InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Let's Not Start This Again ❯ Rokyoku's Message ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Inu Yasha

Let's Not Start This Again

Chapter 2 - Rokyoku's Message

It was a bit scary, there was no body around except Mesuno. She looked around, but all she could see was the thick fog that clouded the whole place. Mesuno tried to figure out where she was, but she knew she hadn't been there before, or had she? Her red fox ears moved in every direction, hoping to hear somebody or something. She nearly jumped when she heard a boys voice call out her name. She looked in every direction, hoping to find the person that had the voice. There was a shadow in the fog, Mesuno looked straight at it and gasped as the person came into sight. He his charcoal-colored hair blew in the breeze, wolf ears were at the top of his head, and a wolf tail slowly moved with the breeze as well. Mesuno stared at him, tears forming in her eyes. The boy came out of the fog, his eyes stared back at Mesuno. "Ro-Ro-Rokyoku?" she asked, her tears preparing to release. The boy smiled and nodded, answering Mesuno's question. Mesuno ran over to him and hugged him, she was most definately crying oout of happiness of seeing him. He hugged back a little, then he let go and said, "You won't have to worry, Mesuno. What I said back then was true, I will come back." Mesuno was still crying, but it stopped a little. Another drop of her tears came down her cheek, and Rokyoku wiped it away. "We can find the jewels again, just like before. But for now, I can only be close, in your dreams..." he cooed, then he began to fade away. Mesuno's tears stopped, and she took a deep breath.

Mesuno had been asleep for quite a while, they all knew she would survive. Only one thing was on their minds, why was Mesuno crying in her sleep? Kagome had come back one hour ago and she had poured a bit of medicine into Mesuno's mouth. Mesuno had gulped it down, so they knew she was alive.

Shippou stared at Mesuno's sleeping figure and he could have sworn he saw her ears twitch. He had! They twitched again, then once more. He jumped up and ran to Kagome, yelling, "Mesuno's Awake!!" Kagome and Sango followed Shippou over to Mesuno's body to see that it was true. Mesuno's ears were twitching, and her tail was trying to move up a little bit. Finally, those emerald eyes had opened, seeing Kagome, Sango and Shippou above her. Mesuno sat up and yawned, but then she almost fell back over due to Shippou jumping on her to hug her. "Mesuno! You're Alive! Thank Kami, You're Alive!!" the small fox tyke exclaimed, hugging his older cousin. "Na-Nani?" Mesuno asked, rubbing her her head, "I feel like I got hit by a truck...." "I wish you were, but you got hit with something even worse!" Shippou exclaimed, letting go of his cousins neck. Kagome bent down and said, "You were hit with a big chunk of poison from what I've seen....." "Oh yeah... Kouga must be working with Naraku if he got the insects of hell....." Mesuno spoke, then she gasped, "Wait!! Didn't we defeat Naraku already?!" Sango gasped and answered, "That's what I remember! But..." "But what?" Shippou asked, jumping onto Mesunos head. "But what if Kohaku was still under his spell? What if Kohaku saved Naraku before Inuyasha swung his sword?" Sango asked, looking down at the ground. "I never thought of that... That could be what happened, ya know... He could still be out there somewhere....." Mesuno answered, looking up at the sky, she sighed, "Somebody up there really doesn't like us..."

It took a while for Mesuno to remember what happened in her dream, but when she did, she gasped. Shippou was on her head, so he looked down at her and asked, "What's wrong?" Kagome and Sango looked at Mesuno and wanted to know what was going on. "When I was knocked out, I had a dream... My old partner was in it... He said that he'd come back, but it was just a dream... I wonder if it was a sign, or a message...." she answered, looking at the ground. Shippou sighed and looked up at the sky, "It's probably a message... Rokyoku's Message...."

To Be Continued....