InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Let's Not Start This Again ❯ The Return Of Sango's Lost Sister ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Let's Not Start This Again

Chapter 3 - The Return Of Sangos Lost Sister

Inuyasha walked ahead of the group, leading the way. Kagome slowly pedaled on her bike, not wanting to run over Inuyasha or Myoga if he was around. Miroku walked at the side of the path, holding his staff. Sango was looking down at the ground as she walked, trying to remember the old memories she had long forgotten. Mesuno had known Sango since they both were four years old, she too was trying to remember a fateful day that happened when they both were young.

Shippou had fallen asleep on Mesuno's head again, that made her sweatdrop. "Hey Inuyasha... Where exactly are we going?" Kagome asked, still pedaling on her bike, but slowly. "Well isn't it obvious? We're looking for Naraku and the jewel shards, that's what." Inuyasha answered, jumping up and making a flip. He landed on the back part of Kagome's bike, standing there as she pedaled. Shippou woke up, those cute little green eyes opened, and he looked up, seeing Inuyasha on Kagome's bike as Kagome pedaled. He yawned and jumped off of Mesunos head, scurrying over to the front of Kagome's bike and jumping into the basket. "Ah! This is more comfortable..." he muttered as he drifted off into another nap. Kagome and Mesuno giggled at this, thinking that he was so adorable. "Feh, can't this thing go any faster?" Inuyasha whined, crossing his arms over his chest as he always did when on her bike. Kagome was about to answer, when Kouga stormed in again. "Hello again, Kagome. It seems that you were wrong yesterday ..." he interrupted, his arms also crossed over his chest. "What do you mean??" Kagome asked, glaring at him. "Mesuno Does Have Jewel Shards!!" he announced, he continued being on his big sandstorm tornado and he stormed towards Mesuno, "GIVE ME YOUR JEWEL SHARDS!!!!" Mesuno gasped, and let out a bunch of Foxfire arrows, they all went for Kouga. That gave Mesuno enough time to get out of the way, so she quickly leaped out of the way and got ready to shoot an icey fireball at him.

Sango stepped into the fight and took off her usual clothes, she now wore her demon fighting clothes. She got a hold on her boomerang and threw it at Kouga. It spun through the air and it got him in the back, after hitting him it went straight back to her. Mesuno was about to shoot the fireball, but Kouga quickly got it to back-fire. The ball hit Mesuno instead of him, she was pushed back and was also burned. She had fallen to the ground, and she struggled to get back up, but she couldn't. She just lay there, knocked out again. Sango saw this and growled, "DAMN YOU!!!" She threw her boomerang again, but Kouga dodged it by jumping up over it. Even when it came back towards him, he was ready! He jumped up and dodged it again. Sango caught it and growled again. She looked to her side and remember about the knife. She got a good hold on the bottom end of the chain and she threw the knife at Kouga. He had gotten his leg, and she pulled on the chain so he fell down. She was about the send the boomerang flying again, but she saw that those insects of hell were back again. "Not Again!!" The insects flew at her, pointing their stingers at her. She managed to dodge a few of them, but she wasn't very lucky once one of them got her. She gasped when one got her, but after that one had gotten her, six more had gotten her. She fell to the ground, in pain of the poison that now threatened to kill her. Miroku was knocked out from running into a rock when trying to get away from Kouga, the same happened to Inuyasha and Shippou. Kagome was knocked out by Inuyasha landing on her, he had landed HARD on her.

There was a swift wind, and then an exterminators chained knife appeared, wrapped around Kougas neck. A girl about the age of nineteen appear on a boulder, she was holding the other end of the chain. She wore the exact same armored outfit as Sango, but instead of it being lined with pink, it was lined with violet purple. She glared at Kouga, tightening her grip on the chain and pulling towards herself. Since she did it, the part around Kougas neck had tightened, he choked a little. "You dare to mess with my friends and family again, and you will pay dearly...." she hissed coldly at him, lightening her grip on the chain. He took off the chained knife and made another tornado, he stormed away on it, the insects following him.

Once Kagome had woken up and seen the dead poison bees on the ground, she knew that Sango had been poisoned. She took out the same medicine she had given Mesuno the day before, and made Sango drink it. Sango sat up and panted, looking around. She saw Mesuno had woken up and was sitting against a tree. She looked around again, and she saw the boulder. She looked at the top of it and saw the girl that saved them. She gasped, another pupil appearing in each of her eyes. She slowly got to her feet and took a step towards the girl. "Me-Mesuki ...." Sango whispered, moving her hand towards the girl on the boulder. Sango knew that the girl was familiar to her, and the name is whispered was just a name that popped into her head. The girl's cold brown eyes softened at the sight of Sango saying that name. "I didn't think you'd remember me.... Little sister...." the girl cooed, smiling. "Little.... Sister...?" Sango whispered to herself, her eyes widening. She was getting her memory back from when she was ten.

~ Flash Back ~

It was a starry night, and a young, ten year old Sango was walking with five other people. There was a fourteen year old girl next to Sango, the girl smiled. "You won't do that bad, Sango. You've been practicing, and you have gotten better!" the girl exclaimed, smiling a sweet smile. The young Sango grinned and said, "Thank you, Mesuki. I'm glad that I have a big sister like you..." The fourteen year old Mesuki smiled again, then looked ahead. There was a big house, a four guards stood to the side of a stoop. On the stoop was a man that was obviously the owner of the house. Mesuki's smile disappeared, and her face went serious. "This is going to be another easy demon slaying attempet, but still. None of these exterminating outings are fun, and somebody always gets hurt." she said in a serious tone. Sango looked up at Mesuki, then she made a nervous look again. "Alright, we're here everyone!" a man yelled, he was obviously Sango's and Mesuki's father. "A giant spider has been destroying the village, we need you to exterminate it." on the ther guards spoke. The owner that was in the middle looked at all of the exterminaters and saw Sango and Mesuki. "Women? Do you believe that these women could possibly help?! And that one is very young!" the owner yelled angerily. "I have only brought the finest Demon Slayers, though they are women, and young, they are very good." the father answered, bowing. "Heh, well I should hope so." the owner hissed, looking up as the sky turned black, "It Is Here!"

