InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Let's Not Start This Again ❯ Rick Pepito's Appearance and Mesuno's Past ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Inu Yasha

Let's Not Start This Again

By: Mez: Anime Reader


Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, or any of the characters. But I do own Mesuno Kitsune and Rick Peptio. And if you'd like to use them you your Inuyasha stories, ask first, it's more likely I'll say yes. ^.~ Enjoy!


Chapter 1

Rick Pepito's Appearance and Mesuno's Past

It was another day at Kagome's House, her Grandfather telling her friends off by telling them that she's sick. Today, Kagome's lost her last nerve and is running after her grandpa to strangle him. "GRANDPA!!! YOU'VE GOTTEN OFF MY LAST NERVE, YOU'RE SO DEAD!!!" Kagome yelled. Her grandfather just kept running, he ran all the way to Hospital, at least he would be safe there. Kagome saw that she was at the Hospital, and got the picture. "Oh great. I'm at the Hospital, I can't kill Grandpa here.... Well, he'll be there for a while, I'll go see Inuyasha!" Kagome said to herself happily. She ran as fast as she could back to her house. She grabbed her stuff, and didn't bother to change. She was wearing a nice pale yellow dress and a pale purple jacket. She also wore a necklace that had a pink flower, and the circle in the middle was light blue. She grabbed her backpack, ran into the shrine, closed the door, and jumped into the Well.

In Feudal Japan.....

It was just the usual kind of thing, Shippou sitting in a tree by the Bone-Eater's Well, waiting and hoping that the special girl who overcame time would come out. On the ground, Miroku was once again, trying to spy on Sango taking a dip in a hot spring near by, while Inuyasha was improving his "skills" with the Tetsusaiga. There was a bright light coming out of the Well, and the girl with hair the color of ebony, and eyes of amber jumped out of the Well with a huge backpack on her back. "Kagome!" Shippou exclaimed as he jumped out of the tree and landed on top of Kagome's backpack. "Nice to see that you're back, Kagome...." a girl's voice said. Kagome looked in the direction of the voice and saw a girl with fiery red hair, red fox ears, and a bushy red fox tail leaning against the tree Shippou was in. The girl wasn't looking up at Kagome, she was looking down at the ground. Kagome just smiled, then giggled. "You think this is funny?" the girl asked, her bright green eyes looking at Kagome, but she did not move her body in her direction. "You're usually just practicing being serious, so why wouldn't I be? Heheh..." Kagome giggled. "I know, but this is for real.... something bad is going to happen today... something BIG and BAD..." the girl said, her expression stayed serious. Kagome stopped giggling, she looked at the girl, then a girl that looked a bit like Kagome walked up behind the girl and jumped on the girl's back! "Hey Mesuno! Why Are You Always Scaring Them?!" the similar girl to Kagome asked with a cute expression. "I'm not Trying to, Sango!! I'm serious!! I sense something bad!!" the girl with red hair yelled frustratedly. She was going to flip the girl on her back off, but she jumped off and looked at Mesuno. "Well then, why hasn't this evil presence revealed itself yet?" Sango asked with a kinda sarcastic and kinda serious look. "If they're anything like Naraku was, then we may be in serious trouble!" Kagome screamed in a frightened tone. The monk, Miroku stepped into the conversation. "Mesuno's right, there's something bad around.... I felt it over by Inuyasha...." the monk said with no tone at all. Kagome and Mesuno caught it, no tone? That is just not right, especially for Miroku. They looked at him, then saw his eyes. They were blank!! Kagome could also sense a Jewel Shard in his back. "Um.... Miroku? Are you feeling ok?" Mesuno asked, walking slowly over to him. "Yes, I am feeling fine, Mesuno. Now are you going to go check by Inuyasha?" Miroku asked, still with no tone. Mesuno got up, walked over to Miroku and slapped him with her clawed hand. His blank eyes went back to normal, and he was back. "Huh? What's happened?" Miroku asked. "You probably were being controled...." Mesuno said, her back to a tree, her arms crossed, and her head facing the ground with her eyes closed. "WHAT?! That Is Impossible!!" the monk yelled. Mesuno looked at him with eyes that looked like she was going to kill him. Miroku always fell for that trick everytime. "Alright, alright, it really isn't really impossible..... But still, whatever was controlling me was right, I really did sense something by Inuyasha..." Miroku spoke, with an actual tone this time. Mesuno walked behind Miroku and grabbed the Jewel Shard in his back. She walked over to Kagome and handed it to her. Mesuno turned to Miroku, she cracked her knuckles and responded, "Well, then maybe I should go ahead and inspect....." She ran VERY fast towards where Inuyasha was, taking Shippou with her. Sango blinked and asked, "Everywhere she gos, she takes Shippou with her... Why does she do that?" Kagome and Miroku sweatdropped. "Mesuno is Shippou's older cousin, if you haven't noticed...." Kagome answered, sweatdropping as she put her huge backpack down. Sango blinked again and said, "Oh, that explains it then!" Kagome anime fell and Miroku just sweatdropped.

