InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kuro no Fuyu ❯ Reunions ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
~*~Ah no school for a whole week due to mid winter recess, I am really happy that after this story I’ll be working on a bunch of Inuyasha one-shots for my readers to read. After chapter stories like this that is how I relax after on one chapter after another~*~   Once again I don’t own Inuyasha   I had gotten a request from a reader Neko-Yuff16  to do Miroku and Sango; however I’m not all that good at doing those two. But to at least acknowledge her request I will place Sango and Miroku in this chapter and there will be a little bit of a fluff séance between them. I might, MIGHT Come up with an idea with them but I’m not sure. It depends on my ideas for the next chapter and how the piece will fit with the rest of the story. You never know with me so your gonna have to read and find out. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~     Kuro no Fuyu   Title Translation: Black Winter   Chapter 4: Reunions         &nbs p;       “How far did that bitch blow us anyway?!” Inuyasha growled glaring ahead of him and stomping his bear feet into the snow covered ground, both he and Kagome had been walking for what felt like hours trying to find their way back to the hut they had stayed in the other day, before Kagura attacked them and destroyed it. “I wonder if the others found shelter from the storm? I hope their okay” Kagome said looking around at the snow covered forest, the small snow fall they had, had stopped leaving a new coat of snow on the ground. The bushes around them had ice covering their branches and leaves as did some of the trees; it was like walking through an ice forest. She felt Inuyasha’s hand close over hers “Don’t worry I’m sure the others are fine” his voice was soft; she looked over to him and smiled. She saw a faint pink blush on his face and he was looking at the ground, even after they had told each other they loved one another he was acting like a shy little puppy. Kagome almost giggled at that thought but stop herself in time, one who didn’t know him as well as she did would never have thought that under that tough guy act and the dirty mouth he was such a shy softy. She laced her fingers with his and rubbed her fingers against his, she watched the pink on his cheeks almost immediately change a bright red.             &nb sp; “I guess your right, I just hope they weren’t blown too far south from our camp site” Kagome said now looking ahead to see if the wrecked hut was in view yet, “Do we really have to go get your back pack? I mean you don’t really carry anything important in that thing do you?” Inuyasha said, in truth he just wanted to spend a little more time alone with Kagome and that would be ruined if they found the hut and the others were there, but either way they would have to find the others at some point. “Yes I have all my school books and the first aid kit in there, and ramen” she said and giggled when she saw Inuyasha’s ears twitch at the mention of his favorite food. “Any of those dried potato things in you bag too?” Inuyasha asked, Kagome rolled her eyes in amusement <If it isn’t ramen he isn’t eating its those garlic favored potato chips, ever since he ate the ones I was going to give to Jijenji he’s been hooked on them>. “Yes Inuyasha, potato chips are in there too. I should buy breath mints for you too, every time you eat them you get garlic breath” she said teasingly, she laughed at his fake annoyed looked. “Feh!” was all he said before looking away making Kagome laughed more, “I think my mom was right about teenaged boys though, you do eat a lot” Kagome said still in her teasing tone, after hearing him confess his feelings to her she was in too good of spirits to not want to play around with Inuyasha. Inuyasha glared at her but she could see the playful amusement glowing from his eyes.   “I do not” he said smirking   “You do too” she said sporting a smirk herself   “Do not”   “Do too”   “Do not”   “Do eeekkkk!!!!!”                Kagome screamed in mirth as the Hanyou made a playful attempted to grab her, “You can’t catch me!” Kagome yelled running through the snow and up a small near by hill before running into a hard wall and felt something warm wrap around her, she opened her eyes to see the red color of Inuyasha’s fire rat robe in front of her eyes. “Next time you say that you should remember that I’m faster then you” Inuyasha said sporting a smug smirk that mirrored the tone in his voice, Kagome smirked at the evil idea that popped into her mind “Maybe I should punish you for your fresh tone of voice?” she said playfully, “Oh? And how are you going to do that?” he asked. His question was answered when her hands flew to his sides and began tickling him, “AH! KAGOME STOP!” Inuyasha yelled half laughing trying to get her hands off him, every time he went to grab her hands they would move somewhere else, when had Kagome’s hands gotten so fast? “NEVER!” she yelled reaching up to tickle his ears. “NOT MY EARS!” Inuyasha pleaded before he was laughing himself breathless as Kagome’s fingers danced on his ears.             &n bsp; Inuyasha seeing an opening lunged up and ticked Kagome, her hands left his ears and tried to remove his hands from her sides. But the sides once again changed when Kagome sat him and he fell face first into the snow and her attack began again, Inuyasha jumped up and ran “Lets see if you can catch me slow poke!” he yelled before he tripped on a rock buried in the snow close by the edge of the hill, giving Kagome time to catch up. Kagome saw that he had stopped and was trying to regain his balance but running too fast herself she ran right into him. The two rolled down the hill leaving trails in the snow, Inuyasha sped up his rolling and got in front of Kagome to have her roll into him and they both crashes into the pile of snow at the bottom. The two laughed trying to dig themselves out of the snow, “I think that’s enough goofing around until we find the others” Kagome said standing up, Inuyasha nodded also standing up. “At this rate we’ll never find them” Inuyasha said picking Kagome and taking off leaping every so often, Kagome clung to his robes laughing “Just don’t crash into anything” she said playfully, “Hey you crashed into me!” Inuyasha said his wounds clearly had healed with how much he had been jumping around and not wincing in pain even once, she smacked him on his back playfully.   “Wench” he said not really meaning it   “Little puppy” she said laughing at his growl   “Don’t call me that in front of the others”   “Wouldn’t dream of it”   Meanwhile              &nb sp;  “WIND TUNNEL!!!” Miroku yelled sucking up the snow that covered the caved entrance, “That was certainly some storm we had” Sango said picking up her boomerang, Kirara meowed in agreement and jumped on her shoulder. “I always liked snow, now I don’t want to see it for the rest of my life!” Shippo said who now had his reddish brown hair out of its normal pony tail and was ringing the water out of his hair, it still had not dried all the way since early that morning when he had run to the entrance and crashing into the wall of snow that covered it, the snow had melted soaking his hair. Miroku sucked all the snow up from the entrance and covered up his Wind Tunnel, “We should look for Inuyasha and Kagome” he said wrapping the prayer beads back around his hand and picking up his staff, “Yes, I hope they’re okay that was a bad storm” Sango said walking out of the entrance and looking out at the long view of snow covered forest. “Lady Sango I a sure you that they are okay, Inuyasha would never let anything happen to Kagome and I am quite sure the same goes for Kagome, she would never let anyone hurt Inuyasha”           &nbs p;   Sango nodded wrapping the pink scarf that Kagome had given her as a gift around her more snuggly, a month ago when she had returned after repairing her weapons Miroku had told her of what had happened. He said he had found Kagome and Inuyasha in an abandoned hut kissing, but he seemed to be holding something else back to the story. Since when did that pervert gain a sense of modesty and not say what it was, not that she wanted to know, it wasn’t any of her business of what Kagome and Inuyasha did. But who would have thought that so much would happen after she left to repair her weapons, not like it had not happened before. The whole Tokenyo incident happened when she had left once to do just that, repair her weapons. Miroku walked over to her as Kirara jump off her shoulder and walked over to Shippo, “When do you think those two will open up to each other?” Miroku asked to know one in particular looking out into the snow.   Shippo gave them a look while tying the blue ribbon back into his hair <They talk about how stubborn Inuyasha and Kagome are, they’re just as bad! If Miroku would keep his hands to himself Sango might not get so mad at him all the time> “Maybe they did the last time a blizzard like this it, the one you told me about” Sango said, “I don’t think so, I haven’t seen any odd behavior between them other then the normal, but Inuyasha has been a bit more…odd around Kagome since then” Miroku said, odd being how Inuyasha’s face turned red when ever Kagome walked over to him. Sango sighed and was about to walkout of the cave when she felt a familiar hand on her backside, she tightened her hand into a fist grabbed her boomerang and smacked him with it. Dazed the monk went spinning around with one side of his face completely red before falling to the floor his guilty hand twitching, “Moron” Shippo muttered, Kirara mewed in agreement.         &nb sp;     They finally packed and left the cave with Sango ahead of them in a more then pleasant mood <That dirty mined PERVERT! When will he ever keep his hands to himself!?