InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kotone ❯ The Illness and The Monk ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Author’s Note: okay I admit that I’ve been slacking off, I really do need someone to stand behind me with a whip some days. .... *looks hopefully over her shoulder* No? Really? Darn I thought someone might be willing to whip me into shape.

Disclaimer: Aww I still don’t own Inu-Yasha. Oh well, as long as it belongs to Rumiko Takahashi I suppose it’s fine.

Chapter Seven

The Illness and The Monk

Kotone placed her hand against Rin’s face, then worriedly looked over to Sesshomaru. “She’s still very warm. And it’s cold, we need to stop and find shelter,” she said. Sesshomaru only continued walking, ignoring her as he went along, Ah Un following obediently behind with Rin on it’s back. Jaken huffed as he pushed past her, giving her a slight glare as he hurried after Sesshomaru. Kotone bit her tongue to hold in a growl as she stormed on after him.

Since the incident with the demons and the river Rin had been running a fever; and getting worse each day. Kotone saw her raise a hand to her face as she let out a weak cough, and hurried to catch up to them.

They walked for about an hour more before Kotone began to smell someone coming near. She frowned, thinking that her nose may be playing tricks on her before she heard a very loud, angry human female screaming “Sit boy” at the top of her lungs. Afterwards there was a loud crash followed by louder cursing and muffled laughter.

Laughter that ceased as they came out of the forest into a clearing where a group of three demons and three humans were gathered together. Kotone frowned slightly, not sure what to think of the group. There was a very strangely dressed human girl standing over a white haired hanyou, a small fox demon and neko, a woman she supposed was a demon hunter judging by her weapon, and the most unsettling of all, a monk that was staring at her in a most lascivious manner.

“Miko,” Sesshomaru said, ignoring the hanyou who was shoving himself to a standing position while pulling out a rusty looking sword that miraculously changed into a very impressive looking weapon.

“Uh.,” the girl managed. The miko Sesshomaru was speaking to looked rather shocked that he was talking to her. Though judging by the blush and somewhat silly grin on her face, she was also rather pleased. Kotone felt her own face flush as a pang of anger hit her. Hat Sesshomaru dragged Rin around just to find some tart?

“My young ward, Rin. Is sick,” he said, and Kotone’s eyes widened as she realized Sesshomaru had been worried for the young girl after all.
“So what?” the hanyou barked. Sesshomaru turned a cold glare towards him and the two glared at one another until the human girl walked between them to Ah Un and placed a hand on Rin’s face.

“She’s definately got a fever...” The miko started to pull her off Ah Un but Kotone growled at her, making the human girl jerk her hand back in surprise. She didn’t know nor was she about to trust this strange girl that traveled with strange company. Kotone pulled Rin off Ah Un’s back and cradled her against her chest. Rin reached up to wrap her arms around Kotone’s neck and she hugged the small child.

“It’s alright, Kagome won’t hurt her,” said a small voice by her feet. Kotone looked down and saw that a small fox demon child was smiling up at her reassuringly. She doubted still, but the small fox was easier to trust than the human. Kotone glanced back to the miko, Kagome she assumed, and shifted Rin in her arms but didn’t hand the girl over.

“Okay... come on over here then?” she said, shrinking slightly under Kotone’s gaze. Kotone began to follow after just as Sesshomaru turned away and began walking into the forest, Jaken and Ah-Un in tow.

“Sesshomaru...” She started after him, surprised to see him leaving. Sesshomaru stopped and looked back at her over his shoulder. She stiffened knowing she had just incurred his wrath with that little lapse of wording.

“Stay with them,” he said, without so much as a glare, and left. Kotone felt herself nod, then gritted her teeth at the idea of obeying him like some obedient pet and turned on her heel to follow the human girl.

It was nightfall by the time Kotone finally managed to relax around the small, yet unconventional group. The hanyou, she had learned, was Sesshomaru’s half brother, Inuyasha. She wasn’t surprised to see how different the two of them were, the hanyou being half human and much, much younger.

The demon hunter, Sango, was quiet but seemed to be alright as far as humans went and the demon cat, Kirara, was her companion. She suspected that the woman was far less easy about her presence than she let on, but that suited Kotone well. She didn’t like being near the woman either.

