InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Koi ❯ In the Night& Battle in the Morning ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
AN::: Hey guys sorry this chapter took so long.
NOTE:::: Koi is almost done only a few more chapters but stay tuned for the prequel!

Disclaimer:: I own nothing


Chapter #8

Inu's POV

Damn basterd!
It was hopeless though Kagome was happy and I was trying to wreck Her life.
Then I heard it a load ecstasy filled moan
Kagome's moan.
Her ecstasy filled Moan
Fucking bastard!!
I didn't need to hear this, I didn't need this guy reminding me that he was soo great and soo powerful and has the only woman I have loved selflessly for over 10 years and...he .. well ...I just don’t fucking need this!!
I couldn't help it. After an hour of arguing with myself I get up and go towards where the moan had come from the closer i get the more i hear, the moaning groaning grunting and cries of their rutting.
Honestly though they’re not rutting, you can tell he loves her and would never do a thing to hurt her but I lie to myself all the time while should now be any different.
Finally I was there..............
She loves him
He loves her
Fuck he saw me!!
As dash off Kagome flips their position...and I’m safe.
I am not a pervert!!
I just need to know that this is what she wants and that she’s happy.
Man I’ve become a fucking wuss!!
Ready to dash off again since I cant stand to look at this very publish display of affection.... and there as i leave Kagome's eyes widen as she sees me and though I’m a good ways away from where her and her mate are i hear her cry out as she cums
Inu yasha
Inu yasha
She called my name as she came.
Though it might be just because I was there or maybe she loves me and I triggered something.
I reach camp after I’ve circled it so Miroku and Sango don’t ask questions.
But I was wrong!
Miroku and Sango were up and had also heard Kagome.
They both looked at me with small smiles on their faces
"Feh!" was all i could muster up before I jumped into my tree for the night, before they could see my blush.
No matter which way I or anyone else could slice it kagome cried out my name as she came.
I am very proud of my self!
God I’m an idiot (AN:: glad he finally admitted it, eh?)

Normal POV

It was right before dawn when kagome's mate appeared at the camp with his shirt slung over his shoulder and the button of his leather like pants undone showing the silver/black hair that lead from his navel down into the confines of his pants.
He looked up into the tree where Inu yasha, God how he wanted to hurt him, for the other night for kagome and for being stupid all together but he wouldn't Kagome would have a fit.
As Sango looked up to him she blushed at his state of dress, smirking he gave a suggestive wink, and inwardly laughter at the slayer who took him seriously.
"Hi guys" called kagome, her hair up neatly braided from the crown of her head to her neck, and rest flowed freely, her close straightened and a glow about her.
"Good morning Kagome -sama" greeted Miroku.
Inu yasha jumped down to the ground with a "feh" and quickly stalked away from the other Inu-hanyou. The older Hanyou chuckled at the younger mostly inspire. Kagome smiled to everyone and kissed her mate on the lips and buttoned his pants. Smirking her pulled away and lifted his shirt back onto his body, Kagome gave a disappointed look but then handed him the golden sash and sword.
The rest of the day was spent in utter silence with Kagome on her mate's back, as they lead them to the castle.
Stopping because of the barrier Inu yasha quickly broke it with red-tesseiga. Just as they were about to step inside a huge bust of energy knocked everyone off there feet. Growling, Inu yasha went at the demon and again he wave of energy pushed him back.
"What the fuck!" Inu yasha exclaimed.
"I am Manako, son of Naraku."
"Damn it I thought we killed all that mother fucker incarnates" said Inu yasha.
"I idiot I am not an incarnate I am his son bore by queen of the spider demons from the continent." Manako announced
"What? who the fuck would make Naraku!"
"You'd be surprised what and who demons do during mating season." Said Kagome's mate as he pushed her behind him.
Now out of no where, Manako attacked and the battle began
Inu yasha, Sango and Miroku attacked constantly as Kagome’s mate hid her in the bush.
"No I have to help" Kagome argued, as she tried to break free of his hold.
"No! I will not have you kill yourself, I will not return with you dead in my hands and explain to OUR SON that his mother is gone and will never return! I cant loose you again Kags. I won't loose you again!" he yelled
Kagome had stopped struggling at the mention of her son, their son, their baby.
Looking into her mate's swirling eyes she kissed him passionately then pulled away and held his face keeping their eye contact.
"I love you, come back to me." was all kagome said.
He gave his mate a promising kiss and leapt into battle with her friends.
.............................................................. ........................................................................... .......

Manako was a great fighter he had sliced Sango's hiraikotsu (sp?) and knocked her unconscious. Miroku had with drawn himself from the fight at that point sitting with Sango in the safely of his erected (he he) barrier.
Kagome's mate fought soundly and swiftly against Inu yasha's edgy and rough foot steps and leaps.
At one point when Inu yasha had leaped back and Kagome's mate went into a lung and started scraping with Manako blood was spilt at every which way and gashes being tarred in each others skin could be heard clearly all around them.
Then Manako shoved Kagome’s mate away from him and tore his hand through his middle.
Everyone watched as everything stopped.
All of a suddenly everything burst in a white hot light and a agonizing scream ripped itself from Manako's body as he disintegrated, then as the colours started to return another scream came through the silence.
Kagome screamed.

AN:::: Sorry I’ve been taking forever but my computer is totally fucked. R&R please!
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