasha, Yuki and the jewel were ready to go back to the future.
Saying their goodbyes Inu yasha went to the other Inu yasha
"You won't remember this, all you’ll know is that kagome is the one and you'll wait for ever for her” said the older Inu yasha
The younger Hanyou nodded and looked at kagome ad their pup, it didn't matter his futur was a dream come true.

And gone along with the memories....

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AN::: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm done!!!!!!!!!!!!! R&R!! Oh kagome and future Inu remember but Sango Miroku and Inu yasha don’t.
Oh an a little info on Kouga's kids if u wanna do some math: A generation lets say is 10 years. There are 50 generations in 500 years, 3 litters per generation, 6 pups per litter= 9000 kids!!!!!
Thanks for all your reviews and support pls stay tuned for the prequal that will be titled Koishii.
Assane Ré