InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Let's Not Start This Again ❯ Sesshomaru's Revenge and Mesuki's Good-Bye ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Let's Not Start This Again

Chapter 4 - Sesshomaru's Revenge and Mesuki's Good-bye

It was a dark, rainy day, Miroku had once again tricked the wealthest man in the area to let them in. They stood inside the mansion, Kagome and Shippou sat down to eat, Inuyasha went to a corner, his food next to him. Sango and Mesuki sat with Kagome, and Mesuno sat with Shippou, all of them were eatting. Miroku was putting sutras at every corner of the mansion to make the "Evil, Black Cloud" that hung over them disappear. "So Mesuki, you're Sango's elder sister? You must be a really good Demon Slayer then!" Kagome spoke, wanting to start conversation since it was so quiet. "Yeah, I'm pretty good... And I bet Sango's all ready better than me by now!" Mesuki responded, lightly pushing her elbow to Sango's arm. "I probably am, but there's no way I'll ever be in the same league as you! But still, you've got your sword and axe, while I got my sword, axe and boomerang." Sango laughed, taking in a bite of rice. Shippou and Mesuno moved their dinner plates over to the other girls and sat down with them. "That's very true, Mesuki. Sango does out number you in weapons...." Mesuno spoke with a playful grin. All of the girls laughed, and as they laughed, Miroku walked in. "Wow! We've certainly got a pleasent load of women!" he exclaimed, clapping his hands together once. "You Pervert!! Don't Even Think About It!!" Sango and Kagome yelled, Mesuki was a bit confused, and Mesuno just ignored him. "Aww.... All right..." Miroku muttered sadly, walking over to another corner and sitting down, his food all ready in front of him. The girls laughed again, Shippou joined in this time, and Inuyasha just plain fell asleep from being totally bored.

Fog was everywhere in sight, it continued to rain, and it was much darker than before. In the distance, you could see a tall man walking, a small imp with a staff with the face of a woman and an old man walked at his side, and on the man's shoulder was a small, female child. The imp ran forward, seeing a village near by. "Lord Sesshomaru! A village is very near! Shall we go for a visit?" the imp asked, looking to the man behind him. "That's fine with me, Jaken." Sesshomaru answered, his voice and face looked calm. The young girl on his shoulder was smiling at Sesshomaru, looking at him from where she sat. "Is there anything wrong, Rin?" Sesshomaru asked, looking to the girl on his shoulder. She shook her head and answered, "Nothing's wrong, I'm just happy I'm not lost again... I'm just happy to be here with you again, Sesshy!" She hugged head since she was on his shoulder. Sesshomaru grinned and walked on with Jaken to the village.

Sesshomaru had killed everyone in the village as soon as he got there, Rin had been left with Jaken to wait outside of the village. Everything was in ruins, he saw a suspicious looking man and he had nearly killed and grabbed him by the head. "So you say you know where a monk, a bunch of girls, a fox child and a dog demon is? Where? Before I crack your head wide open, I must know." Sesshomaru threatened. "O-Ok!! I'll Tell!! They're At A Mansion In The Next Village To the North!!" the man exclaimed in a frightened tone, trying to release himself from Sesshomaru's grasp. Sesshomaru smirked and said, "You have been of much help to me.... But now... You die..." His fingers glowed bright green and the mans flesh with burnt off of its skull. Sesshomaru threw the dead skellition of the guy to a house that was on fire. He walked back to Jaken and Rin, picking Rin up and setting her onto his shoulder. He turned to the north and walked on, Jaken following close from behind. They would try to have another chance to kill Inuyasha. Sesshomaru might've been Inuyasha's elder brother that happened to be a full fleadged youkai, while Inuyasha was only a mere hanyou. They hated each very much and would do almost anything to kill each other.

That morning, Kagome had woken up to see that she had fell asleep on Inuyasha's shoulder! She blushed, but shook it off. She was indeed his girlfriend since what happened when they first met Rick Pepito, but she sometimes felt as if that hadn't happened. But she and Inuyasha remembered that day so well, so they know it happened. Now that Rick's back, things might be a little harder. They've got Rick Pepito, Kouga, and Naraku on their case, they can't afford to get another enemy. Though, they have one more enemy that they had forgotten about, and that enemy is coming after them. Kagome looked around the room, she saw Sango leaning on Miroku as they both slept, Mesuno was asleep with Shippou cuddling up to her, and Mesuki was asleep in a corner. She looked outside for a moment, seeing that it was morning. She sighed quietly and leaned back on Inuyasha's shoulder, then she fell asleep once more.

