InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kouga's Den ❯ Endings Are Hell ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kouga's Den
By: Hanyou_swimmer
Endings Are Hell
Chapter 9
He jumped up and said, “I'll get your Okaa.” Not waiting for her to say anything he ran down the stairs, yelling “Mom come help!”

Mrs. Higurashi knew Inuyasha had to have told Kagome by now, all she could do was thank the kami's she didn't have to do it herself, it was hard enough telling Inuyasha, how could she tell Kagome?

That's when she heard Inuyasha screaming, what was going on? “Okaa, come help now, Kagome's in labor, she's having the pup.” He was out of breath by the time he got there, “Come on, she needs your help.”

She didn't say anything, just started to run up the stairs, only to feel herself being picked up by Inuyasha and carried to her daughters room. She looked down and surely enough Kagome's water had broken and was in the middle of a contraction. Inuyasha sat her down and ran to Kagome taking her hand and allowing her to squeeze as tight as she needed to. Which she obviously did, because poor Inuyasha's hand was changing colors.

Mrs. Higurashi ran over to her daughter and started taking her dress off and removing her underwear. Thanking Kami that Inuyasha was busy calming Kagome down, or else he would have insisted on doing it himself. Oh dear Kami's she thought has she removed her daughters panties, the baby's head was already crowning.

“Kagome dear you're already crowning, so we're going to have to do this here, ok?” Kagome nodded.

“Ok baby here's what we need to do I need you to push, Inuyasha keep a tight hold on her hand ok? She may squeeze pretty tightly.”

“Feh” was all he said, turning back to Kagome.

“Are you sure you're ok?”

“Yea…Holy shit, Inuyasha I swear we're never having sex again!” She screamed as another contraction hit. Inuyasha felt a jerk in his groin at her last comment, she didn't mean that, right?

“Kagome, you're almost there, ok? Just a couple more pushes, ok?”

“Inuyasha, I mean it, never, ever again,” she said as she pushed with all of her might.
Inuyasha gulped.

About 20 seconds later Kagome pushed again and then a cry was heard. She looked down and her mother picked up and baby, a baby boy. “Inuyasha, go downstairs and look in drawer next to the sink and bring me the string in there, ok?”

“Sure, why?” he asked.

“I need to cut the umbilical cord.” she replied.

“Ok” he went downstairs and retrieved the string and took it back to his mother in law who used it to cut the umbilical cord. He sat down next to his wife, who was holding their son and asked, “what do you want to name him?”

“What about Kazuo?” Kagome asked.

“Man of peace, I like it.” Inuyasha stated.

“Well hello there Kazuo.” his mother stated as the infant looked into her eyes and started wailing.

All the three adults did was laugh.

Kagome fed Kazuo and washed him, putting a diaper on him and sleeper that her mother had from when Souta was a baby. Of course seeing her grandson in her dead sons clothes only reminded her of what had been pushed out of her mind. Kagome's mother started crying again and all Kagome could say was I wish Souta were here.

Ayumi looked down and kissed her sleeping grandsons head, this was both the best and worst day of her life. “Kagome if you need anything I'll be downstairs making some calls ok?”

“Ok Mama” Kagome said knowing she needed to se up the funeral and that she wanted to give the new family a moment alone.

Inuyasha could smell the tears that were coming and pulled his wife and son close, being careful not to hurt Kagome or wake the pup.

She cried into her husbands chest.


The funeral was solemn, no one wanting to say anything.
All Kagome could think was “why” as she looked down at her brothers gravesite, holding her 2 day old son who was getting upset and walked back into her house. Inuyasha was sitting there next to her bag.
He wanted to say goodbye.
Kagome and Kazuo were going to stay in the modern era for a while and help Kagome's Okaa readjust and Inuyasha was going to go back to the Feudal Era for a few days and make sure reconstruction was going ok.

He had gone back to the Feudal Era the day before to say that he was sorry and explain, only to find out that Kikyo and Sesshomaru had found and killed Naraku the same day Kazuo was born. Kikyo had one back to hell, without Inuyasha, but had left a note saying that she was happy for him and that even though it wasn't with her, she wanted him to have a good life.

Sesshomaru had apparently been hurt pretty badly, however, Keade had taken care of his wounds. And he and Rin had gone back to the western lands.

That night Miroku had proposed to Sango, who accepted and they were now planning their wedding. When Inuyasha got back they had decided that he would go back alone, allowing Kagome a few days with her mother, Inuyasha would come back at night to be with them and on the third day they were to go back and purify the jewel to make their wish.
Kagome really didn't want it to make a wish, for fear that it would close the well, effectively causing her mother to lose both of her children, grandchild and son in law.
However, Inuyasha promised the well would stay open.


It hadn't even been a week since Souta's death and Kagome was back in the feudal era, ready to purify the jewel, and take it out of existence, hoping it wouldn't mean what she thought it would.

She approached her home, which was full of people as Sango, Miroku, Shippo, Keade, Inuyasha, and a few villagers awaited her arrival. She was surprised Inuyasha hadn't been at the well to pick you up, then it dawned on her that he had something planned, some sort of surprise.

When she walked in there was a room full of people in wedding attire. Sango was wearing a wedding dress and Miroku was in a grooms attire and Inuyasha started laughing as she looked on in amusement.
“I thought it would be a nice surprise after the past week to know that your two best friends were getting married.”

She just walked over to Sango and started crying, “Are you sure you wanna marry the lecher?” she asked jokingly.
“Yes I'm sure” She laughed back.

“Hey what's that supposed to mean?” and irritated Miroku said from the corner of the room. “We were waiting for you to begin the ceremony” Sango said ignoring the monk in the corner.


`What a week' Kagome thought to herself. Naraku was dead, which made her happy, however, so was her younger brother Souta. She had had her son and her friends had gotten married. But still she thought back to her brother, Souta.

She looked up to see Kazuo in Inuyasha's arms laughing and went to join them.

“Are you okay?” Inuyasha asked sweetly.

“I will be.” Kagome replied.

The epilogue will be up soon!