InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Koneko, a feudal romance ❯ To flee or fight... ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Meanwhile, on the other side of Keade's village
“SANGO!” Miroku yelled. “I'm fine!” She shouted back over the roars of the hundreds of demons. “Wind scar!” Several of the demons suddenly were vaporized, while several more fell, dismembered. “Damn it, it's like there's no end to them!” Inu Yasha shouted. “AHH!” Shippo shouted as several of the demons started to chase him with the word food clearly on their mind. The team continued to work on killing the demons, when all of a sudden a purified arrow shot across the field, taking several of the demons out. Then, another arrow shot into the air above the fighters. A heavy mist started to fall around them all, dissipating the remaining demons. However it also caused the team to feel drowsy. As they fell, one by one to the ground, Inu Yasha look up at the one who shot the arrow. “Ka…Kagome?” he whispered as sleep finally over took him over.
Kikyo grinned, then looked over at the wolf demon that stood behind her. “That's all. You can take them now.” Kouga smiled slightly at the woman in front of him. “Yes, Kagome, my love.” He kissed her cheek, then walked over to the four people whom his Kagome had considered friends until recently. The current lord of the Southern lands picked up the four fighters, then followed his woman away from the village.
Outside Sesshoumaru's palace, 6 hours later
“RIN! Rin where are you, you stupid human?” Jaken shouted as he walked through the forest. Oh no, if I don't find Rin soon, Lord Sesshoumaru will kill me for certain! Then he'll probably revive me just to do it again! Jaken thought. He clutched his staff of two heads tighter to himself at the thought, then shivered and continued looking for the girl. Then as he was about to call out to her once more, he noticed a shadow move in the forest ahead of him. He breathed a sigh of relief, then yelled, “Rin, I know that's you there! Stop trying to hide, and let's return to the castle!” However, instead of Rin running towards him, the shadow seemed to be walking away from him. Grumbling about annoying human girls, Jaken chased after the shadow, which seemed to be waiting for him to follow. However, after several minutes of this unusual game of “hide and seek,” the shadow appeared to jump into the tree branches overhead and promptly disappeared. Jaken started to squawk, that is, until he heard a noise like the sound of rolling thunder. But how can that be, he thought. The skies are clear! He glanced around to make sure that no demons were coming to send him to an early grave, then realized he was lost. His huge eyes starting to water he started trying to find his way back, only to practically trip over a sleeping Koga. Jaken almost squawked again, but managed to keep his beak closed. This is the Lord of the Southern lands, Koga, I think. What is he doing in the Western lands without my lords permission! He was about to wake Koga up when he noticed the fox. Isn't that the fox demon that always travels with Lord Sesshoumaru's younger brother? This is a little bizarre. I should ask Lord Sesshoumaru what he wants to do about this! With that, the squat toad demon ran in the opposite direction of the snoring Koga, unaware of the bright flashing eyes that followed his departure with interest.
Sesshoumaru's palace, courtyard, 15 minutes later
Rin was humming a wordless tune as she sat in the courtyard waiting Jaken to find her. She had seen him walk past the palace gates over half an hour ago, while he searched for her. After he left her legs started to feel cramped, so she left her hiding place and stood out in the open so it would be easier for Jaken to see her when he returned. “Rin.” She jumped a bit at the sound, then turned to look at the speaker. “Oh, Lord Sesshoumaru! You startled Rin!” He looked nonplused. “Rin, what are you doing?” He asked. “Well, Rin was playing hide and seek with Master Jaken, and he was “seeking” Rin, but he seems to have wandered outside the gates, so Rin was waiting for him to return.” Her lord's face gave nothing away as he said that he would wait with her. Rin was secretly delighted that her lord was alone with her for once. “Um, Lord Sesshoumaru?” He turned to look at his ward. “Yes, Rin?” She shifted her feet a bit, then looked up at him. “Rin likes Lord Sesshoumaru very much, and… well… she was wondering…” He looked a bit uncomfortable at where this was going, but he prompted her to continue with a simple, “Yes?” “Um… could Rin call you Daddy!?!” she said quickly, then blushed and looked at her feet. Sesshoumaru felt a myriad of emotions flood over him; relief, confusion, and amusement at his wards words. “Rin,” he said. She looked up