Mesuno and Shippou hid in bushes near where Inuyasha was improving his 'skills' with the Tetsusaiga. They could both sense something evil was near, they'd have to watch Inuyasha for a while. There was an orange smoke becoming visable behind Inuyasha, Shippou sniffed. That smell.... It was so familiar.... Mesuno also sniffed, then she gasped. Thankfully, Inuyasha didn't look like he heard. Mesuno looked down at Shippou and whispered, "I know that orange smoke... It's an evil spirit that is always a boy, it often changes its shape into a human, though it is a demon.... And it also often gets into demon or human bodys, even if the body if occupied, it'll just climb right in and take control..... I should know, I've faced it before...." As Mesuno had told Shippou this, tears formed in her eyes, she quickly wiped them and turned back to watch Inuyasha and the orange smoke. Nothing was happening, so Shippou looked at Mesuno and asked, "Why were you going to cry, Mesuno? What happened when you faced it?" Tears once again filled Mesuno's eyes, she looked down at Shippou and answered, "Well, it was a long time ago.... There was this guy I really liked, he was a full fledged Wolf Demon, but he looked like he was half wolf and half human, like me, but I look like I'm half Fox.... He was really a nice guy, and then one day.... That smoke had to appear.... He breathed it all in and he began to destroy everything in his sight....." She began to cry, it was such a bad experience for her. "When I was walking over to where he lived, I found everything destroyed.... I didn't need to go looking for him.... He found me.... He evilly smirked at me... He ran towards me... An-And he slashed at me with his sword, I dodged it right in time.... Then a little of the evil was let out.... The actual guy told me to kill him.... So the evil would be let out.... He told me he'd be ok.... So I heeded his word....." She continued, the tears coming down her cheeks rapidly, "The smoke came out of his body.... But he was dieing himself..... He said that he'd come back, but he never did...." Kagome, Sango and Miroku were hiding in a near bush to where Inuyasha was practicing, and where Mesuno and Shippou were. They were all crying, Inuyasha didn't seem to have heard anything at all.

Kagome wiped her tears, and wondered why Inuyasha wasn't moving. He hadn't been practicing, and she hadn't heard any sobs from him. She thought that something was wrong, she slowly moved to a bush in front of Inuyasha, then she gasped. He didn't have any pupils!! She got up and slowly walked towards him. "Inuyasha.... Is-Is it you?" she asked, slowly nearing him. He didn't move, he just stared straight at her. Then he smirked and responded, "Nice to see you again, Kagome...." It was totally weird! He was talking with two voices!! With his own voice, and another familiar voice. Kagome blinked and tried to think of who that extra voice belonged to.

She gasped when she realized whos voice that was. "Rick?!" she yelled in surprise, backing away. Rick's smirk widened, he slowly walked towards Kagome as she backed away. "Took ya long enough.... Didn't I tell you I'd be back?" Rick asked, still smirking. Mesuno quickly got up and took a giant leap. She landed in front of Kagome, and she began to growl at Rick. "If you touch Kagome, you're dead meat!! I'm not going to let you break her heart the way you did mine!!" Mesuno growled, getting ready to slash him. "Hm? Oh yes, Mesuno Kitsune, I remember you perfectly.... You destroyed your beloved partner back in the forest so I would get out of his body... To bad you did all that for nothing, he's not alive, and he's NEVER going to come back! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAH-Ah?" Rick laughed, then stopped. He held onto his head, going down to his knees. "Ka-Kagome.... Ri-Rick's back.... He-He wants you again.... AHHH!!!!" the real Inuyasha yelled in pain, "AHH!!!! HELP ME!!! SOMEBODY!!!!! AAAHHH!!!!" Tears formed in Kagome's eyes, these were tears of hurt, pain, and sorrow. "Inuyasha!!" she yelled, her tears being released, she literally ran towards him, she hugged him as she cried. Her tears falling onto his head. The tears went right through his head and the orange smoke came out through Inuyasha's mouth. His hands fell down, and he passed out. Mesuno looked down at the ground, clenching her fists tightly, tears formed in her eyes, not for Kagome's pain, but for what Rick had said. It still rang in her head, "He's NEVERgoing to come back!" She turned around and walked off, leaving Shippou for the second time in her whole life.

