InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kyouki ❯ Seijun: Pure Innocence ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own the InuYasha series.

Seijun: Pure Innocence

I sat at the kitchen table taking the pills I so wholeheartedly needed. What was I suppose to do? Turn her in? I sighed. I couldn't do that. She was too innocent and she didn't deserve the test tubes and needle pricks that she would get. Yeah, I can't let them take her.

"He isn't stable." Was all InuYasha could hear as he opened his eyes to see that he was under water in some sort of tube. He then began to thrash in the water.

A woman with long brown hair, ruby jeweled eyes, and a long lab coat walked up to him and placed a hand on the glass water tank. "Calm down. It's okay. I'm Sango."

InuYasha looked at her with curious eyes.

"What's his vitals?!" She yelled back to the other people who all wore similar white coats.

"They're through the roof."

InuYasha looked at himself to see that he was connected to thousands of wire and and thousands of needles through his body. He pounded on the glass making it crack as his eyes tinged red.

Sango backed away from the tank. "He's losing control!" She yelled. "He's changing. He's changing!"

"Yash, what are we going to do?" Miroku said leaning against the doorway of the kitchen.

I sighed and shrugged my shoulders. "Don't know." I said getting up and walking out of the kitchen and into the living room. It was so werid.

"You can't just keep her here. They're probably looking for her."

"Yeah, they probably erased her memory." I said looking at her opening and closing the leather jacket and giggling. "She's so innocent." I whispered. 'Two Kyoukis....'

"Innocent? She's a damn Kyouki for Godsakes. She's dangerous. She's beyond dangerous." Miroku said pointing to the girl giggling for no apparent reason. He sighed. "In a certain sense."

"Are you accusing that all Kyouki's are dangerous?" I erupted. '....On the same exact date.'

"Now, come on, Yasha. You know I didn't mean it that way." Miroku said with sympathetic eyes.

"I know exactly what you meant." Then a doorbell rang. I looked over to Miroku and he gestured towards the door. "Who the fuck is that?" I said walking over to the door and slowly creaking it open.

"I heard all about it!" The crimson eyed woman said barging into the house.

"Hey, what the fuck are you doing here. I didn't invite you in my house!"'

"Miroku called and I just had to leave work early." The woman said searching the house.

"You called her?!" I yelled to Miroku.

"What? I had to. I figured she would know what to do."

"So, where is it?" She said looking around.

I sighed. Miroku was right. Sango off all people would know what to do with the Kyouki. "She's in the living room." I said closing my front door.

"She? That's cool." Sango said walking into the living room and saw the girl playing with a chain. "That's her." She whispered in awe

"Yep. That's her." I said simply.

"Why in the world is she naked, you perverts." Sango said before taking off her lab coat and dropping it on a nearby chair.

I tried to fight the slight blush that crept on my cheeks, but failed miserably. "Hey, we didn't try anything. She came naked. I was the one that put a coat around her."

"Let's see what we have here." Sango said carefully walking into the living room.

Me and Miroku eagerly followed her and I leaned against the couch while Miroku sat on the coffee table.

Sango kneeled infront of the girl and looked into her eyes to get her attention. "She's gorgeous. Look at those eyes they're almost..."Sango cocked her head to side. "hypnotizing."

"She ain't that special." I grumbled before folding my arms.

"She kind of looks like..."

"Don't say it, Sango." I said

"Sorry, Yash, but the resemblance is uncanny."

"Yeah, now that you've mentioned it." Miroku chimed.

"Shut up!" I yelled. "This girl wished she looked even half as good as Kikyo."

Sango and Miroku looked at each other and rolled their eyes.

"Whatever, Yash." Sango said turning to the girl. She ran her hands through the girl's hair. "Hey, gorgeous."

"Oh, don't baby the girl. She's a grown woman."

Sango sneered my way. "Shut up. I know what I'm doing." She said before turning to face the girl again who was playing with the charm. "That's a pretty necklace." Sango said trying to reach for it, but the girl snatched it away.

"Mine!" She whined.

"Yeah, that's all she's been able to say lately." Miroku said.

"She might have learned something and they probably erased her memory to cover it up." I said.

"Well, you can't just..erase someone's memory. They just kind of....locked it up. All you need is a key to unlock it."