at the face of her lord. “I would be honored to have you for my daughter.” At that Rin jumped up and down, and ran around the courtyard shouting, “Hooray, hooray, Rin is Lord Sesshoumaru's daughter today!” Sesshoumaru couldn't help but grin at the girls antics, then looked towards the gate saying, “Rin, Jaken is returning.” A few moments later, Jaken came running through the gates, shouting “Lord Sesshoumaru!” at the top of his lungs. Seconds later his face met with the sole of Sesshoumaru's boot, a result of him not looking where he was going, and Sesshoumaru trying to get him to stop running around. “Jaken, did I not give you direct orders to stay with Rin?” “Well, um… yes you did my lord, but… um…” “Then why were you not here protecting her as I ordered?” Sesshoumaru enjoyed tormenting Jaken to no end. It almost made him laugh, as Rin often did, to watch the pathetic toad demon squirm. Emphasis on almost. After all, the lord of the western lands didn't just break out giggling like a simpleton every time a stupid imp tried to explain that he had been away from his original objective to investigate trespassers on the western lands. Wait, what? Trespassers? He frowned. “Repeat that again, Jaken.” Jaken dutifully repeated all of the previous events, excluding the fact that he was lost or about the shadow he followed. After all lord Sesshoumaru doesn't need to worry that his loyal servant was losing his mind, he reasoned. “Then I saw the lord of the Southern lands, Koga, and was about to wake him up, when I noticed that fox whelp that travels with that cur of a half brother of yours, milord, so I left to inform you of the situation.” He glanced nervously at his master who was now looking towards the forest. Then, he smiled rather suddenly. This should be an enjoyable reprieve. I haven't had a battle in quite a while. Plus if some of Inu Yasha's pack is there then that insufferable whelp is bound to join the fight sooner or later. “Jaken, stay with Rin,” he ordered as he left the fortress hurriedly. Rin and Jaken stood staring at the space where their lord had stood only moments before, then turned to look at each other, as if to ask the other what now?
Outside the Cave on the western lands
Shippo blinked his weary eyes against bright afternoon light. Then the sound of loud snoring caught his attention. Probably Inu Yasha, still sleeping. The thought made him giggle. However when he turned around it wasn't Inu Yasha who was sawing logs into the afternoon peace, it was the wolf demon, Koga. Then Shippo remembered the events of that morning; how they had fought hundreds of crazed demons, how an arrow had flown overhead producing a sleeping mist, and how the last thing he had seen before falling asleep was Kikyo, who was dressed in one of Kagome's skirts, kissing Koga on the lips. But why was Kikyo trying to look like Kagome? He thought. And where am I anyways? The only things he could come up with were that he had been taken by Koga, and that he had to find Kagome to make sure she was okay. First he had to try to find his way out of there. However after almost 5 minutes of sniffing to find a trail, he realized he was well and truly lost. “Ka…Kagome!” he blubbered, tears starting to form in his eyes. The noise was apparently enough to wake Koga, because a clawed hand picked him up from behind. “That noise is annoying. Stop it!” he shouted, but it only seemed to cause Shippo to cry harder. Koga sighed. “I don't know why I have to put up with all this, I should probably just kill you now.” He never got the chance to even consider the op0tion further, for at that moment the forest around them seemed to explode, leaves flying everywhere. Shippo couldn't see anything, but he was sent flying from Koga's hand. He stayed still, as he heard noises that sounded like a fight was carrying on amongst the flurry of green. Then he heard Koga shout something about a “stupid bitch,” before a muffled thump carried through the clearing. Is Inu Yasha doing this? He wondered, feeling lost and still slightly tired from the sleeping mist. As the air cleared, two things were apparent; Koga had fought against a shadowy fighter, and Koga had lost the battle. As the cloaked figure made its way toward Shippo he tried to escape, only to trip on several branches hidden by the leaves. “Stay… stay away!” he cried. But the figure had already picked him up, and as he struggled the hood of the cloak fell away. Shippo blinked. “Momma?”
E.K.- How was that? I had to get most of this from Koneko's diary, since she had to work today. But it was hard getting the chapter down with all the interference Max was giving me. But I took care of him.
(Loud crashing and grunting noises sound from within the nearby closet.)
E.K.- Oh yeah, he won't be bothering me anytime soon! Bwahahahahaha!