Mesuno was a full fledged Fox Demon as her younger cousin, Shippou. She prefered to look like she was half human as well. She still missed the demon she liked from the start. Her Jewel Shard Hunting partner had charcoal-colored hair, wolf eyes and a tail, no body could replace him. Mesuno climbed a rather large tree that had very strong branches. She sighed, her tears fell slowly from her eyes, to her cheeks, and down to the ground. "Rokyoku.... Why.... Why did you make me kill you....." she asked to no body, she was just talking to herself. Little did she know, that there was a boy that looked about her age, but had charcoal-colored wolf ears, hair and tail, watching her. The Soul Pipper just above him, its eyes closed all the way. "Don't worry, Mesuno... I'll come back, just like I said back then...We can look for more shards when I do..." the boy said to himself, then he, and the Soul Pipper, disappeared.

Kagome sat there, Inuyasha was asleep, his head on her lap. She thought it was bad luck that Rick Pepito was back, especially since he had already been killed twice. By Mesuno, and by her and Inuyasha, this really didn't make any sense. She looked around, then saw the orange gas was back, she made a worried look, but then her braclet began to glow. She looked at Inuyasha's wrists to see that his braclet was also glowing. The heart-shaped shield from before appear once again, but this time, it appeared for one second, then it turned into a sword. Kagome picked it up and sent the blade through the gas, the gas floated away after the blade went through. Kagome blinked as the sword turned into gas itself and went back to both of the braclets. "Wow..." she whispered just before she decided she'd go to sleep as well. After she fell asleep, Mesuno fell asleep back in the tree that was very far away from the whole group.

The next morning, Shippou noticed Mesuno was gone! He scurried over to Inuyasha and asked, "Inuyasha, can you show me which direction Mesuno is in?! She's not around here!!" He yelled this while crying, and looking at Inuyasha. "Why should I? I never liked having two Fox Demons on the team!!" Inuyasha answered, turning his head away from Shippou. Kagome decided to get into the conversation, "Oh come on... You know he misses her... Just look at his sad puppy dog eyes...." Inuyasha didn't move his head, but his eyes looked at Shippou. He did have puppy dog eyes, and it was sad, too. He sighed and answered, "Alright, fine...." He sniffed the air, then jumped up high, he saw a big tree and pointed his super sniffer at it. When he landed he answered, "At the big tree over there, now you satisfied?" Shippou hugged Inuyasha and exclaimed, "THANK YOU!!!!" He jumped and hugged Inuyasha, then he jumped off and ran to find Mesuno. Inuyasha blinked and looked at Kagome. "I think he hugged me when he was actually aiming for you...." he spoke, a weird look on his face. Kagome just chuckled, then watched the small fox demon run after its only family that is left.

Mesuno had just woken up with a start, the dream she had was from what happened in the past, from what happened the day she had to kill Rokyoku the Wolf Youkai. She took a deep breath and put her hand on her forehead. "I could have done without that nasty memory.... Now I'm wishing I never listened to kill him... But still, the smoke was let out.... And that's a good thing...." she said to herself, removing her hand from her head and crossing her arms over her chest. She sighed and stared out of the horizon, the sun wasn't fully out yet, it was only half out. Shippou was running, he looked at the trees and found Mesuno, he got to the side of the tree and jumped up. He landed on the spot Mesuno was on. "Mesuno! Where have you been?!" Shippou asked, hugging her leg. Mesuno sweatdropped and answered, "I've been here in this tree, and I'm not as young as you, so don't talk like that..." Shippou let go and responded, "You're right, I'm sorry. But still, I missed you!" Mesuno smiled and spoke, "Don't worry, we're all in one place, there...." She pointed to Shippous heart. He smiled himself and said, "Yeah, you're right, I shouldn't have been so worried...." Mesuno put Shippou on her head and jumped down from the tree. She walked towards where the others were, she was once again thinking about what had happened when Rick took over Rokyokus body. "He was my jewel shard partner....." she mumbled, looking at the ground instead of where she was going. "Uhh.... Mesuno? You might wanna look up or else we'll die...." Shippou spoke, nervously. "Huh?" Mesuno asked, picking up her head. In front of her was the Wolf Demon known as Kouga. She jumped back and gasped. "Wh-Wh-What are you doing here?!" she asked, backing away two more steps. "I've come for the jewel shards Rokyoku left you, why else would I be here?" Kouga the Wolf Demon answered, crossing his arms across his chest. "Why'd I give them to you? Do you take me for a fool?" she growled, getting mad. Her blue braclet began to glow as her anger increased. "You are easy to fool, and you better give them to me before I kill you!!" Kouga yelled angerily. "I Choose Not To Give Them To You!!" Mesuno yelled, foxfire burning in her left hand. It was indeed blue, but it immidiately froze, it was now fire in ice! She threw it at Kouga, and Kouga just jumped out of the way. When the iced fire hit the ground, the ice broke and the fire was let out, it burned to grass it landed on. "Shippou, go get Kagome, he wouldn't do any of this if Kagome was here!!" Mesuno exclaimed, throwing another iced flame. Shippou nodded and scurried off to find Kagome. Mesuno turned back to Kouga and made two more Iced Foxfireballs, she threw them at Kouga, but they kept missing. Kouga couldn't make a big sandstorm tornado due to no sand, so he'd have to either fight on the grass, or run.

