InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kotone ❯ The Punishment and The Chain ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Author’s Note: okay not the way I’d want to go personally but yeah...onto the next then?

Disclaimer: Nope, I still don’t own Inuyasha. Rumiko Takahashi is the owner. That’s okay, she does a great job.


Chapter Seven

The Punishment and The Chain

Sesshomaru threw Kotone’s body to the forest floor, watching with satisfaction as she landed with a thud, her motionless body spread out before him. Her face was turned away from him, the chain still wrapped around her neck, ut not quite as tight as it had been. Her kimono, as result from the river, had loosened, and her cleavage was exposed. He stopped and watched, as her breasts slowly rose and fell with her breathing.

He could sense a demon not far from them, a different demon from the one that he had just disposed of. And insect of some kind that wouldn’t have any trouble feasting on the kitsune after he hd left. But until he did it was hidden in the shadows of the forest.

He knelt, pulling the carmine sash free, and set to his work. It was easy enough to undress her, the river had done most of the work in loosening the garment and he had soon removed the obi, laying it on the ground with the sash.

He could see her body shivering, as he reached to pull the kimono from her and he paused. The rain was letting up, and over the stench of blood from the demon he had killed to take his chain he could smell another scent. He pulled the kitsune up, sniffing delicately at her neck where the chain had cut into her throat.

The woman smelt delicious. He pulled her closer, his eyes following the traces of blood that rain and her wet hair hadn’t washed away. The wounds, he saw were already closed and healing. He pulled her hair back away from her throat and leaned forwards slightly, his demon blood racing at the scent of hers.

Sesshomaru licked a small amount of blood from her neck and closed his eyes to savor the taste. It had been a long time since he had last tasted a female demon. And this one was ripe and ready for the taking. His eyes opened, but his lids were heavy and his breathing a slow and steady pant.

Had he been so engrossed in seeking out Naraku that he had missed a perfectly decent female in midst of her early heat? He caught himself as he had begun to pull her kimono open, and forced down his libido. This woman was responsible for Rin nearly drowning, and was so pathetic that she had nearly been killed from something as quaint as a little strangling.
If he was going to mate with someone, it’d be a more powerful female that was better deserving. Still, he wouldn’t waste her on a bug. He reached, to pick up the obi and sash, and froze as Kotone suddenly moved against him.

Her shivering body pressed against his, and she turned her face towards his, instinctively seeking warmth as she pressed her cold cheek against his. Sesshomaru hesitated, his hand twitched then he snatched the obi and sash off the ground and adjusted her, pulling her upwards so she hung over his shoulder. He grasped a hand around her legs and stood, leaving the insect demon to find another meal elsewhere.

He barely made it a few steps when he felt Kotone’s body tense and she grasped at the back of his clothes. He acknowledged her waking with a low growl and her body went ridged. Sesshomaru closed his eyes relishing the scent of her fear.

“Sesshomaru?” she asked, quite possibly confused as to why she wasn’t dead. He growled again at being addressed so casually by a woman he had just decided was no more than a slave to him now. She seemed to understand her mistake and, as he lowered her onto the ground so she could stand before him she noticed her dislodged clothes and quickly closed the front of her kimono.

She shuddered under his cold gaze, half afraid he might strike her down there, half worried that he’d be ripping the kimono off her at any moment.

“You’re to see to Rin’s wound when we return. And the next time you fail at your duties... the punishment will be more severe,” Sesshomaru walked past her, not looking at her, but thinking to himself that she shouldn’t take too long to falter again.

Kotone watched after him stupidly, clutching her kimono closed and wondering just what he had done to her, as he was still holding her obi and sash. She saw him slow, and rather than have him turn on her, she quickly followed after him, hoping he’d giver her back the rest of her clothes and never taking notice to the chain fastened securely around her neck.