> Sango fumed stomping at a fast pace passed the numerous trees in the forest, normally Miroku behaved better when Shippo was around, that just proved that either the monk was getting worst with his dirty mind or that his memory was slipping and he forgot that the little fox demon was there. Behind her the still red faced monk and Shippo and Kirara walked, “Miroku you could spar yourself a lot of pain if you just keep your hand away from her, there are other ways to gain Sango’s attention” Shippo said, Miroku just sighed and continued walking the rings on his staff jingling as he walked.   Back to Inuyasha and Kagome            &nb sp;  Kagome screamed as Inuyasha leaped from the tall tree and landed on the ground, when Inuyasha ran so widely it always gave her a rush. “Am I going to fast?” Inuyasha called jumping up to the branch of another tree and hop along the branches of other trees, “No, go faster!” Kagome said loving how the wind wiped at her face and blowing her raven hair out in back of her, she felt the wind blow harder as Inuyasha increased his speed. He loved running like this, running as fast as he could even when his legs started burning. To run a top speed for no other reason but for the heck of it, it made him feel wild, he got to a point were there were no branches to jump to and leaped from the tree to the ground feeling his hair being grabbed by the wind and blowing passed his ears. He heard Kagome scream the whole way down before he landed hard on his feet, his leg muscles coiled before he took off again hearing Kagome squeal and laugh in mirth. Now he had another reason for liking to run this fast, Kagome was enjoying it too.             &nb sp; “I think I see the hut!” Kagome called, Inuyasha looked up and saw a clearing covered in untouched snow with a pile of splintered wood close to were the trees started again, “Looks like it” Inuyasha said running faster until he got into the clearing and had to pound on his heels to stop, Kagome got off and looked around. “I don’t think the others have been here yet” Kagome said walking to the pile of broken wood. “Damn what a mess” Inuyasha said walking over to the wreck as well, “How are we going to find my back pack in this mess?” she asked. She heard Inuyasha sniff at the air and looked at him puzzled as he walked into the large pile of broken wood, he continued sniffing and walking around until he came to a spot and stopped. He dug his hand into the wood and pulled out her bag, it was lucky that in the collapse of the hut that it didn’t have a huge tear in it or was blown away in the tornado. He handed it over to Kagome who placed it on the ground next to her, sighing both fell on the ground.   Now that he had stopped running his legs felt like that jell-o stuff Kagome gave him once for dessert, he heard Kagome moving around. He looked over at her, Kagome was moving her arms and legs around he looked at her puzzled. “Kagome what are you doing?” Inuyasha asked “Making a snow angel” she said giggling and carefully getting up getting off the ground to look at her work. “Why don’t you try it Inuyasha?” Kagome said, Inuyasha made a face “It’s stupid” he said flatly. “Come on its fun!” Kagome said, Inuyasha sighed he knew that she wasn’t going to leave it alone and plus he was curious about angels made of snow. He copied the movements he saw Kagome do and then Kagome helped him up and he looked at the ground, two angel like shapes were on the ground in the snow. Inuyasha heard Kagome giggle “What’s so funny?” he asked and she pointed to his snow angel. “Your snow angel, it has dog ears!” she said thinking it was the cutest think she had ever seen, Inuyasha looked at his snow angel and sure enough there was a set of ears on the top of its head right were his own were on his head.   He felt Kagome take his hand in hers and lay her head on his shoulder, “My dog angel” Kagome said smiling. Inuyasha couldn’t help but smile himself and lay his head on her own <Your dog angel huh? You’re my angel too> he thought to himself, his angel? Yes Kagome was his angel, the first person to ever look at him like he was normal and not care what he was, to not show a bit of fear near him, to walk proudly next to him when they entered a village and heard all the comments and glares that came from the Hanyou hating villagers. Yes Kagome was his angel, and he was hers.   Back to Miroku, Sango, Kirara and Shippo         &nb sp;     “I still can’t believe Kagura attacked us out of know where like that” Shippo said jumping in and out of the foot prints made by his friends feet, “Yes it was indeed unexpected Shippo, let us hope she does not attack us while we are separated” Miroku said who was now walking at Sango’s side and keeping his wandering hand away from Sango, the fox child agreed he did not want to see the wind sorceress for a good long while. “I think its safe to say that the answer to Naraku’s threat is no” Sango said, Shippo looked at the ground, Miroku looked at his cursed hand and Sango glared long at the ground as if recalling a painful memory before all of them nodded in agreement. A soft meow from Kirara shocked them out of there thoughts, the two tailed cat demon ran off ahead of them. “Kirara where are you going?” Sango called to her but got only a meow in return, “Let us follow her” Miroku said, everyone nodded and began hurryingly running through the snow.             &n bsp; The group came to a clearing and saw the broken wood piled on the ground, “It’s the hut we were staying it!” Shippo said. Miroku and Shippo suddenly heard Sango gasp and both turned to her, she had a red blush spreading on her face and was looking a little ways from were the wrecked hut was. When they looked to were the demon slayer was looking their faces took on looks of surprise. Kagome and Inuyasha were standing there in the snow; Kagome was holding Inuyasha’s hand and had her hand on his shoulder. Inuyasha had his head on hers, they both seemed un aware to everything around them other then each other. “Well now, its seems a little more then the normal happened for out missing group members” Miroku said hinting at something more then the innocent, Sango glared at him and Shippo gave him a dull look. “Miroku get you damn mind out of the dirt!” came a far off voice, they looked to see Inuyasha glaring at them and was now standing with his arms crossed, his scowl clearly showed he was annoyed at the rude intrusion of his and Kagome’s little moment, Kagome sported a blush.             & nbsp;“Why I was thinking nothing of the sort Inuyasha” Miroku said smiling his usual smile, “The hell you weren’t” Inuyasha growled picking up Kagome’s bag “Why Inuyasha! I’m shocked you would think I would ever think such a thing” Miroku said. “Miroku give it up” Shippo said running over to Kagome and leaping into her arms, Miroku let out a sigh. “So how did it go? Were you and Inuyasha able to find shelter?” Sango asked coming over to talk to Kagome, “Everything went fine, we found a dojo we were able to stay in until the storm ended” Kagome said, she knew Inuyasha wouldn’t want her to say anything about him nearly dieing from Hypothermia and being in pain from his wounds and the fact that it was his human night. “Lucky you, we had to stay in a cave. We almost got caught in the storm” Shippo said curling into a ball and burying himself closer to Kagome, “I hated it; the cave had a bunch of boar demons living in it. They attacked us and we slayed them, we had boar demon for dinner, but it stunk in that cave” Shippo said.             &n bsp; Meanwhile Miroku was having a talk with Inuyasha, in other words he was trying to get the dirt of whether or not anything happened the other night. “Miroku you damn pervert, why don’t you find something better to do other then terrorize women and ask others about their romance life!” Inuyasha growled dropping the bag on the ground and clearing a spot on the ground of snow, “Come now Inuyasha, surely you and Kagome had some fun” Miroku said clearly pushing his luck, Inuyasha walked over to the pile off wood that use to be the hut and turned around to face Miroku, an angry gleam in his eyes “Shut Up” was all he said enough to get the point across to the monk to drop the subject. Inuyasha piled up the wood in the cleared spot on the ground while the others piled wood around it so they didn’t have to sit in the snow; Kagome lit a fire with one of her matches and got a fire going for cooking.              ;  Kagome got the ramen out of her bag out of her bag, and then Inuyasha dug out a bag of the garlic potato chips from her bag and began eating the whole bag. “Inuyasha you’ll spoil your appetite” Kagome said, “Since when does anything spoil my appetite?” he said still eating the chips, Kagome sighed knowing he was right, since when did ANYTHING spoil his appetite for ramen? “I hate it when you eat those things, your breath stinks!” Shippo said looking at the Hanyou from the corner of his eye and sitting cross legged on the ground with his arms crossed, he squealed when Inuyasha jammed the now empty bag on his head. Inuyasha laughed as he watched the poor fox child run around blind with the potato chip bag on his head, Kagome looked up from her cooking.   “Inuyasha” she said in a treating tone   Inuyasha eyes widened in panic “No! Kagome wait!”   “SIT!”   WHAM       <Why does she do this to me?>       ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~   Yes Inuyasha is Kagome’s “Dog Angel” you know that gave me an idea for an Inuyasha one-shot, That part with Shippo with his hair down I just had to put in, we NEVER see him with his hair down in the Anime so we can only picture what he looks like without his hair in a pony tail. By the way the next chapter is the last chapter. It’s the Epilogue I hope you will like it; this is going to be my first story with an Epilogue.   Did I do Miroku and Sango good? That was the first time I ever did something with that much of Sango and Miroku in it, and did Inuyasha seem a little Out Of Character?