Shippou ran and ran, he saw Miroku looking at Sangos bottom as she bent over to pick up her boomerang. He sweatdropped and ran right passed them and over to Kagome. Kagome was helping Inuyasha by giving infomation about what happened that night. Shippou nearly ran into Kagome, but instead, he ran into Inuyashas foot. He was pushed backward, but he jumped up and yelled, "Mesuno's In Trouble!!!" Inuyasha looked at Shippou and yelled back, "WHO CARES?!?!" Kagome slapped Inuyasha and asked Shippou what was wrong. "Mesuno is in a fight with Kouga for Jewel Shards!!" Shippou exclaimed, "Follow Me!!!" He scurried back to where he last saw Mesuno and Kouga fighting. Kagome pulled Inuyasha to go with them, and Sango didn't have any problem taking Miroku with her. Kirara grabbed a mouthful of cookies and began to run after Sango and Miroku, not wanting to be left behind, but then she remembered, she wasn't supposed to leave the camp site. She had to protect it, so she turned back and ate her cookies.

When Shippou got there, Mesuno had shot an icey arrow at Kouga. Shippou gasped and said the himself, "She's using one of her best attacks!!" He turned around and saw Kagome on Inuyashas back, Inuyasha was running straight at Shippou. Shippou got scared and ran up a tree to watch. Kagome got off of Inuyashas back, she made a frustrated look. She even had a frustrated mark on her head, she walked towards Kouga. Mesuno stopped fighting and jumped to the tree Shippou was in. Kouga was about to go after Mesuno when he heard Kagome say, "Kouga!!" Kouga turned to Kagome and stood up straight. "Kagome! What are you doing here??" he asked, sweating. "I'll tell you what I'm doing here, I'm here telling you to stop fighting one of my best friends!!" Kagome yelled at him. After saying that, she turned around with a 'Humph' and she crossed her arms over her chest. Kouga looked down, his eyes closed, his eyebrow twitched, and he said, "I need the jewel shards she has...." Kagome looked at him and responded, "She Doesn't Have Any Jewel Shards!! I Could Detect Them Easily If She Did!!" Kouga looked at her, his eyebrows raised. "You better be right, for Mesunos sake... 'Cause if you're lieing, she's going to die just like what happened to Rokyoku!!" he yelled, then he walked off. Kagome watched him leave, and she made a confused look. Mesuno was squating on the ground, trying to catch her breath. Shippou jumped down from the tree and asked, "What happened?" Mesuno looked at the little fox demon, but her vision began to blur. The only words she said were, "Poisonous Wasps..." She passed out after saying that, and Shippou jumped up in surprise. He ran to Kagome, he was crying as he said this, "Mesuno's Been Poisoned!!" Kagome gasped and asked, "How'd that happened??" Shippou told her what Mesuno said before she passed out, and Kagome gasped again. "Oh no!! Those Were The Poisonous Bees That Were Used To Plug Up Miroku's Hand!!" She ran back to the camp site to grab her medicine box. Shippou went over to Mesuno and cryed. "It'll be ok, Mesuno..... Kagome will come with an antidote...." he cried, sitting beside his older cousin. Sango and Miroku watched as Shippou cried, Sango leaned against Miroku, and Miroku put a hand on her shoulder. His other hand held his staff, they both watched, their eyes threatened to begin crying. "It's so sad... Shippou's only family may die today...." Sango spoke, starting to cry. Miroku also began to cry, he nodded to what Sango said.

To Be Continued....