InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Let's Not Start This Again ❯ The Deal and Kagome, kidnapped by Kouga the Wolf Demon, AGAIN!! ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Inu Yasha

Let's Not Start This Again

Chapter 5

Kouga's And Naraku's Deal And Kagome's Kidnapped By Kouga, Again!!

It was a bright, and sunny day, unlike yesterday's stormy weather. Kouga the Wolf Demon was out for a walk, thinking about Kagome again, but then Inuyasha appeared in his daydream of Kagome. He growled and yelled angerily, "What Does She See In That Half Breed?!" "A common people for most men...." a voice spoke to the side of Kouga. Kouga turned and saw a person in a baboon skin, he sighed and said, "Oh, Naraku. It's just you..." "Kouga, what would you say to a little deal? You can get your woman back, and I get the jewel shards that they have...." Naraku spoke in a calm and smooth voice. Kouga smirked at Naraku and responded, "All right... You've got a deal..." Naraku smirked under his baboon skin, he then disappeared into thin air.Kouga was smirking and walking off towards where he might find his woman, Kagome.

Inuyasha was asleep in a tree, dreaming of how him and Kagome had confessed their love long ago, and also dreaming about what he might look like when he was a full fledged demon. Kagome was picking apples with Sango out of the tree, humming 'Fukai Mori' to herself. Mesuno sat at the foot of a tree, leaning against it and watching the sky, Shippou was asleep in her lap. Last, but not least, Miroku was away, looking for another place to stay. "Sango, I can imagine how you feel about losing your sister again,and I'm very sorry..." Kagome spoke, frowning as she picked a few more apples. Sango sigh and responded, "Well, I've had to face it twice before, now I have to face it again... She's gone, and that's all there is to it..." They continued to pick apples, then they moved on the get another empty basket and pick of peaches. Mesuno stared up at the sky, closing her eyes for a moment. Then she felt something fall on her fore head, she sat up and looked to her side, seeing a cherry. "A cherry? Yum!" she spoke, picking up the cherry and tossing it into her mouth. She would chew on it, then spit out the seed and the small stick. She licks her fingers, and then hears something. Her red fox ears perk up and twitch, someone was coming, someone fast! She gasped to herself, she ran to Sango and Kagome. "KAGOME!!! KOUGA'S COMING AFTER US AGAIN!!!!!" a frightened Mesuno yelled. Mesuno was running so fast, that when she tried to stop, she accidentily knocked over the two ladders Kagome had brought from her time. Mesuno was also yelling so loud that Miroku came running and Inuyasha woke up, and I gotta say, Inuyasha is a REALLY severe sleeper. "GEEZ MESUNO!! DO YOU HAVE TO YELL SO LOUD?!?!" Inuyasha yelled angerily. Mesuno's ears flattened against her head, then she replied, "Well Sooooorry!! I wasn't sure if you wanted Kagome to get kidnapped again!" "Huh?!" Inuyasha asked, he sat up and raised his head, but his head hit a branch and he came falling, head first, to the ground. Sango and Miroku began to laugh at this, seeing Inuyasha falling out of a tree wasn't as common these days. Hearing Mesuno yelling and Miroku and Sango laughing, young Shippou finally awoke. "Hey guys, what's going on?" he asked, sitting up and yawning. "Kouga's coming for Kagome again... I over heard him just now... and he's not far away..." Mesuno answered, hoping to get everybody else's attention. Inuyasha jumped to his feet and got in front of Kagome. "I won't let that Love Struck bastard get you again, Kagome..." he muttered to herself, he didn't even know Kagome heard. Mesuno got to Kagome's left, Sango got to Kagome's right and Miroku got behind Kagome. "Oh No You Don't!!" Kagome yelled, grabbing the back of Miroku's robes and moving him to Sango's spot and moving Sango to be behind her. Kagome sighed and grinned, "You all are trying to protect me?" They all nodded, and Shippou and Kilala jumped onto each of Kagome's shoulders. "We wouldn't want to to get kidnapped again... You mean to much to us as it is..." Shippou spoke, hugging Kagome's head. "Awww... Shippou...." Kagome spoke in awe.

Just then, Kouga appeared a yard away from them. "Well well, it looks like they're trying to protect her.... But that won't work..." Kouga muttered to himself, the wolfs of his clan appeared. They all ran to fight with The Group Of InuYasha, and this might keep them distracted while Kouga makes off with Kagome. Inuyasha wasn't happy about this, with these wolves around, it would be pretty hard to protect Kagome. Inuyasha un-sheathed his Tetsusaiga and slashed at the wolves, but move and move kept coming!Sango got out of her regular clothes and was now wearing her Demon Slaying clothes, she took her Boomernag off of her back and threw it at a bunch of the wolves, but still the wolves kept coming. Miroku began to hit the wolves back with his staff, then when he found a chance, he opened up his Wind Tunnel and let a bunch of the wolves get sucked in, but then trouble came. The Poisonous Insects known only as the Insects Of Hell appeared, Miroku quickly closed his Wind Tunnel so he wouldn't get poisoned like what had happened once before. Shippou was inside Mesuno's shirt, scared and not wanting to fight, while Mesuno was doing all the fighting. Her firey blue bow would appear and her fiery red arrows would then appear, She would take the arrows and shoot them at the wolves as they came at her. Kilala was trying to keep the wolves away from Kagome, but it wasn't working to well. Kouga had his chance, he appeared next to Kagome and he picked her up and began running. Kagome gasped and yelled, "InuYasha!! Help Me!!" Inuyasha stopped looking at the wolves, he saw Kouga carrying Kagome. He growled and ran after them, he was really getting pissed off about this. "KOUGA!!! YOU LET GO OF KAGOME!!!!!!!" Inuyasha yelled angerily, running after them. "Sorry you stupid Half Breed, but Naraku promised me this girl for her shards and I don't think our future should have you In It!!" Kouga yelled back, move poisonous insects appearing to stop Inuyasha. Inuyasha stopped and began slashing at them with his sword, but he had to stop for good since so many insects were coming! "InuYasha!!!!!!" Kagome yelled, holding out her hand towards him, but she was to far away from him to help. "Kagome!!!!" Inuyasha yelled as he did the same, but more insects came to stop him from going to her. Kagome looked at Kouga with eyes filled with tears, "Why Are You Doing This?!" Kouga moved his head to look at her, "Because, you're MY woman now, and nothing will every change that when I get you to Naraku..." Kagome's tears disappeared and she blinked, thinking *Naraku?! Kouga's Working With Naraku?!*

To Be Continued...