InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Koneko, a feudal romance ❯ enter Koneko ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

10 min. later Outside the Cave on the Western Lands
“Ouch, did I get hit by a mountain demon?” Koga rubbed his head as he got to his feet. Then, as he looked across the foliage covered floor of his clearing the memories of the battle minutes… or was it hours?... before. “That bitch!” Koga let out a growl as THAT particular memory rose to the surface.
The Fight (inside the flurry of foliage)
Koga awoke to the sound of blubbering, so he followed it towards the source, thinking to himself that Kagome had better show up soon to alleviate his boredom, and relieve him of his burden. As he picked up the kit that was always following his Kagome and the stupid mutt around, the kit cried even harder which only made Koga even more pissed off. He started screaming at the kit, but to no avail. Then, as he thought aloud about what to do, someone attacked him from behind, sending leaves flying free from their grasp on their parent trees. Koga was taken by surprise, for almost no one except Naraku and his incarnations, and the stupid mutt had ever surprised him, so he dropped the kit and went on the offensive. He tried using his impressive speed to take his opponent out, but that didn't seem to work for his adversary seemed to read where he was going to attack from next and avoid it. He was so caught up in the battle that it took him longer than it should have to realize that something was different about this opponent. It was only when his hand trying to pull the cloak away to see who he was fighting that he found out. “Stupid bitch,” he said leaping away holding his hand as though it were burnt. Whether from the groping she had just endured at his hand, or the insult, his female opponent had obviously had enough. She punched him in the face and all he saw after that was darkness.
“That bitch!” he shouted at the top of his lungs looking into the forest. “She can't have gotten far. I'll just...” “You'll just what?” came a calm voice from behind him. Koga turned quickly to face a new threat, only to drop to his knees in difference. “L...Lord Sesshoumaru. What an unexpected pleasure.” Sesshoumaru snorted. “It would be more unexpected if you weren't trespassing on my land. What is your excuse, wolf?” Koga snarled. “My name is Koga, Lord of the Southern Lands...” “I do not care what your name,” Sesshoumaru interrupted. “What I asked was what you were doing...” Sesshoumaru suddenly sniffed the air. “My half brother was here.” Now it Koga's turn to snort. “What do you mean 'was here'? He still is here, knocked out in the cave.” He pointed, but Sesshoumaru was already at the entrance of the cave. “There is nothing in there, except a post and some torn ropes.” Sesshoumaru stated upon his return. Koga growled. “TTTTHHHHAAAATTTT BBBBIIIITTTTCCCCHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!” His shout was so loud that he wouldn't be surprised if the people of the Continent heard it, but he didn't care. He had lost his captives and a battle, so when she returned he knew his woman would be pissed. Then he turned to look at Sesshoumaru, but it was only when he saw the slight grin on Sesshoumaru's face that he realized that he'd been speaking aloud. “Well, well. What a surprise. The new lord of the southern lands has to stoop to kidnapping and holding others hostage, and answers to a woman. And,” his grin increased as he smelled the scent of the battle. “was this woman the same one you lost to? Or do you just make it a habit to take whatever punishment a woman gives you?” Koga snarled again, his rage taking over his common sense. However, before he could land even one blow, Sesshoumaru had him laid out on the ground, his sword at the wolfs throat. “Fool. You trespass upon my lands, apparently held people hostage, then have the audacity to attack me when you loose your temper. Just be glad your people need you, or I would have no issues with dispatching you to the Netherworld.” He sheathed his sword. “That and the other lords of The Court would never let me hear the end of it.” Koga nodded, then got to his feet. “My apologies Lord Sesshoumaru. I was waiting for someone when this bitch attacked me from behind and...” Sesshoumaru interrupted him by holding up his hand. “I do not wish to hear your excuses. Just leave before I change my mind about killing you.” Koga didn't need to be told twice. He bolted into the forest. Well, he thought. I'll just explain what happened to Kagome. She's bound to be more understanding than Ice King Sesshoumaru was. With that in mind he sniffed and followed Kagome's scent.
Back in the clearing
Sesshoumaru watched the wolfs escape without a sound. After he was certain that Koga was a distance away, he returned to the cave to investigate the source of the wolf's anger. It was obvious that there had been at least 3 to 4 people in the cave, and some of them had been tied up. As there was nothing to indicate a struggle he guessed that at least his half brother was unconscious, if not all his pack. Also as it was obvious that none were still here, he assumed that they had all been removed while unconscious as well. Then he sniffed lightly. The scents confirmed that at least his brother and the two humans had been unconscious from an airborne powder that caused abrupt unconsciousness from whomever was unlucky enough to breath it in. There was also the odor of death attempting to cover itself with the scent of the living, the scent left behind by the wolf, and... an unknown feminine smell which left him stunned. The fact that he couldn't determine the owner's race was shocking enough, but the scent itself was intoxicating and left him wanting more. He shook his head then left the cave for the more deadened air of the clearing. However, when he looked at the leaves scattered around the clearing, he couldn't help but chuckle softly. So the supposedly great wolf leader of the southern lands had lost, and not only had he lost but it had been to a woman. Oh, if only the other lords had been around to witness Koga's disgrace. Ah, well. Such is the way of this world, he thought. Then, “Lord Sesshoumaru! Where are you father?” and “Rin, slow down! Lord Sesshoumaru told us to wait back at the castle! And he's not your father, he has always and will always be only L...” Jaken's face ended up facing the business end of Sesshoumaru's boot for the umpteenth time that day. “Oh, there you are father! I was so worried. Master Jaken said that you wouldn't be coming back for a while so I decided to come to you!” Rin's smile never wavered as she spoke. Sesshoumaru had to force himself not to grin back at her. “Rin,” he said. “Yes... father?” Jaken tried to snicker at the reprimand he was sure Rin was about to receive, but all Sesshoumaru said was, “next time please stay where you're told.” Rin sighed, then smiled and replied, “Okay, father.” Jaken stood there gawking, even after Sesshoumaru told him they were leaving. “Father,” Rin called. Sesshoumaru turned to look at her. “Master Jaken hasn't moved. Why?” Sesshoumaru grinned. “His mind has decided to leave his body.” Rin gasped. “Oh, no! Poor Master Jaken! We must find a way to return his mind to him, father!” He thought about this, then picked up a rock and chucked it hard at the back of Jaken's head, which took the quickest path down that it could, straight into a puddle. Jaken sputtered, then screamed, “Wait for me lord Sesshoumaru!” “See, Rin? That is the quickest way to bring Jaken's wandering mind back to him.” Rin giggled, then replied, “I'll remember that, father.”