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

Sango ignored me and smiled at the girl. "So, what are we going to call her. She has to have a name."

"We could call her stupid girl for all I care. Does a name really matter here?"

Sango scoffed. "Oh, shut up. A name defines who you are. We have to call her something." She then looked to the girl again. "Do you have a name, gorgeous?"

"Will you stop calling her gorgeous!" I argued.

"I think it's pretty hot. Sango calling another girl gorgeous. Running her fingers through her hair. God, I love lesbians." Miroku said drooling.

I scoffed. "Of course you would make a fantasy out of nothing."

"What's this?" Sango said.

Me and Miroku looked over to see Sango rubbing the Kyouki's neck.

"Yeah, that's hot." Miroku said.

"You're such a pervert, Miroku. It's a kanji tatttoo. It says...Kagome. Is that your name, Kagome?"

The Kyouki's eyes dialted. "Yes, my name is Kagome."


"Get Kagome out of here!"


"What should we call her


"Let's call her....Kagome."

Kagome looked around the room to see the unfamiliar faces and began to crouch up.

Sango smiled. "I think we found the key. Hey, don't be afraid. We're not here to hurt you. My name is Sango."

Kagome's eyes widened as she panted in fear. She opened her mouth and let out high pitched scream that pierced my ears and brought me to my knees

"Shut her up! Shut, that bitch up, now!" I screamed tearing off my ski cap to cover my ears.

Sango and Miroku looked at each other then back at InuYasha. "InuYasha, what's wrong with you? I don't hear anything." Sango asked. Of course they couldn't hear it. They were humans that couldn't pick up the scream that was piercing my ears.

"Shut up her up!" I could feel it. The beast. I could feel it coming. My claws began to grow into large talons.

"InuYasha, you are a beast!"

InuYasha; dog demon. You are the orignal Kyouki!"

"Kill, InuYasha."

"Kill, InuYasha."

Sango began to panic. "Fuck. He's changing. Miroku, shut that girl up."

"What do you mean? I can't hear nothing."

"Just cover her mouth!" Sango yelled. My fangs grew and I could feel them pricking into my bottom lip. "Hurry!"

Miroku got up and covered Kagome's mouth with his hand. It became deafly silent and I collasped, sweating and panting. Sango hesitantly walked over to me. "Are you okay?" She asked.

I weakly crawled to my knees. "That bitch is evil. Get her out of my house." I said licking the blood off my lip.

Miroku chuckled. "She's like a human dog whistle."

"Bite your fucking tongue." I growled before getting back to my feet. I looked at the girl and she turned to me with feared eyes.

"She's a Kyouki alright." Sango said. "We must take her back to the lab and run tests."

"You can't do that. I won't let you."

Sango sighed. "I know how you feel about it. As innocent as she may look, she's still Kyouki. We simply have to. To control her."

"Fuck that, Sango. I ain't letting you do it."

"Protective are we?" She said with a smile.

"No, I just think it's morally wrong."

Sango couldn't argue with InuYasha because he was touchy about the subject. "Well, where are we going to put her?"

"She can stay with me." I quickly said then just as quickly regretted it came out of my mouth.

"Okay? If that's what you want."

I couldn't take it back no matter how much I wanted to. This was the worst fucking day of my life.

Sango turned to Kagome. "See, Kagome? InuYasha's going to take care of you."

Kagome looked over to me with those big ocean view eyes that would pluck at your heartstrings. I would've noticed if I actually had them, but I didn't so all I could say was. "Fuck you looking at?" I spat.

Tears started to water the girl's eyes. Right there, I started to feel bad. "See, what you did, InuYasha. You're such a jerk." Sango said cradling the girl as she cried on her shoulder.

"Oh, don't give in to that bullshit. She ain't a fucking kid."

"You can be so stupid sometimes."

"Stupid." The girl said.

I growled. "What the fuck did she say?"

Kagome pointed to me with a smile on her face. "Stupid." She squeaked.

All Miroku and Sango could do was laugh. "What's so fucking funny? That girl ain't got all the marbles in her head."

Sango giggled. "Oh, I think she catching on just fine."

Yeah, today wasn't my day.

A/n: Even more confusing! What a twist. It's like an unraveling the full story kind of story filled with flashbacks and stuff. It would be better as a movie because it's more of a visual. But I don't have money for that so here it is in written form.