She rather liked the small fox child, Shippou, and allowed him to sit in her lap while she watched over Rin’s sleeping frame. Shippou snuggled against her, and she gently petted his hair as she remembered her mother doing when she was young.

The women and Shippou sat with her around a small fire, while Inuyasha stayed away, eyeing her with a curious look she didn’t much care for while the monk, Miroku as they had called him, had been banished by Sango and Kagome to stand at the edge of the clearing and watch for any signs of Sesshomaru’s return.

“Your tonic, it will make her better quickly?” Kotone asked, carefully petting Shippou’s hair as the kit slept on her lap. Kagome smiled, and held out the small bottle of medicine that she had nursed Rin with so Kotone could get a better look.

“It’ll take a few days of rest and some more doses, but she’ll be okay. It’s just amazing that Sesshomaru actually came to us for help. Though I guess it’s not so surprising being Rin, he’s been taking care of her for so long now...” Kagome trailed off when she saw the surprised and confused look on Kotone’s face.

Inuyasha huffed, and walked over to them, plopping down beside Kagome by the fire. “Sesshomaru doesn’t care about anyone but himself,” he muttered. Kotone felt herself nod, that sounded more like her cruel master.

“Not true, remember the cat demons? He kind of saved them all,” Kagome said, thinking about it while tapping her chin thoughtfully.

“And that poor woman with the flute...” Sango said, her voice quiet and sad at the memory.

“Ha,” Inuyasha said, a little too loudly. Kagome rounded on him with a glare as she hushed him, pointing to Rin. Kotone settled back to a comfortable position, having moved to drag the loud inu away and pound him a few times. After all, if the human girl was able to subdue him then she would have no trouble at all.

“How long have you been traveling with Sesshomaru?” Kagome asked, smiling back at Kotone after Inuyasha had been glared at long enough. Sango’s hands stilled on Kirara’s fur as she looked at her, waiting for her response.

“Not very long. I’ve been watching over Rin, but when the demons attacked and the river took her...” Kotone sighed softly, silently blaming herself again for the child’s illness. Inuyasha opened his mouth, and Kagome jabbed her elbow into his ribs silencing him with a glare that poised several loud sit commands if he said something cruel to her.

Rin whimpered softly and Kotone worriedly placed a hand on the girl’s forehead. She was still warm, though not as badly as she had been without Kagome’s help. The little girl’s head turned away then back again

“Hey, maybe we should get some more wood,” she said, standing and pulling Inuyasha with her.

“We have plenty of- OW!” Inuyasha whined as Kagome dragged him off by the ear. Kotone watched the fire flicker and then looked over her shoulder to where the firewood was stacked in a decent sized pile. She looked back to where the human woman began to chastise the hanyou as they reached the safety of the trees, and then saw Sango climb to her feet.

“I’m just going to fetch us some water from the stream,” she said, checking to see that her cat demon was sleeping soundly beside Rin, before she left. Kotone watched her go and then decided that she would build the fire a little more. She placed Shippou next to Rin and then stood, brushing off her Kimono before she turned away from the fire and nearly fell back into it as the Monk suddenly appeared, grabbing her hands in his.

“I’ve been moved by your nurturing of two young children that aren’t yours. Kotone, your beauty is merely an extension of your soul. I ask you, will you bear my children?” Miroku asked, looking deeply into her eyes as his hands tightened around hers.

She blinked, doubting that she had heard him right. “What?” she asked, staring at him in disbelief.

“I’ve been living under a curse, and should I die my blood line will end with me. I’m sure that if you were to bear my child it would be well cared for,” he said, his face coming close to hers. She blinked again, thinking to herself that the monk was insane.

A low growl from behind the monk said that he was also dead. She blinked as the monk was swatted to one side like some unwelcome flea, and Sesshomaru growled again, his expression absolutely feral.

“Jaken stay with Rin,” he snapped. Sesshomaru turned walking towards the forest, Kotone considered bolting. The taiyoukai looked to be in a murdering mood. When she didn’t follow after him Sesshomaru stopped, and growled at her. “Woman...” he snarled, and her feet hurried after him, following him to what she was sure would be her death as the dazed monk laid sprawled on the ground in silence.