That morning Sango yelled when she figured out who she was leaning against. She jumped up and landed next to Mesuki, yelling, "Miroku!! You Pervert!! I Don't Remember Going To Lean On You When I Got Tired!!!" Mesuki smirked to herself and had to stuff her whole fist into her mouth so she couldn't giggle to much. Sango turned to see Mesuki trying not to chuckle, she growled and yelled, "DID YOU DO THIS?!" Mesuki pulled her fist out of her mouth and shook her head, trying not to grin, but she did. She began to laugh super hard that she fell over and was punching the ground, "This Was Priceless!! I Couldn't Help Myself, I Just HAD To Do It!" Sango had two anime veins and punched at Mesuki, hoping she'd hit her. But, Sango's punch missed. Mesuki had stopped laughed and dodged it just in time. "To Slow!" Mesuki declared, making a flip on the floor and jumping over to the door. "GET BACK HERE!!!" Sango yelled angerily, running towards Mesuki. Mesuki kept laughing, until there was a small tremor. Sango stopped too and went over to the door, opening it and looking outside, Mesuki looking over Sango's shoulder. A bunch of the huts were on fire, and villagers lay dead on the ground! The two Demon Slaying Sisters gasped and looked at each other. "Uhh.... Guys?" they both asked in unison. "Y'all might wanna..." Mesuki started, looking back at all the flames and dead people. "Take a look at this...." Sango finished for Mesuki, also looking at all the madness. Inuyasha and Kagome got up and went to take a look, Miroku and Mesuno after them, and Shippou was once again on Mesuno's head. They all gasped, a person appeared walking towards them, a small girl on his shoulder, and an imp with a staff walked next to the man and the girl. Inuyasha growled at the tall man, it was obvious of who it was. "Sesshomaru...." he growled under his breath, but Kagome could hear him. "Oh no.... not again...." she mumbled, sweatdropping to herself.

Sesshomaru stopped, dead in his tracks. He saw Inuyasha growling at him, and he grinned. "It's takin' me a while, but I've finally found you..... Little brother...." he spoke calmly. "Do you know this guy?" Mesuki whispered to Sango. Sango nodded and whispered, "Yeah, he's Inuyasha's older, full Demon brother, Sesshomaru." "Oh.... Sibling Rivalry I suppose..." Mesuki muttered, shaking her head and looking back at Sesshomaru. Inuyasha stepped out of the house and stood about two or three yards away from Sesshomaru. "Sesshomaru!! To What Honor Do We Have This Visit?!" Inuyasha yelled angerily. "Spare me your faint innocents, I am, of course, here for the Tetsusaiga." Sesshomaru answered, putting Rin down and giving Jaken a look that said Protect-Her-Or-Die. Jaken gulped and nodded, taking Rin's hand and walking to a bush to watch and hide. Rin tilted her head and blinked, watching what's going on with Sesshomaru and Inuyasha. Kagome looked at Sesshomaru's left arm and, once again, senced a jewel shard. Inuyasha looked at Kagome and knew that look, he looked back at Sesshomaru and yelled, "Hey Sesshomaru!! Did Naraku Give You Another Lousy Human Arm?!" Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed at Inuyasha, then he looked at Kagome. He then looked back to Inuyasha and sprung towards him, his nails glowing green. He was obviously going to use his poisonous nails, and Inuyasha knew this trick oh to well! He jumped up out of the way and did a flip, jumping towards Sesshomaru again and yelling, "Iron Reaver Soul Stealer!!" He slashed at his older brother, but he had dodged it, only getting scratched on his cheek. Mesuki sighed and sprung towards Sesshomaru, she couldn't be seen! She appeared on the ground a yard or two away from Sesshomaru, and her chain appeared around his neck. It was getting tighter and tighter around his neck, he growled and looked at Mesuki. "A-A human??" he thought, bringing up his poisonous nails to the chain. He broke right there and he quickly began towards Mesuki. Mesuki smirked and dodged his attack, yelling, "To Slow!" She disappeared into thin air and appeared on his back, her sword getting ready to slice him. He gasped and got jumped up, making her fall. He then saw Sango getting ready to throw her boomerang, then he had an idea. He sped towards her, getting ready to go right through her. Mesuki saw this and gasped, she disappeared into thin air. Sango gasped and shut her eyes tightlt, waiting for the attack to go through her, but it never came. She opened her eyes and saw Mesuki in front of her, Sesshomaru's hand sticking out, right through her stomach. Sesshomaru smirked, he knew Mesuki would do this some how. "M-Me-Mesuki....." Sango went to her knees, Mesuki falling to her knees also since Sesshomaru removed his hand. Sango's eyes began to fill with tears, "Mesuki..... Big sister.... I finally get to see you, I get attack and you take the blow..... Why...." Mesuki forced a grin, she weakly said, "Be-Because, that's what big sisters are f-for....." Her eyes widened, and she fell to the ground, blood getting splattering everywhere on the ground. "MESUKI!!!!! You Can't Die!!! You Can't!!! You've Died All Ready!! Now You're Dying Again?! This Isn't Right!!!!" Sango yelled, her tears flowing down her cheeks and straight onto the ground. Mesuki's grin returned, and she whispered quietly, "I'll be back....." Then her body disappeared into dust and blew away in the wind. "MESUKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sango yelled sadly, falling to the ground herself and crying her eyes out.

Mesuno was leaning against the wall, slowly her own tears went down her cheeks. Shippou was on her head and taking a nap. Kagome was also leaning against the wall, her stuffy nose sniffed as her eyes went up in tears. Miroku began to walk towards Sango, he then bent down and put his arms around her for a hug, he was trying to comfort her. Sango's eyes slowly opened a little, she realized that Miroku was hugging her without being a pervert. She slowly turned towards him and hugged him, too, burying her face in his chest and crying a lot. A small tear went down Miroku's cheek, he felt sorry for Sango. Inuyasha forgot all about Sesshomaru and went over to Kagome. "I don't know why I'm saying this, but I think I might feel sorry for her...." he told Kagome, blinking at Sango. Kagome sniffed again and wiped her eyes with her sleeve, "I do, too Inuyasha. I do, too...." Seeing that he had done much e-motional damage, Sesshomaru went over to Rin and Jaken, picking Rin up and placing her on his shoulder. He then walked off, Jaken running close behind.

To Be Continued....