InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kumiko ❯ Five Yr. Old Kumiko ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Five Years Later...

"Daddy, daddy!!" Inuyasha shook his head drowsily, blinking at the early morning rays of the sun. He had slept maybe forty-five minutes past dawn, and might've slept longer. He had always woken up with the sun, but found that after having a child, you seem to get tired. He had been asleep in the elm tree outside their home, where Kumiko liked to sleep on warm nights. Kagome disapproved of such behavior, but she couldn't stop the demon blood in her daughter.

"Hm?" Inuyasha asked, looking though half-lidded eyes. His daughter was bouncing excitedly on the branch above him, sending leaves sailing onto him and the ground below. Kumiko hung upside-down now from her knees, where she thrust a frog in her dad's face.

"Look! I caught it all by myself," she smiled wide, showing her unnaturally long canines. Her silvery hair fell down around her head, almost touching Inuyasha's knees. The frog was croaking like mad, wriggling to no avail in her little clawed hands. Her capture was no triumph. It was her sixtieth frog catch by now, excluding the snakes, butterflies, and small rodents. She was a natural-born hunter, and whatever she dragged home was a normal thing in their lives.

"Oh, that's a big one," he smiled, and took it. "But I think he'd like to go home." Inuyasha stood on his branch, and leapt down to the forest floor.

"Daddy, no fair! You know I can't jump from this high!" she hollered from above.

"I'll catch you," Inuyasha called up to her. Without one second of hesitation, Kumiko dropped down, to land in Inuyasha's arms.



"Where did you put the froggie?" she asked. "There he is!" Inuyasha had accidentally dropped him when catching his daughter. The frog was scuttling away from them, to the nearest pond.

"Let him go, Kumiko," he instructed. Though she was rambunctious, she learned to always listen to Inuyasha, or otherwise get a smack on the ear. Dad brought training and discipline, and maybe the occasional role-model type behavior. Kagome brought most of the affection, and what Kumiko seemed to loathe, baths.

"I saw that, mister," Kagome came walking outside, still in her pajamas.


"You know I don't like you letting her jump from that high," Kagome set her hands on her hips. Inuyasha patted Kumiko's head.

"She's going to be doing it on her own in no time," he said. When Kagome gave him the look, he added hurriedly, "Without getting hurt of course."

"Doesn't mean you have to encourage it, does it?" she asked him. Inuyasha sighed. He grabbed Kumiko's small hand, and lead her inside, Kagome close behind. So it was what he smelled a few moments ago. Breakfast. And his favorite breakfast food. Bacon.

"Bacon!" Kumiko jumped at the plate, letting her inner canine out. Inuyasha caught the back of her shirt, before the floor could be covered in breakfast meat.

"Whoa, slow down, pup," Inuyasha said, and released her when he was sure she wasn't going to dirty the floor.

"I'm not a pup!" she stuck her tongue out at him, and snatched a strip of bacon, cramming it into her mouth before Inuyasha could stop her. Kagome laughed, and wiped the grease away.

"Come on, you two," she ushered them to sit around the table. Inuyasha sat crossed-legged, Kagome sat on her feet like you're supposed to, but Kumiko was bouncing in her place as Kagome said their blessings. Inuyasha growled low, and narrowed his amber eyes at his young daughter. Kumiko's eyes dropped to the table as she stilled, and her ears dropped almost flat to her skull. Inuyasha had always hated making her feel bad, but sometimes he had to to keep her in line.

"Eat up, Kumiko. We're training today," Inuyasha ordered, and she smiled while cramming food into her mouth.

"Manners, Kumiko," Kagome instructed. She did as told, but still was so excited she talked with food in her mouth.

"Aw ee goa thee Thango, aggy?" she asked through her sausage. Inuyasha chuckled as he sipped his water. He nodded and replied, "Yes, we're going to see Sango. But you call her Sango-San."

"And Akio-Chan will be there, too," Kagome said. Kumiko scrunched up her face and growled to herself. Miroku and Sango's son and Inuyasha and Kagome's daughter didn't seem to get along. Kumiko was older by nine months, but Akio was quite mature, inheriting his mother's timid nature. Since the young Kumiko was twenty-five percent dog demon, she was a bit more playful by nature, and always wanted to play. Playing as in climbing trees and pouncing down on Akio's head. Inuyasha told Kagome and Akio's parents that it was puppy-love. Kumiko knew she was part demon, and Akio the human, so she thought she'd have to be the boss. But Akio proved to her that he wasn't going to be bossed around.

"Ready, Kumiko?" Inuyasha asked after she burped. She giggled and hopped to her feed. Kagome gave Inuyasha a kiss on the cheek and Kumiko a kiss on the forehead, wishing them a safe journey. It took a day and a night to get to where Miroku lived with his family. Well, maybe about several hours if Inuyasha was to run at top speed. But he had a daughter with him, and he was going to keep it easy.