All of the Slayers looked up at the sky, seeing the giant, Spider Demon come down from the black clouds. Sango gasped and took a step back. "Sango, this is what we were called here to do, get your Boomerang ready!" Mesuki yelled, running forward to the demon. Mesuki ran behind the other four men and the father, she stuck her hand under her knife and pulled out a sword. It was very shiny, and it was very sharp, if a leaf were to fall onto the blade, it would automaticly be cut in half. She got ready to slash at the spider, but first one of the men held the spiders neck down. She slashed at the Spider Demon seventeen times, since she was very flash, it only looked like she slashed seven times. The spiders head was all slashed up, and its eyes popped out and headed straight for her! She jumped up and threw her sword at one eye, and her chained knife at the other. The sword went right threw the eye, cutting it in half, and the knife cut the other eye half way before being pulled back to Mesuki. "Ah.... That older female did quite well...." the owner muttered, watching.

Young Sango watched at her older sister got rid of the eyes. She looked down and saw that she was being tied up by the leg with the web. Mesuki looked to Sango and quickly grabbed her sword and ran towards Sango. "Don't Move!!" Mesuki exclaimed, throwing three slashes to Sango. The webs were cut off, and Sango was scratchless. Sango saw the legs trying to move back up to the clouds. She wanted to try and cut them off to stop it from even moving one inch. She got her boomerang ready and jumped up high, she threw the boomerang, it cut off all of legs on the left side of the Spider Demon. The boomerang flew back to Sango, and she caught it. She smiled to herself that she finally did a good job. Then, something unexpected happened...

Mesuki sighed and sheathed her sword again, she looked to her father and the other exterminators and gasped. They were all knocked out! She saw bumps on their heads, and she turned to Sango. Sango's eyes couldn't be seen, she had her hand to her boomerang that was on her back, she was walking towards her. Mesuki gasped and asked, "Why Did You Do That, Sango?!" Sango didn't answer, she just kept walking towards Mesuki. Mesuki backed away, then looked behind Sango. She saw a spider web connected to her back! She followed the gaze and looked at the owner. "YOU!!! YOU ARE DOING THIS!! RELEASE HER!!!" Mesuki yelled in anger, running passed Sango and towards the owner with her knife. Then, Mesuki stopped, and walked slowly, then she fell to her knees. She slowly looked behind herself and saw Sango with a scared face. "Me-Mesuki... What have I done?! What Have I Done?!" Sango yelled, she took four running steps, but then Mesuki yelled, "Stay Back, Sango!!" Sango stopped and took five steps backward. Mesuki got shot by seven arrows from the guards for trying to kill the owner. She almost fell on her back, but she painfully kept her balance. The knife wasn't on her back anymore because Sango had pulled it back. Sango ran to her older sister and began to cry. "Mesuki, I'm so sorry.... It wasn't me, I swear it..." she said as she cryed. Mesuki held up her hand and took Sangos small hand in hers. "I know it wasn't, Sango... It was the... own.... er...." Mesuki muttered, then she fell to the right side, her eyes closed. "Mesuki!!" Sango exclaimed, tears coming down harder.

~ End of Flash Back ~

Sango's eyes filled with tears, she stuck her hand into her pocket and pulled out a silver headband. Mesuki smiled her sweet smile, she slid down the side of the boulder and took seven steps towards Sango. She stopped and looked at her younger sister with soft eyes. Sango ran towards Mesuki and hugged her, she was crying as she hugged her. Mesuki hugged her back and said, "You have really gotten better while I was away..." Sango let go of her sister and smiled. "I sure have! You could say that I've followed in your foot steps!" she exclaimed happily. Mesuki grinned and asked, "You didn't think you'd be seeing me again, did you, Sango?" Sango shook her head, "But now you're back!" She handed the headband to Mesuki and smiled, "I've been saving it for you ..." Mesuki smiled and took it in her hand, putting it back on.

Kagome tilted her head in confusion. "Sango has an older sister?" she asked no body in particular. Mesuno slowly got up and walked towards Sango and Mesuki. "Mesuki!" Mesuno exclaimed running over and hugging her, "You're Alive! But...." Mesuno let go of Mesuki, "How?" "When I was buried, I dug myself out. I couldn't die, life was to sweet, and I knew Sango didn't do it on purpose..." Mesuki answered, looking to Sango. Sango looked down at the ground, "It seems that history has repeated itself, Mesuki... The same thing that happened to you, happened to me... Kohaku, our younger brother, he was under the control of the same man... I nearly died myself, but he was the one I thought had died...." Mesuno looked down at the ground also and spoke, "Kohaku is alive, he's been under the control of Naraku...." Mesuki's eyes widened, she asked, "Naraku?! That evil demon is still alive?!" Sango nodded, looking back to her older sister. "Mesuki, will you travel with us? It'll be better if family travels together." Mesuno spoke, thinking of how close Sango and Mesuki used to be. "Yeah! That's a great idea! Please say yes!" Sango exclaimed happily, taking hold of Mesuki's arm. Mesuki looked at Sango and thought that it was like when they were younger. "Sure." Mesuki answered with a smile. Sango and Mesuno smiled and went back over to the rest of the gang. They all agreed to letting Mesuki travel with them, except for Inuyasha. Mesuki still traveled with them whether he liked it or not.

To Be Continued....