Back at the castle
After Jaken was severly reprimanded for not staying put with Rin, Sesshoumaru turned to Rin and told her that she was to remain at the castle until he returned. “Now, Jaken.” He said. Jaken trebled. “Y...Yes, Lord Sesshoumaru?” “You will do whatever Rin tells you to. If she tells you she's hungry, you WILL feed her. If she wants to play, you WILL play WITH her. And if she tells you to put on a kimono and dance pretty, you WILL do it, or I WILL kill you and revive you over and over again, until it bores me.” Jaken nodded mutely, then audibly swallowed. His usual punishments were sounding more and more painless every day. Sesshoumaru reminded Rin to stay put, bid her farewell, then returned to the clearing. I must find my stupid half brother before someone other than myself defeats him. Then he grinned as he thought about meeting the one who put Koga in his place. I can't wait! He thought as he started following the scent rapidly across his land.
Meanwhile, in a cave several miles away
Kagome blinked her eyes in the darkness, trying to bring them into focus. As she slowly sat up, she turned towards the only source of light in the cave, a small crackling fire towards the back of the cave. “Kagome!” Shippo shouted as he launched himself at her for a hug. However he was stopped midair by a pair of hands that grabbed him as quickly as possible. “No, young one. We must let her regain her senses before we do anything else.” “Okay momma.” The owner of the hands sighed. “For the last time, kit, I'm not your mother. I'm not even a fox demon.” Shippo smiled. “Okay, whatever you say. But you sure do look like my momma.” Another sigh. “Whatever you say.” Then the young female turned to look at Kagome and smiled. “I'm sorry, but the rest of your friends are still unconscious as of yet. However, if your hungry I made some stew.” It was at that moment that Kagome's stomach decided to rumble. “That sounds wonderful.” She said as she sat down by the fire. She stared at the newcomer, trying to determine as her food was being dished up if this person was a friend or foe. There was no denying that she was very attractive, her long hair almost brushing the floor of the cave she sat upon, her skin a milky white that looked like it was just starting to tan, and curves that made Kagome envious. As she continued to stare, she suddenly realized her food was sitting right in front of her. She blushed, then started eating, the food immediately hitting her empty stomach like a ton of bricks. “Oh, this is wonderful,” She sighed. The lady smiled at her and replied, “well, eat up then. There's plenty left for when your friends awake.” She pointed towards the wall of the cave, where Sango, Miroku and Inu Yasha all lay covered with blankets to keep them warm. Kagome smiled. “Thank goodness they're all okay.” Then she remembered what had happened earlier. “What happened? Where's Kikyo?” The young lady shrugged. “Probably still with that asshole Naraku, if I know her.” Kagome paused. Kikyo and Naraku working together? It made no sense. And yet... “I have so many questions I want to ask you, the first being who are you?” The newcomer smiled and pushed her hair over her shoulder as she stood up. “My appologies. I should have introduced myself earlier.” She bowed, then smiled at Kagome. “My name is Koneko. It's a pleasure to meet you, Kagome of the future.”
E.K.- Sorry, everyone! I know it's been a long time since we last updated, and for that I'm truly sorry. But between moving into our own house, DAC blowing the circuit breakers two weeks later and the general monotony of our lives we haven't had time to update. However, we intend to keep trying. For those of you who have just started reading our stories we hope you enjoy them! And for those of you who have read our stories before, thank you so much! We intend to make a sequel to our gravitation story, and for those of you who read 101 ways to kill Jaken, thank you for all your support, and even though we wanted to write you the 101 ways to kill Kikyo story, it is unlikely that we will do so anytime in the near future as we used up most of our means of excruciating death on the stupid toad. However, as we don't want any hard feelings we are currently writing a story that kills Kikyo in many various ways at the end of each chapter. We hope you enjoy it and all of our other stories. And thank you all internet and cable service people. Without you, our tv would still have those bunny ears connected to it, and our computer would be sitting in a corner collecting dust.
The cast- Huzzah!
Max (from behind E.K.)- Hey, Ouran High School Host Club is about to start!
(The cast and her cousins trample E.K. In their haste to get to the big screen computer.)
Max- Ha, ha. Finally got you back for forgeting me in that closet with you smelly gym bag.
(Black tendrils come flying out of E.K.'s laptop and wrap themselves around Max's body.)
E.K.- Now you get to go in DAC's closet, and she has used panty's and yaoi porn in there.
(Max tries to free himself, but to no avail)
DAC- Hey, E.K., not that I mind, but when are you going to let him out of there?
E.K.- Oh, in about a month or so. Just make sure you throw your dirty smelly clothes on him
(The rest of the cast laugh maliciously as they hear muffled screaming from within the closet.)
E.K.- Anyways, Thanks again!