Kumiko wore clothes from the future, because if she wore clothes like Inuyasha's, they'd be dragging along the ground, and she was less likely to trip in the clothes she wore now. Shorts and a plain t-shirt, may it be a boy or girl outfit, no one in the Sengoku Jidai would know. And she wore no shoes. In her earlier days, she developed sores and cuts, or the occasional splinter or thorn, but her feet had grown tough by now, like her father's. Inuyasha and Kagome lived in Inuyasha's forest, and wanted a quiet life in the trees. But about a mile's walk, and they were in Kaede's village. Kaede had long gone passed, much to the dismay of little Kumiko, who sobbed for about two weeks after her death. Because things were more peaceful nowadays, Inuyasha didn't have to protect the village from demons and such.

To rid of all the demons and humans alike that chased them, for the sole reason of them possessing shards of the Shikon Jewel. But Kagome had swallowed it, to become immortal, so she could live with Inuyasha and her daughter forever. She was a bit scared at living forever, because she would live far longer than her family and friends, but she was most happiest with her own family. And she loved Inuyasha as a half-demon, as she always had. And because she had absorbed the jewel, she still could move from present to past, as so could Inuyasha, as he had before. Because Kumiko was blood of Kagome and Inuyasha, somehow she could go to the future for daily visits to her grandma and Uncle Souta. Kagome's grandpa had passed away before Kumiko was old enough to remember him.

Naraku was a memory, by now. Inuyasha had defeated him when Kumiko was a year old. And he was the villian of most bedtime stories. Kumiko thought her father was the best bedtime storyteller ever. He told stories of actual journies she took with Kagome and company, of course adding in the many demons they faced. But Inuyasha didn't let Kumiko know that Naraku had ever been real. She would most certainly be frightened.

A once much-hated foe was now a friend, or on speaking terms without trying to kill Inuyasha, anyway. Sesshoumaru, or Uncle Sessy nowadays, was Kumiko's favorite uncle, but she didn't let Uncle Souta know that. Kumiko was the very reason Sessoumaru and Inuyasha got along. Somehow the demon had managed to realize there was no way he could possess the Tetsusaiga if he was full demon. And instead he lavished his only niece with gifts of royalty, and a daily visit to his castle.

Kouga had his own family now, and was a family friend. He had in the end married Ayame, to have a son of his own, who was a year older than Kumiko, and a daughter two years younger than Kumiko. He still visited often.

Kikyo, at the death of Naraku, went to Hell as she wanted. And Inuyasha had made a promise to go with her, but Hell rejected him as a clean spirit, and he was sent back to Earth to Kagome and his infant daughter. But that was a long time ago, and they didn't speak of it anymore.

"It's hot, daddy," Kumiko moaned. She knew it was a bad thing to complain, but her ears drooped at the early morning heat, and Inuyasha spotted sweat on her brow, that wet her bangs.

"Want to stop for a swim?" he asked. Her eyes widened with glee, and she nodded vigorously. "Okay, now listen. Do you hear any water?" The five-year-old's brow scrunched in concentration. Then she smiled, and pointed with her finger. "Over there!" Inuyasha never missed a chance to hone her senses. Kumiko's lost energy was somehow heightened as she ran off, Inuyasha simply taking long strides to keep up with her.

"Look, see daddy!" she exclaimed excitedly, pointing a finger out at the lake. The water was a bit murky, but it would of course cool their heated bodies. Hurriedly Kumiko wiggled out of her clothes, and stomped into the lake water, sending droplets upward onto her body and face. She turned with a giggle at her father, and he smiled, sitting cross-legged on the shore.

"Come on, dad!" she ran back to him, and grabbed his hand, careful to avoid his claws. She tugged, and he stood, to strip down to a plain pair of white boxers, that Kagome made him wear at all times. When she was sure he wasn't going to sit back down, she treaded back into the water, until the water was up to her waist. She could have gone out further, but she wanted dad to come out with her. Inuyasha had taught her to swim almost as soon as she could walk, but she sometimes got nervous in the deeper waters. Especially when she couldn't see the bottom. Or at least whatever loomed at the bottom.

Inuyasha floated on his back, letting the water cool his hot body and sweaty face. His silver hair fanned out around him, almost as long as his own body. Kumiko didn't like the lack of attention she was receiving, especially from her father. She walked slowly through the water towards him, and jumped on his belly, momentarily sending him beneath the surface. He came back up, and spit water at her. Kumiko shrieked with laughter, and growled at him, then pounced around his neck. Inuyasha smiled, and pried her arms away, and put her on his back. He swam out to the deeper part of the lake, swimming faster, when Kumiko told him so.

When the two were cooled down and tired from swimming, they went ashore, and laid on the grass. Inuyasha let Kumiko doze. He shielded his eyes with his hands as he gazed out at the sky. Inuyasha found himself inwardly thanking someone, whoever had managed to give him the life he had now. With the woman he loved, and a daughter, who lay curled at his side this very moment.

"My pup," he whispered, and lifted her onto his chest. She stirred only slightly, and fell limp again, once she recognized the scent of daddy. Inuyasha hated to wake her, but they had to get to Miroku's house before night. He shook her softly, and she opened her eyes. She was cuter than usual when tired, simply because she wasn't bouncing off the wall. He helped her dress, and they continued their journey.